Sincubus |
I'm back from vacation, I know Ya'll missed me!
Here is the List for Bestiary 4!!!! :p (j/k)
Anyway this would be the bestairy 4 of my dreams!
* = Adventure Path monsters.
- Abaia (the giant eel that floods area's, i've seen it together with Akhlut many times so Pathfinder needs one too)
- Acephali (headless cannibals with faces in their torso)
- Afanc (Beaver monster with crocodile features, builds things to stop rivers, when humanoids come to repair it they devour them.)
- Ant, Hellswarm
- Ant, Infernal (giant black/red ants from hell with fiery bites which set your innards on fire)
- Arrowhawk
- Bakekujira/Ghost Whale *
- Bakeneko (demon cat from japanese mythology)
- Beetle, Deathwatch
- Beetle, Scarab Swarm
- Belostomatid, Giant *
- Biloko *
- Black Jinn *
- Bloody Bones (not like the weak Tome of Horrors variant)
- Bog Strider *
- Bonesnapper (More special, with the ability to withdraw its bones from its flesh to attack enemies and prey with.)
- Bonestorm *
- Bookworm (not the little creature, large dog-sized worms that eat paper, scrolls and other magical stuff to gain magical buffs)
- Buggane (mole-giants)
- Calathgar/Hail Lily *
- Camulatz *
- Canopy Creeper *
- Carnage/Blood Ooze
- Carrion Storm *
- Catfish, Goonch
- Catfish, Candiru Swarm (goes into your production organs)
- Catfish Magical, Migas (whip whiskers)
- Catfish Magical, Namazu (large or huge size and creates earthquakes when cities/towns don't sacrifice to it)
- Chained Spirit *
- Chelicera (daddy-long legs-like monster that can mimicry)
- Chemosit/Nandi Bear *
- Cherufe (The messenger/sacrifice collecting avatar of an living vulcano, made from magma/lava)
- Cheshire Cat
- Chon Chon *
- Clam, Giant
- Clam, Shen (creates illusions to lure prey inside its huge maw)
- Coeurl * (ask permission to use again)
- Comozant Wyrd/St.Elmo's Fire *
- Coral Monstrous, Blood
- Coral Monstrous, Brain (psychic abilities)
- Corpsspinner *
- Crab Monstrous, Coconut (lives on land in trees)
- Crab Monstrous, Yeti (lives in cold climates)
- Daemon, Phasma
- Daemon, Seugo/Blood
- Danse Macabre *
- Delver
- Demon, Armadon (meteor demon)
- Demon, Cerebrilith
- Demon, Decarabia/Starfish
- Demon, Hala *
- Demon, Omukade/Centipede
- Devil, Mantis
- Devil, Mirror (stalks vain creatures through the mirrors, can be summoned by calling its name 6 times infrond of the mirror)
- Devil, Ukobach *
- Devil, Wasp (Bisan) (this is a parasitic wasp demon that lays dangerous eggs into humanoid which transform the victim into a thing (from the horrormovie) like being)
- Dinosaur, Dilophosaurus
- Dinosaur, Gorgonopsid
- Dinosaur, Dimorphodon *
- Dinosaur, Dunkleosteus *
- Dinosaur, Styracosaurus
- Dinosaur, Therizinosaurus
- Domovoi
- Dragon, Brown (sand)
- Dragon, Carmine (blood)
- Dragon, Grey (moon)
- Dragon, Purple (magic)
- Dragon, Yellow (sun)
- Drop Bear (common, everybody would like this, give the fans what they want)
- Dweomercat * (dweomerlynx is better name)
- Earwig, Giant
- Einherjar
- Emkrah *
- Eurypterid/Sea Scorpion *
- Fairy, Tooth (evil, nasty)
- Fenrir
- Formian, Worker
- Formian, Soldier
- Formian, Winged Warrior
- Formian, Queen
- Fossergrim (large fey with fair white skin, beautiful blue hairs and a nasty temper if you do anything to its waterfalls)
- Fox, Black (Evil many-tailed black fox kitsune that cannot shapeshift into humanoid form)
- Fox, Silver (Teumessian Fox the uncatchable large greek fox, can be caught in pathfinder but is very agile and extremly fast and has high evade. immune to ranged attacks.)
