Coriat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Coriat, could you provide an English translation for that sentence? My Latin doesn't go much farther than word roots and the execution escape scene from Johnny Dangerously.
necaturus enim erat ille in sacrificiis suis animantia et illis honoribus invitaturus mihi suffragatura daemonia videbatur.
Augustinus, Confessiones
"For that man was going to kill living things in his sacrifices, and by those honors he would have invited demons to favor me."
Readerbreeder |
Readerbreeder wrote:Coriat, could you provide an English translation for that sentence? My Latin doesn't go much farther than word roots and the execution escape scene from Johnny Dangerously.Sure.
Coriat wrote:"For that man was going to kill living things in his sacrifices, and by those honors he would have invited demons to favor me."necaturus enim erat ille in sacrificiis suis animantia et illis honoribus invitaturus mihi suffragatura daemonia videbatur.
Augustinus, Confessiones
Cool. You can find role-playing ideas pretty much everywhere!
Coriat |
Heh, just yesterday I was reviewing Anglo-Saxon riddles. I found one that fit the answer of 'iceberg' pretty well, but it fit the city-crushing living glaciers from Kobold Press's Midgard setting even better.
Doodlebug Anklebiter |
I am there, I help, I came stretch'd atop of the load,
I felt its soft jolts, one leg reclined on the other,
I jump from the cross-beams and seize the clover and timothy,
And roll head over heels and tangle my hair full of wisps.
--Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself" in Leaves of Grass, "Death-Bed Edition"
Kajehase |
"We're here to expel, to get rid of a demon that's taken over one of God's angels, if that's what she really is, and enchanted my husband so it's all he can think about painting."
Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel by Peter S Beagle in The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume Three
"Well," I say, "I do." Worldwired by Elizabeth Bear
"La Donna promised to make contact this evening and before I meet her again I need to know what the Cardinal has decided with regard to her." The Alchemist in the Shadows by Pierre Pevel
Locke1520 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Even if he set his game in his own homebrew world, if he used things like ankhegs or otyughs that are open content but not public domain, he'd have to include the OGL as part of his story and would have to make part of his story open content."
~James Jacobs, >>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<
Vo Giap, Ambassador of Bachuan |
In fact, public awareness of Tibet in general rises and falls with the periodic anti-China demonization campaigns conducted by the U.S. State Department and its agents.
--Heather Benno, "Tibet, imperialism and the right of self-determination" in China: Revolution and Counterrevolution, edited by Andy McInerney
Kajehase |
"Det blotta faktum att Katolska Ligans medlemmar blev allt fler ledde till att Evangeliska unionen växte."
Dick Harrison - Ett stort lidande har kommit over oss: Historien om trettioåriga kriget (A great suffering has come upon us: The history of the Thirty-years War)
Kajehase |
"De drack några glas te och talade lite om gamla tider, vilket i deras fall betydde demonstrationer och möten på 70-talet, de talade om situationen i Gaza, om det ironiska i att just demokratin hade gett Palestinierna en regering med religiösa dårar så att västvärlden underkände demokratin och lät Israelerna bygga vidare på sin totala annektering av allt palestinskt land."
Jan Guillou - Fienden Inom Oss (The Enemy Within Us)
Comrade Anklebiter |
Farrakhan is a sinister demagogue whose "empowerment" rhetoric and program match that of the Reaganite right, from black businesses to "anti-drug" repression.
--"L.A. Flashpoint U.S.A.: Racist Cop Bonapartism vs. Minorities, Immigrants, Labor" in [i]Black History and the Class Struggle No. 9: Los Angeles Explodes--There Is No Justice in Capitalist America
Readerbreeder |
"Can I start the generator and play Hayride Party on the radio?"
Stephen King, "1922", collected in Full Dark, No Stars
Out of curiosity, Kejehase, do you happen to know anything about the etymology of the Scandinavian tongues? I'm picking up what I think are Germanic influences, but I'm not really sure...
The Alkenstarian |
Readerbreeder, the Scandinavian languages are etymologically considered germanic languages. There are a startling number of words that are similar or even identical in for instance Danish and German, even though many Danes and many Germans don't seem to realize this. But pronounciation is often very different.
Coriat |
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In fact, the Scandinavian languages, within the discipline of comparative linguistics, are formally called the North Germanic languages.
That should give some idea of whether they've got any connection with Germanic languages or not ;)
Kajehase |
On a scale of one to ten?
Rat Queens volume 2: The Far Reaching Tentacles of N'rygoth by Kurtis J Wiebe, Stjepan Sejic, and Roc Upchurch
Let me guess.
Ravine, volume 2 by Stjepan Sejic and Ron Marz
The sale of the boy had been carried out "conditionally, with the right of redemption."
