Betsuni's page

25 posts. Alias of Esreyr.


But it is my opponents turn so he should be able to take a 5-foot step ...

This is correct... however your opponent is stuck with his current action of picking something up. He can't interrupt himself. Nor does it sound like he has reach in which he can try to interrupt you. You do provoke an AoO (since you don't have the improved trip feat) but alas he cannot act upon the oppertunity.

Also note that a 5ft Step cannot be taken during another action. He must finish the act of picking up something (or not). Once that is resolved he can then he can use his 5ft step.

As mentioned in your other post about tripping, Trips "interrupt" the normal flow of combat and occur "before" the offending action. (hence why you can't trip a prone character standing up - he's already prone)

The best this character can hope for is a situation which would allow him to take an AoO on the tripper... interrupting him.

Unfortunately when you copy a spell to your spellbook the spell always takes the spell-level of the spell as listed in the rules.
Never a spell-level lower. And never spell-level higher.
So when you copy Fireball it will still be "Level sorcerer/wizard 3".

Now cross reference that to your spells per day. Earliest you can prepare that 3rd level spell is when your character reaches level 5.

I see the rules are not super clear on this. But this is the intent.

Rules are present for wizards being able to copy spells to their books because when a wizard levels up they only get 2 free spells to add to their books. Anything else and they'll need to pay money for the scroll, or find it.

Thus a well-funded wizard could potentially have every known spell in their spellbook(s). Allowing them to tailor which spells to use for the occasion.

I hope this is helpful.

Lets say the wizard does copy the spell.
How is he going to cast it? He still needs 3rd level spell slots.

SRD Bonus

Bonuses are numerical values that are added to checks and statistical scores. Most bonuses have a type, and as a general rule, bonuses of the same type are not cumulative (do not “stack”)—only the greater bonus granted applies.

The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given type works. Bonuses without a type always stack, unless they are from the same source.


So I would say "Aid Another" is an untyped bonus.

But what about source? Is source the person/thing applying the bonus? Or is source the action type applying the bonus?

If source is the person/thing then I would want to say "Aid Another" can be stacked multiple times, so long as every application came from a different person.

I have a couple questions I would like to add:

1. Can a composite Longbow have its STR bonus as high as I like?
2. Can all of my ancestral weapons be made out of adamantine or whatever other material I desire?

I'm inclined to think "Yes".



In other words Sweeping Fend gives you:
* Use any spear/pole-arm to make Bull Rush maneuvers at -4.
* Use any spear/pole-arm as if it had trip
1. Trip allows you to drop the weapon instead of being tripped on a failed roll of 10 or more.
2. Trip gives allows you to use DRAG and REPOSITION and you may apply the weapon’s bonuses to the roll!

W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:
So, the culmination of it all is that Improved Trip lets me drop the weapon, and gives me a +2.

Not quite: Improved Trip gives you +2 on CMB and CMD and no Attack of Opportunity when making the maneuver.

The "Trip" property allows you to drop the weapon and allows you to use your enhancement bonus (and other relevant bonuses) on Drag and Reposition. You still take AoOs.

W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:
Otherwise, any weapon can be used to make a trip (with enhancement bonuses) in the same way.


Would Boon Companion work?

It specifically states "Animal Companion" or "Familiar". An Eidolon is neither.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:

Ok thank you. Thankfully my magical bonus to con will bump over to my eidolon whenever I transform, since all gear continues to work as normal.

Yes this should be OK.

Thomas Long 175 wrote:
Betsuni wrote:

I see that your character's CON is 17 while your Eidolon's score stays at 13? I didn't see any boosts to the Eidolon's CON score. (didn't look very hard though).

Because the Eidolon replaces your physical scores your CON will drop from 17(base) to 13(base). At level 12 you'll loose 24 hp just for wearing the suit. It gets worse if you keep bumping your CON without regard to the Eidolon.

If you want to be math friendly on yourself set your CON score to exactly that of the Eidolon's.

The Eidolon keeps his own Hp pool doesn't he? Not mine? That and large size pops his Con to 17 but yes as I recall we get separate HP pools, one for the eidolon that is temp and one that is normal.

Is this errata'd somewhere? You're the first to bring this up

Not really an Errata. The temp HP you gain is influenced by the Eidolon's CON score and level. But also your HP while wearing the suit is also determined by the Eidolon's CON score.


While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist uses the eidolon’s physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), but retains his own mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma). The synthesist gains the eidolon’s hit points as temporary hit points.

I wouldn't recommend you having a lower CON then your Eidolon. You would have a HP boost (both yours and the temp). But the moment your "suit" goes away so does your adjusted HP. This may leave you dead.

I see that your character's CON is 17 while your Eidolon's score stays at 13? I didn't see any boosts to the Eidolon's CON score. (didn't look very hard though).

Because the Eidolon replaces your physical scores your CON will drop from 17(base) to 13(base). At level 12 you'll loose 24 hp just for wearing the suit. It gets worse if you keep bumping your CON without regard to the Eidolon.

If you want to be math friendly on yourself set your CON score to exactly that of the Eidolon's.

Since there is no timing on this ability so I would imagine you could adjust your flanking position on a whim.

I am playing a polearm fighter right now and I am loving my Guisarme.

Do note that Weapon Focus and Enhancement Bonuses apply to your CMB. This really makes tripping easier.

Take Combat Reflexes. You can attack people standing back up. And you can also attempt to trip people walking into your "dead-zone". This really makes having no shield easy to bear.

