Purpose of Aliases

Website Feedback

Dark Archive

So. now I've just created an Alias. I see that I can post with said Alias.

Is there a point beyond having multiple pictures?

Is it so I can make a dozen aliases with that old guy Treantmonk uses, one for each different smug expression?


Just curious.

I won D&D, and it was advanced too.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's so you can talk to yourself and not look weird.

Shadow Lodge

Play by Post is a good reason to allow for multiple aliases.

Dark Archive

Kthulhu wrote:
Play by Post is a good reason to allow for multiple aliases.

Hmm. That didn't occur to me. so I can have an "in-character" alias is it?

There's PbP on here? I always just come talk about rules and houserules. lol.

Shadow Lodge

Darkholme wrote:
There's PbP on here?


Liberty's Edge

Yeah, there are at least 250 active pbp games going on here. I think that is why aliases were started here in the first place.

Mostly for PbP I'd imagine, since you can have a basic character sheet stats page with each alias.

I use the aliases to stat out character concepts when I'm away form my books(I have dice-roller programs on this computer for stats). I'll email a link to my character bio to a DM before a game starts so they have an idea of what character I'm bringing.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

It's also used for Pathfinder Society Characters.

I use Shadrach when I'm taking a more 'in character' approach to discussing alignments, Shad being a LE version of me.

I also have bob the skull if I need to make a Dresden files joke. :-)

Aliases are also used for jokes such as Vomit Guy, or to denote a different person than yourself speaking, such as AM.

I only use my actual name when dealing with official business with Paizo, which is quite rare. I use Lathiira as my standard alias. My Champion of Justice alias is reserved for silly Off-Topic threads on my part. Morag was the alias I used to narrate our campaign journal for 2 1/2 years and I'm holding in reserve in case I need her. Since I don't do PbP, I really don't use many aliases; I can say what I need to say with just one or two. But some people accumulate them :)

Liberty's Edge

Some of us have alias .... difficulties.

Click on some of the more popular people around here and you'll see what I mean.
SO INSANELY TEMPTED TO POST WITH ALL MI ALISASES HERE NOW> Or maybe just explain what each alias does. Which would still count as spamming.

I like to use this username for coming up with extreme ideas or ideas that could get me construed as stupid (usually an idea involving alignment, Paladins, or both), and my alias for everything else.

Trinam wrote:
Aliases are also used for jokes such as Vomit Guy, or to denote a different person than yourself speaking, such as AM.

You called?


Some are made as characters in a "cult".

Scarab Sages

Hungry Jack® agrees with the esteemed poodle.


What cult?

Some aliases are done just because I found a neat picture.

Edit: Then get used to occasionally call out suspected sock puppets.

Some have no purpose whatsoever, and result from a funny thought.


Dark Archive

Good point, Frank.

runs through thread with a torch

Frank the Mime wrote:



Some are just clones of other posters.

flash_xxxx wrote:
Some are just clones of other posters.


Or posters of others clones.


Gagvoyle wrote:
flash_xxxx wrote:
Some are just clones of other posters.


MoorLackey wrote:
Gagvoyle wrote:
flash_xxxx wrote:
Some are just clones of other posters.


And some are superior clones who maintain the original, bad-ass avatar pic instead of allowing someone to change it to the frilly, rainbow-shitting, happy pony pic.

And some aliases just are......

Dark Archive


I like that you can include international characters. It seems to at least support some unicode.

I'm curious if you can use Chinese characters.

Hmm. It seems Chinese characters are out. No 黑暗胰島 for me. :( lol.

However, it supports some Unicode (or ASCII has more in it than I thought it did), as my goofing around suggests it supports cyrillic and greek letters.

Good God Man! That's too many Aliases!

Dark Archive

You know;

In 35 pages of Avatars, the only ones I really liked are this mongolian nightelf, the Cayden Cailean one I've been using forever, and the miscellaneous smug bald old professor guys-(think Treantmonk)-Specifically for the purpose of being able to use a different expression depending on the tone of my posts.

there were lots I really liked, but I find crossplay a little weird, so I generally avoid female avatars (My avatar on ENWorld (Blink, from Marvel's AoA) is the only exception at the moment, though at one point it was an animated gif of Azula from Avatar: Last Airbender, and before that, the foaming at the mouth guy. lol.)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DΗ wrote:
the miscellaneous smug bald old professor guys-(think Treantmonk)-Specifically for the purpose of being able to use a different expression depending on the tone of my posts.

I think you're referring to Doctor Lucky.

DΗ wrote:
Good God Man! That's too many Aliases!


DΗ wrote:
Good God Man! That's too many Aliases!

Not likely, pilgrim.

DΗ wrote:
Good God Man! That's too many Aliases!

How ken ya have too many?

DΗ wrote:
Good God Man! That's too many Aliases!

Maybe he's not feeling well

Bong hit?

Drugs are bad, mkay?

Dark Archive

Since tone is difficult to gauge over the internet, using an alias provides a useful barometer of the mood of the writer.

No-one should take anything too seriously, if it's posted by a comedic character.

Darkholme wrote:

Hmm. That didn't occur to me. so I can have an "in-character" alias is it?

It helps keep us organized!

Some are created to annoy Joss Whedon-hating DMs.

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