Auto-Reject 9, intellectual property and inspiration...

RPG Superstar™ 2012 General Discussion

Dedicated Voter Season 8

So, not to ask for a repetition of a rule already debated, but after several days search for a total of at least some hours I have come to the conclusion that I need to hear even just a second opinion here.

I am in the situation of being - very - in favor of a particular item, which I've been toying around with for most of the last two months now. my main issue with this item is that it may touch mildly on some intellectual property, which I for reasons of far too obviously revealing my item will not say more of.

To keep it simple, my concern goes something like: "no matter how I change this, the moment I reduce on some of the factors which makes me concerned I may be too close to the source of inspiration, the item gets significiantly harder to describe, more boring and not truly worth my time".
To specify the problem is that the mechanic I'm looking at is in it's essence simple and (in my opinion) rather beautiful, but explained very carefully in the source of inspiration.
While I am, in no way I can think of, copying anything, and in fact taking several measures to remove myself from the source of inspiration, it remains to me and, I should think, anyone who knows the source somewhat - obvious where the inspiration is from.
To give further specifics, I have no owned names included, no direct copies or anything too close to this, but the very concept, is, in it's essence the same or rather similar.

So, the discussion/second opinion (or whichever else), I find myself fretting over the apparent lack of is this:
How close to the source is it wise to let inspiration from it go, and how can one more carefully decide when something is too close?

And before you give this particular piece of advice, trying another item doesn't seem to help. None of them have half the awesome of this item, and so every time I try to put my efforts to a different object, this returns to me, and carefully reminds just why it is so very much better than anything else, I seem to be able to come up with.

In advance, thank you most sincerely (in fact - just writing this seems to have cleared my mind on the matter) and good luck if you are participating in the competition.

A very Merry (although late) Christmas to all of you, and the best wishes for the new year,
Siv L. Strandberg

Scarab Sages Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Perhaps because you can easily envision the original item, that is why it is easier to describe. But if the judges; upon viewing your item see the exact thing you're thinking of, they might auto-reject it.

Perhaps make it similar flavor in a new package?

Change materials?

Definitely steer clear of any naming convention which refers to the original.

Just my 2 cents.

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:

Perhaps make it similar flavor in a new package?

Change materials?

Thank you, that is exactly what I'm working with so far. Although I've found a fairly new package, some fairly major limitations compared to the original concept and a (although thematically linked) change of material, the association is just still extremely clear.

Nonetheless, it could perhaps be re-packaged a bit more.


Dark Archive

You could try using a thesaurus. I use them often. Or, do something else. There was an item I wished to create, but it too was too close to an idea in an existing universe. and It sounds like it may be close or even the same as your idea. lol But after mulling it over, I eventually came up with a cool original idea inspired by a custom wondrous item I once made as a PC. But, good luck and if no other ideas for different items come to mind, i say try it. Worse case scenario, you get rejected, which is better then not submitting anything at all.

Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka OwlbearRepublic

If I were you, I'd diverge from the inspiration until the connection is unrecognizable. It will make for a more fully-realized item and will provide better evidence of your ability to create an original work. Some people are habitually derivative designers. I think you want to prove to the judges that you're not that guy.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback

That's a good question - "Is this item too obviously connected with [Source X]?" is somewhat subjective. You yourself are extremely close to the item and its inspiration, so it's hard to judge how far from the original is far enough.

Your best course of action, IMHO, is to run the item by some friends or acquaintences; don't tell them the source of inspiration or what your concerns are. Get their initial reaction to the item as a whole. If they don't pick up on this right away, tell them what the inspiration was; see if that changes their response to it.

That's really the best way to figure out what kind of response your item gets. If it is recognizable, try to figure out if it's more of a "oh cool - this lets me do something like in [Source X] in my own game!" or more of "neh, you just statted up the [Source X] item, big deal" - since the first one can be OK.

Shadow Lodge Marathon Voter Season 6

At Paizocon, there was a seminar for freelancers writing for Paizo where a panel of Sean, James, Wes and others talk about "Easter Eggs" as well as how close is too close to infringing copyright. Aside from being an excellent primer if you make it into the competition, I think it will perfectly answer your query here. Go to the Know Direction podcast and you should be able to track it down. There is a stack of good Paizocon podcasts there including the RPG Superstart one so enjoy.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Unfortunately, intellectual property infringement is actually grounds for disqualification - not just an auto-reject category. Being a directly derivative work is the auto-reject.

For instance, anything with Illithid in it could get you disqualified. However, a wand that shoots orange and blue gates will be knocked for being derivative of the game Portal.

But, like all auto-reject categories there is a fine line to be crossed, and that is the awesome line. So long as it's not something to get you disqualified (beholders, mind flayers, and the like) an homage can easily make it through to the next round if it's cool.