I also discovered today that "trip" weapons can also apply other attack bonuses to Disarm and Sunder attempts. Further weapons which can "trip" can also Reposition and Drag and you can apply those same bonuses to those maneuvers. (

Also as my DM pointed out with Reach you could perform combat maneuvers at range which provoke an Attack of Opportunity as per usual on yourself. But if you do this at range then the foe may not logically be able take advantage of this free attack granted to them.

Careful with trying to be a spell assassin with applying Silent and Still Spell feats.


Counterspelling Metamagic Spells

Metamagic feats are not taken into account when determining whether a spell can be countered.

So by RAW the DC to identify a spell would never increase. Ergo spellcasting can still be spotted. Maybe the spellcaster glows or looks constipated or something.

However I'm deviating in replying about this. Take a look at this topic regarding this.

Malfus wrote:
Spell focus increases the DC by +1.

Thanks. I must of been thinking of Greater Spell Focus.

Bandavaar the Brave wrote:

As for spells, does it really matter if you can cast 4th or 6th level spells at level 1? You'll always be able to cast 9th level spells if you stick to the Cleric class until level 20 anyway.

Also, I can't really swap my Charisma and Wisdom because I'm using my Charisma for Channels and Diplomacy, but it would have been nice. I guess my only option is to take Spell Focus (Enchantment) and go with the Inevitable subdomain, taking my Murderous Command up to a DC 15, which is only barely useful at the start of the game.

The problem is that yes you can cast 9th level spells at 20th. But you can't cast them till 20th level. And you first gain 9th level spells at 17th. So you miss out on 9th level spells at 17, 18 and 19! You will also not be able to cast 8th level spells till 16. You gain these at 15th. So you are one level behind on these. Assuming you don't find any wisdom based items.

Also having a low Wisdom really gimps all of your other offensive spells. Such as Bane, Murderous Command, Hold Person, etc.

Oracle avoids this problem as they are a Divine Caster who uses the Cleric's spell list whose primary casting stat is CHA. Also if you absolutely need to be a heal bot check out the "Life" mystery - you'll still get to keep the channel ability.

Drop your CHA from 18 to 16, then use that to boost your WIS to 16.
This will give you a +1 to your DCs. Further it will allow you to eventually cast 6th level spells. Currently you are limited to 4th level spells. (which isn't an issue at level 1).

Next take the feat: Spell Focus (enchantment) to increase your DC another +2 for all enchantment spells.

If you are dead set on having a HIGH charisma and a LOWER wisdom as a cleric might I also suggest you change your class from Cleric to Oracle. With your current stats and *IF* you took Spell Focus (enchantment) your save DC for Murderous Command would be a 17.

Also note that sorcerer's can use lower level spells in higher slots without using a Meta-Magic feat. But feats do make this transaction more appealing.

I would like to know the consensus on Stringburka's questions.

So casting "Prayer" doesn't break Sanctuary because there is no saving throw even though it hampers.

But running through a pack of goblins with "Archon's Aura" active would break Sanctuary since that spell hampers foes and allows a saving throw.

The description for Sanctuary includes this:

The subject cannot attack without breaking the spell but may use non-attack spells or otherwise act.

What qualifies as an "non-attack" spell?

How would the following spells fare to a caster protected by Sanctuary?
* Command / Forbid / Murderous Command?
* Magic Circle against Evil (with summoned baddies inside the initial radius)?
* Hold Person?
* Archon's Aura?
* Prayer?
* Casting Fireball with baddies in the explosion radius?


This is an extreme answer that borders on the realm of ridiculous.

If there was a sparrow, who was also a Sythenesist.
We could all agree that the sparrow flies.
But if that sparrows' Eidolon was a bowl of Jello then so long as that Eidolon is present than that sparrow would be wrapped in that Jello.
Flying while encased in Jello would be impossible.

You might argue that Lantern Archons magically hover. But then I could say that the Eidolon's weight is more than what that hover ability could bear. But for whatever reason you want to invent.... A Synthesist takes the Eidolon's movement mode.

However just think about a Merfolk Eidolon! Suddenly that Merfolk is no longer crippled on land. mmoner-archetypes/synthesist

Evan Riggs wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
he takes the eidolons movement mode.
perhaps you could provide the logic behind this? More information would be appreciated.

Grick wrote:
sveden wrote:
Wait I'm confused... why can't I have Burning Hands until Lvl 3? Its a LVL 1 spell isn't it?

At 3rd level you learn it for free due to your Bloodline.

You could take it at level 1, but you're spending one of your spells known to do so.

(A nice DM may allow you to re-learn that spell at level 3)

At level 4 (and 6, and 8, and 10, etc) you may forget one spell to learn another in its place.

So you *forget* Burning Hands and then at this point your bonus spell from your bloodline kicks in and viola you get Burning Hands back.

However for level 3 you'll be slightly gimped for spells known.

I have a few questions about a Synthesist Summoner. Hopefully these are easily answered.

Q1: Would an Aasimar Synthesist lose out on their Celestial Resistances (5 acid, 5 cold, 5 electricity) while fused?
I'm assuming yes - as for the same reason for not benefitting from armour.

Q2.0: If a Synthesist were to cast "Magic Jar" or "Marionette Possesion" while fused, could the Eidolon taxi around the Summoner's body?
I want to say yes.

Q2.1: Would the Eidolon at this point get their own Mental Attributes?
I want to say yes.

Q2.2: What about feats and skills?
I want to say none are gained - these are effectively transferred with the Summoner.
