
DeaconX's page

Goblin Squad Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

This is awesome and now I just hope the money raised is really well used and this game really gets going.

Goblin Squad Member

Good stuff :) I chipped in as well and I'm glad to see that they've surpassed their 50k goal by over 300% hehe.

Anyone know when/how we're going to get our Goblinworks Squad avatars and stuff?

Goblin Squad Member

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Just because there are walls there to protect you doesn't mean you're in a safe place, so be careful else you'll find yourself bleeding ;)

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scott Betts wrote:
The dynamics of game design change fundamentally when you add an extra 10,000 Dovahkiin to the game.

Well, obviously that shouldn't happen ;) I'm not saying take SKYRIM's single player specific story...

But the way the game is designed overall, if it could be an MMORPG it's the one I'd want to be in.

Goblin Squad Member

Ansha wrote:
Count Buggula wrote:

Not a fan of the "Holy Trinity" system: 72%

That speaks wonders.

Not much else is terribly surprising. Lots of explorers and character customization is very important to those here.

I'm not sure what it says that most people "are not a fan" of a system where your options in a fight can be broken down to "prevent health loss," "cause health loss," or "restore health." As an ancillary of that, you can also cause various status conditions.

...I just described PFRPG and every other table-top game out there.

I think people are simply sick of being pigeonholed into a role. I'm really looking forward to seeing how ArenaNet's anti-holy trinity combat system will play out.

The best video regarding THE HOLY TRINITY I've ever seen - CLICK HERE TO WATCH

Goblin Squad Member

I love how my adventures are unfolding seemingly naturally.

I love how much control over the development of my 'blank slate' character I have. The world feels alive, it's visceral, it's interactive and it just feels for the most part, really 'right'.

I may catch a bit of flame here but honestly, I'd say if PFO turned out anything like SKYRIM with a lot more sandbox features, I'd be subbed and getting my friends online in no time.


Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Delzoon wrote:
I'm surprised at how many would like to see open sea sailing.

The question was posed as "select all that you would like". So there was no tradeoff to picking Sailing.

If the survey had included "burrow through the earth", it probably would have gotten the same support.

Meh that sounds far too restrictive for my tastes.

Personally, I'd love to be a Sky Pirate in an airship with a crew ;)

Ship comes with NPC crew that is capable of running the ship, manning cannons etc, but real players should be able to replace NPC crew quickly and take control.

Yeah, that'd be sweet :)

Goblin Squad Member

Here are the results from Community Survey #1

The reason I'm posting this now is because the free service to access the results will be expiring soon.

Links to screencaps of survey results:

Question 1-3

Question 4-6

Question 7-9

Question 10-12

Question 13-15

Question 16-18

Question 19-20

Feel free to discuss the results and suggest any questions you'd like to see in a future survey.

Goblin Squad Member

I hear you Zychon, but I'll just say this -- it's possible for them to make an outstanding MMORPG, if they can muster the right resources and have the right creative talent designing it intelligently.

Personally, I'm much more afraid of the former than the latter being a problem at this point.

Goblin Squad Member

6 more people and I'll post the results :)

In the meantime, please feel free to suggest questions for community survey #2.


Goblin Squad Member

Coldman wrote:

I can't believe I read PFO for the first time. Gave me a funny feeling xD

I look forward to hearing the first Pathcast! Goodluck!

Thanks for the support mate :) it may be slow going given how early it is in the state of development so don't expecting very soon ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I loved the Aurora Engine - used to write adventures for my friends and play community modules. NWN1 did a lot of things really right in my opinion. The STORY wasn't one of them to me, but it did many things right by giving the players the power to craft some wonderful adventures.

Goblin Squad Member

superfly2000 wrote:
Ryan Dancey wrote:

I'm very aware of ArcheAge. Hard to miss the only game targeting the same segment as us...


Wait...sorry to be blunt...but a WoW-clone is targeting the same segment as you??

I think you might want to do some actual research into that 'WoW clone' because you're really mislabeling it, imho.

Goblin Squad Member

superfly2000 wrote:
it feels good to have a somewhat open discussion so far...just hope everyone is enjoying it :-)

I've worked as a community manager before so I'm always a fan of pushing for a great sense of community on game forums :) I think so far, the community may not be huge but it's a good one!

Goblin Squad Member

Darwinism wrote:
Chuck Wright wrote:
I present unto you any chat service that is free via the internet!
That would break my immersion.

