Kantam Xantaros |
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I am working on a character/partial campaign that has an enemy who can pose/disguise as a human and is highly intelligent but is really something else. Im not looking for like a lycanthrope or something like that, i just can't find the right monster. Any suggestions?
Oh an ps this archenemy needs the ability to take on multiple different appearances.
pres man |
Well of course there are doppelgangers, but how about civilized serpent people from the Freeport Trilogy? They can shapeshift into a humanoid 3/day, they get a bonus to Int and Cha, and they don't have any racial HD. Give them levels in Sorcerer or Wizard (focus on enchantment and illusion), or even better use beguiler, and they should be quite the challenge.
Vivar |
A rakshasa would fit nicely; they can disguise as humanoids at will, they are supposed to be schemers that prefer to pull strings and let other fight for them, but make though bosses for the final fights; and you can upgrade them esily giving them sorcerer, fighter or prestige class levels (eldritch knight, spellsword...etc.).
A doppelganger with class levels would be another obvious solution.
Ogre mages can polymorph as a spell-like ability; it could work if he only needs to contact the PCs for shorts amounts of time (nine minutes, and they need to recast it again, but taking levels of sorcerer would gives them another minute per sorcerer level).
Annis and Green hags also can disguise themseves as humans at will and for 90 min per casting.
Pathfinder´s version of medusas can pass for human if they use a hat.
If want to go for something more exotic, you can use the Greater Doppelganger from Dungueon Magazine 127 (stronger doppelgangers that can eat your brain and steal your memories and manerisms, becoming able to perfectly impersonate you), or the Tsochari from Lords Of Madness, which are giant space worm invaders that go up your butt and control your body and mind (are able to use even your spellcasting abilities)and are preparing a foothold for their invasion of the planet.
A Demon of possesion from the Fiend Folio could work nicely too.
At higher levels, I like the Beholder Mage from Monsters of Faerun or the Elder Orb from Lords Of Madness.
Dragonchess Player |
I am working on a character/partial campaign that has an enemy who can pose/disguise as a human and is highly intelligent but is really something else. Im not looking for like a lycanthrope or something like that, i just can't find the right monster. Any suggestions?
Oh an ps this archenemy needs the ability to take on multiple different appearances.
Any humanoid would work as a 13th level druid. A Thousand Faces gives a druid "the ability to change her appearance at will, as if using the alter self spell." Not only can the BBEG pose as human, but also dwarf, elf, etc., as well.
Druids also have spells, medium BAB, and an animal companion/spontaneous summon nature's ally casting.
Graynore |
My preference is a maulgrym (spelling?) from Monsters of Fearun. They are a race of powerful shapeshifters from the plane of shadow. they are a base cr5 but most have levels in rogue, sorcerer, wizard, or cleric. they are suppose to be masters of shapeshifting. in 3.0 thier shapechange abilities were equivilant to the shapechange spell. If you want some thematic inspiration on them, see the novel "Cloak of Shadows" by Ed Greenwood.
Steven Tindall |
My suggestion isn't exactly a race but a class. A high level druid can be of any race and since this is posted in the 3.5 rules section I am assuming your using that rules set not PF.
The alter self ability is very fun and if you don't want to increase the spell casting ability and just focus on the shape change aspect then I would suggest Master of Many forms. I like the 3.0 version better than the 3.5 but either works.
If your campaign really isn't nature themed or a druid just will not work due to flavor constraints then try a wizard and the Warshaper from the complete warrior. You give up higher level spells but the +'s and the immune to crit's and stunning at 1st level of the class is very nice for a villain if the heroes are spec'd for easy crit's.