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I have a player who is presently a Lantern Archon, when he achieves the exp to reach 3rd, (CR 2 + 1st lvl character) lvl, i know he recieves 2 attributes at +4, 2 at +2, 1 at +0, and 1 at -2.
The class he intends on taking is Summoner - Synthesist. As a lantern archon he is considered to always be flying.
Will this truth remain while merged with his eidolon or would he be required to take Flight Evolution so that it can fly?

Betsuni |
This is an extreme answer that borders on the realm of ridiculous.
If there was a sparrow, who was also a Sythenesist.
We could all agree that the sparrow flies.
But if that sparrows' Eidolon was a bowl of Jello then so long as that Eidolon is present than that sparrow would be wrapped in that Jello.
Flying while encased in Jello would be impossible.
You might argue that Lantern Archons magically hover. But then I could say that the Eidolon's weight is more than what that hover ability could bear. But for whatever reason you want to invent.... A Synthesist takes the Eidolon's movement mode.
However just think about a Merfolk Eidolon! Suddenly that Merfolk is no longer crippled on land.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner/archetypes/paizo---su mmoner-archetypes/synthesist
Andrew R wrote:he takes the eidolons movement mode.perhaps you could provide the logic behind this? More information would be appreciated.

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Andrew R wrote:he takes the eidolons movement mode.perhaps you could provide the logic behind this? More information would be appreciated.
Because every word of the description says that you use the eidolons physical abilities. i would assume by any logic that would include movement.

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perhaps you could provide the logic behind this? More information would be appreciated. Because every word of the description says that you use the eidolons physical abilities.
actually the wording says Special abilities, not physical.
if the two are now One being, is there an offical pathfinder guy who could perhaps drop some advice?

Rocky Williams 530 |
It's flight is magical, a special ability, and I'd say the archon could use it, since you can use your special abilities. It would also, however, lose it's DR and immunities while the eidolon was up, as well as the deflect from evil AC bonus. It also would get it's 2 light rays, and one of the eidolons normal attacks. Or 1 and 2, or 3 eidolon attacks and no light rays.

Lurk3r |

Logic is logic, can't help you if you lack it.
*Pulls Andrew R's ear* Now that's uncalled for, mister!
There is actually no language in the synthesist's rules saying that you use the eidolon's movement mode. Specifically, the wording is "While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist uses the eidolon’s physical ability scores..." Meaning its STR, DEX, and CON. Movement is not an ability score nor is it tied to them (except in the case of encumbrance).
The ability also says "The synthesist also gains access to the eidolon’s special abilities and the eidolon’s evolutions." Note it does not say "uses the eidolon's special abilities" but "gains" them, implying that these are in addition to any the synthesist already possesses. Unfortunately, this is just an inference based on the semantics of one sentence in the rules- hardly a yes or no answer.

Castarr4 |

While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist can use all of his own abilities and gear, except for his armor.
I read that to mean that the synthesist can still use his racial abilities, within reason. Here's a couple examples of how I would do things:
- A Vanara synthesist with the Tail evolution would be allowed to use his Prehensile Tail ability
- A Changeling synthesist with the Limbs(arms) evolution would get the Claws evolution for free, but use the damage listed in Changeling (1d4) instead of the evolution (1d6). This still counts towards the cap on natural attacks.
- A race that has a swim speed would retain that swim speed.
- I don't know what I'd do with a race with low-light vision, since a synthesist "perceives through the eidolon's sense."
- A Suli retains his elemental resistances and his Elemental Assault ability (which I would let apply to any natural attacks he possesses, but just working on claws would make sense too).
- This lantern archon PC I would let retain his DR, resistances, immunities, light ray, and spell like abilities. Since his flight mode is magical, I would also let him retain the use of his flight.
From a balance perspective? I wouldn't let him play as a lantern archon in the first place. Balance also depends on the rest of your party.

