Maxximilius's Archetypes 2.0: More grey matter on your game!

Homebrew and House Rules

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I've looked at the various power-armor classes on the boards, and found I don't really care one way or the other about them.

Liberty's Edge

Maxximilius wrote:
Just as a note, be sure to check Pathways 14, the last issue of the free magazine.

Last as in latest, or last as in final?

Azten wrote:
I've looked at the various power-armor classes on the boards, and found I don't really care one way or the other about them.

And for a power-armor class, I'd encourage you to look at the Aegis from DSP. Its part of psionics expanded and it looks very nice.

I've looked, but not very closely. I probably should since I bought the pdf...

Shadowcat: latest.

Silver Crusade

ShadowcatX wrote:
Maxximilius wrote:
Just as a note, be sure to check Pathways 14, the last issue of the free magazine.

Last as in latest, or last as in final?

Azten wrote:
I've looked at the various power-armor classes on the boards, and found I don't really care one way or the other about them.
And for a power-armor class, I'd encourage you to look at the Aegis from DSP. Its part of psionics expanded and it looks very nice.

"Latest", sorry for the confusion.

I'm thinking more about a guy that may indeed craft some kind of power-armor, but also be (and this is something I've yet to see in an existing artificer homebrew, even if I don't know everything that has been done about them) a vehicle mechanist, with it's own mechanical mount.

Something to focus on hit-and-run like a guy that could ride a monowheel steam bike as a mount, replace body parts for specific implants, deploy mechanical legs to climb surfaces, or focus on stability to overrun/crush with a tank mounted with culverins/hackbuts/flamethrowers, etc. Able to fly at higher levels, deploy bombs or provide cover, etc.

What if the power armor/vehicle was like a Synthesist Summoner's Eidolon?

Silver Crusade

I thought about it, including an option to assume remote control. The later is obviously easier to balance.
I'll have to see how I can implement these... mechanics (*sunglasses*), and how hard/time-consuming it will be to include everything I'd like to see in it. And it will most likely take hours.

Right now here are the thing I want anyone to be able to do with the final text :

- A light mechanical mount that you may use with mounted feats, like charging with a lance from the seat of a monowheel bike ; or alternatively from a loud, awesome chromed medieval chopper vomiting black smoke.
- A vehicle that may deploy legs to crawl on walls or difficult terrain.
- A tank-like vehicle that has humongous defense, may overrun/trample and be used to shoot bombs from the inside (as per the missile discovery).
- A shooting platform, that may hold firearms like a double hackbut or culverin -and- provide cover to allies walking with it. Maybe even acting as a passive, area buff tower.
- Remote-controling. For your vehicle... and your foes.
- Putting the vehicle as an armor, also changing accordingly how you may play your character. "Wearing" the tank may increase armor drastically while slowing you, and asking you to make less but more devastating attacks. "Wearing" the monobike may improve your base speed, touch AC and precision or shoot/attack in movement. Wearing the drone may give you a flight speed, better perception and debuffing strikes.

Ultimately, the class should give you the opportunity to craft yourself a perfect vehicle/mechanical support, without the bad part of feeling like you are just the fragile techie behind your huge heroic mechanical bodyguard. Not that said trope will not be possible to achieve with a heavily armored protection. I guess the exact sentence is "not feeling like the vehicle is actually the hero, like a summoner's eidolon".
And all the while doing awesome things, of course.

@Maxximilius: you might check out the Machinesmith base class from Louis Porter Design. Has some similar powers/abilities/vehicles and tech-crafting techniques to those you mentioned above, both in the Base Class and it's associated prestige classes...:

Machinesmith Base Class announcement

They did some brewing/development here on the boards. On phone now, so not too keen to search it out for you, sorry... Hope this helps. :)

I am of the opinion that vehicles as class features are a bad idea, and voiced that on the machinesmith thread.

Silver Crusade

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

@Maxximilius: you might check out the Machinesmith base class from Louis Porter Design. Has some similar powers/abilities/vehicles and tech-crafting techniques to those you mentioned above, both in the Base Class and it's associated prestige classes...:

Machinesmith Base Class announcement

They did some brewing/development here on the boards. On phone now, so not too keen to search it out for you, sorry... Hope this helps. :)

I already linked to it into my document previously, including to SGG's Godling and Time Thief, RiP's Taskshaper and Epic Meepo's archetypes, as I'm pretty sure anyone going through each of these contents should find at least one character concept they wanted to see (demigod/shapshifter/artificer/chronomancer) or would love playing.

