Ways to avoid AoO when within reach of a huge+ creature as a Cleric


So if you are within reach of a Huge+ creature and even if you were to take a 5-foot step you are still in its reach, how could can you get out of its threat range as a Cleric? Any ideas?

Use Magical Device and Magical Items are options.

harmor wrote:

So if you are within reach of a Huge+ creature and even if you were to take a 5-foot step you are still in its reach, how could can you get out of its threat range as a Cleric? Any ideas?

Use Magical Device and Magical Items are options.

Dimension door items, such as the cloak of mountebank are good options. Activating magic items with use-activated or command-words do not provoke attacks of opportunity, so spell-effects that allow you to 'port short to long distances are good options.

A magic item with grace 5/day allows you to ignore AoOs for moving as a swift action, so it doesn't provoke attacks regardless of whether it's a trigger, completion, use-activated, or command-word.

The psychic warrior power dimension slide is an option that you could use at low-ish levels, as being able to use it a once to five times per day is good for getting out of a jam (but the range is far, far shorter than dimension door, but you can continue to take actions after using it, so it's a tradeoff).

The Travel Domain's Dimensional Hop 8th level power.

Liberty's Edge

take a 5' step behind an ally and use him for cover

Axebeard wrote:
take a 5' step behind an ally and use him for cover

We don't use the Soft Cover rules to avoid an AoO.

harmor wrote:
Axebeard wrote:
take a 5' step behind an ally and use him for cover
We don't use the Soft Cover rules to avoid an AoO.

Why not? Isn't that one of the few rules that actually helps martial characters be good tanks? EDIT: Y'know, the Fighter moves in between the squishy and the big bad, so the squishy can get out of dodge while the Fighter runs interference?

Ashiel wrote:
harmor wrote:
Axebeard wrote:
take a 5' step behind an ally and use him for cover
We don't use the Soft Cover rules to avoid an AoO.
Why not? Isn't that one of the few rules that actually helps martial characters be good tanks? EDIT: Y'know, the Fighter moves in between the squishy and the big bad, so the squishy can get out of dodge while the Fighter runs interference?

When the creature is size Colossal (30-foot by 30-foot) I doubt standing behind a meat shield will help much.

The escape route teamwork feat is a nice one. Also this spell should do you good.

Metamagic: Reach spell to be outside range.

Casting a Wall (or other impediment) spell between you two breaks LOS and prevents AoO also.

Similarly, spells like the various Clouds, as well as Invisibility also hide your location and thus will let you move without Provoking.

The following Spells would help prevent an attack within a threatened area or get out of it.
Wall of Stone
Meld into Stone

The spells can even be used in conjunction. Cast wall, meld into it, cast sanctuary inside the wall, wander out of the threatened area whistling jauntily. Not a great example as it would take 3 rounds and use up a lot of resources, but it's creative.

For my dollar, I would cast wall of stone and shape it to give me total cover in a path out of the threatened area.

Forget about moving, pass Concetration check instead.

Rasmus Wagner wrote:
Forget about moving, pass Concetration check instead.

That's what I was doing, but kept fizzling the spells, which prompted me to write this post.

The fact that I don't have Combat Casting feat doesn't help. I gotta check to see if there are items that give a boost to Concentration checks now that you mention it.

I think having Grace memorized is a good idea.

Dark Archive

I do not understand why you do not use cover to prevent aoo.

Also remember that aoo are different with creatures bigger than medium. They can determine cover from any of their squares. Also remember that reach determines cover the way a ranged attack does.

Gain full concealment, the 50% type, that prevents aoo. Be careful of using invisibility for that 50%. Creatures with stuff like ultra vision or true seeing will not be hindered. Not sure if tremor sense would work but doubt it, knowing the square still would give 50% miss chance.

Some stuff that allows you to force someone else to move states that movement does not provoke aoo. I think that is meant to prevent people using it just to give their friends aoo. I think this is a bit cheesy to get you where you want safely but than again, I don't see why you don't prevent aoo from cover.

harmor wrote:
Rasmus Wagner wrote:
Forget about moving, pass Concetration check instead.

That's what I was doing, but kept fizzling the spells, which prompted me to write this post.

The fact that I don't have Combat Casting feat doesn't help. I gotta check to see if there are items that give a boost to Concentration checks now that you mention it.

I think having Grace memorized is a good idea.

Anything that gives +Caster Levels will improve your concentration checks. Also anything that gives +Key Ability. Also anything that gives bonuses on checks using that ability will apply too.

I reverse engineered the cost of +1 caster level from the ioun stone that gives +1 caster level, and determined that +1 caster level is 15,000 gp. This opens up the potential to create items that boost your caster level by a higher amount, but they are prohibitively expensive, as it would be prudent to assume that it would be bonus squared * 15,000 gp.

Move to provoke the AO. Take it like a man.

Then, cast your spell. Few enormous creatures have combat reflexes.

rkraus2 wrote:

Move to provoke the AO. Take it like a man.

Then, cast your spell. Few enormous creatures have combat reflexes.

So Cleric's version of Mobility then?

Reminds me of Clerics version of Feather Fall (fall, take the damage, then heal).

rkraus2 wrote:

Move to provoke the AO. Take it like a man.

Then, cast your spell. Few enormous creatures have combat reflexes.

In a similar vein, delay your turn until after the tank's turn, wait for the tank to move and provoke, heal the tank to say thanks.

Fionnabhair wrote:
rkraus2 wrote:

Move to provoke the AO. Take it like a man.

Then, cast your spell. Few enormous creatures have combat reflexes.

In a similar vein, delay your turn until after the tank's turn, wait for the tank to move and provoke, heal the tank to say thanks.

Good point...the tank is much less likely to get hit (seeing as they have a much higher AC).

Cleric: Draw its attention away from me Fighter!
Figher: Hey you, over here! *bonk*
Cleric: *casts healing spell*

harmor wrote:

So if you are within reach of a Huge+ creature and even if you were to take a 5-foot step you are still in its reach, how could can you get out of its threat range as a Cleric? Any ideas?

Use Magical Device and Magical Items are options.

Grace. In whatever form you can get it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sacred Bond perhaps?
200gp for the two bracelets, give one to which ever of your party gets beat up the most (or who you want to be able to heal) and heal them from across the room.
No need to get up close and personal with the critter.

Reach spell is also a possibility

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

One option is to get knocked unconscious and let it chase your comrades away, then they can come back for you later. ;)

harmor wrote:
Fionnabhair wrote:
rkraus2 wrote:

Move to provoke the AO. Take it like a man.

Then, cast your spell. Few enormous creatures have combat reflexes.

In a similar vein, delay your turn until after the tank's turn, wait for the tank to move and provoke, heal the tank to say thanks.

Good point...the tank is much less likely to get hit (seeing as they have a much higher AC).

Cleric: Draw its attention away from me Fighter!
Figher: Hey you, over here! *bonk*
Cleric: *casts healing spell*

Of course, that doesn't help when said huge giant has an intelligence of 14-15ish and decides to make caster paste and the only caster without multiple images is the poor cleric.

Cleric: Draw its attention away from me Fighter!
Huge Giant: Cleric smash... *squish*
Fighter: Hey you, over here! *bonk*
Cleric: *bleeds*

Or you can take the archetype that prevents AOO's by casting heal spells....but you have that already!

The fact of the matter is that you are going to get squashed sometimes, deal with it like a true combat medic and let the rest of the group save you sometimes!

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