I would support a 'MATURE 18+' server for sure, if only to say that it's strictly for adult audiences. Personally, I probably wouldn't care to play on such a server as I believe a persons age doesn't have all that much to do with their maturity, but I know there are a lot of people who do care about this stuff - entire 'mature' guilds exist who don't care for younger members.

As for the adult themes players choose to get themselves involved in... I'm not judging but it's not for me.

Goblin Squad Member

Coldman wrote:
DeaconX wrote:
@Coldman I was a bit bummed about CCP/World of Darkness.
Until you heard about this right? \o/

Haha yeah, well I'm sure you could tell by now I'm pretty excited about the project. :)

Goblin Squad Member

superfly2000 wrote:

I answered the survey even though I think it was made by someone playing theese cookie-cutter MMO's too much...not thinking out of the box...there are some good questions and most of them even had an option "like other" that I could pick from...

...I really think we need to think "out of the box" on this one...

COMMUNITY SURVEY #1 - I'm taking it easy on the first one ;)

Feel free to suggest any questions you'd like to see on the next one mate.

Goblin Squad Member

superfly2000 wrote:

Archage look like "just another MMO" to me (a WoW clone that is).

I really hope they wont look at any of theese game when making theirs...

Did you click the link? (First line again btw) Watch the videos showcasing many of the features? The game in my opinion is in no way like WoW aside from the fact that it's an MMORPG.

Looking at ArcheAge for inspiration is in no way a bad idea imho.

@Coldman I was a bit bummed about CCP/World of Darkness.

Goblin Squad Member


"ArcheAge features a massive, dynamic world
designed to be filled with your adventures!

All players begin their journey on either the Nuia or Harihara continents.
From there they explore the world, cooperating or competing with each other.
Remnants of the Lost Continent,
where the ancestors of the world's races lived together
in peace two thousand years ago, still dominate the landscape.
If you explore deep into the hearts of these ancient relics,
you may discover the secrets of legendary gods and heroes.
Or you may reveal more details about the catastrophe
that caused the Nuia and Harihara schism.
It all depends on your choices.

The results of ArcheAge's storytelling process
is determined by the choices you make.
You can cooperate with your enemies, win fame by helping people in danger,
or become a renowned craftsman
by making fine items or producing exceptional crops.
You can build a house and found a new town.
You can be a sailor and sail around the world.
You can be a lord of a castle and rule your territory.

Whatever kind of life you choose,
there is a place for you in ArcheAge's world.
The sea is not just a big pool you can swim in.
On the open ocean, you can hear the explosions of cannons
fired from a crumbling castle,
the roars of a dragon flying overhead,
or bawdy sailor songs echoing from a ship slicing through the waves.
You can go anywhere and can do anything.
You can choose your goal in life and fulfill it in any way you want.

Every decision you make could begin a new chapter
in the history of ArcheAge."

Now, what they lack, is... well, PATHFINDER. But as far as I can tell, this game will be the only sandbox competitor for PFO amongst a sea of titles that are simply designed to attract a different type of audience.

I think what ArcheAge is doing is setting the bar pretty high considering the media I've seen on the website which is not a bad thing. Personally, I'm really hoping PFO will be the game I call home :) It's nice to see 'sandbox' being taken more seriously again.

Goblin Squad Member

DeaconX wrote:
NyxShiArammu wrote:
DeaconX wrote:
NyxShiArammu wrote:

Hey pal I've spent a whole lot of time around internet podcasts/podcasting and especially RP casts. You can count on my support even if it is me flailing about like a lunatic.

That sounds awesome and I thank you very much :)
Anything to help kickstart the PFO community.
That's what I'm thinking as well :) besides, this is the best time to get involved. Right at the start.

Nyx, if we can send private messages on these forums or not - if we can, I haven't figured it out. Anyway, could you contact me at deaconstructed@gmail.com when you have the time?

Also, how well do you know the actual PATHFINDER system?

Have you ever worked on a podcast before?

Thanks again for your interest :)

Goblin Squad Member

KitNyx wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

I feel that question 20 wasn't a fair question.

My preferred quest is "None of the above" as in, quests that are created by the interaction of the community and the needs of my fellow players.

And I am not sure I understand 13. Are there games that do not give you control over your characters development?

MOST MMORPG's give you VERY limited control over your character's development. You get skill trees but aside from that, not a whole lot. Guild Wars 2 for example will give players control over their stats as well as what weapons they want to master (the more you use a weapon, the better you get with it and unlock new attack powers and such.)

Goblin Squad Member

kyrt-ryder wrote:

I feel that question 20 wasn't a fair question.

