![]() "Keeping up" isn't beneficial to a party (and thus it is not beneficial to you) Recommendation: Play support to your friends, a class that really shines in support to your front line fighter and damage dealing archer. The party will work significantly better. Barbarian, Archer & (SUPPORT) will do MUCH better than Barbarian, Archer & (COMBAT CLASS). ~~~~ Wizard: Buffs help the entire party. Buffs & Debuffs keep your Vivisectionist in the fray and finally summons makes sure the Vivisectionist gets those sneak attacks. Tiefling really benefits this class with bonuses to Int & Dex and a penalty to Cha. (Witch could also work but I don't know that class too well) Cleric: Again, lots of fun buffs & debuffs, with healing mixed in if you need it (but it shouldn't be your prime focus). This time instead of summoning (you still CAN summon) you can get some heavy armor and directly support your vivisectionist giving him those sneak attacks. Magus: I've never played one but they apparently can do some insane damage. Pretty sure Tiefling is a great choice for a DEX based magus. ![]()
![]() The group I am currently in has finished Wormwood Mutiny and are moving onto the second book later today. Heres our casualty report. Some spoilers Spoiler: 1st: Cleric of Besmara "died" to the storm on the wormwood, knocked overboard and unable to catch up with the ship. (was saved by the "Blessing of Besmara" and reappeared magically on the ship, DM fiat) 2nd: Half-orc Ranger repeatedly failed to learn how to board ships. Eventually was forced to do it "for real" and failed that landing in the water and promply was eaten by sharks. (failed like 10 rolls in a row, poor guy, DM let him come back in with an "identical twin" because that was just horrid) 3rd & 4th: Party had been lagging on exp due to a lack of roleplaying on the Wormwood (I was playing a coward and spent 90% of the time hiding in cabinets in the galley) so the DM threw some random animal encounters at us to get us up to speed while on the island. We had a bad show of players this day as well and were down to three. The aforementioned half-orc ranger (level 1), a human wizard (level 1) and a gnome sorceress (level 2; me!). Not exactly a balanced party. Well a few encounters went OK until the DM rolled two cougars at once (bad luck for us). The half-orc started the encounter at 6 health or so, and promptly went down. I spent the next 10 turns or so spamming color spray. The wizard did a lot of damage and killed one cougar and the other cougar was badly hurt when color spray finally wore off (it resisted the last one) well the wizard was promptly mauled by the cougar before it turned on me, attacked me and brought me to 2 hp. Thinking about my odds I drank my potion of invisibility (rewarded for warning the captain during the raid) and tried to make good my escape. Cougar saw through it (scent I guess) and attacked again, I was lucky and not a single attack hit. I turned thought "eh" and used "acid splash" did 3 damage and killed the cougar. Unfortunately the Ranger and Wizard bled out. This is the only time in my 8 year gaming career that a level 0 has saved my life. ![]()
![]() Uriel393 wrote:
Short swords are my preferred weapon when duel wielding. In my current homebrew the Elves are styled after roman military and thus almost all of them are equipped with a Short sword (along with two pila, a tower shield and some chainmail armor) ![]()
![]() *Shrugs at Gnome haters* Haters gonna hate. Lets see. races I haven't played.... That is a hard one, I think I've done everything that is suitable for a basic character and quite a few that aren't (I have an ogre in one campaign right now). Never played any sort of planar descended creatures. So no Oread, Ifrit, Fetchling, Aasimar, Tiefling, etc. ![]()
![]() Midnight_Angel wrote:
That is more the players fault then, you can Roleplay INT 7/Cha 7 in more ways than "animalistic grunts". ![]()
![]() Should give the wings giant "eyes" to scare away predators. EDIT: As for DMPC using intimidate. Bad idea its taking the roleplaying away from the players. DMPCs should be regulated to combat, menial tasks, and information. ![]()
![]() blahpers wrote:
We have a winner! ![]()
![]() So I was looking at the Titan Mauler archetype for barbarians. Their 5th level ability "Evade Reach" is described as. Quote:
Could this reduce a creatures reach to 0 ft. and make it unable to fight with anything except grapple? (and even then I'm not sure they could) NOTE: This is purely out of curiosity, I would never do this as it seems horribly abusive. ![]()
![]() Stubs McKenzie wrote:
I disagree with this completely. "Whichever is worse" is referring to abilities that specifically target creature types such as "Favored Enemy" and "Protection from X" spells. You can't say "Outsiders aren't immune to sleep" because SOME are, just like SOME humanoids are, the ability is not tied to creature type. EDIT: To clarify, I see it as gaining the weaknesses of being an outsider but none of the strengths, but it doesn't make you lose any of your previous strengths. ![]()
![]() Joyd wrote:
Preference is for little or no armor, mostly for fluff reasons, perhaps I could just get glamered armor for that, then I wouldn't have to put so much emphasis on Dexterity and Wisdom. Quote: What aspects being being "divine" do you care about? Healing and support magic? Potency against the undead? Fluff? Mostly Fluff. I need to be able to tank (our other "tank" is impossible to hit but returns fire like a small child and thus most monsters ignore him, and the rest of the party is relatively soft) Quote: Any character can be devoted to a deity. Do you have a deity in mind? No deity currently in mind, preference on a good one, or one that can be horribly mistaken as good in a comical manner. Alternatively just the general idea of "good". ![]()
![]() I wish to build a Divine Unarmed fighter focused on unarmed combat for my backup character in case of death. Requirements are pretty much that he needs to be able to tank well. Anyone have any ideas? ~Campaign notes~
Currently I'm thinking of Monk 1/Paladin 6. ![]()
![]() Can a paladins "Divine Bond" ability be applied to unarmed strikes? My conclusion is yes since an unarmed strike counts as a "light weapon", but I want to confirm. ![]()
![]() You have more than one of all the primary rolls. 1 Arcane Caster
large group, lets see. Anything that can buff everyone (or most everyone) at once would be great with this many players. If the person who is undecided chooses bard go with maybe paladin or cavalier. If they choose the fighter go bard. Those buffs are good when you only have 3 allies, with 7 its going to be awesome. ![]()
![]() No to the Bladed Scarf, yes to the Fighting fan. The bladed scarf would not be used like a sword at all (at least how I imagine it being used, I don't have any reference to it) The fighting fan at least makes slashes and cuts. (but as a DM I would probably give you both since its pretty cool to see someone interested in those weapons) Remember "Sword-like weapons" include non-swords like daggers, kukri and punching daggers. ![]()
![]() Dabbler wrote: Or you could exchange the bracers for lots of potions of mage armour which don't require a caster - enough that you don't need to worry until you get the bracers at +4 or better. You get more bang for your buck with the wand though. Its 15gp a cast for the wand and 50 gp per potion. Kind of obnoxious price difference imo. (maybe double for the potion since anyone can drink it but over 4x the price is stupid, damn potion monopolies) Quote:
Very true. And saves you a further 3,000 gp as upgrading the ring to +2 only costs 3,000. so you would save a total of 5,250 if you bought a wand of mage armor, and upgraded the ring instead of getting the bracers. You just saved a bunch of GP on your character by switching to Mage Armor. ![]()
![]() We usually treat it as an automatic action. Though if flaws were ever introduced "Heavy Sleeper" would be an interesting one. Flaw
![]() Dabbler wrote:
Slight modification if you don't mind Get rid of the bracers of armor (+9,000 gp)
2. Saves 2,250gp, which can be used to upgrade the caster level of the wand creator to get more time out of each cast. Give it to your summoner companion for exclusive use on you. Cons
I recommend this until you can afford or find Bracers of Armor +5 or better. ![]()
![]() Fake Healer wrote: Why Crossbow? unless you plan to invest a ton of feats you should take something that uses strength to damage and you can get a full attack with....most people go with a composite bow with (str mod bonus) to damage. With the crossbow you immediately lose 5 potential damage per hit. I personally would go with sling until you get iterative attacks (or enough money for a mwk composite longbow (+5 str mod) then switch to composite bow....I think you would need around 850gp for it though. Hes level 1, he cannot afford a composite longbow yet, (though I have no idea how he afforded a Mwk Falchion, so maybe he can) but you are right that it should eventually be his ranged weapon. (unless he plans to be mounted, then he should use shortbows) Umbranus wrote:
You seem to think that this is a bad thing. I like to call it "Roleplaying fuel". Also I was under the impression that inquisitors of different religions would have completely different viewpoints. An inquisitor of Asmodeus is hellbent on bringing down enemies of the Church of Asmodeus, while an inquisitor of Pharasma would be more interested in rooting out and destroying secret necromancer cults, and an Inquisitor of Gorum just wants to get into fights. If a witch is a devout follower of Pharasma would an inquisitor of Pharasma harass her because she is a witch? (assuming the witch isn't being heretical) ![]()
![]() Avalon9902 wrote:
Looks pretty good, I assume the Ride trait is just for flavor and you instead plan on taking the weapon for your divine bond. (would not recommend the mount for Carrion Crown, not without being small sized first) I keep forgetting Falchions are two-handed in Pathfinder. (because in real life they are one-handed) ![]()
![]() Avalon9902 wrote:
I haven't personally played a Battle Cleric in pathfinder yet but I believe they can fill that role. There is an optimization guide for clerics Here. Oh and I believe Inquisitors are more of flankers than tankers. ![]()
![]() Stop describing it as "I swing at the dragon but I miss" and Start describing it as "I nimbly dodge the oversized lizards clumsy blow and swing my greatsword into its exposed underbelly scratching off a few scales in the process but not severely damaging the beast" Remember this is a game of imagination, your character should not be literally trading blows, its a moving combat. ![]()
![]() Heavily recommend Paladin. The campaign is all about some pretty nasty horror stuff and the paladin abilities really shine in this campaign. A cleric or Inquisitor of Pharasma would also be a great choice. ![]()
![]() Theres also the practicality of having that many attacks. One you have to outfit every arm and weapons get expensive if you want magic on them. The other problem is annoying your fellow players if you have to make 8+ attacks a round as this can take a while. This is why my Synthesist prefers a nice greatsword. Also the question is kind of flawed as there is no "Best" summoner due to the flexibility of the class. ![]()
![]() TheSideKick wrote:
I am currently playing a build similar to this, only real difference is flavor (I'm a gnome in mechanical armor like a Steampunk Ironman) Few things though. Pounce may only be taken with the quadruped base (for a weapons based pounce you can build a centaur) Don't bother with the evolution point proficiency simply take the feat for the weapon you wish to wield, the evolution points are worth far more than the feat (imo) The dodge/mobility/spring attack/whirlwind attack combo doesn't seem to fit your theme, it would make an effective fly-by attacker but I don't really see the "Avatar of a God" as a harassment fighter. Other evolutions to consider would be Natural Armor, Resistance (Fire or Electricity), Damage Reduction (Evil) and Spell Resistance and anything else that makes you tougher. ![]()
![]() I too have a deep dislike for elves. The two exceptions to this rule being the Drow (what can I say I like evil elves) and "Wild Elves". The idea of elves as tribal is awesome to me. Warpaint, sentient sacrifice, cannibalism, shamanism & druidic societies. (of the old variety, none of this hippy nonsense, the forest gods are angry and must be appeased!) APPEASE THE FOREST GODS! Make an elf who every day of conflict tries to capture at least one sentient opponent alive for sacrifice later. Animals don't count, they must pray for mercy for the forest gods to be truly appeased by their blood! ![]()
![]() Make sure you have plenty of statues of yourself eating cheese. Its very important to the dwarves. As Raving said it would matter the size, material and craftsmanship. It may even include the notoriety of the artist. (a statue made by Da Vinci is going to cost more than a statue by some no-name artist) A foot tall statue made of stone by some no-name would be a few silver probably (since you would be commissioning it, it would be a few copper like raving said if you bought some random statue) A 20 foot statue made of solid adamantine by a world famous artist could cost 600,000+ gp. Probably more (Price based on the cost of an Adamantine Golem) Make it a Golem! Have a giant golem statue of yourself. ![]()
![]() OmNomNid wrote:
My intent was that class skills could be "bought". Similar to how you purchase skill ranks in M&M (1 points for 4 Skill ranks). You spend 1 point and can add 3 skills to your "class skills" list. (again a rough idea) Quote:
Wait so you want to use powers directly from M&M? I thought you wanted to simply create a pathfinder system of character building similar to M&M... Why exactly do you want to do this? The class is going to be horrifyingly imbalanced without taking apart the entirety of both systems. In the end you are better off choosing one and making similar effects to the other to fit your idea. "Powers" can easily be represented by Spell-like abilities in Pathfinder and Spells etc. can easily be represented with powers in M&M. ![]()
