ddgon |
Are they both the same race, like Human or Half Orc?
If yes, then the main differance is the gear they have on them. The skeletons are going to be 1HD with bad stats. I don't think you get the fighers actual stats (I know you don't get the stat bonuses from leving up), you get an array of 10s, and if your DM is nice a +2 to something.
This is the main reason I think Animating undead is bad, because you have to find bigger and bigger monsters to animate or they are so weak they don't really matter in a fight.

Remco Sommeling |

No you are not supposed to roll for hp in the standard game, but if ur GM increases monster hp the same should apply to ur animated minions, it is houserule territory though.
A basic skeleton of a high level warrior is not that great though it will have pretty decent strength and dexterity stats and relatively cheap components, they are pretty decent to make into bloody skeletons. For the spells purposes a 5th lvl or 15th lvl character are identical, though the 15th lvl character might have slightly better stats, though some GMs will remove the increases gained by level and inherent bonuses granted by wishes and the like.
Create Undead and Create Greater Undead are better for this, tohugh they do not confer control over the undead created like animate dead does, it is possible to make skeleton warriors or JuJu zmobies with those spells.
look into Undead Revisited for options to create alternate undead with those spells.

Moglun |

So only animated monsters are worth a damn. Aniated humanoids all have the exact same (low) stats barring items. Is that right?
Not exactly. They lose their class levels, but they keep their racial hit dice if they have any, and they keep their original ability scores (modified appropriately for being a skeleton) as well. So a bugbear skeleton will have 3 hit dice while a human skeleton which used to be a level 12 fighter will only have 1 hit die, but the human skeleton might have higher strength and dexterity than the bugbear skeleton does.
Also in beastiarys the hp is always just the average number by HD. Are not supposed to roll for their hp?
Whatever your DM tells you to do, or if you are the DM whatever you want to do. Personally I find it's best to just take the average, saves rolling thousands of extra dice and avoids monsters who have abnormally high or low hp popping up.

Necromancer |

Variant undead count as twice their HD for purposes of animate dead (costs, number created per casting, and so on). This is listed in the Bestiary under the 'Skeleton' entry, but isn't showing up in the SRD. Unless I'm overlooking things again...
What this means is that a standard 1HD medium humanoid skeleton costs 25 gold to create. A bloody 1HD medium humanoid skeleton would cost 50 gold, but remains at 1HD.