You know what, if LPD already did it and actually did it well, I'm not gonna lose everyone's time, and I'll focus on something else.

Cheapy wrote:
I am of the opinion that vehicles as class features are a bad idea, and voiced that on the machinesmith thread.

When I said "vehicle", I was more talking about a custom mechanical mount that may eventually become a way to vehicle people. And in this case, I disagree, since there isn't any tactical techie worth it's salt that I know about in the rules.

Silver Crusade


The Scamp, charismatic rogue archetype talking with fists, clubs and improvised weapons, is introduced !

It's most recent version is available and posted in the archetypes document.

Silver Crusade

Damn, link corrected and should NOW work. >_>

Silver Crusade

Ho hai !

The Gun Tank and the Kenshi Ronin/Errant Swordsman have been updated.

Gun Tank:

- Changed Aim for the Head and Thundering Terror deeds.

Kenshi Ronin/Errant Swordsman:

- Changed Way of the Sword's rules and wording (big nerf btw), because a (Su) ability on a non-magical class is stoopid. (Hooray for learning it the hard way with TSoTA II !)
- The archetype got some changes to his abilities too : a new resolve use, a slight buff to banner replacements to counterbalance the mount replacement's nerf, etc.
- Also rewrote some parts with better crunch and fluff.

Also, I know for sure that at least one dandy, one pistol spade, and two force commanders have been rolled (one of them is my DM'sPC, and his first time playing one as a hostile NPC pleased him greatly). There is also maybe at least one rocker, one circle warden and one host that may have been rolled according to past commentaries.
For people who played these archetypes, do you have any feedback, suggestions, or cool stories to share ? :)

Silver Crusade

Ho hai again !

- Improved the Master of Many Shapes druid's fluff.
- The Mime Artist and Rocker bard's mechanics have been revised to take into account the latest possibilities provided by Paizo's supplements and Rite's 101 Bard Feats. Now you can take lots of cool bard feats instead of adding new weapons to your arsenal if you don't need them. The growler has also been deleted, and integrated to the rocker itself as an option.
- The Crossbowman revisited has been, well, revisited ! Brings more versatility (with an Armor-Piercing feat anyone can take) and puts more emphasize on one-hit wonders instead of occasional sniping, which may be accomplished with a more roguish build.

You've been busy since I was last in this thread.

Silver Crusade

Well, I took a loooong cold shower break from game design after spending way too much time on something which proved to be really crappy, while other people were writting (more) awesome content on a common basis.

I still update the document whenever I find something I can/should fix for quality, balance, versatility (so you can enjoy both these archetypes and the new options provided by books like the ARG or 101 Bards feats), and just for cool's sake.
I've met quite a success with my DM who madly loves strange concepts like the Mageochist, the Mime Artist and the Host, but since we'll be reaching 17th level soon (2-year campaign) and my gaming pals enjoy more common characters, we had no real opportunity to give them a try. The group's poisoner used the custom Cookbook for venoms with pleasure but gave up on the whole concept due to the campaign's style.

The next update will just be some link to other homebrew and 3PP products of people who wrote cool things not covered yet in my archetypes (like an artificer or a gunslinger alchemist). It should help wanderers finding rules for the concept they want to play.

I quite enjoy how your group went from strict no-non-Paizo to this. Have you considered tempting Jedi to the dark side? You must have a nice knack for it.

Silver Crusade

It helps that I'm the group's living Encyclopedia Rulebook/HeroLab, and having a publication only added to my nerd cred'.
The real reason we don't get all crazy on the characters is that I'm the only one in my group playing joke characters with weird concepts (except the DM, but even he enjoys more serious tones for his own DMPCs). Except the DM (Force Commander) and myself (un-charismatic Qinggong Tetori Monk playboy/wrestler/devout philosopher), we have a THFighter-soon-to-dip-barbarian shattering a demi-plane on each crit, and a TWFing ranger cheesing the hell out of teamwork feats, attacks of opportunity and glove of storing to THF with his main hand. The tetori and force commander make them shine even more and greatly increase their efficiency, and everyone is having fun.

(Also, correction : we started with a strict Pathfinder Core Rulebook only rule. I had to be convincing enough to get the APG on the table, and the rest just followed.)

Edit: Also also, I already converted the Jedi to Pathfinder. One step at a time, my friend. Soon, Sith.

