What's your favorite monster type in Pathfinder?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Personally, I like undead and constructs made from organic materiel (like the flesh golem). What about you guys?

Humans, Elves, and Dwarves.

Edit: or to go into the actual creature Type.... Humanoids.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Humans, Elves, and Dwarves.

I like to throw out enemies with class levels and races, too, but undead stuff has a special place in my heart.

Grand Lodge

Outsider: Evil, Lawful

Outsider: Evil

Monstrous Humanoid

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Good and evil Outsiders (except most CE ones*; exceptions to the exception are Qlipphoth and Denizens of Leng), LE and NE intelligent Undead, and the most alien and horrific Aberrations.

* Namely, Demons. Actually, I never liked Demons too much, but Pathfinder raised them at least five points on my ten-points scale. Yet, if I have to say whom I like most, they still remain behind.

Dragons of all kinds.

I'm pretty partial to PF goblinoids, though I'd say that if I were to put individual monsters on a ranking system, the nosferatu would take the gold.

Abberations, always abberations.

There's something very D&D about the Ooze monster type, but I guess I'll have to hand it to Magical Beast.

Evil Outsiders first, dragons are close seconds!

Starfinder Superscriber

My absolute favorite monsters are ogre magi (mainly because it annoys a few of my players to no end), followed by Dragons, then the outsiders. Least favorite is currently undead as I feel they are so over used in adventures.

3)Undead as long as its not incorporeal
4)Evil Outsiders


I will never forget the horror on my players faces when they discovered the field of purple flowers. That and plant people with class levels are fun too.

Undead are nice as well... er not nice is more appropriate.

And Elementals are amusing too.

Silver Crusade


1) GOBLINS!!!!!
2) More GOBLINS!!!
3) Humanoids with Class Levels (5th level Goblin Rogue, Orc Barbarian)
Just prefer a more low fantasy setting and alot of the monsters are just way out there.
4) Unique Monsters. Basically monsters that there is only one of. Rather than "Oh look another Umber Hulk." to "OMG its the Chupacabra!!! or "That is the Krithin an ancient horror that has stalked the dark woods for centuries."

Aranna wrote:


I will never forget the horror on my players faces when they discovered the field of purple flowers. That and plant people with class levels are fun too.

Assassin Vines!!!!!!!

1) Plants, which I have been partial to since there was an intelligent humanoid plant on the TV science fiction spoof Quark.
2) Aberrations
3) Outsiders
4) Oozes
5) Anything that is not a dragon

1. Goblins!
2. Everything that's easy to combine with class levels (including Goblins!)
3. undead (Goblins!)

Grand Lodge

1. Goblins
2. Gnolls
3. Dragons
4. Sharn(non-PF but still a fav)
5. Scaladar(non-PF but still a fav)

Answering for wife since she doesn't read these forums
1. to however many monsters are in Pathfinder - Goblins!

Aberrations, for sure. All manner of hideous beasts, many of them not even remotely similar to one another. Their inherent bizarreness is something I fancy.

Dragons, giants and elementals. :)

Everything, except for Hobgoblins, Humans, Horses (and other real-life animals other than wolves and tiger) Dwarves (why put those horrid boring good-based creaturs on when you have the much better Duergar?) and Elves.

I'm also not a huge fan of Dragons, they are too common for me.

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