The Experiment

Off-Topic Discussions

This thread is a socialogical study. It is an attempt to determine why threads propogate like they do, with many interesting threads dying even as their simpler brethren perpetuate into multi-thousand post arguements that rehash the same two sides over and over.
as a large sample size is needed to accurately analise the data, i shall put forth the following statements:
Do not reply to this thread

It's too late to run, you are part of... THE EXPERIMENT! *cue dramatic music*

PS: in order to observe thread evolution in action, this thread's subject will be checked for variation every fifty posts or so.

"Fixed that for you"
"Don't be a jerk"
"Rogues and Monks suck"
Sneak attack does to much damage
The math does not agree.
The math does not matter.
The game is based on math.
You minmaxers and your math formulas are ruining the game.


You forgot "Wizards rule and Fighters drool".

Do not forget to post your idea to fight off an Alien invasion
in > this < thread.

U mad Brady?

Rev 3:16


Katana > Tank

In before the lock.

Harry Potter > Darth Vader

Scarab Sages

I know semantics and I am not afraid to use them to ridicule those whose posts are less then foolproof.

I am the eidolon found in the possession of the majority of basement dwellers. Don't believe the lies.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this like the Stanford experiment? {eggs someone who looks like a prisoner}

Why is this rule not written in legalese?

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