Silver Crusade


- Added the Wild Rager revisited.
- Following feedback, the kenshi ronin's abilities have been slightly modified. They now gain the Dodge feat at 1st level, but lose it's benefits and the benefits of feats requiring Dodge as a prerequisite if they lose their Wisdom bonus to AC. Previously, they got to ignore the Dodge prerequisite for feats in the same conditions ; so that's a +1 AC difference and less headaches in the current version.
- Quickly patched the Sword Dancer and Bateleur bards to use feats from 101 Bard Feats.
- Kunmodo style feats now don't require anymore Improved Unarmed Strike. Removed the Capoeira style feats, as they are abusable when added to Crane style, and capoeira is better reproduced with said Crane Style.

As a quick reminder, here is the content of the google document.
Pink classes are from The Secrets of Tactical Archetypes II, and will be made available whenever they end up on d20pfsrd.

Maxximilius's Archetypes wrote:

Alchemist :

- The Host, a symbiont providing flesh-warping mutations to his host
- The Plaguebringer, spreading contagion and body deformations on his path
- The Ragechemist revisited, because RAGECHEMIST SMASH !
- The Spellchymist, a gifted researcher emulating the spells of others at range

Barbarian :

- The Cannibal, absorbing fallen enemies to gain their strengths
- The Savage Tactician, pedagogue barbarian versed in the art of guerrilla warfare
- The Titan Mauler revisited, downer of behemoths
- The Wild Rager revisited, fighting like a berserker with reckless abandon

Bard :

- The Sword Dancer, maneuvering allies and enemies around the battlefield
- The Bateleur, a resourceful, roguish performer
- The Freak Shower, a performer summoning a wondrous creature to entertain or protect him
- The Mime Artist, silently warping reality to protect himself and his allies
- The Rocker, a loud performer putting the room on fire while striking with his instrument
- The Umbral Weaver, manipulating and listening to the forgotten secrets of shadows

Cavalier/Samurai :

- The Kenshi Ronin/Errant Swordsman, a mount-less, wandering master living and dying by the way of the Sword.

Cleric :

- The Pious Sentinel, able to change the tide of battle by inspiring allies with pious insight

Druid :

- The Elementalurgist, using the very building blocks of nature to aid his allies
- The Herborist, brewing magic potions out of nature’s gifts
- The Master of Many Shapes, a true shapeshifting druid

Fighter :

- The Braggart, using Grit mechanics for deeds of versatility
- The Bravo, using Grit mechanics for deeds of swashbuckling
- The Gloriosus, using Grit mechanics for deeds of power
- The Crossbowman revisited, medieval marksman
- The Peltast, crippling skirmishers and masters in the art of hurling weapons

Gunslinger :

- The Gun Tank revisited, thundering terror of the battlefields
- The Pistol Spade, blending swordsmanship and marksmanship

Inquisitor :

- The Grand Inquisitor, imposing figure striking divine fear upon the unworthy

Magus :

- The Glyph Scholar, wielding scrolls and summoning items from glyphs
- The Gunmage, blending powder and magic for explosive results
- The Mageochist, sharing the pain and enjoying the devastation of magic

Monk :

- The Force Knight, a sword wielder which is pretty much exactly what you just thought about
- … and his Qinggong variant powers, who would have guessed ?
- The Gun-Fu Master, a pistols dual-wielder martial artist...
- … and his Qinggong variant powers for tactical acumen
- The War Scholar, born-strategist that can reverse the most uneven odds through planning

Ninja (only) :

- The Inugami, a mystic scoundrel using clones and various tricks to get past foes

Oracle :

- The Aetherurgist, binding spirits to do her bidding

Paladin/Antipaladin :

- The Holy Gun revisited, smiting baddies with the powers of blackpowder and holy law...
- … in both a quick conversion, and Maxximilius’s Redux version !
- The Hellgunner, striking fear and unleashing black powder destruction
- The Purifier, militant healer providing warmth, comfort, and health to the innocent

Ranger :

- The Trapper revisited, specialist in setting hunting trap

Rogue/Ninja :

- The Dandy, a magnificent bastard using his charming looks as a weapon
- The Knife Thrower, because is there any problem that can’t be solved with a dagger in the face ?
- The Saboteur, a Rogue/Ninja archetype to deal more than simple low blows
- The Scamp, a charismatic thug leading the streets from his iron fists
- The Vicious Opportunist, always striking at the best moment for maximum effect

Sorcerer :

- The Cursed Bloodlines, assimilation of magical curses, turned into weapons...
- The Ectoplasmic bloodline, to haunt your foes and feast on their fear
- The Lycanthropic bloodline, to devour and howl under the moonlight
- The Vampiric bloodline, to drink blood because men only are little piles of secrets
- The Magilith, arcane battery disrupting and empowering magic around herself

Witch :

- The Circle Warden, unifying fellow creatures inside a ring of abjuration

Wizard :

- The Chronomage, warping space and time alike
- The Force Commander, playing with his foes as with pawns on a chess board.