- Frog, Echidna (spawns little copies of itself from its hideous back)
- Frog, Poisonarrow Giant
- Gashadokuro/King Skeleton *
- Ghoul, Eurynomous (black, demonic ghouls, much like the Abyssal Ghoul from D&D)
- Giant, Antaeus (cannot be harmed when touching the earth)
- Giant, Argus (eyeball giant, oracle abilities)
- Giant, Firbolg (giant werebears that care for nature a little bit too much)
- Giant, Fomorian
- Giant, Iron (Jack in Irons)
- Goblin, Kijimuna *
- Golem, Coral/Reef
- Golem, Mercury (if not a golem, then a mercury ooze)
- Golem, Symplegaden (twin rock golems that crush creatures between them)
- Golem, Wax *
- Golem, Web
- Grim Reaper *
- Hadhayosh (Fire Bull) *
- Hare, Al-Mi'Raj
- Hare, Jackalope
- Heikegani/Samurai Lobster (samurai's who commit suicide in water become Heikegani)
- Hind (half elf half stag/deer)
- Hyakume (eyeball monster which can pop out its many eyeballs to spy for it)
- Impundulu * (evil thunderbird)
- Incutilis *
- Inkanyamba/King Serpent *
- Isopod, Giant
- Isopod, Gorgon (same material as gorgon, can curl up and roll like an iron ball to crush its enemies and prey)
- Jester, Amadan
- Jester, Anteros (evil black/white jesters who steal emotions and love and turn them into negativity)
- Jinmenju/Harvest Tree *
- Jubokko/Vampire Tree
- Ladon (wingless tree dragons that make the perfect guardian)
- Laelaps (the perfect hunting dog)
- Lamia, Kuchrima *
- Leshy, Venus Fly Trap
- Leshy, Cactus
- Leshy, Vine
- Leshy, Tree
- Lion, Nemean (other name needed for this tough lion)
- Lobster, Giant River
- Lobster, Giant Pistol (other name needed, pistol is a bit odd)
- Lorelei (evil mermaid in indigo fishscales that brings chaos and disorder with her voice, everybody turns violent to each other when they hear her voice)
- Lusca
- Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile
- Lycanthrope, Werefox
- Lycanthrope, Wereshark
- Mantis, Giant Coral/Flower
- Mantis, Giant Stick
- Marlin, Giant
- Megafauna, Amphicyon (beardog)
- Megafauna, Procoptodon (enormous kangaroo)
- Mokele-Mbembe *
- Monkey, Coral *
- Monkey, Sikari Swarm *
- Mudman (more dangerous than CR 2 tho)
- Mummy, Cat (seen a perfect creature in one of the other pathfinder books, forgot its name)
- Mummy, Monstrous (much like the skirr from D&D)
- Mummy, Petsuchos/Crocodile
- Nightgaunt
- Ningyo *
- O.M.A (space whale)
- Obliviax
- Oni, Atamahuta *
- Oni, Nogitsune *
- Oni, Yamabushi Tengu *
- Otter, Dobhar-Chu
- Peluda *
- Phantom Armor *
- Phantom Sword/Nemesis (possessed sword)
- Phthisic (from the psionic handbook)
- Raiju *
- Rajput Ambari *
- Rat, King (if angry or scared can create endless copies of itself, the copies however disappear after a while)
- Rat, Tunnel (very powerful fangs that can bite through anything)
- Ravid (very different looks and can only animate 3 objects at one time)
- Red Reaver *
- Remora, Giant
- Remora, Echeneis (remora with magnetic powers!)
- Rokurokubi *
- Rose, Gloomborn (black monstrous roses that sometimes grows out of the corpses of powerfull undead creatures)
- Rose, Vampire
- Rukh *
- Sandpoint Devil *
- Saumen Kar *
- Sawfish, Giant
- Sea Cat *
- Sea Horse, Giant
- Selkie, Leopardseal (evil)
- Selkie, Seal * (good)
- Selkie, Walrus (neutral)
- Shadowgarm *
- Shark, Cookiecutter
- Shark, Goblin
- Shark, Helicoprion *
- Shark, Megamouth
- Skrik Nettle * (absolutely needs to be there)
- Skull Hermit (hermit crab that lives inside the skulls of dragons/giants)
- Skull Ripper *
- Skunk, Aniwye (giant monstrous skunk with poisonous gas attacks)
- Spider, Giant Trapdoor
- Spider, Giant Wolf/Jumping
- Spider, Giant Net-Casting/Deinopidae
- Spider, Giant Water
- Springheel * (other art, more powerfull, much like skulk from D&D 4th edition, murder addicted)
- Starfish, Solarstar Giant
- Starfish, Thorn Crown Giant (can travel over land and eats/destroys everything)
- Stygira *
- Swamp Barracuda *
- Swan May, Black (evil)
- Swan May, White (good)
- Tigerfish, Swarm *
- Tigerfish, Giant *
- Thorny, Beast (cactus)
- Thorny, Treant (cactus)
- Torble *
- Totem, Fury *
- Totem, Tribal *
- Umasi *
- Umdhlebi * (the parasite black vine plant)
- Urchin, Blackspot *
- Urchin, Glass Urchin *
- Vampire, Nosferatu *
- Vampire, Vrykolakas *
- Vilkacis * (the werewolf spirit incarnation)
- Vouivre * (other art)
- Warsworn *
- Weasel, Sickle (Kamaitachi, search google)
- Weasel, Strangle (Ramidreju, search google)
- Weaverworm *
- Wolverine, Gulon (search google)
- Worm, Indus (white water worm)
- Worm, Lambton (dragon worm)
- Zorbos (much like the zorbo from D&D, but a gecko, and not a koala)
Sincubus |
The Echeneis exercises an attraction on ships that could best be compared with the influence of a magnet on iron. The attraction, so the historical tradition says, emanates from the fish and brings the vessel, whether powered by sail or oarsmen, to a standstill. I mention this seemingly unimportant feature because … in the alchemical view the attraction no longer proceeds from the fish but from a magnet which man possesses and which exerts the attraction that was once the mysterious property of the fish. If we bear in mind the significance of the fish, it is easy to understand why a powerful attraction should emanate from this arcane centre, which might aptly be compared with the magnetism of the North Pole…
Not magnetizm but close... :p
MMCJawa |
Actually I still haven't seen the movie...didn't even realize it was released yet :(
In folklore, mirrors are sometimes viewed as portals, passageways that spirits can use to travel from one world to the next. Or in some cases traps for spirits. I think some cultures had traditions where mirrors were covered to prevent the spirits of the dead to get "stuck" and not move on.