![]() I'm not exactly sure what you want here. A point-buy class? Could work, the problem with it is the complete customization would make it really strong. Here is my thoughts on it. Start with the weakest possible version of all basic stats. HD: d6s
These all cost 0 points. Anything else costs various amounts of points. To be completely fair tally what some of the other classes have before hand to get an idea of how many points players should have to build their class. Alternatively they could all start with those stats and as they level up they gain points to spend. Starting as the obviously weakest class at 1, being about on par at 10, and being clearly superior at 20. Of course with intentional overpowering this class would obviously be restricted to certain campaigns. ![]()
![]() DrDeth wrote: A dragoon was simply a sort of medium cavalry that also carried a carbine so that they could fight on foot if needed. Back when Dragoon actually meant something! Was excited for a thread about "mounted infantry" not this silly final fantasy nonsense! (though a "Dragoon" was part of my final team in Final Fantasy 3) Oh and as an actual answer I don't think anything will properly simulate the Dragoons Jump ability. You could potentially get a flying mount to pick you up and then drop you when you are above the enemy and land on top of them (bonus points for duel wielding polearms) but then you will suffer the fall damage. The system just isn't meant for the acrobatics that you see in Final Fantasy. ![]()
![]() Quote:
I try to do this as much as possible. I fall into a few tropes though. My characters tend to be
![]() Starbuck_II wrote:
Here Quote: Between 1776 and 1804, slavery was outlawed in every state north of the Ohio River and the Mason-Dixon Line. (Some states did it gradually by converting slaves into indentured servants.) The quote is by Gary Kornblith, Slavery and Sectional strife in the early American republic, 1776-1821 So you are right. Slavery was outlawed but all slaves weren't freed (yet). And he did help to free even the northern slaves by pushing the Thirteenth Amendment (which he didn't live to see enacted). ![]()
![]() Ughbash wrote: He freed the slaves he had no power to free, and left enslaved the slaves he had the political power to free. Lincoln took an active role in passing the Thirteenth Amendment. Which freed slaves in the border states and made slavery itself illegal. He did not live to see it enacted though (he died April 15, 1865, the thirteenth amendment was finally adopted on December 6, 1865) Ughbash wrote:
The south seceded before Lincoln even took office, and it was the Confederacy that started hostilities (attacking Fort Sumter) AFTER which Lincoln formed the volunteer armies of the north to "recapture federal property". I really don't see the north as being the aggressive party here. Deadmanwalking wrote: Actually, there's a very valid legal theory that he had no legal authority to strip citizens of his own country of their property (slaves) but did have the right to do so with the captured property of an enemy nation (which the South effectively was at the time). This is very consistent with the usual practices of belligerent nations. Well the original plan (during the 1860 election) was simply to stop the expansion of slavery, never to end it. The emancipation proclamation made that a goal of the war, and finally the thirteenth amendment made slavery & involuntary labor illegal. ![]()
![]() Starbuck_II wrote: Remember he never freed Northern slaves, only southern slaves. Uh what? By 1804, slavery was outlawed in every northern state. Abraham Lincoln was president from 1861-1865. He couldn't free the northern slaves because at the time there were no longer any northern slaves. ![]()
![]() Well hopefully none of the players read these forums but my idea stems from me replaying an old favorite RPG called Tales of Symphonia. Spoiler: Within that game there are items called "Exspheres" which grant incredible strength and ability to their users. The problem being that exspheres are created from human beings soylent green style. I took the idea of exspheres a step further. The party are essentially living exspheres. An experimental combination of two people that results in a new and unique personality/person. They will be recognized by people they don't know. Hated and feared by others for their unique talents. All while being hunted by the group that created them. And thats the basic idea. Note: my campaign doesn't take place in the same world as Tales of Symphonia, I simply borrowed the exsphere idea.