53 Archetypes, 55 if you include the Qinggong variants. Impressive work, Maxx.

Silver Crusade

There are fewer, actually : I am not the only nor main designer behind the 14 SoTA II archetypes (I believe I already told everyone about how Cheapy is a super cool guy to work with ?) ; there are seven entries in the Revisited series ; and I got a lot of help from community feedback, like your comments on the Host for the first archetypes I wrote (I have to admit that my recent threads didn't get much success).

- Also, I reworked the Bateleur bard more thoroughly : some nerfs, but more versatility, as in addition to 101 Bard Feats, it is now compatible with the prankster gnome archetype from Paizo's Advanced Races Guide ! (And accessorily, such bateleur prankster bard will undoubtly be my 1st-level character in our next campaign.)

Silver Crusade

Update :

- Did some revamping again on the Bateleur bard to make it simpler and competitive. Loses spell versatility and knowledge for rogue talents, but keeps Inspire Courage.
- Following issues observed during character creation, the Scamp rogue has been made simpler, her class abilities have been swaped (it was literally impossible to build a 1st-level character based on strength without it dying on the first fight), details are more precise and she got a new ability. She may probably be nerfed depending on how our playtest turns out (see the following text) since she seems to get a lot for what she trades.
- Some typos or editing mistakes have been corrected, some fluff has been changed according to a slightly better mastery of the language since it was written, etc.


Incidentally, our group will soon be starting a new campaign at 1st level, and we will be using some of the document's content !
Party composition may change, but from what I know right now, we'll have the opportunity to playtest the following characters :

- One friend will play a Dex-based Scamp bandit/thug, using Cheapy's vicious opportunist replacement to Sneak Attack and the associated rogue talents. Not dealing incredible damage, but striking all day long with debilitating punches, dirty tricks, and the Betrayer feat tree to smash like a cheap bastard all the while avoiding attacks.
- Another will play a Lore Warden whip wielder with the whip mastery feats. Pure official Paizo rules for this one !
- Maybe a half-drow Revisited Guntank, as our DM's PC. We haven't got much chance to discuss about it but he was interested by the concept and execution. Maybe a spadassin instead, probably using the Bravo fighter archetype. He is also interested in playing again a Force Commander since he only got to play three sessions with his previous high level one. This character is the most subject to change.
- I will myself play a bateleur trickster gnome ; using feats from Rite Publishing's (awesome) 101 Bard Feats supplement, and obviously, the new options provided by the ARG.

I'll let you know how these characters turn out after some time playing. :)

Silver Crusade

Update :

- Added the Thunderstriker revisited (fighter archetype). I didn't find time for any interesting fluff right now, it should come later.
- Rewrote parts of the Glyph Scholar (magus archetype). It should be clearer to use, and understand. To resume his features, the glyph scholar inscribes spells on his body and gets the fighting abilities of a scrollmaster wizard ; but his most defining power is the ability to learn the essence of items to summon them later in his hand.

Rumor has it that the archetypes mentioned but not posted in the document from the secrets of tactical archetypes II will be on d20pfsrd sometime soon.

Silver Crusade

It seems d20pfsrd folks are still working on it. :)
Be sure to check your favorite classes on for Rite Publishing archetypes, as the content from The Secrets of Tactical Archetypes II may come online anytime soon !

Also, little (big) update:

- The Handcannoneer gunslinger archetype for heavy weapons wielders...
- ... and the Bone-conjurer summoner archetype for support necromancers are available !

You may follow the feedback, questions, revisions and commentaries on each archetype's own thread:
- Handcannoneer
- Bone-Conjurer

I'll add them later to the compilation. :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good news, everyone !

During the last months, I wrote a new supplement for Rite Publishing that just got published : The Secrets of Renegade Archetypes !
Incidentally, this is also my first published solo supplement !

You'll find within a dozen and a half new archetypes for third-party published classes like SGG's Dragon Rider and Time Thief, Rite Publishing's Luckbringer and Taskshaper, or Louis Porter Jr. Design's Machinesmith. The full list of 3PP base classes (and their archetypes) supported by this product are as follows:


The Secrets of Renegade Archetypes wrote:

Divine Upholder: A mystic, stalwart shield user protected by guardian spirits, resistant to spells and resilient.
Juggernaut: A brutal warrior slamming himself onto his enemies, moving and trampling them with his powerful charges.

