Them's Fighting Words

Off-Topic Discussions

I was trying to think of an advice request that wouldn't start a flame war (cause I don't feel like fighting today). But I can't come up with one.

Even the classic "Don't reply to this thread" seemed to get some people a bit bothered.

Can you think of something that isn't fighting words?

The fact that you are looking for non-fighting words is in fact fightin' words.

Only threads that are <10 posts long are non-arguments. An obvious rule question is asked, answered, ninja'd, with maybe a thank you or guffa at the ninjee/ end thread. This thread has no hope.

Something that won't start a fight? Err... How about this?
Just that. Don't ask "How are you?", people may be offended that you're prying into their lives. Let's try.

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What page of the core rulebook can i find the xp rewards vs CR chart?

I believe that wouldnt prompt a 'fight'.

Kolokotroni wrote:

What page of the core rulebook can i find the xp rewards vs CR chart?

I believe that wouldnt prompt a 'fight'.



I know, I've got it figured out, but I'm not telling.

Whenever you call my name

Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
...(cause I don't feel like fighting today).

Then don't. You still have the power to choose whether or not to invest in any confrontation.

Wait. That sounds confrontational, doesn't it?

Liberty's Edge

Soil yourself and go into the submissive posture!

CourtFool wrote:
Kydeem de'Morcaine wrote:
...(cause I don't feel like fighting today).
Then don't. You still have the power to choose whether or not to invest in any confrontation.

Proof we're different species.

I'm working on it.

Samnell wrote:

Proof we're different species.

I'm working on it.

Granted it is not as easily applied in meatspace. We are talking about the interwebs here. People write things just to get a rise out of others. Are you going to let yourself be so easily manipulated?

I am just as guilty as anyone else. Why do you think I take those extended leaves of absences?

Any more work on your homebrew setting?

CourtFool wrote:
Samnell wrote:

Proof we're different species.

I'm working on it.

Granted it is not as easily applied in meatspace. We are talking about the interwebs here. People write things just to get a rise out of others. Are you going to let yourself be so easily manipulated?

I am just as guilty as anyone else. Why do you think I take those extended leaves of absences?

Any more work on your homebrew setting?

Nothing written. A fair bit of thinking and intention to resume, continually interrupted by RL stuff.

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