
Rogues and brigands congregate in the depths of the Echo Wood. What should their holdout be called?

This poll closed Jan 10, 2012.

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Goblinworks Blog: Introducing the Crusader Road

Pathfinder Online

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Death's Echo has a nice ring to it. I have to say I am also looking forward toward the building/economic systems of it. I used to play a MUD once upon a time that had kingdom building in it. I loved that game (though I can't recall the name of it. It was like Mark of Eden or something like that), and played it till Everquest came out.

When I realized Everquest was terrible I tried to find it again...alas I could not. So needless to say I am very excited. :) Keep it up!

The Exchange Goblin Squad Member

I like Scarfort. A couple of the others are also nice, but this one get's my vote.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I prefer Deepnettle, but Splinterwall and Thornkeep also sound good. Death's Echo sounds too corny to me.

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

Deep nettle received my vote.

Goblin Squad Member

"WoW" will now be known as "Psch HAH!" lol. OMG lots of space to work with, Hex grids, forum interactions between devs that actually seem to care about the game they are producing... I love it!

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

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Definitely Splinterwall.
Splinter can be a noun or verb and has multiple meanings. The wall can be obstacles, defence or divides. So much potential.

I assume the 3 factions will generally be of opposing alignments (LE, NG, CN?) though it will be interesting to see how and if alignments even work.

The area of play is huge. Perhaps even too huge. With an initial 4500 players, that's an average of less than 18 players per hex. Obviously players will be mainly based from the 3 starting areas, meaning many hexes will be empty of players a lot of the time. Of course, this will all change as new players arrive, but it'll need a lot of players to become cramped. 1 square kilometer is pretty big: 1,000,000 square meters. You can easily fit 10,000 people there and give each one their own huge 10m x 10m house.

Goblin Squad Member

The beauty of that space means that even at a theoretical 'maximum capacity' of 54,000 players a year in, you're unlikely to be fighting other players for resources or mobs.

Add to the fact that the Sandbox nature of the game, throw in a random creature generator to keep Hexes from becoming uninhabited over the long-term, and that the Game could possibly allow us to build our own structures ..... consider our minds completely blown.

And just begging here, give us items like Decanter of Endless Water, pleeeeeease. Imagine scoring one of those, and being able to produce a large, constant supply of water. Albeit in combat its use might be limited, but imagine being able to bring water to anywhere, even if the water does 'dissipate' at a rate of one 10 foot cube per 'hour'.

Imagine setting the Decanter down after you've carved out a little niche in the mountain. Say the command word, instant waterfall into your little hidey-hole paradise, complete with a stunning view of the landscape, a bit of garden to grow crops and keep the chickens from wandering off and being eaten by Chuluthu's Baby Brother, and a ready source of water for both the garden and yourself.

Instant 'hidden temple' stuff.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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I removed a post containing malicious links. I also removed the replies to it.

Wow, so far so good!

Count me impressed!

Goblin Squad Member

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Just because there are walls there to protect you doesn't mean you're in a safe place, so be careful else you'll find yourself bleeding ;)

I was rather surprised that the Hellknights are one of the organizations. If I remember correctly, they aren't very popular in the CN River Kingdoms.

My vote is for Deepnettle. There is a subtlety to it. As well as a sense of foreboding. Definitely leads one to believe that trouncing about carelessly in the deep reaches of the Echo Wood will leave one, at the very least, the worse for wear. Thornkeep would be my second choice, though.

Goblin Squad Member

DeaconX wrote:


Just because there are walls there to protect you doesn't mean you're in a safe place, so be careful else you'll find yourself bleeding ;)

That does it, you've changed my vote. Splinterwall it is.


"Exploration, Development, Adventure and Domination"

I love the idea of incorporating these gameplay types into the game, as they will more than likely appeal to all different kinds of players. My only worry is they aren't integrated together within the structure of the game. Brutal Legend was an example of a game with a lot of different gameplay elements that while effective, didn't necessarily compliment each other.

My hope is that each different element will be both dependent on and complimented by the others. Explorers find a new area to Adventure in, which in turn provides special resources for Development, which fuels that war machine of Domination, which in turn allows for more Development, etc. etc.

The key word here is "synergy", each piece making the other that much more fun and engaging.


References keep being made to EVE, and it makes me wonder about how the economy and production will work in a PnP system that is intrinsically tied to classes and characters with limited skill/ability options. Will players be limited to certain kinds of Development options depending on their class? Will it be harder to Fighters to learn certain crafting skills? Will non-magical classes be barred from things like Enchanting or Alchemy?

I for one, would like to see Development and Exploration skills/abilities on a separate but parallel track to class abilities.

Then again, this is assuming that the game will have character classes, but I feel that this is a safe assumption.


Overall I am excited at the prospects of a large scale fantasy MMO with player based economies and politics. I envy Goblinworks' opportunity to create a new world, but do not envy the tough game design decisions you will have to make in the coming months.