Divine Channeler
Iconist: An artist with divine inspiration, creating breathtaking and soothing pieces of art.

Dragon Rider
Drakker: A real dragon's soul within an humanoid body, going through the hard but more interesting way of adventuring to gain in power.
Mythographer: A specialist in myths and legends who drew the attention of an adventuring dragon, ready to write legends about herself.
Skalwyn: A white knight riding a dragon, both of them bringing justice upon evil.

Crackerjack: A specialist in the field of counter-intelligence, polyvalent as spy, escort, bodyguard or assassin, working in the shadows.

Godling (all archetypes are compatible with adept, eldritch, clever and might godlings)
Godslayer: The scourge of any deity, a godslayer's wrath toward the Divine can shake the gods themselves.
Soulgiver: A divine heir with the primordial powers of Creation, able to insufflate life in all things.
Beast Tamer: A wild godling, closer to nature than others, especially forming a close bond with animals.

Black Cat Burglar: Harbinger of bad luck and dramatic misfortune, causing enemies to fail harder.
White Rabbit: The lucky charm of any adventurer group worth it's name, sharing her luck with allies to make them victorious and keep them alive.

Destineer: A supernatural seer, able to twist events and influence fate with various tools to manipulate one's destiny.

Cipher: A scholar of magic, using mathematics and encryption to reduce the ability of his foes to resist his fringe, original prototypes.
Toymaker: An engineer specialized in mobius puppets, also able to expand upon the field of constructs and chemistry.

Doppelganger: A shapeshifter adept of racial adaptation, assimilation and infiltration, able to imitate specific creatures with more efficiency.

Time Thief
Nechronomancer: A time thief greedy for power, suffering from her own mortality and sucking other's time for her own purposes.

All theses classes are available on if you wish to learn more about them - for I have spent hours on each, I can assure you they are brilliant in their own right !

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations, Maxximilius!

Silver Crusade

Thanks ! It was a challenging but really fun work and I believe I did a good job. The "mobius puppets" themselves for Louis Porter Jr. Design's Machinesmith were a creative blast to write. Just waiting for the reviews now ! :)

Speaking about reviews, here is some playtest result from our group. Just as a reminder, we currently have 4 players, and are in our ~15th session in the current campaign. We just hit level 3 and use some of my archetypes. The group is composed of:

- DMPC: LE dark elf Bone-Conjurer summoner, using the body of his previous character (an unarmed fighter) as his slam/grappling corpse eidolon;
- LG human Yojimbo ranger, used to be slave and now specialized against slavers and oppressors, one-hit marvel Vital Strike-ing with his katana;
- LE human Scamp/Thug/Vicious Opportunist rogue, specialist of dirty tricks, debuff, black market, underground connections and social interactions;
- Myself: CN gnome Bateleur/Prankster, pyromaniac bard gnome, unhealthy gambler and Cayden worshipper;
- ... and my 1st-level CG halfling Bateleur bard, cohort/fellow devout and adventurer, a pretty girl with a frail body but a strong heart for adventure who used to work as a waitress until destiny (helped by Cayden) made her lost a gamble and she had to follow me.

I spare you the plot points and go straight to the gameplay results :

Bone-Conjurer summoner:

The DM loves his Bone-Conjurer. Since its sheer potency is reduced in comparison to a true summoner (undead apparence forced as first evolution and no life link ability helps in reducing the offensive power of this archetype), he does not overshadow us but has yet to get in danger. I believe the summonner himself did not suffer a single hit point since he started playing, and we know our DM is not the kind of ass who finds an interest in fudging or cheating for his own sake. His spells (mage armor, shield, rejuvenation, grease) and his eidolon were enough to handle combats until now; and the DM loves his encounters the hard way. His eidolon died once after we were all put KO, and he finished the fight by a hair by summoning a human skeleton.
Plus the flavor of animating the dead and having a kind-of-undead cohort is the real winner for him. Overall, no negative points raised (but some undeads were) !