The Black Count by Tom Reiss
Jag trodde länge att det var jag...
translation:For a long time I thought it was me...
Med sänkt blick (With Lowered Gaze), original title Les Yeux Baissés by Tahar ben Jelloum, translated to Swedish by Mats Löfgren
If my authority is undermined by Sorgrad's defiance, my authority over all wizards is weakened, in the eyes of mageborn and mundane alike.
Dangerous Waters part 1 of The Hadrumal Crisis by Juliet E McKenna
I change the subject
Hammered by Elizabeth Bear
Samnell |
Writing before the full impact of Sherman's capture of Atlanta had become evident, this correspondent perceived a potentially disastrous lack of will above the Potomac: "The North can yield to fatigue; they the war would have served only to substitute a national hate for a political rivalry; and to ruin more profoundly the Union,"
Doodlebug Anklebiter |
"More's the pity."
--George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
One who was an expert on the humiliations incident to being a slave remarked,[7] "Does a slave look dissatisfied?"
--Herbert Aptheker, quoting Frederick Douglass, American Negro Slave Revolts
She was so tired after her long day and her walk that she confided her trouble to him--that she had been waiting ever since he saw her to have their company home, because the road at night was strange to her.
--Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles
"But we came."
--Leigh Brackett, "The Dancing Girl of Ganymede" in The Halfling and Other Stories
Rosgakori Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere |
Limeylongears |
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'It is only thst this individuality is not laid claim to; the female renounces it for the benefit of the species, which demands this abdication' - Simone de Beauvoir's 'The Second Sex'
Not as good as 'It is notable that the living impulse that brings about the vast production of sperms is expressed also in the male by the appearance of bright plumage, brilliant scales, horns, antlers, a mane....'
{Strokes mane, preens plumage, polishes antlers}
Samnell |
First, was the habit of the dominant section-that is, the section which had the larger share in the control of the Federal government-of considering itself the nation, its people the American people, its interests the national interests; in other words, the habit of considering itself the sole possessor of nationalism, when, indeed, it was thinking strictly in terms of one section; and conversly the habit of the dominant section regarding the minority group as factional, its interests and institutions and way of lie as un-American, unworthy of friendly consideration, and even the object of attack.
Frank Owsley wrote only in paragraph-long run-on sentences. And you thought I was bad. He's excerpted in Stampp's The Causes of the Civil War. If you take from this that Owsley was a wild galloping racist then you would be absolutely right. Even by the standards of his time (1890-1956) he was reactionary.
He's also the author of one of the seminal works on Confederate diplomacy and if you ever heard that the CSA "died of states rights," then you've heard someone quoting him.
Comrade Anklebiter |
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"Any privileged group will inevitably seek to put a brake on progress in order to retain its privileges, while the oppressed section of society is bound to fight all such attempts in order to stand up for its own rights."
--Ivan Yefremov, "The Heart of the Serpent" in More Soviet Science Fiction edited by Isaac Asimov
Comrade Anklebiter |
Within this mix there was an intense and volatile contention of ideas and clash of forces about the extent and meaning of black freedom and, importantly, black suffrage.
--"New Orleans Racist Atrocity--One Year After: Race, Class and the Fight for a Workers America," Black History and the Class Struggle, No. 20: From Mumia Abu-Jamal to Jena Six--Capitalist "Justice" = Racist Repression
Headed by the Brazilian military, more than 10,000 UN troops and police are imposing "order" on a starving, homeless population, brutally repressing social protest and rebuilding the machinery of repression on behalf of Haiti's imperialist masters.
--"Haiti: Mass Misery Under Imperialist Occupation--All U.S./UN Troops Out!," Black History and the Class Struggle, No. 21: Obama: CEO of Racist American Capitalist System
What they won fell well short of these objectives.
--Don Cane, "The Grant Administration (1869-1877) and the Rise of U.S. Imperialism," Black History and the Class Struggle No. 22: Race and Class in American History: Colonial America, the Civil War and the Rise of U.S. Imperialism
Along with the intellectuals, lawyers and other representatives if the black petty-bourgeoisie who formed the ANC, the chiefs' main concern was begging the British colonial rulers to grant them a privileged position as black aristocracy within the system of white capitalism rule.
--"Traditional Courts Bill: Dire Threat to Women--South African Government Promotes Reactionary Tribal Leaders," Black History and the Class Struggle, No. 24: 150 Years Since the Emancipation Proclamation--Finish the Civil War! For Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution!
Doodlebug Anklebiter |
With an easy condescension, and kind forbearance towards our stupidity--which, to his order of mind, must have seemed little short of crime,--would he forthwith, by the merest touch of his finger, make the incomprehensible as clear as daylight.
--Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Custom-House," The Scarlet Letter