Traveler's Blessings to you, Goblinworks.

Goblin Squad Member

Skwiziks wrote:

References keep being made to EVE, and it makes me wonder about how the economy and production will work in a PnP system that is intrinsically tied to classes and characters with limited skill/ability options. Will players be limited to certain kinds of Development options depending on their class? Will it be harder to Fighters to learn certain crafting skills? Will non-magical classes be barred from things like Enchanting or Alchemy?

I for one, would like to see Development and Exploration skills/abilities on a separate but parallel track to class abilities.

Then again, this is assuming that the game will have character classes, but I feel that this is a safe assumption.

It is actually not a safe assumption, while no 100% confirmation, pretty much every hint of the game implies skills system, and no hints whatsoever towards classes. Now it could full and well have them, but it is more likely that there will be skills and/or talents that mimic class abilities, so that you can make a stealthy tricky backstabbing character even if it is not a "rogue", or a healing divine caster even if it is not a "cleric" etc...

Goblin Squad Member

Onishi wrote:
It is actually not a safe assumption, while no 100% confirmation, pretty much every hint of the game implies skills system, and no hints whatsoever towards classes. Now it could full and well have them, but it is more likely that there will be skills and/or talents that mimic class abilities, so that you can make a stealthy tricky backstabbing character even if it is not a "rogue", or a healing divine caster even if it is not a "cleric" etc...

I hope you're right. I've always liked classless systems better, even if they are more work to implement and balance.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I put my vote on Greenmire. Things with Death/Hell/Doom/Die will usually get the most votes, lol. Also as far as the information released thus far, I like it. I'm skeptical for what will become of it but a PnP to MMO, as others have expressed, is very exciting. Especially for one that I play in. I look forward to seeing how the game will pan out.

Goblin Squad Member

*Crosses fingers in hope of another blog entry today*

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lloyd Jackson wrote:
I was rather surprised that the Hellknights are one of the organizations. If I remember correctly, they aren't very popular in the CN River Kingdoms.

They aren't... but they're too cool-looking and too iconic to the world to NOT include from the start in the game. There's some other elements that will be "grandfathered" into the region/game as well for the same reasons. Goblins, for example.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Coldman wrote:
*Crosses fingers in hope of another blog entry today*

Yes—our plan is to do one every second Wednesday, at 2PM Pacific. So check back in about an hour and a half!

Goblin Squad Member

SPLINTERWALL makes me think of DDO's SPLINTER SKULL. I would rather a name that I will uniquely associate with Pathfinder. I went with Greenmire but Scarfort would work. Even better would be if it was once known as Greenmire but the brigands changed it to Scarfort.

I voted deep nettle because I've never heard of it before.

Goblin Squad Member

I voted Splinterwall. It felt less geographically named, and more thematically named. Rogues and brigands are in splinter groups, are splinters in the flesh of commerce and all that.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Deepnettle - the perfect name for a secret hideout.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

In downtown Las Vegas, Main Street and Fremont Street connected and was/is referred to as Glitter Gulch. Glitter from the naked girls at the strip clubs as well as for all the glittering lights from the (then) four major hotels on the corner.
Thus I liked Spidergultch. Bandits and Rogues and Ettercaps and Spiders all seem to me to be connected. And normal folks are afraid of spiders. Heck, even some explorers are afraid of spiders. And wherever there are spiders, there is sure to be an Ettercap. A hideout would need to be easily hidden and defended. A nettle seems like a nest and Bandits wouldn't let Ettercaps hang out in their nest. A splintered wall doesn't sound like it did too much good for the creators of the wall and time likely hasn't made it much stronger.

i voted for thornkeep,this name sounded like an abandoned/renamed keep, somewhere that rouges and bandits were sure to hang out.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm for Deepnettle for its sense of mystery and deviousness. A name for an area like this shouldn't be obvious or a bright beacon that warns travelers. I'm very excited for the promise this game has, but worried that it may take away from my tabletop time! Ah well, I'll make time.

The established (excellent) stories, intrigue, etc should make for a fantastic game. And thank you for the biweekly updates! I am SO glad the vision of the team includes a long road to level 20 (2.5 years). A game like Pathfinder should be about engrossing yourself in the world, the story, and the adventure...not a rush through content.

Here's voting for spider gulch. Just sounds Euphonious (my new word of the day) compared to the others. Plus I can just see the banners and tattoo's on the brigands now...

Out of curiosity, what order of Hellknights is at work in this region?

And are we going to see any other factions in play?
Obviously the eponymous Pathfinders. Druman trade merchants? Razmiran missionaries? Petty little River kings vying for scraps of territory? The Druids of the Green circle? Lovecraftian Cultists? Dare I say Flumphs?

Certainly an interesting spot you've staked out. Will look forward to seeing how this plays out.

Incidentally, does anyone know if a full listing of demonym's for the inner sea nations is available anywhere?

