Bestiary 4 Wish List

Product Discussion

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Ladon is a serpent-like dragon yes but no were did i say it had more then one head so calling it a "hydra-beings" is just another "sincu-mistake". Also Ladon is not a plant, it is a dragon. If there going to have plant themed dragons may they make up there own then taking any from well known myth.

Mountain giants are not just hill giants, they are more like the giants of myth being much bigger then most d@d giants.

Forest giants would be more like narled wooden old or mishappen people then giant amazon women. Also I never said good al, I would make them either N or CN.

I hope the Gulon is something much cooler then a big wolverine monster.

I am sure if the good people of Paizo do stats for the akaname, they will come up with something nice and less copyright issue then a Licker look-a-like.

I doubt they will do a monster that uses flaming poo as a weapon but you never know.

I doubt we will ever see a Jackalope in Pathfinder, but if they do it will be in Bestiary 8+.

Dark Archive

Jackalope should just be a template added to 'bunny rabbit,' like 'Vorpal' and 'Look out, that rabbit's dynamite!'

Ladon is a serpent-like dragon yes but no were did i say it had more then one head so calling it a "hydra-beings" is just another "sincu-mistake". Also Ladon is not a plant, it is a dragon. If there going to have plant themed dragons may they make up there own then taking any from well known myth.

Uhm, in one version (the most famous version) the Ladon has over 100 heads all speaking a different language, that isn't a Sincu-mistake but typical Greek mythology, every monster has over 100 different versions next to the (almost lost in time) first version.

I like Ladon to be a plant dragon just like Zomok, you don't, we'll see what they come up with.

Mountain giants are not just hill giants, they are more like the giants of myth being much bigger then most d@d giants.

I hope the Gulon is something much cooler then a big wolverine monster.

You actually would like a copy (somewhat bigger) Hill Giant and Jungle Giant but hate the idea of an underused critter that would mess up bears and wolves? Gulons aren't big wolverines, they are symbols for gluttony and could be the favorite pets for the Runelord of Gluttony.

And the Mountain Giant you describe is 100% clone of the Monster Manual 2 (3rd edition) mountain giant that is from D&D. I don't want such a boring giant to be stronger than my personal favorite giant the Rune Giant, it should stay the strongest giant.

If you so much want giants to be in mountains why don't you just make up that hill or stone giants reside there? And Wood Giants make up PERFECT forest giants.

I am sure if the good people of Paizo do stats for the akaname, they will come up with something nice and less copyright issue then a Licker look-a-like.

The Akaname already has the most fearsome feature from the Licker, its huge tongue, it is also known as Filth Licker. I just meant they shouldn't make it some kind of bathroom monkey but something more feral and horrible, and I never said that I wanted the akaname to be a 100% clone of the Resident Evil Lickers, read better.

You can have the Gulon but it just would have to something cooler then hungry fat wolverine or badger.

The sincu-mistake was assuming I wanted ladon to have a hundred heads like his father Typhon.

Rune giants should not be the strongest giant since they are only CR19 there is plenty of room for bigger, badder, and better ones.

Like the Mountain Giant? A boring bigger version of the Hill Giant which doesn't have ANY special/magical abilities but Rock Throwing, of all D&D Giants the Mountain Giants was the worst for me personally. Of all Paizo Giants the Hill Giant is my least favorite, I just don't like Plain things.

If there is gonna be a more powerfull giant than the awesome Rune Giant it has to be magical, no ordinairy giant can win from magic.

And the Gulon could have an inner portal in their throats, so everything it eats is teleported to another realm/inner pocket realm so it is always extremly hungry because the food never reaches its stumic, it is also immortal of course so it can't die out of hunger.

Tsuchigumo - While there are many spider monsters already, I haven't seen a Trapdoor-based monster yet, this Tsuchigumo (Some asian earth-based spider) is the perfect candidate for some magical trapdoor fun.

For what is it worth, Ladon is mentioned as having a hundred heads by Aristophanes (Thanks Wikipedia!), but is usually depicted as a one-headed serpentine dragon.

I think Paizo isn't big on doing more multi-headed dragons solely based on a recent post where one of the developers wanted new types of dragons that didn't evolve color schemes or multiple numbers of heads.