Probably quite a bit of flexibility there for multiple mirror creatures.
SquirmWyrm |
Here's a thought. Remember the Myr from Magic: the Gathering?
Admittedly, the myr themselves have WotC's copyright, but the concept deserves looking into. An ant-like race of constructs, possibly with spell-like abilities akin to pearls of power or whatnot.
Similarly, something like the Slivers hasn't been done before, a group of creatures with multiple varieties, each with a special ability that the others gain by the presence of the original, and rely upon keeping said originals alive so they can retain said abilities.
Obviously, they don't have to be one-legged worm-things, but still.
Sincubus |
I've looked through the Bestiary 3 wishlist topic, and I've looked up all the monsters that people wished for there and that actually made it into the bestiary 3!
Its a huge amount so I really hope for bestiary 4 now!
Creatures from peoples wishlists that also made it into the bestiary 3:
Atomie / Sprite / Types of Rakshasa / More Linnorms / Asian Dragons / Kappa / Ki-Rin / Oni / Bone Golem / Jungle Giant / Desert Giant / Kamadan / Catfolk / Asura / Feybeast Template / More Archons / Bandersnatch / Jubjub Bird / Kangaroo / Basilosaurus / Skunk / New Kytons / Goblin Snake / Giant Gecko / Deathweb / Raktavarna / Beatific One / Rakshasa Maharajah / Mobogo / Contract Devil / Boogieman / Sasquatch / Hodag / Cerberus / Divs / Nixie / Graveknight / Dire Corby / Spider Eater / Trojanida / More Sphinxes / Moonbeast / Akhlut / Adlet / Pukwudgie / Baykok (thank you guy who voted for this!!!) / Yithian / Girtablilu / Melia or Thraie / Incubus / Tatzelwurm / Flumph / Demi-Lich / Ahuizotl / Megalania / Dimetrodon / Balachtherium / Kami / Giant Vulture / Great Cyclops / More Giant Spiders / More Giant Scorpions / More Giant Jellyfish / Kech / Jackalwere / Magmin / Demodand / Faerie Dragon / Hekatonkheires / Sleipnir / Garuda / More Leshy / All monsters from the bonus bestiary / Valkyrie / Annis / Yuki Onna / Gorinych / Wolf in Sheeps Clothing / Adherer / Allip / Huecuva / Penanggalan / Nuckelavee / Tophet / Simurgh / Maftet / Kongomato / Pachycephalosaurus / Iguanodon (why one would vote for this remains a mystery to me) / Tanuki / Flail Snail
As for creatures that remain ignored from the Bestiary 3 wishlist:
Dire Weasel
Rat King
Sandpoint Devil
The Lamias
Skull Ripper
Danse Macabre
More Proteans
More Angels
More Qlippoth
Kaiju Template
Drop Bear
Hoop Snake
Chesire Cat
Sincubus |
From the newer Ap's I really like:
Coral Capuchin
Addu (would do as a Abaia for me personally aswel)
Drowning Devil/Sarglagon
Faceless Whale (awesome art)
Seaweed Siren
Skvader & Wolpertinger
Maybe Snallygaster if they change the artwork into something less hilaric.
MMCJawa |
well...going forward, now that they plan on releasing mythic rules, I would like to see mythic monsters in new bestiaries. Not necessarily a huge number of them...just a few would be fine. It would help alot to support the ruleset, rather than just confining mythic monsters to the Mythic adventures book or a few demigod write ups.