Dragonamedrake |

Your in a Cacoon. Anthing that is based off a physical ability should automaticly be no.
I would say any SU or EX not based on a physical thing (Wings, tail, Hair, ect) could possibly still work. So no natural flight, but if you can fly by magical means then... sure why not. Just no wing buffet, tail swipe, gore, ect from your normal form. A dragon would really stink as a Synthesist lol.

Stubs McKenzie |
I disagree with castarrr4, the summoner part of the synthesist equation is completely encased by the fused eidolon. While the summoner still has access to abilities and such, the summoner may never attack with its own natural/manufactured weapons (such as a tail if the eidolon doesn't have a tail). He ray attacks of an archon are in a much greyed area, so all I can say is I would allow them to be used, as I don't envision the rays emanating from within the archon's body. A lot of the other abilities would, however, be lost when merged. Things like DR, resistances, immunities and the like don't apply to the fused eidolon just because you have them, and since one cannot target one or the other, both must have that resistance, DR, etc to allow it to function. Things like evasion, on the other hand will still function unless it is stated otherwise somewhere that I don't remember, if so I apologize.
If the summoner has a magical means of flight that doesn't require wings I might be convinced that it could fly, if it flew via mechanical means however, no.

Castarr4 |

Things like DR, resistances, immunities and the like don't apply to the fused eidolon just because you have them, and since one cannot target one or the other, both must have that resistance, DR, etc to allow it to function.
I disagree on this point. If an elf synthesist is immune to magical sleep, I see no reason why they would lose that immunity. An eidolon doesn't have to take the minor magic evolution for you be able to cast your summoner spells. You only need to have arms in your fused form. The eidolon's abilities don't replace your abilities. You gain theirs on top of yours.
Again, "While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist can use all of his own abilities and gear, except for his armor."
So you still have all of your abilities. You just can't use some of them, depending on if the form you are in can support the ability.
Racial abilities are abilities. In my examples, I noted that I would require the vanara to take the Tail evolution in order to use his Prehensile Tail ability. I agree that not all racial abilities should work when synthesized, but some of them should. A gnome's spell-like abilities, an elf's sleep immunity, etc.
If I had a changeling synthesist in one of my games, I would let them get some sort of benefit from their natural claws. The rules for this are very grey, since it's one of their abilities(Ex) that isn't part of their armor. I might give them a free claws evolution if they have a spare limbs evolution to stick it on, or I might give them improved natural attack (claws) to show that they know how to use the claws better than a normal synthesist (since they've always had claws). It's here that I expect a bunch of you to disagree with me.

Stubs McKenzie |
He counts as both his original type and as an outsider for any effect related to type, whichever is worse for the synthesist. Spells such as banishment or dismissal work normally on the eidolon,but the synthesist is unaffected. Neither the synthesist nor his eidolon can be targeted separately,as they are fused into one creature.
The humanoid type/subtype is tied directly to the above quote... a humanoid subtype (Elf) is immune to sleep, but if outsiders aren't, then the synthesist isn't when fused because he is treated as both types and gains the weaknesses of both. >> side note << Special Abilities continue to function however, so I would think magical flight still functions. >> side note <<
EDIT: If played the way you are potentially suggesting, the benefit of each type is gained, so the summoner cannot be hit with any spells that target humans OR outsiders, because he could take the better of the 2 options. END EDIT
I like your interpretation, and would be excited for that extra flavor if I played at your table. Do I think that is what the developer intended? No, but I don't want you to think it is badwrongfun either.

Castarr4 |

The humanoid type/subtype is tied directly to the above quote... a humanoid subtype (Elf) is immune to sleep, but if outsiders aren't, then the synthesist isn't when fused because he is treated as both types and gains the weaknesses of both. Special Abilities continue to function however, so I would think magical flight still functions.
I like your interpretation, and would be excited for that extra flavor if I played at your table. Do I think that is what the developer intended? No, but I don't want you to think it is badwrongfun either.
See though, I don't think that racial traits are directly tied to type/subtype. There are tons of Outsider(native) races that have no racial traits in common. An elf's immunity to sleep is not a result of their subtype, but rather a result of their race. Otherwise, Half-Elves would get Keen Senses from being an elf subtype and a bonus feat from being a human subtype.
Interestingly, elves and half-elves DO get something for being subtype elf:
Elf Subtype: This subtype is applied to elves and creatures related to elves. Creatures with the elf subtype have low-light vision.
So an elf synthesist retains immunity to sleep when synthesized, as per my reading of the rules.
Edit to address your edit: However, the elf synthesist is susceptible to Hold Person, due to still being a humanoid(elf). There isn't really a downside to being an outsider as well, to be honest. The only real downside would be if you were an Outsider(evil) or something like that so that a ranger could Favored Enemy you or you could get hit by a Bane weapon.... but you don't have a subtype.

