A.P.P.L.E. |

He's a 5th level bard with the savage skald archetype. The idea is of a wardrummer who rides along with the PCs, pounding on his massive wardrums, bellowing chants and warcries, and doing other things to spurring his fellow orcs along to greater feats of destruction.
He is a PC in a campaign where all the player characters are evil aligned orcs bent on destruction of the nearby humans.
What I need from you guys is ideas for a mount for him to ride. I don't want a horse, and worgs are too small, so I need to find something else. Suggestions?

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Something stable, with multiple legs, would seem a good choice for a drummer. Something savage and, to normal orcs, seemingly un-tameable, might be fun as well.
I'd go with a large-sized monstrous spider or scorpion. If you don't want to mess with the combat potential for either, and just have a cool looking steed, make it a non-venomous breed (and a hunting spider, to avoid the webbing). Up the Int to 1, to make it trainable (and affected by mind-affecting effects, including bardic music / morale bonuses), and it's more in line with a heavy warhorse (losing the passle of immunities handed out like candy with the mindless trait).

A.P.P.L.E. |

Something stable, with multiple legs, would seem a good choice for a drummer. Something savage and, to normal orcs, seemingly un-tameable, might be fun as well.
I'd go with a large-sized monstrous spider or scorpion. If you don't want to mess with the combat potential for either, and just have a cool looking steed, make it a non-venomous breed (and a hunting spider, to avoid the webbing). Up the Int to 1, to make it trainable (and affected by mind-affecting effects, including bardic music / morale bonuses), and it's more in line with a heavy warhorse (losing the passle of immunities handed out like candy with the mindless trait).
Not sure I want to ride a bug. That just doesn't seem to be very orcish. More a drow thing.

Shadowborn |

Ooh. I like the boar suggestion. I think I'll go with that.
Second question. What weapons should I wield? Do I but into Two Weapon Fighting and hit people with drumsticks so sturdy they count as light maces or do I get a different weapon?
Light maces or clubs, sure. With clubs, you can also go all rock star and hurl them at enemies. Like any good drummer, you'll keep a pair set of sticks ( or two, or three) strapped to your boar.