Making the hero of Hyrule


So my roommate and I were kicking around the idea of a campaign based on the legend of zelda series. It got us discussing how exactly we'd go about building Link. Any thoughts?

Cavalier, order of the shield possibly order of the lion, perhaps paladin, Sword and board feats obviously.

Sword and Board switch-hitter half-elf inquisitor of iomedae/fighter

Hold lots of alchemist fire on you

I say Elf Switch-Hitter Sword of Valor/Warrior of the Holy Light Paladin.

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He's a combat specialist (high BAB) that optionally has a horse (animal companion) which isn't necessarily with him at all times or ideal for battle (-3 levels); he's athletic and good at a variety of talents and odd jobs (lots of class skills/ranks).

If you can't tell, I'm sizing him up as a Ranger. There might be a good archetype to drop Favored Enemy for something more appropriate, unless you wanted to take it for Moblins (orcs?) or Evil Outsiders or something. One problem, though, is that he's generally pure of heart and quite courageous (courage is kind of his 'thing') so his Will should be high. I'd give him Iron Will and Improved, at the very least, on top of a good Wis.

Link tends to fight alone, and he's not the type to prance around with his ocarina during battle, so Bard isn't quite the right fit. He rarely works directly for any deities, and he sometimes defies major established orders/engages in mischief, so Paladin wouldn't fit.

As for his race, I'd say half-elf. He doesn't demonstrate the frailty of an elf and seems to have a rather human build. Human would work if it's implied that "Hylians" are "humans" and other races are adjusted accordingly.

He should have a fairly even Str and Dex, light armor, and amass plenty of thrown and ranged weapons for beating DR or fighting enemies at various ranges. Fighter, or a dip in Fighter levels, could work if you really wanted to capture his diversity of weapon skills (or pick up Courage). Cha could optionally be a dump stat (silent hero, tends to have to do errands/quests to win people over rather than charming them) or a high stat (performance ability, tends to make a wide network of friends and supporters over time).

Rockhopper wrote:

He's a combat specialist (high BAB) that optionally has a horse (animal companion) which isn't necessarily with him at all times or ideal for battle (-3 levels); he's athletic and good at a variety of talents and odd jobs (lots of class skills/ranks).

If you can't tell, I'm sizing him up as a Ranger. There might be a good archetype to drop Favored Enemy for something more appropriate, unless you wanted to take it for Moblins (orcs?) or Evil Outsiders or something. One problem, though, is that he's generally pure of heart and quite courageous (courage is kind of his 'thing') so his Will should be high. I'd give him Iron Will and Improved, at the very least, on top of a good Wis.

Link tends to fight alone, and he's not the type to prance around with his ocarina during battle, so Bard isn't quite the right fit. He rarely works directly for any deities, and he sometimes defies major established orders/engages in mischief, so Paladin wouldn't fit.

As for his race, I'd say half-elf. He doesn't demonstrate the frailty of an elf and seems to have a rather human build. Human would work if it's implied that "Hylians" are "humans" and other races are adjusted accordingly.

He should have a fairly even Str and Dex, light armor, and amass plenty of thrown and ranged weapons for beating DR or fighting enemies at various ranges. Fighter, or a dip in Fighter levels, could work if you really wanted to capture his diversity of weapon skills (or pick up Courage). Cha could optionally be a dump stat (silent hero, tends to have to do errands/quests to win people over rather than charming them) or a high stat (performance ability, tends to make a wide network of friends and supporters over time).

You see, the reason I said inquisitor rather than ranger is because a lot of recent links I don't really see as combat "specialists", and rather heros who have a mystical purpose and connection to the gods which grants them power (see: the triforce).

But cleric obviously doesn't make sense, and paladins are a little overtly charisma based, which is unfortunate.

So I thought inquisitor. They aren't full-BAB, but they are clearly meant to focus on combat with godly backing.

I guess an important question is: do you want an approximation of link for a pre-existing setting, or a link made to fit a recreation of hyrule as a setting?

If you go inquisitor you an always take the animal domain to get the horse just as a ranger would have.

I'm actually working on a dungeon based run in a converted hyrule setting. This is ultimately just a mental exercise, although I like the inquisitor idea. Ranger is an obvious choice, but they seem to lack in the sword and board dept. Some ideas for the magic items/gadgets that have appeared throughout the games has also been a topic of discussion.

CasMat wrote:
and paladins are a little overtly charisma based

But Link has high charisma. He always gets the girl, some enemies are dead scared of him, and he's got a huge fanbase and a 25-year long franchise.

Build a character with 1st edition rules, use same character for 20+ years?

Halfling Barbarian wrote:
I'm actually working on a dungeon based run in a converted hyrule setting. This is ultimately just a mental exercise, although I like the inquisitor idea. Ranger is an obvious choice, but they seem to lack in the sword and board dept. Some ideas for the magic items/gadgets that have appeared throughout the games has also been a topic of discussion.

APG has sword and shield feat tree for rangers

Am I the only one who's sees some sort of bard/fighter combo? He plays music, tumbles, jumps, swims, uses magical devices, but still has proficiency in many different weapon types. And manages to sweet-talk his way into everyone's life with out even saying a word. That's cult-of-personality-high-charisma I dare say. Bards, too, have a high charisma. And Id say elf or half-elf, naturally. Probably a high(er) dex for Dodge, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, etc. Also only ever wears a (mithril at higher levels) chain shirt.

Marus wrote:
Am I the only one who's sees some sort of bard/fighter combo? He plays music, tumbles, jumps, swims, uses magical devices, but still has proficiency in many different weapon types. And manages to sweet-talk his way into everyone's life with out even saying a word. That's cult-of-personality-high-charisma I dare say. Bards, too, have a high charisma. And Id say elf or half-elf, naturally. Probably a high(er) dex for Dodge, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack, etc. Also only ever wears a (mithril at higher levels) chain shirt.

Yup. My roommate and I pegged him as a bard back when we had this discussion during 3e/3.5. And some of the new games actually back this up.

I mean, who has proficiency with a whip? Bard. Who can say a lot without talking at all? Bard. Who can cast spells and wears light armor? Bard. Who can pick up any magical device or musical instrument and use it with ease? Frickin' Bard.

We couldn't see him as anything else after that.

He seems pretty badass for a Bard, I'll give him that.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Icyshadow wrote:
He seems pretty badass for a Bard, I'll give him that.

Arcane Duelist?

Bard/Fighter, for sure. His main mode of dealing with things is his sword and shield or bow and arrow.

This question will never have a definite answer as it depends on WHICH Link you mean, having reincarnated over a couple dozen times now Link is a bit different each time. Often times he seems like a bard other times like a paladin (or inquistor) and other times a ranger (which would be the choice I would go with more often than not). The point is it would be helpful if you specified WHICH Zelda you are leaning toward the most!

Liberty's Edge

maybe do a gestalted (Unearth Arcana Dnd 3.5) Rogue/Bard/Fighter/Ranger?

Dark Archive

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hell the hookshot is a magus only spell

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