Scamp rogue:

The rogue player is having a blast with his Scamp/Thug/Vicious Opportunist. That's his first time playing a character straight from 1st level (the last time was two years ago, he catch up with us at 7th level), and also his first time playing a character with a lot of skill points and roleplay-oriented abilities (his last characters were an elven "Danselame" barbarian variant gaining Dexterity instead of Strength we made before the APG, a Hound Master cavalier, then a THF wielding a maul).
He asked for the ability to wield chains and false handcuffs both for style and subtance in order to bluff enemies into not taking him seriously (helped by the Scamp archetype - he does not wear any armor and clothes in rags, including restrains that would hamper any spellcaster !), which we resolved by making these handcuffs separate brass knuckles, and the chains that stick out of them when deployed, separate whips with a 10 feet reach).
The versatility of Dirty Tricks and his separate weapons (unarmed, brass knuckle, chain whips) forces him to think. From our observations and his own words, he's improving greatly both in terms of roleplay, imagination, problem solving and system mastery, and although he complains about not dealing a lot of damage (1d3 + 4 damage when sneak attacking), he deals this damage often thanks to the Vicious Opportunist variant to sneak attack and overall, contributes greatly to the party's efficiency thanks to his debuffs (Scamp archetype's stunning fist, Thug archetype's sickening brutal beating) and dirty tricks.
- Note that the scamp has received some errata to avoid quick multiclassing from Charisma-heavy classes in order to land the bonus to AC at the cost of a single level.

Bateleur bard:

Aaaah, my dear Iolo Petitjean ! This character is a lot of fun to play. I lose a lot in knowledge skills, but the bateleur's greater abilities in handling social issues or having contacts everywhere thanks to my travels have proven useful. I'm stealth and bluff-oriented and lack diplomacy or psychology. Since I'm small-sized, I have a great AC but ugly damage unless I use my Pyromaniac fireball and the gnome spell from the ARG to reload my spell-like abilities. This helps drawing hostility thanks to the spell or the prankster's maddening performance.
Note that I am using feats from Rite Publishing's indispensable 101 Bard Feats supplement; as such, I am able to perform some feats like casting as a move action (this does not allow me to cast twice per round but increases my survivability and versatility), or reduce the metamagic cost of a feat by expanding rounds of bardic performance.
I do not overshadow the group in any way except manipulative skills (I decided not to select any enchantment or manipulation spell like charm person or dominate); and the ability to steal keys from a guard and identity papers from a drunkard with a successful Comedy check provided us a lot of laughs !
Despite having a lot of rounds of performance/day (my predilection class bonus at each level goes into additional rounds/day, I have the Maestro of the Society trait, 18 Charisma...), these rounds reduce like crazy and a single worthy combat is enough to burn through half or more of them in few rounds as soon as I need to cast quickly or use my firebreathing.
- Speaking about breathing fire, the ability has received some errata putting it at 1d4 damage/two levels + Charisma modifier, which is lower than a sorcerer's 1st-level spell's damage but scales longer and remains usable often. It also costs 1 round to activate in addition to the round to maintain the performance, which reduces even further the rounds of performance/day. This was done after seeing how much it could hurt at low levels during play.

Silver Crusade

The first review is there for The Secrets of Renegade Archetypes !

"This is the first solo-offering of Benjamin Rombeaut and it is glorious: These archetypes (and I've reviewed a few so far) are almost universally brilliant, teem with iconic ideas and offer options galore for some of the finest classes out there. In the case of the Drakker, it redeemed a whole class for me! Yes. It's that good."
- 4/5 stars + Seal of Approval by Endzeitgeist

... and if you worry about the 5th star, don't ! Check the review and know it is already on it's way with the next PDF update. ;)


As an aside, I'm currently writting a Divine Champion archetype; working as an universal paladin/antipaladin alternate class receiving domains and able to adopt any deity's alignment, code, and objectives as her own. Coming soon !

Congratulations, Maxx! The Drakker looks really interesting... *evil chuckle*

Good job Maxx!

Silver Crusade

Thanks guys ! :)
The drakker is a draconic shapeshifter, assuming both a humanoid and a true draconic shape. For potential haters: since the dragon rider is not a concept I particularly enjoy despite the balance and flavor of the class itself (a bit like Endzeitgeist), I made one I would actually play. So, I believe it may interest you !

Also, I just finished the Divine Champion. ;)

Maxximilius wrote:

Thanks guys ! :)

The drakker is a draconic shapeshifter, assuming both a humanoid and a true draconic shape.


Silver Crusade

Seeing your alias, Dragonborn3, it may very well be to your liking. ;)

As long as it's understood I had that name long before Skyrim came out. ;)

I like shapeshifting in general, Drakker are just icing on the cake!

Silver Crusade

Skyrim didn't invent dragons ^^
If you like shapeshifters and haven't done so yet, be sure to check the Taskshaper on and Paizo, it is a complex class to master but provides you with incredible shapeshifting versatility and abilities, since you may for example copy whole feats or class abilities or assume the looks of specific individuals. :)

Well, I just bought Renegade Archtypes, and I have to admit I'm liking the Iconist better than the Drakker. Of course, I haven't looked at the Dragon Rider as I have the Divine CHanneler, so that might be it...

