Fey Player Race

Homebrew and House Rules

I am running a campaign in a world in which I would like a unique fey player race. I have created a race but I'm concerned about how they compare to the core 7 races. Please comment and let me know what you think.

Brief background, the fey, called the Tóraigh (tor-ee), were summoned to the prime plane long ago by elves, who charged them with a task. The elves told the tóraigh they couldn't return to the Feywild until their task was complete. So their lives are consumed with traveling the world trying to complete the task given to them.

+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom: Life on the road makes a tóraigh tough, and their fey blood makes them naturally attractive. However, their single minded pursuit of their ancient task makes them bullheaded and narrow sighted.
Medium: Tóraigh are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Tóraigh have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Tóraigh see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Fey: Tóraigh are not humanoids, and are unaffected by spells that only effect humanoid creatures.
Ancient Charge: The tóraigh were once charged with the discovery of magical items for their elven masters, and they still strive to carry out this charge even though the elves no longer walk this world. Tóraigh receive a +2 bonus to Search checks made to find hidden items, as well as a +2 Bonus to Appraise when trying to discover if an item is magic.
Single Minded: Tóraigh receive a +2 save to resist Compulsion effects.
Cold Iron Vulnerability: Most fey are able to resist normal damage, a trait that adventurers know can be overcome by the power of cold iron. Millennia of life on this plane have stripped the tóraigh of their supernatural resistance to damage, but their vulnerability to cold iron still remains. Tóraigh characters take an extra 3 points of damage from weapons crafted of cold iron, and instinctively shy away from objects made of the metal. A tóraigh character must succeed on a DC 15 will save in order to overcome this instinct and handle, or even come close to, an object made of cold iron.
Languages: Tóraigh begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Tóraigh with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, and Orc

is this done with rules from advanced race guide playtest or just something you came up with?. i like it, a fey player race is always fun:)

captain yesterday wrote:
is this done with rules from advanced race guide playtest or just something you came up with?. i like it, a fey player race is always fun:)

All me.

Cool. I love the flavor, though I admit to being biased toward all things fey.

They look a bit underpowered compared to the core 7. Their benefits, except for the low light vision are pretty situational. Maybe a blanket +2 Perception and Appraise?

While the Cold Iron Vulnerability thing is neat, I see a potential problem. What if a party member wants to carry a cold iron weapon? The Tóraigh can’t get near them without passing a save? I’d consider removing the ‘can’t get close to it’ bit to avoid this problem. It also keeps you from having to define what exactly counts as ‘close’.

In my own games, where fairies are usually a big part, I change "cold iron" to "star metal." If every cold forged iron sword could kill them, they wouldn't last very long - unless you are in a bronze age setting and iron is rare.

I like to make it special. If you want to kill a fairy, you have to get the metal from a meteor.

cranewings wrote:
In my own games, where fairies are usually a big part, I change "cold iron" to "star metal." If every cold forged iron sword could kill them, they wouldn't last very long - unless you are in a bronze age setting and iron is rare.

Cold Iron isn't any kind of iron, it's a unique Iron alloy that has to be forged with a special process in order to maintain its properties. In the real world cold iron is iron, in the d20 setting it's much different.

I've changed some of their stuff a bit, let me know what you think.

+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom: Life on the road makes a tóraigh tough, and their fey blood makes them naturally attractive. However, their single minded pursuit of their ancient task makes them bullheaded and narrow sighted.
Medium: Tóraigh are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Tóraigh see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Fey: Tóraigh are not humanoids, and are unaffected by spells that only effect humanoid creatures.
Ancient Charge: The tóraigh were once charged with the discovery of magical items for their elven masters, and they still strive to carry out this charge even though the elves no longer walk this world. Tóraigh receive a +2 racial Bonus to Appraise checks, a +2 racial bonus to Search checks, and a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties of magic items.
Relic Hunter: The tóraigh have adapted their innate magical abilities to better aid them with finding, and hopefully escaping with, the magic relics they seek. A tóraigh can cast, detect magic, obscuring mist, and read magic each once per day, using his total character level as his caster level.
Single Minded: Tóraigh receive a +2 save to resist Compulsion effects.
Cold Iron Vulnerability: Most fey are able to resist normal damage, a trait that adventurers know can be overcome by the power of cold iron. Millennia of life on this plane have stripped the tóraigh of their supernatural resistance to damage, but their vulnerability to cold iron still remains. Tóraigh characters take an extra 3 points of damage from weapons crafted of cold iron, and instinctively shy away from objects made of the metal. A tóraigh character must succeed on a DC 15 will save in order to overcome this instinct and handle, or even come close to, an object made of cold iron.

I was thinking if they are looking a little underpowered why not just change the Cold Iron Vulnerability to

DR: 2/Cold Iron

Or perhaps cold iron weapons do damage as if one size larger? For example, a Medium cold iron bastard sword would normally deal 1d8 to other critters, but against the Tóraigh would deal 1d10.

This would also make criticals even more deadly, perhaps too much so?

Search is no longer a skill. It falls under perception.

Umbral Reaver wrote:
Search is no longer a skill. It falls under perception.

You know, I knew that but wrote it wrong anyway.

Redone again, starting to think they are too powerful now, but I am always worried about that. Let me know what you think.

+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom: Life on the road makes a tóraigh tough, and their fey blood makes them naturally attractive. However, their single minded pursuit of their ancient task makes them bullheaded and narrow sighted.
Medium: Tóraigh are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Tóraigh have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low Light Vision: Tóraigh see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Fey: Tóraigh are not humanoids, and are unaffected by spells that only effect humanoid creatures.
Ancient Charge: The tóraigh were once charged with the discovery of magical items for their elven masters, and they still strive to carry out this charge even though the elves no longer walk this world. Tóraigh receive a +2 racial Bonus to Appraise checks, a +2 racial bonus to Perception checks, and a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties of magic items.
Relic Hunter: The tóraigh have adapted their innate magical abilities to better aid them with finding, and hopefully escaping with, the magic relics they seek. A tóraigh can cast, detect magic, obscuring mist, and read magic each once per day, using his total character level as his caster level.
Single Minded: Tóraigh receive a +2 save to resist Compulsion effects.
Magical Vitality: Most fey are able to resist normal damage, a trait that adventurers know can be overcome by the power of cold iron. Millennia of life on this plane has weakened the tóraighs’ supernatural resistance to damage, but it still remains. Tóraigh characters have Damage Reduction 2/Cold Iron.
Cold Iron Vulnerability: Tóraigh instinctively shy away from objects made of Cold iron. A tóraigh character must succeed on a DC 15 will save in order to overcome this instinct and handle, an object made of cold iron, in addition wards crafted of the material act as barriers to a tóraigh unless they succeed on their will save.

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