If your best idea makes a reference to copyrighted material, you're going to have to cut it. You could imply a connection - a mask that causes your face to grow tentacles might not be awesome on its own, but it doesn't infringe on anyone's copyright.

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Standback wrote:

Your best course of action, IMHO, is to run the item by some friends or acquaintences; don't tell them the source of inspiration or what your concerns are. Get their initial reaction to the item as a whole. If they don't pick up on this right away, tell them what the inspiration was; see if that changes their response to it.

That's really the best way to figure out what kind of response your item gets. If it is recognizable, try to figure out if it's more of a "oh cool - this lets me do something like in [Source X] in my own game!" or more of "neh, you just statted up the [Source X] item, big deal" - since the first one can be OK.

Thanks - good idea, especially since I have a couple of friends who can definitely recognize the source if it's any kinda too close.

Herremann the Wise wrote:

At Paizocon, there was a seminar for freelancers writing for Paizo where a panel of Sean, James, Wes and others talk about "Easter Eggs" as well as how close is too close to infringing copyright. Aside from being an excellent primer if you make it into the competition, I think it will perfectly answer your query here. Go to the Know Direction podcast and you should be able to track it down. There is a stack of good Paizocon podcasts there including the RPG Superstart one so enjoy.

Excellent idea, I hadn't actually realized the other one had relevant info. Thanks a lot for that tip. What I wouldn't give for plane ticket from Europe to US not to be so blasted expensive.

RonarsCorruption wrote:

Unfortunately, intellectual property infringement is actually grounds for disqualification - not just an auto-reject category. Being a directly derivative work is the auto-reject.

For instance, anything with Illithid in it could get you disqualified. However, a wand that shoots orange and blue gates will be knocked for being derivative of the game Portal.

But, like all auto-reject categories there is a fine line to be crossed, and that is the awesome line. So long as it's not something to get you disqualified (beholders, mind flayers, and the like) an homage can easily make it through to the next round if it's cool.

If your best idea makes a reference to copyrighted material, you're going to have to cut it. You could imply a connection - a mask that causes your face to grow tentacles might not be awesome on its own, but it doesn't infringe on anyone's copyright

It's not at all that close. My problem lies in "potentially mildly derivative" and whether that amount of inspiration is too much. It is purely in concept, no names, and moreover I'm not actually positive the exact concept I'm using can even be copyrighted or whether it is (I've tried in vain to find out) but I don't want to give an otherwise perfect (to me) item, an overly negative shine if the inspiration should somehow seem even the slightest bit blatant.

Anyway, thanks a lot everyone, I actually feel increasingly sure that I'm not really too close in what I'm doing. And the effect makes loads of sense. I'll probably have it do a couple of things the inspiration can't, just to be sure. Just hearing some other thoughts have been most helpful to my instinctive paranoia.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

If you still feel any doubt, I'd try actually typing out an observation of everything that your item and the original have in common, then read what's in front of you with fresh eyes (keeping in mind everything you've heard here from judges and fans). It sounds silly but I find that sort of exercise can be quite clarifying.

Best of luck!

I think I had a similar situation with my item, except the inspiration was on utility and NOT from any other source. It wasn't until i passed it to a friend to review it with that he mentioned a copyright situation. However it has no direct link to it aside from it utilitarian nature and was intended to be just that with far uses for all classes. I am confident though that i measured the distance far enough that it shouldn't pose a problem for an auto-reject, but you never know about these things.


Dedicated Voter Season 8

ArchMageMyrrendor wrote:

I think I had a similar situation with my item, except the inspiration was on utility and NOT from any other source. It wasn't until i passed it to a friend to review it with that he mentioned a copyright situation. However it has no direct link to it aside from it utilitarian nature and was intended to be just that with far uses for all classes. I am confident though that i measured the distance far enough that it shouldn't pose a problem for an auto-reject, but you never know about these things.


Fun, sounds somehow close to my situation. But well, by now I had it redesigned with the critical eue of someone who doesn't even know my source and were relying on something much more common to deal with it. People who KNOW the source will surely recognize it, but there's major differences, limitations, expandings. No, I feel allright. And well, send it sometime ago now so. It's off, time to quell the butterflies upsetting my stomach with literary analysis of antique poems. And then on to organizations.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion, advice and shared thoughts everyone, I do not think it needs more saying, but I'll add it anyway: This community is truly wonderful, for both constructive criticism, heart-lifting optimism and delightful humor. I'll look forward to seeing you all again next year, no matter from where. Good luck everyone. May the best writer win, may everyone have fun and a great learning experience.

With anticipation and appreciation,

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