Stubs McKenzie |
Stubs McKenzie wrote:The humanoid type/subtype is tied directly to the above quote... a humanoid subtype (Elf) is immune to sleep, but if outsiders aren't, then the synthesist isn't when fused because he is treated as both types and gains the weaknesses of both. Special Abilities continue to function however, so I would think magical flight still functions.
I like your interpretation, and would be excited for that extra flavor if I played at your table. Do I think that is what the developer intended? No, but I don't want you to think it is badwrongfun either.
See though, I don't think that racial traits are directly tied to type/subtype. There are tons of Outsider(native) races that have no racial traits in common. An elf's immunity to sleep is not a result of their subtype, but rather a result of their race. Otherwise, Half-Elves would get Keen Senses from being an elf subtype and a bonus feat from being a human subtype.
Interestingly, elves and half-elves DO get something for being subtype elf:
PRD wrote:Elf Subtype: This subtype is applied to elves and creatures related to elves. Creatures with the elf subtype have low-light vision.So an elf synthesist retains immunity to sleep when synthesized, as per my reading of the rules.
I would point you towards the humanoid type in the back of the bestiary... can't link atm, am on my phone, (can but time consuming), but search creature type pathfinder and it will come right up. Humanoid is the type, subtype is the race... so racials by definition are exactly what is effected by fusing with an eidolon. Again, not calling your interpretation oh so terrible, it just isn't what the Devs intended.
Half elf is an actual subtype all its own.... as silly as that might be, it just is. It has its own bonuses and penalties, regardless of its parent races.

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synthesist wrote:He counts as both his original type and as an outsider for any effect related to type, whichever is worse for the synthesist. Spells such as banishment or dismissal work normally on the eidolon,but the synthesist is unaffected. Neither the synthesist nor his eidolon can be targeted separately,as they are fused into one creature.The humanoid type/subtype is tied directly to the above quote... a humanoid subtype (Elf) is immune to sleep, but if outsiders aren't, then the synthesist isn't when fused because he is treated as both types and gains the weaknesses of both. >> side note << Special Abilities continue to function however, so I would think magical flight still functions. >> side note <<
I disagree with this completely. "Whichever is worse" is referring to abilities that specifically target creature types such as "Favored Enemy" and "Protection from X" spells. You can't say "Outsiders aren't immune to sleep" because SOME are, just like SOME humanoids are, the ability is not tied to creature type.
EDIT: To clarify, I see it as gaining the weaknesses of being an outsider but none of the strengths, but it doesn't make you lose any of your previous strengths.

Castarr4 |

I'm looking at it:
A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a human-like torso, arms, and a head. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies. They are usually Small or Medium (with the exception of giants). Every humanoid creature also has a specific subtype to match its race, such as human, giant, goblinoid, reptilian, or tengu.
Humanoids with 1 Hit Die exchange the features of their humanoid Hit Die for the class features of a PC or NPC class. Humanoids of this sort are typically presented as 1st-level warriors, which means they have average combat ability and poor saving throws. Humanoids with more than 1 Hit Die are the only humanoids who make use of the features of the humanoid type. A humanoid has the following features (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).
• d8 Hit Die, or by character class.
• Base attack bonus equal to 3/4 total Hit Dice (medium progression).
• One good save, usually Reflex.
• Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die or by character class. The following are class skills for humanoids without a character class: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Profession, Ride, and Survival. Humanoids with a character class use their class's skill list instead. Humanoids with both a character class and racial HD add these skill sto their list of class skills.
Traits: A humanoid possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature's entry).
• Proficient with all simple weapons, or by character class.
• Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, or by character class. If a humanoid does not have a class and wears armor, it is proficient with that type of armor and all lighter types. Humanoids not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Humanoids are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
• Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
Nothing in there saying that racial abilities are lost when you become a level 20 monk.
Edit: Not the best example, but I can find a better one if you'd like.
Second Edit: Found a better example. Level 20 planar oracle
Third Edit: There is no half-elf subtype.