My preferred quest is "None of the above" as in, quests that are created by the interaction of the community and the needs of my fellow players.

So it's not that it wasn't a fair question, it's that it didn't have the option you prefer. But, of THOSE options, I hope you chose your preferred. :) thank you kindly for taking the survey!

Goblin Squad Member

Click here to take the Survey

I'll share the results as soon as I can :)

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Some MMORPG terms:

A numerical translation for "elite" pronounced "leet," 1337 is a slang developed by hackers in the '80s used over the internet. Many words from the slang have leaked to popular culture today ("kidz" is an example; using a z instead of an s is an element of 1337). It is mostly prevalent in the gaming world online where people can interact textually.

Area Effect. Used to refer to area-effect spells or abilities. E.g. fireball, smoke grenade.

Away from keyboard

As a verb, it refers to a hostile mob that has noticed a player and is actively trying to attack that player. As a noun, it refers to the amount of “hostility” the player has generated on the mob. In typical combat strategy, the fighter tries to take as much aggro as possible away from weaker players such as healers and mages.

Short for "alternate". It refers to the alternate character a player has from their main character. This is not a stable category as sometimes alts can outlevel mains and sometimes mains become moth-balled.

Abbreviation for Anarchy Online. An online game.

Same as AE. Area of Effect.

e.g. Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, etc.

In certain MMOs, characters are teleported back to a safe spot when they die. This spot is predetermined by the user. The act of determining the safe spot requires an explicit action by the user. That action is known as a bind. The spot is typically referred to as a bind spot.

Short for biological. Usually used to indicate bathroom break.

Short for "bind on equip" - a term popularized by World of Warcraft. This term refers to items that become soulbound to the player after they have been equipped. In other words, the item can be traded as long as no one equips it.

Short for "bind on pickup" - a term popularized by World of Warcraft. This term refers to items that become soulbound to the player after it has been picked up from a monster. In other words, the item cannot be traded once a player picks it up. BoP items commonly cause looting conflicts and disputes during game-play.

“be right back”

Generally illegal and discouraged form of gameplay, where actions of a character can be automated to perform actions repeatedly in order to gain experience and level without actual user intervention. This practice is continually monitored by GMs and will cause suspension of service if one is suspected of botting.

“be right there”

“by the way”

Temporary boost to character attribute or combat ability

The act of waiting in an area to hunt a specific mob or a specific spawn

City of Heroes

Professional archetypes. In D&D games, these would be warrior, healer, rogue and mage. The most typical class types are: close-range damage, ranged damage, healing, crowd control, support.

Typical healing class in D&D style games

In certain MMOs, a corpse appears where the player died. Sometimes all the player’s items and money are left on the corpse and the player is teleported back to their bind spot. Corpses typically will decay after a certain time proportional the character’s level.

Corpse Run
The act of retrieving your corpse after you have died. This is typically a dangerous thing because people tend to die in dangerous places rather than safe places.

A general category of skills that allows players to manufacture objects from raw resources

"To crit" refers to landing a critical hit either with melee or spells. Effective damage is usually increased from a base of 150% to upwards of 250% with extra talents/skills/buffs.

Crowd Control
Refers to a set of spells / abilities that temporarily paralyze or stun other mobs or players. Crowd control is an important group support ability when fighting multiple mobs.

Abbreviation for Dark Age of Camelot. An online game.

Direct Damage. Used to refer to a class of spells and abilities that allow players to damage enemies from a distance. The firebolt is the archetypal DD.

The opposite of a buff. An offensive spell cast on enemies that weakens an attribute or combat ability.

Dirt Nap
Slang for dead. Most corpses lie on the ground when killed.

Dragon kill points. A fairly elaborate score-keeping system used by guilds to fairly distribute loot based on participation and contribution to the guild.

Damage over time. Refers to a class of spells that deals damage over a period of time. These spells typically do more damage than DD spells overall.

Damage per second. Used when figuring out weapon speed and damage.

Hybrid class in D&D style games - part healer, part support, part fighter.

Eating Grass
Slang for dead. Most corpses lie on the ground when killed face down.

Abbreviation for EverQuest. An online game.

A quantity gained when completing tasks/quests, killing mobs, or various other achievements in games. When enough experience is accrued, characters often “level up” and become more powerful.

The act of accumulating currency or a specific item by repeatedly killing a mob or repeatedly performing a series of actions

Acronym for "for the win". Refers to the act, ability, event that's responsible for a victory. For example, "Sheep FTW!!" - sheep being a spell that temporarily paralyzes an enemy.