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the support ! :)
For some players, the archetype will still suffer from the main class's major weakness IMHO: a dragon rider receives full BAB, high saving throws, some spells at later levels and a g~+~!%n dragon... but out of this, the limited skill ranks and overall customization make you, the rider, a martial class with few combat feats and next to no iconic ability (like flurry of blows or bardic performance).
Since you may pretty much not remove the dragon rider's dragon without totally breaking the class's concept (even if the drakker effectively does this by making YOU the dragon), there isn't much you can drastically change outside of providing more dragon types. Note that since the drakker increases his Int and Cha by gaining level, you may become a charismatic know-it-all fire breathing jerk walking around armorless like a boss that will make even an elf close hir (yes, hir) mouth out of envy.

Add an oathbound-against-the-wyrm paladin and let awkwardness, hilarity and background laughs ensue !

Maxximilius wrote:

Gun-Fu master added to the document.

Thanks for all these kind words, if people really consider these as works of quality, I may be thinking about trying to make some money out of these someday ! (Though it wouldn't stop me from posting all the archetypes in the forums at the same time...)

I would definitely pay for dead tree version of your collected archetypes and/or a PDF with some cool illustrations added in. Have you considered doing a Kickstarter campaign? I would back it in a minute.

Silver Crusade

I'm glad you like these little add-ons (my group sure does) ! :)
Since I was born and live in France and have no experience in this kind of business, I simply couldn't open a Kickstarter campaign, nor provide quality customer service. I guess most of the people who would be interested in this project live in the USA, and I know even less printers who live there.

... but this doesn't mean I would not be interested by any offer from a serious 3PP editor with ideas and experience in printing/distributing its own supplements to launch a glorious Kickstarter project and assure the following process. Maybe this day will come; but until now, enjoy the free swag !

Maxximilius wrote:

I'm glad you like these little add-ons (my group sure does) ! :)

Since I was born and live in France and have no experience in this kind of business, I simply couldn't open a Kickstarter campaign, nor provide quality customer service. I guess most of the people who would be interested in this project live in the USA, and I know even less printers who live there.

... but this doesn't mean I would not be interested by any offer from a serious 3PP editor with ideas and experience in printing/distributing its own supplements to launch a glorious Kickstarter project and assure the following process. Maybe this day will come; but until now, enjoy the free swag !

Hey Rite Publishing or Super Genius Games - you should snap this up!

Silver Crusade

The Grandmaster of the Touch of Death, Monk archetype inspired by Kenshiro, Bruce Lee, Pai Mei's Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique and the Dim Mak concept, is available in its revised version (Google Doc). Check it out !

Silver Crusade

Oh hai everyone !

I got asked by Louis Porter Jr. Design to write a biological variant of their Machinesmith base class for use in the NeoExodus Campaign setting. The class itself received love and support in my last published supplement for Rite Publishing: The Secrets of Renegade Archetypes.

The Fleshwraith, result of this work, is now done and freely available to everyone on the Paizo messageboards for review and playtest. It includes a revised version of the Host archetype originally intended for alchemists, that blends perfectly within this alternate class. Be sure to check it out !

Now that you brought up the Host, I was wondering did you update it recently on the googledoc? I could have sworn some details used to be different, like how the number of evo points were calculated using Int and the symbiote's Int instead of just being the same as a Summoner of your level.

Silver Crusade

I did indeed change some details. :)
With the experience I gained since the document was first written, I concluded that the previous writting was overly complicated and ultimately emulated a normal eidolon progression at each level on a quasi perfect basis, so it was simpler to give the same progression but limit natural attacks, which are a big part of eidolons's real gamebreaking, offending features.
The fleshwraith host goes a bit further in clarification and simplification with some unique quirks and overall revision - the document's alchemist host will be updated to reflect these improvements once the fleshwraith makes it to d20pfsrd.

In addition, a fellow player long wanted to play one, and recent playtest ultimately proved that it is simpler to use yet balanced this way. You still rely on Intelligence for your extracts, skill ranks, class features, etc. so you retain MADness.

Silver Crusade

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Oh hai everyone !

