What is the Best Way to Dual Wield Revolvers?


I'm sure someone out there is finding it absolutely hilarious that the guy who started the 'does anyone else hate gunslingers' thread is actually asking such an ironic question, but I honestly can't help it.

Anyways though, in my current group, we have basically houseruled that Rapid Reload combined with an advanced firearm (such as a revolver) would allow a player to reload as a free action. Now, my only real issue is finding out a way to dual wield revolvers while still being able to reload them. So, does anyone have any good suggestions? Also, just out of curiosity, would having two revolver's with the 'speed property' stack?

Again, any help is greatly appreciated.

Ugh, really? Reloading a revolver as a free action? Maybe with moonclips.

Or if you're playing a busty female Gunslinger (watch the whole clip)

The speed property does not stack, and I know modern revolvers have speedloaders. I don't know if they exist in the game or not. If not you can buy extra cylinders and say they are able to be swapped out as a house rule.

As far as reloading and firing while dual wielding there is no way to do so, and I think any weapon should have a drawback somewhere.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Ugh, really? Reloading a revolver as a free action? Maybe with moonclips.

Or if you're playing a busty female Gunslinger (watch the whole clip)

lol, cute. However, can you honestly say that reloading a crossbow as a free action is any faster? I mean, just take a look at this guy.

Pretty smooth use of a speed-loader there. Still takes two hands, but I guess you could bs your way into it :P

Oooor, as an alternative, go the old-school pistol route. Carry a bandoleer of a ton of single shot pistols and pay double the cost for 'Slotless' weapon upgrades. (Check with your DM first, some aren't cool enough to agree with this.)

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Pretty smooth use of a speed-loader there. Still takes two hands, but I guess you could bs your way into it :P

Oooor, as an alternative, go the old-school pistol route. Carry a bandoleer of a ton of single shot pistols and pay double the cost for 'Slotless' weapon upgrades. (Check with your DM first, some aren't cool enough to agree with this.)

Glad you liked it :P Currently, due to the use of rapid reload and advanced firearms, our group feels that allowing a Gunslinger to reload as a free action (so long as he has 2 free hands of course) is a perfectly balanced concept (again, I would actually LOVE to see a crossbow that could be reloaded as a FREE action...as I sincerely doubt that is even possible).

I suppose I just have a soft spot for the nostalgic value of dual wielding revolvers, but oh well. I'm perfectly fine with just having one, but I still wanted to see if it was possible to dual wield.

As long as we're discussing real world gun feats...

Swift action draw+shoot?

Fact of the matter is that a high-level gunslinger/ninja, if he's using revolvers and he took everything exactly right, is capable of destroying anyone he doesn't like in a single round of combat.

I'll illustrate:
25 point buy
Gunslinger pistolero/mysterious stranger 5/ ninja 7/ Inquisitor 2. Aasimar.

Str 8
Dex 28
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 28
Cha 28


Two +5 distance revolvers. +22/+17/+12 1d8+23 20x4 40ft range.
Sniper's goggles, belt of dex +3, headband of wis/cha +6, 2 books of dex, wis, or cha (just pick 2) 1 book of the aforementioned stats +5. Boots of speed.

Feats: Deadly Aim, point-blank shot, rapid shot, TWF, iTWF, gTWF, Weapon focus:revolver, snap shot.

Spells: only Longshot matters.

What their combat looks like: from 300 feet, while stealthed, sniping (taking a cumulative +10 on the stealth roll), spend a swift action for an extra shot, they shoot for +18/+18/+18/+18/+13/+8 for 1d8+30 each shot, that's just main hand, off-hand looks about the same: +18/+18/+13/+8 1d8+30.

This is against your touch attack while flat-footed, unless you made a truly amazing perception roll (minumum DC 34, but probably much higher than that, as they aren't likely to roll a 1, and they've probably got something to boost their stealth anywhere from 5-20 points). Odds are they are shooting at 12s-13s, meaning pretty much every shot will hit, let's just say only the +18s hit, none of them critical: they deal a minumum of 258 points of damage.

The next round: they use vanishing trick and reload their weapons.

The next round they shoot you a bunch.

They are only okay, until they get to level 5, then they get a lot better.

Edit: blargh, I cannot into math today.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

As long as we're discussing real world gun feats...

Swift action draw+shoot?

holy crap!