Verb. To be ganked is a term referring to one player being overwhelmed and killed by a large group. Can be either by a group of other players doing player-kill or a group of NPC monsters. Used in a sentence, "I got ganked yesterday in Fel." Typically has the connotation that the other people had an unfair advantage (in number or level).

Game Master. GM's are characters in an MMORPG who are used by employees of the game's creator company. They monitor the actions of the game world and answer the questions and complaints of the players. They have absolute control and power within the game. If the crime (breaking a law of the game, not the real world) committed is serious enough, they could even expel players permanently from the game.

Title for a player who enjoys inflicting pain upon other players needlessly. If you kill newbies in a PvP game when you are level 50, you will gain no experience or benefit from the victimization beyond the pure joy of knowing you have given the player “grief.” Though griefers are almost always PKers, PKers are not necessarily griefers.

Semi-permanent player groups. In typical games, players must use a substantial amount of capital to start the guild.

“good to go” and “got to go” - can be confusing when context is unclear

A base attribute of characters

“in my humble opinion”

Abbreviation for "incoming". When a tank pulls for group, the tank will use this as warning that a mob is incoming.

“in real life”

An instantiation of a particular dungeon for a particular group of players. Instanced dungeons are then parallel worlds such that different groups of players can explore the same dungeon in separate groups.

“just kidding”

To lure a mob or player around much like a kite on a string while attacking it in some capacity. A player draws agro and the mobility of the monster is reduced. The monster tries to follow the target (thus becoming the kite on the string with the target hold the string.) In EQ a common kiting is DoT (Damage over time) with a snare (reduces the monsters speed) then running in a large circle until the monster is dead. Methods of kiting vary from game to game.

Acronym for "Kill on Sight". Usually used to refer to characters who are disliked by a particular guild. E.g., "After corpse-camping several of our guild's members, we put Gorath on the guild's KoS list".

Kill Stealing. When another player attacks the same creature as another player and receives the reward for the kill instead of the person who originated combat. Newer games have mechanisms for discouraging this behavior.

Link dead - when a player is disconnected from the game

Slang variant of “elite”

“looking for group”

“looking for more”, i.e., after a group has been formed and more members are needed.

“looking for team”

“laughing my ass off”

“laughing out loud”

Line of sight. A requirement of most ranged abilities is that the view of the target not be obstructed by any fixed obstacle, such as a wall.

Currency or items that are dropped by a mob when it is defeated

A commonly-used pool of magic potential (magical analog of health points)

Programming term applied to user-made macros, or scripts that can automatically send messages, cast spells, and a variety of other functions. Mainly used to automate things that are repeatedly done to expediate gameplay.

Resting in order to gain back mana in EQ was called Meditating. This is the commonly used abbreviation, also shortened to Med, as in, "Don't pull yet, I need to med."

Short for mesmerize. A short-hand for a collection of abilities that temporarily stun or immobilize enemies. Falls into the more general category known as crowd control.

When players attempt to create their characters as powerful as they can be by crunching statistics, planning their future routes, and any other methods in order to make their characters the statistically best character possible. Optimization.

Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game

An AI controlled monster. 'Mob' originally comes from the MUD era, where it was short for 'mobile', to differentiate monsters that would patrol a set of rooms as opposed to monsters which would stay in one place until killed.

Abbreviation of modification. Used as both a verb and a noun. As a noun, refers to add-ons by 3rd party programmers designed to augment the game (e.g., the self-cast mod). As a verb, refers to the act of performing this modification (e.g., he's modding the interface).

MUD Object Oriented. Users in MOOs are able to create their own content - both static and dynamic objects.

“mistell”. Mistells occur frequently because of typing in the wrong name before sending a message. Also because of auto-reply features.

Multi-User Dungeon, although some prefer Multi-User Domain. These were the original textual online worlds.

In many games, due to long travel times or inventory limits, it is helpful to create a character explicitly for the purpose of being able to check auction houses or store extra items. These characters are seldom actually played and are referred to as mules.

To soften or reduce an ability, item, player, or action. Usually this is a term applied when a power or ability is reduced because it is perceived to be too powerful.

A new player

Ninja (Looting)
Ninja looting refers to the purposeful and malicious looting of a drop from a monster that doesn't follow the rules set by the group. In a sense, the item is stolen. This can take different forms in different games due to game-specific game looting mechanisms. In World of Warcraft, ninja looting refers to rolling for a BoP drop that a person should not have rolled on. Because WoW warns players when they roll for a BoP object, it is assumed that such behavior cannot be accidental. The player exhibiting such behavior is typically branded as a ninja looter.