Changed my vote due to the name growing on me; Scarfort was appealing as a Scarface homage and inference of a group of bandits who are obviously survivors having taken over a hideout that's as grizzled and obviously damaged as they are, but having been patched up as best they could so it's 'scarred' to match them.

Splinterwall infers that they were the ones who breached the fort, or that some of the perimeter is bramble-hedge or similar organic defensive construct, perhaps carrying warning about one of the structure's defenses (partially wooden walls that explode with splinters outwards, regenerating over time).

Goblin Squad Member

Lukas Klausner wrote:
I prefer Deepnettle, but Splinterwall and Thornkeep also sound good. Death's Echo sounds too corny to me.

I agree, Death's Echo is corny. Wish it wasn't on the list because it will most likely win. We have the same top 3.

I love this blog. Love the scale and huge amounts of exploration.

I picked Deepnettle as well. As a group of nonconforming thugs, highwaymen, conmen and brigands I didn't see any name referencing a military-type structure (such as, ScarFORT, SplinterWALL, or ThornKEEP) as appropriate. I thought Deepnettle sounded ominous and mysterious enough without being too evil or too wilderness based (like something for rangers/druids).

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Oggron wrote:

Here's voting for spider gulch. Just sounds Euphonious (my new word of the day) compared to the others. Plus I can just see the banners and tattoo's on the brigands now...

Out of curiosity, what order of Hellknights is at work in this region?

And are we going to see any other factions in play?
Obviously the eponymous Pathfinders. Druman trade merchants? Razmiran missionaries? Petty little River kings vying for scraps of territory? The Druids of the Green circle? Lovecraftian Cultists? Dare I say Flumphs?

Certainly an interesting spot you've staked out. Will look forward to seeing how this plays out.

Incidentally, does anyone know if a full listing of demonym's for the inner sea nations is available anywhere?

Flumps would be awesome. Really having a order of Hellknights as a playable faction would be wonderful though not sure how that would work.

Ironic that I think Deepnettle sounds sort of silly myself, but that's just my two cent's. :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Oggron wrote:
Out of curiosity, what order of Hellknights is at work in this region?

I believe we have yet to detail this particular Hellknight faction.

Oggron wrote:
Dare I say Flumphs?

Note that because this game won't use the OGL, we won't have access to any of Wizards' IP that's only available to the Pathfinder RPG via the OGL. Basically, we'll be avoiding anything TSR or Wizards invented from whole cloth. There's actually a whole lot less of it than you may think, but flumphs are on that bill.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Vic Wertz wrote:
Oggron wrote:
Out of curiosity, what order of Hellknights is at work in this region?

I believe we have yet to detail this particular Hellknight faction.

Oggron wrote:
Dare I say Flumphs?

Note that because this game won't use the OGL, we won't have access to any of Wizards' IP that's only available to the Pathfinder RPG via the OGL. Basically, we'll be avoiding anything TSR or Wizards invented from whole cloth. There's actually a whole lot less of it than you may think, but flumphs are on that bill.

What does this mean for halflings/hobbits?

Goblin Squad Member

When is Splinterwall going to be announced as the chosen name? =)

Daniel Powell 318 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Oggron wrote:
Out of curiosity, what order of Hellknights is at work in this region?

I believe we have yet to detail this particular Hellknight faction.

Oggron wrote:
Dare I say Flumphs?

Note that because this game won't use the OGL, we won't have access to any of Wizards' IP that's only available to the Pathfinder RPG via the OGL. Basically, we'll be avoiding anything TSR or Wizards invented from whole cloth. There's actually a whole lot less of it than you may think, but flumphs are on that bill.

What does this mean for halflings/hobbits?

Nothing, nobody has IP on those.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

The Tolkien estate has and enforces a trademark on 'Hobbit', which is why TSR used 'halfling'.

Goblin Squad Member

Echo wood sounds good in and of it'self :)

Goblinworks Founder

I vote for Deepnettle sounds very appropriate for a hive of scum and villainy and a good place for young adventures and heroes to start at.

Goblin Squad Member

I vote for Deepnettle...

You do realize this poll's been closed for almost a year, right?

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Will there be support for different architectural styles when creating a settlement, that represent the different races? For instance will we be able to make a dwarf settlement in mountains/etc?

It would be nice if we were able to do things like plant trees, move rocks, etc to mold the terrain to our liking. Really carve out our area of Golarion.

P.S. I know this thread is old, but it's linked to from the kickstarter so clearly the designers wanted to draw some attention to it.

Goblin Squad Member

@Athansor, Ryan has previous said that they'll be designing the looks of the Settlements, Forts, etc. to match the environment. I think we all want them to allow us to have a lot of control as well.

(( Sorry I can't find a link right now, awkward search terms. ))

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Thanks Nihimon, I wasn't able to find anything on it in my initial searching but I'll keep looking!

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