I am sure regardless of what Paizo produces, there will be plenty of variety which should match the wishlists of everyone who posts in this thread.

RE: Goblin Sharks: I love me some Goblin Sharks, and wouldn't mind if a few 3rd party creatures were added to the bestiary. Sort of a nod to the 3pp people who do good work.

I was visually something a bit different for the Ponaturi...more fishlike without the shapeshifting ability, but perhaps it would be better done as some sort of non goblin humanoid.

So is sincu-mistake like a new word in this thread?

Shadow Lodge

Might as well be. For my money, the biggest sincu-mistake is his inherent need to comment on every idea he doesn't agree with.

Mountain giant = awesome


Kthulhu wrote:

Might as well be. For my money, the biggest sincu-mistake is his inherent need to comment on every idea he doesn't agree with.

Mountain giant = awesome

Could totally look at the giant from Neverending Story as a possible candidate for the look of a mountain giant. I LOVED his character design ... until they ruined the character in subsequent sequels.

Liberty's Edge

Alexander Augunas wrote:

Could totally look at the giant from Neverending Story as a possible candidate for the look of a mountain giant. I LOVED his character design ... until they ruined the character in subsequent sequels.

Actually, if they're going to base a monster off the Rockbiter, I think it should be its own thing. Maybe a type of Neutral Good Troll with DR and a special ability called "Big Strong Hands"

. For my money, the biggest sincu-mistake is his inherent need to comment on every idea he doesn't agree with.

I like starting a confrontation to keep the thread used and fresh, if we only post monsters and things we like (like little pony butterfly and flowerpuff girls who are all sweet and all agree with eachother and respect eachother like we are in a non excisting perfect world) the thread would have died a long time ago.

And good luck with this utterly boring giant.

Mountain Giant

I'm on the Rockbiter team.

Well obviously you'd have to make the mountain giant more interesting than a simple hill giant. It'd be a huge sincu-mistake not to. I'd probably have them more elemental, like fire giants, and have them able to create earthquakes and fissures. Mix earth bending with these guys and they could be mad fun.

I think the thing is that you can disagree with an idea and criticize it, but it's more productive to do so in a diplomatic manner.

At any rate, look at it this way. If developers are reading a thread and making note of possible monsters to explore, they are more likely to to skim over or think unfavorably towards monsters someone proposes in a snarky post that trashes other peoples ideas. Because posting style does influence how your message comes across.

I have nothing against a adjusted Mountain Giant.

Dragon78 wished for the D&D Mountain Giant (from my earlier picture) I have nothing against a adjusted Mountain Giant who isn't such a utterly boring bigger and badder Hill Giant with also 100% the same abilities.

Dragon78 wanted giants that were bigger and and more mythic. I don't see him saying "I want Hill Giants, only bigger". So again, there is plenty of wriggle room in that description


Forest Giant

Ocean Giant
Mountain Giant

This was on Dragon78's wishlist, this is exact the list of giants that is in the Monster Manual 2 (3rd edition) from D&D.

There was nothing about some mythic creature, that came later, but I commented on this list he posted, and I got the feeling he was talking about the D&D versions because they are in the same order.

But enough of Mountain Giants, I just hope we see a Rockbiter version if they ever make it in, and not that horrid D&D version.

The giants don't have to be mythic but having some in CR20-25 range would be nice.

Well...I meant mythic in feel, not necessarily using mythic rules

Paizo Employee Developer

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I think the high-end giant market is kinda covered by the titans.

If there ever gonna be CR20-25 giants it should be something like the Death Giant or Eldritch Giants from D&D, but I got the feeling the Taiga & Rune giant already cover these perfectly, the Taiga being the Death Giant and the Rune being the Eldritch Giant, both Pathfinder giants have more spirit to me tho, altho I really liked the Death Giants with those spirits surrounding them, but Taiga Giants also have spirit powers so they pretty much make up for that.

So Adam Daigle is right, the Titans are the 20+ giants.

I kinda disappointed the Arrowhawk and Ravid will never see the light in a Pathfinder book, I kinda liked those creatures, at least much more than Tojanida, Delvers and especially Rasts which I found the most boring creatures from D&D 3.5 monster manual.