The pejorative form of newbie

“no problem”

Non-player character (ie. controlled by AI)

Refers to casters, to cast the highest damage spell or spell combo to effectively pull or finish of a npc. Mages usually are the most effective class in highest burst damage.

“oh my god”

“on my way”

out-of-character - used to refer to OOC chat

“out of mana”

Derived from the original word "own," both words have the same meaning: to defeat some other entity in battle or other form of competition. The "pwnz" origin is probably from the fact that the "o" and "p" keys are adjacent on the standard qwerty keyboard, and were used interchangeably by mistake in games and stuck around since then.

Short for patrol, a term used for mobs that have a set wandering path. In a dungeon, people will usually say "Wait for the pat" or "Watch the pat".

Point blank. Used to refer to a class of spells that originates in a radius around the caster. Typically, these spells are dangerous to the caster because they require proximity to the enemy. Specific spells are typically concatenated with the ability, i.e. pbae mez, pbae stun

Player Character

Player Killing

Player Killer - a derogatory term - as in a person who primarily plays to kill other players

Short for teleport. Used as a noun and a verb.

Power Level
When a higher level player tries to help a lower level player level faster. Most games have mechanisms that prevent power leveling.

Abbreviation of "programmed random occurence", refers to usually the benefits of added damage or other buffing enhancement that occurs randomly when an item strikes or is used.

Pick-up Group - a group assembled on the spot for a quest, a PvP group, or an instance raid.

A standard hunting strategy where a player lures a single or a group of mobs to the group so that the group can hunt from a safe area instead of hunting in areas where new mobs may spawn.

Player vs. Environment. Environment stands for all monsters (mobs) in the world

Player vs. Player combat

same as ownz

An emoticon that represents eyes weeping/crying. Used as both an emoticon and a verb. As an emoticon, it is usually a sarcastic reply to someone else's complaint or rant. In that setting, it is similar to "go cry me a river" or "oh boo-hoo". As a verb, it stands in for "complaining about" - e.g., "All the shaman are QQing about the nerf". Note that the verb form refers unintuitively to the complaining rather than the crying.

Typically fantastical creations, such as Elves, Trolls and the like.

A more substantial engagement involving a large organized group of players typically set in a dungeon and involving difficult mobs

Short for regeneration (of health, mana, or other replenishable attributes)

At certain high levels in some games, you are given the chance to “respec” your character. When you respec, you recreate your character from level 1 until the present level in terms of skills/powers/abilities/etc.

Short for resurrection. Refers to abilities that revive players that have just died. Typically only available to healer classes.

“rolling on floor laughing”

Abbreviation for Real Money Trade - selling virtual currency for real currency.

To "roll" on an item means to type "/random 100", where the server's random number generator puts out a number between 1 and 100, the most generally accepted "fair" way to distribute loot and settle disputes.
Can refer to a class of abilities as well as its effect. A root spell immobilizes a target. The target is then said to be rooted. Early versions of these abilities involved references to plants, hence "root".

Realm vs. Realm.

Due to technical reasons, each server can only support a limited amount of players. Each MMORPG typically has several servers. Players cannot interact with players on other servers.

Synonymous with server

The act of playing alone, hunting mobs alone.

An item-control mechanic where an item cannot be traded. In other words, only one person can own the object and it cannot be traded. See also BoE and BoP.

Mobs typically appear (spawn) on a given schedule. This is both a verb and noun.

Short for specification. When used in games, it usually refers to the build/specifications of your character in terms of skills/abilities/magic/powers/etc.

A typical form of crowd control ability that immobilizes an enemy

Abbreviation for Star Wars Galaxies. An online game.

As a noun, refers to character classes that can take a lot of damage. As a verb, refers to the act of drawing aggro from mobs before other team members strike with their abilities.

As a verb, the act of giving currency or valuable items to a newbie. As a noun, refers to a character that is twinked. In many games, twinked characters are visually marked by their level-inappropriate gear.

To rapidly change from one type of ability to another where the abilities overlap momentarily. In DAOC a bard sings a song that gives a buff. By rapidly changing the song several songs will overlap due to the duration of the songs continuing for a short period of time.

Abbreviation for Ultima Online. An online game.

Slang form of super

“welcome back”

To "wipe" means for the entire group whether party or raid to all die. However, party or raid can only continue if there is a class that can resurrect oneself, thereby avoiding the time consumed from running back from the the graveyard and regrouping at the beginning of the instance.