MMCJawa |
Seems relevant to post this here:
Just posted in the product commentary for Distant Worlds by James Sutter:
"I'm going to leave most of that information for later products, as I generally don't like publishing new content on the messageboards, but I can tell you that we'll definitely be hitting the formians in a Bestiary hardcover soon, and that there's a useful lizardfolk variant in Classic Monsters (which, conveniently, I also wrote) which works well for the desert lizardfolk of Akiton. :)"
So seems to confirm their will in fact be a bestiary 4 or something like it, it will be "soonish" (Make of that what you will), and it will have formians :)
MMCJawa |
I would rather have mythic monsters in a hardcover bestiary, for the following reasons:
A mythic bestiary by itself might be a hard sell
Some mythic creatures should be setting neutral, and in that case presentation would be more appropriate in the rule book line
If paizo wants to do mythic right, it needs to be supported. Having mythic stuff pop up in other rulebooks seems the most appropriate way to do so.
There will be a need for mythic monsters, which most likely will help push Bestiary 4 up in priority compared to other books (Much like Bestiary 3 really helped set up Tian Xia campaigns).
I think everyone has things they would prefer weren't/were added to the bestiary. I could live without robots myself, or dinosaurs.
Dragon78 |
We will be getting mythic monsters in the mythic book that is coming out next year plus stats for whatever mythic bad guys will be in the AP that will be using mythic rules. The only mythic creatures I want to see in the next Bestiary are the Kaiju and besides most of the Demon Lords, Demi-Gods, etc. are campaign specific so much less likely to show up in a neutral setting book.
Yeah I saw that part in Distant Worlds section since it was one of my questions. I am think more then likely "soon" means the last hardcover book of next year wich is more then a year away.
MMCJawa |
yeah I copied it for the other people who peruse this thread but may have missed it.
By all means I don't want unique demon lords and such, but there should be mythic creatures that are not in that category. Legendary and planar beasts few have lived to fight. That's the sort of mythic beings I want to see.
Looking in the SRD, I wouldn't mind seeing pathfinder versions of abominations for instance
Sincubus |
I hope that formian note is based on bestiary 4, not on another smaller bestiary, but I guess they are in the small bestiary we will get soon. (forgot the name, but with the giant mechanical scorpion on the cover)
I think the Kaiju should stay in mythical rules, we have behemoths, all types of gigantic monsters like tarrasque and the moth of desna and all so 5 pages of other gigantic monsters seems like something for another book.
I don't understand the mythic beast that much? Are they all like 100% of their counterparts of the true mythology or are they all unique creatuers? Don't understand the difference betweeen a mythic minotaur and normal bestiary minotaur?
MMCJawa |
Formians would almost certainly have to be in a hardcover anyway given that their are different types and so would unfairly take up room in a AP bestiary or a softcover book.
I too hope for Azi in the next book.
I suspect their will be a range of mythic creatures. Some will be "upgraded" versions of existing creatures, some will be unique demigod beings, and some will probably be brand new non-unique creatures, or creatures that "may be" are non-unique, but still fairly rare.
Sincubus |
I want more magical boar creatures, I never liked the cheap Dire Boar and the even cheaper Wereboar, I really want some Razor Boar-like creatures or those from greek mythology made interesting, the Eurythian (whatever) boar was said to be some snoww-based boar so maybe in the winter ap's?
And pathfinder also needs more crocodile monsters that aren't real-time animals, some Petsuchos (mummy crocodile) or Afanc (crocodile/beaver mixture) would be fun.
![]() |
Evil Kirin monster (stag mixed with an chromatic dragon)
The Unktehi / Uktena (stag-antlered water serpent) sounds like a fun mythical beastie to convert, although some might associate it with White Wolf, since they made use of it.
Native American beasties don't get enough love! Wendigo and Thunderbirds usually show up eventually, but Raven Mockers and Night Goers and Uktena and Skin Walkers and Water Babies, not so much.
MMCJawa |
well Skin walkers have been getting a lot of love in fiction recently.
A "Dresden files" esq skinwalker actually would make a great mythic level threat.
I have never heard of the boar from the Hercules trials being associated with snow/ice. I am sure however there is room for more "pig-based" monsters.
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![Orc Ranger](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9413-OrcRanger_90.jpeg)
Well Mr. Sutter did say a hardcover Bestiary that the Formians will be in, so I think that it will not be a smaller book.
I hope that doesn't mean the ant things from 3.0/3.5
Has James Jacobs or Erik said anything? Products have been announced as HOW far out? I was just looking for a rough ETA :)
Sincubus |
Rarog - Slavic creatures that resemble fiery dwarves that fly like meteors and can turn into fiery whirlwinds, can also take the form of a small fire hawk or falcon.
In Fey Folio - Clans of the Fey Realm there is a very cool example of one! (also in that book a very cool Jack in Irons!)
I hope Paizo will also paizonize these folklore monsters!