I just finished and posted on the boards The Brainy Guide to Tweaks: Heroic Fighters and Archery Redux !
Exactly as it says on the can, you'll find in this document:

- the Heroic Fighter, a variant of the fighter class compatible with all existing class options. It is intended to provide a more heroic feel to the fighter by cutting his dependency to spellcasters and granting him "exploits", a feature similar to talents and deeds.
It comes complete with a list of 34 possible exploits to choose from depending on your style, weapon and character !
- the rules for Archery revisited, reducing the sheer potency of archery while making it fit better in the whole "agile, mobile and precise damage dealer" theme, including an analysis of the reasoning behind the changes. It comes complete with 2 simple conversion rules to introduce these new rules in your game, and 3 famous feats for ranged combat rewritten to reflect this change of orientation !

Both rules are intended to rebalance martial characters by giving to underpowered fighters abilities reducing their reliability to other characters (and especially to spellcasters), and to make archers just really good at their job instead of the powerhouse they currently are.

(Document's discussion thread)

Silver Crusade

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Oh hai again everyone !

Big, big update !

The time has finally come: thanks to Jreyst and the whole community, all rules from The Secrets of Tactical Archetypes II are now available on ! This supplement was the fruit of a collaboration between the awesome Will 'Cheapy' McCardell and myself, and was reviewed no less than "5 stars and the Endzeitgeist Seal of Approval" by the infamous Endzeitgeist !
You can find each archetype and its options in the list at the bottom of's pages, under the class of your choice and in the Rite Publishing category (and under the tables detalling what archetype replaces which class feature).

As a reminder, here are the archetypes and their associated class you can find in TSoTA II:


Alchemist: Spellchymist a gifted resercher whose extracts take effect at range, emulating the spells of others.

Barbarian: Savage Tactician, pedagogue barbarians versed in the art of guerrilla warfare.

Bard: Umbral Weaver, a master at manipulating and listening to the forgotten secrets of shadows.

Cleric: Pious Sentinel, able to change the tide of battle by praying for their allies, and inspiring them with bursts of divine strategical insight.

Druid: Elementalurgist, focuses on the very building blocks that allow for nature's grandeur to aid his allies

Fighter: Peltast, specialized skirmishers and masters in the art of hurling weapons swiftly and quickly.

Inquisitor: Grand Inquisitor who focuses on his spellcasting and overwhelming presence to impart judgment and strike divine fear upon the unworthy.

Monk: War Scholar, Born-strategist, a war scholar's wisdom allows him to manage his troops with an efficiency that can reverse the most uneven odds.

Oracle: Aetherurgist, renowned for her ability to bind spirits to do her bidding.

Paladin: Purifier, militant healers who providing warmth, comfort, and health to the innocent.

Rogue: Vicious Opportunist who always seems to strike at his enemies at the best moment for maximum effect.

Sorcerer: Magilith, whose bloodline power is altered due to being born at a convergent point, or node of eldritch might.

Witch: Circle Warden, unities fellow creatures inside a ring of abjuration.

Wizard: Force Commander, who ees, and shapes, the world as a giant battlemap or chess board whose sole limits are the range onto which they can control a foe.

These are free and really cool. Be a cool guy too, read them today !

Hope you'll like them ! :)

If anyone has any comments on those archetypes, let us know :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really like Umbral Weaver except for the fact that using a dwimmerlaik ends the performance. The extra necessary actions involved in having to keep restarting it just bothers me, perhaps way more than it should...

I love the Peltast. Pathfinder needed a practical throwing archetype and I'm glad you guys delivered.

Elementalurgist makes me think Avatar (not the live action... shudder) so it makes me happy. I've never really bothered looking at the elemental domains because they always seemed kind of boring to me, but being able to switch each day is interesting.

War Scholar is also something I'd definitely like to play, but poor Monk can't ever have a good unarmed archetype.

Vicious Opportunist is also incredibly nice. Yay static damage that gets multiplied on a crit; I don't think I would ever consider this worse than regular sneak attack. Two weapon fighting with Keen kukris all day long.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for this awesome feedback chaoseffect ! :)
The dwimmerleiks act as tide-turning powers requesting quick actions, as such the performance-ending effect is intended to balance their utility over their easiness to activate.
The peltast is awesome at opening an enemy to your group's heavy strikers - himself included if necessary, because hey, full level fighter, ignores some amount of DR, full BAB, combat maneuvers at range and thrown weapons providing bonus to next attack rolls ! You don't even need a magic weapon to be efficient... and considering the rules for thrown weapons, said magic weapon will not do much to improve your capability since it will only grant a benefit to a single attack per round. Throw your +4 returning javelin to open the guy to attacks, then spam your masterwork javelins in dat face and get your javelin back at the end of the round like a boss.
About the vicious Opportunist, it's simple: this variant definitely replaced the rogue AND the sneak attack ability in our group. Our guy playing a dirty tricks-based rogue is having a blast with his character.

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