It should work okay. No rapidshot, of course. You can't afford the -2 on top of the dual wield penalty, and manyshot is bow specific so you're just getting iteratives. A .45 revolver traditionally has six rounds. That will give you two rounds of firing up to level 16. There's no TWF feat for the fourth iterative so you probably want to skip that anyways to keep your shots easier to track. It's at BAB-17 anyhow. Even firing against touch AC that's going to be hard to hit with.

Two rounds of full attacking touch AC isn't too shabby. If you expect longer fights buy a level 1 Pearl of Power and a third revolver and hit the wizard up for an unseen servant to reload one revolver while you're firing the other.

Round 1: Revolvers are at 6/6/6 fire 3 shots each from 2 revolvers. Free action drop one next to the unseen servant.
Round 2: Revolvers are at 6/3 and the servant has one at 3. Quickdraw fresh revolver. Fire 3 shots from each. Free action hand the empty to the unseen servant. Servant free action hands the loaded one to you.
Round 3: Revolvers are at 3/6 and the servant has one at 0. Fire 3 rounds from each. Unseen Servant Reloads. Give the empty away and get the loaded revolver.
Round 4+: repeat round 3.

The trade-off has the unseen servant sitting under and in front of you where it can pick up your dropped guns with a single move action. It holds up the reloaded guns where you can yank them out of its hands using the quick-draw feat.

If there's no wizard or witch take leadership. Or dip one of them and get a wand, though that's only an hour a charge rather than a single casting to last all day.

Before level 11 a revolver lasts three rounds. That's a large enough fraction of a typical combat you're probably fine.

Duskblade wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

As long as we're discussing real world gun feats...

Swift action draw+shoot?

holy crap!

Watch the series called Stan Lee's Superhumans, it's full of people like that, including a man who can basically run forever, another man who can hold two prop-driven planes from moving for 44 seconds, and a few fakes, but there are a lot of genuine superhumans out there.

I know this has been brought up in other threads before, but I have to ask: doesn't it make sense that rapid reload would give advanced firearms (such as the revolver) the ability to reload as a free action?

Coupled with a Speedloader or Moonclips I would say yes, yes it does.

Trying to slot those in by hand though... not happening :P

EDIT: let me add replaceable cylinders to that list as well.

kyrt-ryder wrote:

Ugh, really? Reloading a revolver as a free action? Maybe with moonclips.

Or if you're playing a busty female Gunslinger (watch the whole clip)

That so needs it's own Grit Power lol

Realmwalker wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

Ugh, really? Reloading a revolver as a free action? Maybe with moonclips.

Or if you're playing a busty female Gunslinger (watch the whole clip)

That so needs it's own Grit Power lol

I concur. Level 6ish would probably be appropriate.

Liberty's Edge

What is the Best Way to Dual Wield Revolvers?

One in each hand.


The first thing I thought of when I saw this post was honestly Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider Games (and movies) how she basically fires her guns then drops the clips and reloads from new clips stuck to her hips, but those are not revolvers. It honestly would have to depend on the technology level of the guns in your game, but as far as reloading revolvers, one would have to be holstered or dropped in order to reload the other. However I guess it all comes down to what people believe can be done in a round of combat where multiple people are fighting. Turn based combat is a touchy subject among many people, and everyone has their own opinion of how it should play out, thus everyone will have a different opinion of what actions can be performed in a round.

I'm not sure why there isn't an infinite ammo/auto-load enchantment.

Realmwalker wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:

Ugh, really? Reloading a revolver as a free action? Maybe with moonclips.

Or if you're playing a busty female Gunslinger (watch the whole clip)

That so needs it's own Grit Power lol

Or at the very least you could use it as an alternate way to fluff Lightning Reload when used with the Rapid Reload feat.

What I'm interested in is a trick she used earlier in the series where she put the barrel of a revolver to the side of a cannon, opened the cylinder, then used something that looked like a speedloader to set off all six bullets at once at point-blank range into the side of the cannon to set off the shell inside it.

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What is the Best Way to Dual Wield Revolvers?

One in each hand, barrels facing the bad guys.

Take 2 levels of Alchemist and get Vestigial Limb Discovery for a weird third arm that you use to reload with.

I've been searching for the designer's quote, but can't find it on the boards. One of the staff members (would like to say James Jacobs, but not sure) stated prior to UC's release that there will be a feat (or some sort of ability) for the gunslinger to reload while wielding two firearms.

So far, the only thing I see is the Ghostly Reload SPELL...and nothing else. And Gunslingers are not spellcasters so that seems a bit preposterous to have unless you plan on multiclassing.

If I find the quote, I will post it here. But sadly, I don't know any official ruling on this and am also saddened we were not given something semi-promised. :(

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