I'm sure Formians are in Bestiary 4 or a similiar product (but I hope in bestiary 4) and Digesters could be somewhat enhanced into something more interesting.

Filchers, Marauders and Phasms I don't really care about at all, Shield Guardians can be tracked in both Iron and Cannon Golems, Slaad & Gith are (thank god) both coyrighted.

- Dark or corrupted Angels, angels of decay, famine, vengeance, sin, sacrifice, disease, shadow, war, suicide, murder and death.

- Corrupted Archons, Wolverine, Wolf, Raven and all such nasty creatures.

- Creatures made from blood, blood oozes, blood golems or just an entirely new demon made entirely from blood (kekkai)

- A creature/shapeshifter made from bones, it collects bones (also steals them from still living creatures) and absorbs them in its evergrowing mass, it can become everything using all the different bones it collected. (see boneyard D&D, but cooler)

- A creature made entirely from skin (any skin) who absorbs other skin into its mass, or maybe some skin golem creature or skin ooze.

- Negative Elementals
* Earth Elementals summoned on a graveyard turn out as Grave Elemental.
* A death breeze Air Elemental created from the breath of an entire dying army.
* Fire Elementals summoned in hell turn out as black fire elementals, or maybe the animated flames from a dying Balor or flames animated from an undead creature which is on fire.
* Water from the Styx would make up the negative water elemental, blood is another possibility.

- More Mummies, less humanoid, more monster. Lion Mummies, Kraken Mummies, Winged Monster Mummies, Ect.

- Dust Vampires, humanoids that die of thirst in a desert turn out as vampires hungry for any fluids they can find.

- Cacti monsters, Cactus Treants, Cactus folk, Cactus Cat or Exploding cactus trap monsters.

- A trio of hunting animals that have linked minds and which can merge together to become a bigger creature.

- Shadow Plants, Shadow Roses or shadow venus fly traps, Plants that grow on the negative energy plane or on the positive energy plane or on the realm of shadows, more underground plants that aren't mushrooms.

- A creature that changes on every terrain, adapting itself to the environment.

- A creature that creates duplicates of creatures it ate to create its own army/guardians/minions/children. Some fish-monster, Qlippoth or toad monster would be suitable.

- Oozes that hunt/eat/absorb magic, and snow/ice based oozes.

- Aura of Retribution, any creature that has this is cool, I always liked this ability on Hamatula's but another devil/demon/creature is good too.

- Demon or Devil Mantis, Starfish and Wasp creatures.

- Moar body invaders, parasites and effigies.

- Zombies that died of hunger become very fat zombies eating until they explode into giant humongous zombies.

- Creatures that have Gravity and Magnetic abilities, and are under CR 10, so not super powerhouse monsters with all kinds of abilities, they should be creatures only able to use gravity and magnetic powers such as Metal Masters and Gravorgs were , but much better monsters of course.

- A creature with an Petrifying aura, maybe some form of cockatrice/medusa/basilisk or something entirely new.

And not good mirror monsters, evil and nasty Bloody Mary like monsters which can be summoned to kill your enemies but with a price.

- Creature with stretchable claws or flesh.

- Creature that collects cadavers for necromancers/liches, maybe some golem.

- Golem/Creature made from spiderwebs, drow/drider/bebilith minions.

- New race of humanoids made from crystals, or with crystal powers/abilities.

- Creature with adaptive skin/defences (ala skindance or Zorbo)

- Plant Reaper which kills other creatures to feed their blood to their plants/gardens.

- Time controlling creature, simple time-abilities such as ageing, small time jumps/teleports, summoning older versions or younger versions of itself.

- Animated/Living/Cursed Sword & Armor, these should not be normal animated objects, they should be cursed or possessed by the spirit of their former dead owners.

- Hell Scorpions, Dragonflies and Ants.

- Race of Mantis humanoids or centaurs.
- Race of Dragonfly humanoids (swordwings were so cool)

- Evil Couatl creature, black/white, absorbs happiness and drains colours.

- Evil Jester creature that turns other creatures hatefull or negative and drains their happiness.

- More strange aboleth slaves and creations just like the Skum and Faceless Stalker, maybe also some strange Kraken creations and slave races.

