Kantam Xantaros's page
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Heh, this reminds me of the time that i managed to talk my DM into making Satan's mistress explode. I for longest time had tried to get swallowed since i was a halfling, no dice (literally). So since i was a rogue doing her from behind like pretty much every fight and he described her as wearing "loose robes" I couldn't resist the urge. Using the logic that Satan was considered a large creature and she was medium... I shoved my little fist with a feather tree where it would never see daylight and said activate. He decided to let the dice decide the outcome between the tree wearing her on its trunk, her being perched on a high branch but relatively unharmed, me loosing my hand, etc. and the result was She splatted everywhere and i was unharmed besides needing a few vigorous washings with holy water. Note that we are pretty casual so this kinda goes along with the 'rule of cool'. In general i am open to wacky if it doesn't ruin the plot and everyone gets a kick out of it. Its a game meant for enjoyment. We were literally rolling on the floor for 5 minutes after i announced my actions.
Thank you all for your various ideas, we decided that because of the fact that i am going to be at sea for the next four months that we will just transition into a campaign that i am working on designed around their higher stat block. They agreed that the current way of walking over bosses etc. that something needed to change, and i tried to hold them down on level and used the advanced template but it was still annoying having to change all of the encounters in the AP so I talked to them about cutting off after the first part of the AP and transitioning into my campaign and they didn't have a problem with it. Due to time constraints i had Nualia attack the village with a horde of goblins. After fighting a wave or two of goblins I had them face Nualia with Orick, Lyrie and a yeth hound. They took her down fairly easily at full health and got everything else down low enough that i said lamashtu granted her wish and in a ball of fire (which killed the the few standing lieutenatns) she became the Demon of Sandpoint. Not using the trample ability and taking the loss to attack out of the breath weapon they managed to defeat it. They did all that at level 2... nualia was rated CR 5 and her lieutenants were CR 3s. The demon was a CR 8 before being handicapped slightly. They said they liked being superpowered and with the campaign i have in mind this is probably a good thing, plus i get to throw the book(bestiary) at them so to speak.
I would love to join, unfortunately i will be at sea for 4 months this year and 8 months next year. One thing that might work in this campaign though for anyone who joins you would be the Artificer from tome of secrets: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/adamant-entertainment/art ificer
this class exemplifies steampunk, especially if the GM allows them to scrap a lot of stuff and create different inventions.
thanks for the clarification on buffs, i was not aware. that should definitely drop things down a bit. Just a quick question though, like buffs do not stack (ie +1 attack, and +1 attack would be +1 attack) but if buffs give multiple abilities do those stack or do you only chose the more benificial buff? (ie buff A gives +1 attack, +1 ac while buff B gives +1 attack, +1 saving throws. so would the end result be +1 attack, +1 ac, +1 saving throws or would you have to decide between A and B?)
Kazaan wrote: Give them an impossible encounter, wipe the party, start over with reasonable stats. Problem solved. Yeah, I think that would be going a little too extreme and would be a headache to somehow integrate new characters to where they are in the AP. Alternatively starting from day 0 would be a dissapointment since that would be like 20hrs of gameplay wasted. At the most extreme I would input the alternate reality clause where everything happened exactly the same except in this reality they were not all demigods. I will try the raising the badassedness of the bad guys first, but nuking their stats is an option i have in reserve, thanks for the input.
zlguocius wrote: Ask yourself or them whether they enjoy feeling so powerful that everything is easy. If they honestly enjoy that more than overcoming genuine challenges, then maybe everything is fine. Of course, if *you* don't enjoy it, that's also relevant, but just be careful not to assume that there's only one right way to play the game--namely, where everything is challenging. Some people enjoy feeling powerful all the time, and that's fine too. ('Munchkin' is a pejorative label for this style of gaming; I'm trying to say that it's a legitimate way to have fun and so doesn't deserve pejorative labels.) Well after having to look up the definition of pejorative,I can tell you that both sides are slightly annoyed by the way things are going. One of the characters who played dnd previously said last time "Normally fights aren't supposed to be like 'boop' dead, 'boop' dead, oh a boss with triple health... 'boop' dead." That being said i believe that with the helpful advice given i should be able to close the gap a little in a way that they wont be fearing for their lives but at the same time the wizard's beat stick wont be the primary form of execution either. I definitely like the advanced stat since its less headache for me since i can keep more true to the adventure path without getting too exotic with the number or type of creatures. I also think that the witholding levels will help slightly as well, they might get annoyed but if i throw in a holy hand grenade of antioc or the like I think they will ok. Thank you all for the advice, i wasn't expecting so many responses in so little time!
Anetra wrote: What ability scores did they end up with? they all have at least an 18 in their best stat and their lowest stat is probably a 14 with range being more towards the high end than the lower.
Hi there im a noob, so you can withold statements of that nature because believe me i already know. I havent had a lot of experience with pathfinder in fact I only was in 1 campaign before the one i started and in that campaign we used 5 d6 reroll ones and drop the lowest two for stats so i thought this was ok it would just lead to more epic-level gameplay so i let the group im running do the same. The only problem is i didnt take into account the fact that "rise of the runelords" wasnt designed for those high of stats. On top of that my party consists of a Warlord (Tome of Secrets) a bard, a wizard, a cleric and a ranger. So when they get going and all the buffs come into effect they are effectively like 2 levels higher than they really are. at one point with extra buffs and such the tank was at 27 AC at level 1! Needless to say goblins aren't going to scratch that. I have tried throwing higher CR monsters at them, raising boss health and AC, all to no avail since they just walk over everything. aside from one crit that a boss got i havent done almost any damage to them so the most excitement we see is who gets the kill. In fact the wizard has the most kills right now with nothing more than his staff! I really dont want to force them to reroll since it was a mistake i made but im running out of options... what ways do you think i can remedy the situation and if you think rerolling is the only option what form of reroll should it be?
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I am working on a character/partial campaign that has an enemy who can pose/disguise as a human and is highly intelligent but is really something else. Im not looking for like a lycanthrope or something like that, i just can't find the right monster. Any suggestions?
Oh an ps this archenemy needs the ability to take on multiple different appearances.
I thought it would be interesting if they added the ability to multiclass and have prestige classes. Im not sure of any mmo's that have a prestige class, i know there are "hero" classes like DKs in wow but those are actually a class of their own. What about taking levels in a prestige class like taking levels in multiclassing? I believe if you kept a total level cap this would be very interesting.(ie if you had 5 level as a rogue and one level as an assassin you would be level six) this is kinda self goverened for keeping classes from being op by the fact that at later levels if you try to add too many levels in too many different classes you would have very little power in level cap encounters. going off of this i wonder if gestalting (dual classing) would be possible either through a seperate server or by halving the combined powers so it wouldnt be like having two fully powered classes at the same time. (with multiclassing you sacrifice levels in other classes in order to get low level increments in another) just thought it might be an interesting and original idea. even rift which has the large number of "sub-class" options doesnt give you the opportunity to be a berserker shooting fireballs... along this line what about class archetypes allowing for more specialized leveling?