Stubs McKenzie |
At 20th level,a monk becomes a magical creature. He is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the monk's creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects.
He becomes a magical creature for specific purposes, but it isn't the same as changing type. If you were actually turned into an elemental [type] you would gain all sorts of things... you might love that stuff (don't sleep eat or breathe), but if you didn't like it, it doesn't mean you suddenly don't get those things (but I really LIKE the feeling of breathing! ... too bad)

Castarr4 |

Yeah, I found a better example. See edit 2. The oracle actually changes type.
Final Revelation: At 20th level, you become an extraplanar creature. Choose one outer plane, such as Heaven or the Abyss. You gain superficial physical characteristics as appropriate to natives of your chosen outer plane. For example, if your chosen plane is Heaven, you gain angelic features such as a halo and metallic skin. This change does not alter your Hit Dice, hit points, saving throws, skill points, class skills, or proficiencies. Your type changes to “outsider (extraplanar),” except on your associated plane, where your type is “outsider (native).” In addition, you gain immunity to your associated energy type and gain damage reduction 10/magic. Unlike other outsiders, you can still be brought back from the dead as if you were a member of your previous creature type. This replaces the final revelation of the oracle's mystery.
Keeping more on subject though, the issue I have with an elf losing his immunity to sleep, is that the same logic can be used to take away a human's bonus feat and skill points. I don't see that as something the developers intended. Goblinoids all have the Humanoid(goblin) type(subtype), but goblins have different racial abilities than hobgoblins and bugbears. Racial abilities are not tied to type/subtype. They are tied to your race.

Castarr4 |

You can fly. The Eidolon cannot without the proper Evolution. You are in the flightless Eidolon.
What's the problem?
The issue is that your form of flight is magical. If you can still cast your Summoner spells and your spell-like abilities, then you can still fly. The question is which of your abilities do you retain while synthesized. RAW, you retain all of your abilities.
Some abilities have limitations though, such as spellcasting requires a free hand. If your eidolon doesn't have a hand, you can't cast spells.
Magical flight, though? Does that have a limitation? If you stuck a backpack on a lantern archon, could it still fly? The heavier the load, the higher the effective ACP on your fly check, but you can still fly. Why would being inside an eidolon stop you from flying?
Edit: Supposing that the lantern archon had a way to hold the backpack, of course. A better example would be a more material creature with magical flight.

Castarr4 |

But it's not a bird. It's flying because of magic. If it was a bird, then sure, I'd say that it can't fly until the eidolon gets wings. The eidolon isn't like a cage that you move around independently in. It's like a living magical suit of armor. You and your eidolon are one creature when synthesized. Why would you not be able to use your normal magical abilities?
Azten, would you let the lantern archon synthesist use any of its racial abilities? If so, which ones? Just so I have a feel for where you're coming from on this issue.

Castarr4 |

Well, with a light enough cage, the archon can still fly and get off the ground. There is no weight given for an eidolon, and a synthesized eidolon could be a very light "suit of armor." Perhaps the plane that you call it from is the plane of air.
You can make it work, depending on what kind of fluff you give it. Being a synthesist is different from dominating a t-rex and having it swallow you. You are one creature for all intents and purposes.
For balance reasons, I wouldn't let it fly in my game. But then again, I wouldn't let a player play a lantern archon. I don't like players flying at level 1. If you're allowing lantern archon PCs, then you might as well allow flying, because you probably already have really weird balance in the party.