Synonymous with "hooray" or "way to go".

Abbreviation for World of Warcraft. An online game.

“want to buy”

“want to sell”

experience points

A combat strategy where a large group of players rush in at the target. Seen as a simple-minded strategy that requires no skill.

In games where different areas of the world are parceled out for loading reasons, different areas are referred to as zones.

Goblin Squad Member

NyxShiArammu wrote:
DeaconX wrote:
NyxShiArammu wrote:

Hey pal I've spent a whole lot of time around internet podcasts/podcasting and especially RP casts. You can count on my support even if it is me flailing about like a lunatic.

That sounds awesome and I thank you very much :)
Anything to help kickstart the PFO community.

That's what I'm thinking as well :) besides, this is the best time to get involved. Right at the start.

Goblin Squad Member

NyxShiArammu wrote:

I'm sorry if my survival mechanism offends you.

Hahaha. I get where the OP is coming from, but I truly believe it can be 'controlled' with a stamina limiter. Also, the player base is likely to skew heavily to role players, who generally have a much different play style than what makes up the majority of MMORPG players. From my experience, at least...

Goblin Squad Member

Personally I see the Pathfinder ruleset much easier applied to traditional MMORPG combat mechanics but in my heart of hearts, I'm pretty tired of that which is why my two more anticipated MMORPG's are Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World.

Both those titles are hoping to introduce a more action based, exciting combat element I've been craving.

SWTOR's combat is a bit of a compromise between the two which could work but again, I personally wish for something more exciting - it's just much more difficult to pull off.

Goblin Squad Member

NyxShiArammu wrote:

Hey pal I've spent a whole lot of time around internet podcasts/podcasting and especially RP casts. You can count on my support even if it is me flailing about like a lunatic.

That sounds awesome and I thank you very much :)

Goblin Squad Member

I whole-heatedly admire the direction Goblinworks is taking and truly wish I could make a large investment.

Thank you for sharing so openly, Lisa. I think you guys are off to an amazing start and for the first time, I feel like there's an MMORPG development house that is getting it 'right'.

Look forward to learning more - all the best in the meantime!

Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Zason wrote:

I hate MMOs without jumping. Sure the hoppers are annoying but why remove something that everyone can do? Everyone should be able to jump. I also don't mind if it requires endurance like it was mentioned.


If there's one thing SANDBOX games are about, it's offering the player FREEDOM.

Restricting jumping would be very silly imho for reasons I detailed above.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When it comes to character movement, I'd prefer if my character can:

  • Walk
  • Run
  • Sneak
  • Climb
  • Swim
  • Crawl

The reason? By breaking up the standard 'walk all the time gameplay', it allows for the world to feel more real with an environment the player can interact with.

Also, this opens up new possibilities in your gameplay experience while adventuring.

Would you rather walk everywhere, or:

  • Sneak past some guards or within earshot of an important conversation between NPC's
  • Climb up or down surfaces, discovering new locations as you go such as a cave at the bottom of a cliff
  • Swim to a nearby island or go underwater, discovering a tunnel that leads up into a hidden cave where you find an entire new location hidden from the rest of the world
  • Crawl

As for active combat movements such as dodging/jumping during combat, I'd love some sort of stamina meter which realistically limits a character's acrobatics so you're not getting bunny hoppers.

Goblin Squad Member

My name is Deacon and I have been a role player and storyteller nearly all my life. Professionally, I come from a background in social media, SEO and Strategic Online Marketing.

Being a passionate actor and writer, I've more recently landed a job working for a gaming company as a creative lead writer for an upcoming children’s MMO. While it’s not what I’d prefer to be doing, I value the experience I am earning here.

I’ve been an MMORPG player for over a decade now and only now am I happy to see that someone is daring to tackle the challenge of creating a hybrid themepark/sandbox experience.

This is a very exciting notion to me and I wish Goblin Works all the best as I follow the development of this title over the coming years.

I intend on being a very active part of this community with the possibility of starting a podcast (Pathcast).

At this point, I’m in the very early stages of researching and setting things up so Pathcast is not 100%, but if and when it goes live I will certainly let everyone know.

I hope to:

  • Feature breaking news about PFO
  • Possibly feature interviews with the PFO team
  • Highlight PFO community members who are doing something great (fan art, websites, guilds, etc)
  • Discuss armchair MMO design philosophies
  • Discuss the community wishes for the game

…and hopefully more.

For now, I’m just excited about this development and look forward to learning a lot more as information becomes available.