- More creatures based on the Lobster or Shrimp and not just dire or giant version, magical versions. Sandwalker (a arabian monster) can be a desert based lobster monster and Pistol Shrimps have some nasty sound ability that can be used for a magical lobster monster.

- Magical Hermit Crabs.

- The world of Spiders is filled with terrible spiders, I want to see some magical Wolf Spiders, Jumping Spiders, Trapdoor Spider, Spiders that hold the web in their front legs/Net-Casting Spiders.

- More beetle monsters (Deathwatch Beetle please!)

- Magical versions of both the Earwig, Isopod and of course my favorite insect the Assassin Bug!

Grand Lodge

Can you guys get Alex Ries to do all the art of the aberrations? The guy is brilliant!

I would like to see some otherworldly mounts and friendly magical creatures with completely unfamiliar anatomy. Something you might see out of an old 1970s sci-fi painting.

Shadow Lodge

I'm disappointed in Sincubus's (and at times, seemingly Paizo's) attitude of "If it ain't magic, it ain't $#!¥."

I like non-magical stuff sometimes, but I think one Giant Spider, Hill Giant, Orc and such non-magical, non-magical abilities creature is enough, I don't like armies of creatures that don't have anything special or that are 100% the same as another, if they look really awesome or special that is something different. (same abilities)

I'd like to have more neutral outsiders, that's all.

(or more types, like they've expanded the psychopomps)

I hope Mythic bestiary isn't the same as bestiary 4, I rather see bestiary 4 + mythic bestiary, mythic bestiary being a small one like Inner Sea Bestiary and the Bestiary 4 having over 300 monsters like usual.

I hope Bestiary 4 comes first.

Was there a mention of a mythic bestiary being on the product list.

I actually would prefer to see mythic monsters in the 4th bestiary, although not the majority of the bestiary...they don't all have to be unique demon lords.

I've heard/read somewhere that there is gonna be a mythic monster bestiary.

And no, I don't like unique monsters in a bestiary, they should be in books made especially for those unique lords/extremly powerfull unique monsters. Or in the AP bestairies where they are often in.

Liberty's Edge

Redeemed Evil Outsider template
Fallen Good Outsider template

More Good aligned beings from the Darkland's, being a place of nothing but vile horrid gut wrenching evil is cool but every rule needs to be broken.

Though others are rumored to exist, such
as the surly cactus leshy, the sinister flytrap leshy, the
garrulous snapdragon leshy, and the enigmatic lotus leshy.

I really REALLY want these Leshy's, especially the Cactus and Flytrap Leshies sound like fun! The other two are cool too, really a shame these didn't made the 3rd bestiary, I rather saw the Cactus Leshy than the Leaf Leshy if i'm honest, the Cactus, Flytrap and Lotus leshies can be all CR 4, 5 and 6 creatures to have more powerful leshy's available.

A romantic Rose Leshy and a vain Narcist Leshy would be fun too.

I really hope the artwork of these more sinister leshies is in the style of the Fungal Leshy and not in the other leshies art style.

Last I heard that the next hardcover bestiary will not have mythic stuff in it. But if you really want to know for sure then ask James Jacobs.

I really would also like to see those Leshy as well.

I hope we get a good selection of mythic creatures/beings/demigods in Mythic book itself. I would like to keep the Bestiary 4 mythic free and just get mythic stuff in the APs, Compaign setting line, etc.

I'd like to see more spawn of the Aboleth. What other races and creatures have they influenced in their evolution?

So James Jacobs, in his "Ask James Jacobs" Thread, confirmed that IF there is another hardcover bestiary, that their is 100% probability that it will contain mythic/mythic related creatures.

I tend to think that most high level mythic monsters might eat up a lot of room, so I doubt the bestiary section will be able to fit a whole lot of non-template creatures, and still have room for all the mythic gaming material.

MMCJawa wrote:

So James Jacobs, in his "Ask James Jacobs" Thread, confirmed that IF there is another hardcover bestiary, that their is 100% probability that it will contain mythic/mythic related creatures.

I tend to think that most high level mythic monsters might eat up a lot of room, so I doubt the bestiary section will be able to fit a whole lot of non-template creatures, and still have room for all the mythic gaming material.

