CG Ranger allowed to pick Humans as favored enemies?

Rules Questions

I am wondering if that's possible considering there are a lot of humans you battle against.

Liberty's Edge

Absolutely yes, you can pick humans as your favored enemy.

Shadow Lodge

There are no restrictions in the rules as to what FE a ranger may pick. The DM may modify the list to suit the campaign or region the character starts in.

Edit: Since you specify 'CG', I am assuming you are thinking it is evil for a ranger to choose his own race as a FE? It is not, not in PF, nor 3rd Edition.

Can they study humans? Then yes.

It's a horribly named ability. Don't get hung up on the name.

Just a note but in most of the games I have played if you did not pick human you did not really get to use your FE a lot .

ok thanks for the help.

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Heck, a LAWFUL Good ranger could take that... They're called cops. Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, these are skills to find and deal with criminals. In fact this is a character I've been wanting to play. Take Urban as your favored terrain, and yu have everything you need... Expect for sunglasses, get those and you are Horatio.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TOZ wrote:

Edit: Since you specify 'CG', I am assuming you are thinking it is evil for a ranger to choose his own race as a FE? It is not, not in PF, nor 3rd Edition.

In 3.0 it required you to be evil to select your own race as a favored enemy. The ranger under went many changes from 3.0>3.5.

Shadow Lodge

Did it? I'll have to check that. A friend gave me his old 3.0 PHB so I could see what actually changed. I started out with 3.5.

Maezer wrote:
TOZ wrote:

Edit: Since you specify 'CG', I am assuming you are thinking it is evil for a ranger to choose his own race as a FE? It is not, not in PF, nor 3rd Edition.

In 3.0 it required you to be evil to select your own race as a favored enemy. The ranger under went many changes from 3.0>3.5.

That old rule always seemed so silly to me. I never understood why WotC wouldn't allow bounty hunter style rangers that were experts at bringing in their own kind. It always seemed like some sort of subtle (or not so subtle) racism being forced on rangers.

Liberty's Edge

I would totally allow it in my game, as long as the player came up with some interesting backstory to justify it. A couple of examples: PC is a royal forester charged with catching poachers. PC is a combat vetern who served as a scout in a recent war. The greatest threats to his territory are human banditos.

I would just allow it. Because, you know, that's the intent.

Fenrisnorth wrote:
Heck, a LAWFUL Good ranger could take that... They're called cops. Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, these are skills to find and deal with criminals. In fact this is a character I've been wanting to play. Take Urban as your favored terrain, and yu have everything you need... Expect for sunglasses, get those and you are Horatio.

I'll see your Horatio, and raise you a Gibbs.

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