Boo :(

Me thinks now this bestiary 4 will be very alien to bestiary 1, 2 and 3... it contains robots and mythic creatures (unique monsters) all who never have been added to the previous bestiaries...

I don't really like this update, its much like Monster Manuals (D&D 3.5 edition) 1,2 and 3 (which were awesome) jumped into the next level bestiary 4 and 5 (which were horrible)

I really hope creatures like Antaeus, Ladon and Argus aren't mythic UNIQUE monsters but all normal creatures that went the same road as Medusa and Minotaur (which are indeed also uniques in true mythology)

But for some reason Argus and Antaeus always end up uniques and not normal creatures like Medusa and Minotaur are... can anyone explain that?

I'd rather seen more Inner Sea Bestiaries and Mythic bestiaries (which are all small like the first Inner Sea Bestiary) and next to that a Bestiary 4 which is 100% the same as its predecessors.

I still hope i'm wrong and everything is good in the end, but i'm not a too big fan of uniques in normal bestiaries tho.

And I don't really know what you mean by

I tend to think that most high level mythic monsters might eat up a lot of room, so I doubt the bestiary section will be able to fit a whole lot of non-template creatures, and still have room for all the mythic gaming material.

But I sure hope the Mythic creatures don't swallow up more than 2 pages...

With 300 some monsters, I doubt we will get more than 5 ish robots, nor do I think Mythic monsters will make up even half the book.

But It does make sense for the beastiaries to cover this material. The bestiaries provide stats that can be used to support other Pathfinder products. I suspect the next AP after Worldwound might be Numeria focused, and with mythic rules being released sci-fi focused monsters and mythic beings will be important niches to fulfill

Also, mythic doesn't equal unique.

Still kind of confused on whether a creature is mythic or not even affects you? My understanding is that you are buying the books mostly for the artwork/writing and to scavenge the ideas for your own game. In which case I am not sure why Antaeus being mythic or not even matters.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If the next AP after WoR is indeed Numeria/Distant Worlds (which is pretty much inevitable given the amount of requests these two areas get), the Bestiary 4 will have a lot of robotic and sci-fi ground to cover :)

Also we still don't know what the final hardcover could be. I SUSPECT it will be another bestiary, but it could also be NPC codex 2, Some sort of template book, or something else we haven't even thought of. THere is even a chance it will be a 100% mythic bestiary, but I remain skeptical of the latter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
If the next AP after WoR is indeed Numeria/Distant Worlds (which is pretty much inevitable given the amount of requests these two areas get), the Bestiary 4 will have a lot of robotic and sci-fi ground to cover :)

I so want more Numeria goodness. Honestly Pathfinder APs are most interesting when they cover weird infrequently explored territory. The idea of fighting Rasputin got a "BAD ASS" from all my players, and is the principal reason I subscribed to Reign of Winter.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
MMCJawa wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
If the next AP after WoR is indeed Numeria/Distant Worlds (which is pretty much inevitable given the amount of requests these two areas get), the Bestiary 4 will have a lot of robotic and sci-fi ground to cover :)
I so want more Numeria goodness. Honestly Pathfinder APs are most interesting when they cover weird infrequently explored territory. The idea of fighting Rasputin got a "BAD ASS" from all my players, and is the principal reason I subscribed to Reign of Winter.

So much this! I have more players asking me to run RoW and the Rasputin adventure than any other AP ever.

As for Numeria, the stuff in Inner Sea Bestiary was an excellent tease, I really love how Androids and Robots are handled there. Give us more!

well, i consider the NPC Codex some kind of Bestiary 4, because it brings a lot of encounter in many ways!!

For the Bestiary 4 i really want to see:
- The monsters from H.P. Lovecraft (actualy a compendium from all of those will be nice).
- Some psionic monsters.
- More aquatic monsters
- less dragons
- less dinosaurs
- more undead
- more fey
- the core races as encounters

Realy this guys at paizo has a lot of monsters, im very happy with the 3 bestiaries. I think we just need the hp lovecraft at my table and thats all. but, if they flesh out another bestiary, i obviously will go for it

Everything is better with robots. EVERYTHING! It'd be a sincu-mistake not to include them in.

As for the mythic stuff in the bestiary, I have a feeling it'll be more like the bestiary in the Epic Level Handbook, with Abominations and Chichimecs, Infernals, and Phanes. Maybe Atropals. Those this were pretty f!~#ed up.

Dark Archive

They are testing the waters with RoW. As the AP after WotR is probably going to be announced before RoW 4 and 5 are released, it will probably be something else. Although I'd be happy to be wrong.

Well, we found out about the two adventure paths by August at Gencon, so I'm sure we'll learn about them then, which would actually make it the first adventure volume of Wrath of the Righteous.

I for one do not like the idea of most mythic creatures in the hardcover bestiary though I wouldn't mind if they are Kaiju, legenadary monsters like Fenrir, Echidna, Cerebus, etc. but if they use it for demon lords or devil princes then I am not buying it.

More Fey, Dragons, Giants, Mythical Beast, Elementals, Plants, Oozes, Dinosaurs, Megafauna, Giant animals/vermin, Angels, Azatas, Agathions, Proteans, Inevitibles, Titans, Lovecraftian Horrors, Aliens, Robots, Golems, Lyconthropes, Oni, Azuras, Lamias, Hags, Rakshasas, Qlippoths, Creatures from Classic Literature, and Creatures inspired by Movies/TV/Pulp.

Less Devils, Demons, Daemons, Undead.

Well the bestiaries tend to be setting neutral so I doubt we'd have named demon lords and archdevils, although I personally would like to see them just so I can see how they do it and stat my own up. One thing I liked about the Inner Sea Bestiary that I wish was in the Book of the Damned 1 and 3 was the traits for an infernal duke of Hell and a harbinger of Abaddon. Demons sadly get all the love.

Jadeite wrote:
They are testing the waters with RoW. As the AP after WotR is probably going to be announced before RoW 4 and 5 are released, it will probably be something else. Although I'd be happy to be wrong.

I remember seeing somewhere on here that they usually try to do one "conservative" AP in between more "experimental" APs. Although sometimes problems occur which is why we got Pirates AP after the Oriental adventures AP.

So Shattered Star (Conservative)
Reign of Winter (Experimental)
Worldwound AP whose name I have forgoten (Conservative plotline, although incorporating a new ruleset)
? Experimental plotline

Odraude wrote:
Well the bestiaries tend to be setting neutral so I doubt we'd have named demon lords and archdevils, although I personally would like to see them just so I can see how they do it and stat my own up. One thing I liked about the Inner Sea Bestiary that I wish was in the Book of the Damned 1 and 3 was the traits for an infernal duke of Hell and a harbinger of Abaddon. Demons sadly get all the love.

Although most of those demon lords and archdevils are from I could see it go both ways..

Yes, some of those demon lords/devil princes maybe based on myth but they would still be world setting creatures. They will not waist space for a unique fiend just to say it doesn't exist in there setting.

MMCJawa wrote:

? Experimental plotline


Dragon78 wrote:

I for one do not like the idea of most mythic creatures in the hardcover bestiary though I wouldn't mind if they are Kaiju, legenadary monsters like Fenrir, Echidna, Cerebus, etc. but if they use it for demon lords or devil princes then I am not buying it.

More Fey, Dragons, Giants, Mythical Beast, Elementals, Plants, Oozes, Dinosaurs, Megafauna, Giant animals/vermin, Angels, Azatas, Agathions, Proteans, Inevitibles, Titans, Lovecraftian Horrors, Aliens, Robots, Golems, Lyconthropes, Oni, Azuras, Lamias, Hags, Rakshasas, Qlippoths, Creatures from Classic Literature, and Creatures inspired by Movies/TV/Pulp.

Less Devils, Demons, Daemons, Undead.

nooooooooo more dragons noooooo the game is not called & dragons anymore

i think there is sufficient dragons... then they will make the toilet paper dragon, coconut dragon or alike... maybe a dice dragon who cares?

by the other hand, the legendary monsters would be nice

maybe Odin, Fenrir, Ragnarok, Grindel, Fafner, Alberich (Dwarf)
gorgimera, the 3 parkas (lakeshys, atropo and... i forgot the name)

maybe a sheakspeare creatures too, more literaturian creatures!!!

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