TimD |
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TimD, that's some darn good stuff right there!
@TimD - wow. Is Awesterrifying a word? If not, it should be trademarked for your post.
Thanks much :)
For your kind words, a few more:
318. Unto the 9th Generation - PCs are all under a familial curse “unto the 9th generation” and must strive to show that the qualities (or lack of qualities) which caused their forbearers to become cursed have been overcome in order to remove the curse from themselves and their families. The familial curses cannot be removed by remove curse, though Wish may work on a PCs. Thematically they should be similar to the Sorcerous Bloodlines or Oracle Curses & Revelations, but not identical. At some point, when the curse is removed it should instead be “flipped” to provide a boon for overcoming the curse. PCs may have to either defeat or make amends to whichever entity or entities cursed them and their families in order to have the curse removed. Focus on the suffering of the rest of their family under the curse and it is best if the PCs are only 2 or 3 generations in so that they know that their children & children’s children will also be suffering if they are unable to have the curse removed.
319. Familiarity & Contempt - PCs are the reincarnated spirits of familiars which were sacrificed or otherwise killed by their masters turning to evil or otherwise embracing the service of the lower planes. They have been returned to either avenge themselves or otherwise keep their former masters in check or otherwise defeat them, but must be very wary. Thematic elements could include insight back and forth between their former masters & themselves and “interference” or other abilities to manipulate or communicate with actual familiars.
320. It’s not easy being green - PCs are orcs, half-orcs or some other form of socially undesirable pariahs of their area. They have been chosen by one or more deities to not only demonstrate that their race is capable of reform, but to guide their race to a greater future. The intercession should be in a dream or drugged state so that PCs must initially operate on faith rather than direct divine intervention that what they are doing is for the good and may allow a bit of reversed metagame to make the players wonder if their characters are being tricked by a malevolent deity or avenging deity as a set-up. This is a campaign to change the viewpoints of the world, more than just for loot and the DM should make sure the players are ok with the different feel.
321. Agents of Balance - PCs are those who have been positively affected at some point by a wish or other great magics. Their existence and perhaps those of their loved ones has skewed the universe somewhat out of balance. In order to address this imbalance, a Thelotos Aeon or similar has made them an offer they can ill-afford to refuse – to work and become agents of cosmic balance or to be removed from the universe to set things right. This campaign is one of resolving extremes – enemies of the Abyss one day and perhaps assassinating a too-influential paladin the next. It’s somewhat similar to the “Unto the 9th Generation” plothook, but will require that the PCs be much more neutral or evil in their outlook as they will not be traditional “good guys”. PC challenges may include trying to maintain some sort of sense of honor or code so that they aren’t viewed as inconsistent by NPCs, attempting to break free from the “balance obligation” or attempting to shatter the very laws of the universe which seem to require balance if the campaign goes “out of the stadium epic”.

Mark Hoover |

In the spirit of Timmy McD:
322. Road to Redemption- each of the PCs was imprisoned for something serious; murder, arson, etc. To commute their sentence they've been given over to a wizard for experimentation. They have been infused with fantastic power (sorcerers, oracles, or perhaps the PCs have had their race changed) but these gifts are also a curse making them outcasts from society at large. The PCs then are forced to work for their "benefactor" in order to either remove the changes or manage them. The endgoal of the arcanist however will be at cross purposes to the majority attitude of the PCs, providing a reason for disobedience and ultimately greater conflict.

Daethor |

333. A vast ancient city, blocked off for centuries by a magical shield, has become accessible once again. However, the previous inhabitants have all gone, leaving no trace of their existence. The place is instead overrun by monsters. The PCs are sent to investigate and unravel the mystery by descending into the undercity beneath the metropolis. When they arrive, they find evidence of a cult who rose to power and sacrificed the city to an evil deity, who repaid their gift by changing everyone into monsters.

Goth Guru |

333. A vast ancient city, blocked off for centuries by a magical shield, has become accessible once again. However, the previous inhabitants have all gone, leaving no trace of their existence. The place is instead overrun by monsters. The PCs are sent to investigate and unravel the mystery by descending into the undercity beneath the metropolis. When they arrive, they find evidence of a cult who rose to power and sacrificed the city to an evil deity, who repaid their gift by changing everyone into monsters.
I hate it when the monsters beg me not to kill them. Then I have to go get scrolls of polymorph and turn them into elves or something.

Detect Magic |
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334. Deepwardens - When you broke your oath you were given two options: exile or death. Rather than take the cowardly way out, and be exiled into the Deep, you have taken up the call to be a Deepwarden. There, beside fellow oathbreakers, you will die for your clan, protecting them from the fiendish denizens that dwell within the deep, dark places of the earth. Forbidden ever lifting a shield again, you must die for the glory of your people if ever you wish you reclaim your honor, and by doing so earn your place at Moradin's table, in the Halls of the Dead.
Obviously, this is a dwarven campaign; the characters, initially seeking death, discover drow attempting to infiltrate and weaken their citadel's defenses. The plot thickens when they find evidence that involves a well-known dwarven noble in the attack; apparently, he's conspired with the drow, hiring them to assassinate the king and his heir. What will the party do with this information? They lack sufficient evidence to incriminate the noble, and even if they did no one is likely to believe them (as oathbreakers).

Mark Hoover |

335. The Hidden Malediction - Several years ago a class of new-money nobility amid the merchants of a city rose to power, flourished for a brief time, and were then extinguished by a terrorist who trapped them at a ball, tortured them, and then released a devastating plague called the Velvet Scars. Those few who survived the ordeal were terribly scarred physically and mentally by the ordeal. They went to great lengths to conceal their pain but their businesses suffered and they faded into obscurity.
The campaign begins with a new outbreak of the Scars. From there the PCs will encounter a group calling themselves the Hidden Malediction; a secret society of mysterious folks with a lot of disposable income and plenty of time on their hands. They of course are the remnants of the fallen nobles, and they have secretly begun to rebuild their power in the worship of Lamashtu. Despite their methods the Malediction is doing unparalleled good in the city so the players will have to decide whether to work with them or against them.

Detect Magic |
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336. Dark Souls - As a newly risen undead, you find yourself stranded on a grey, desolate plane. Here, under gloomy skies, the dead wage an eternal, mindless battle amongst themselves. Unlike the "hollows", you have managed to become self-aware. Your past life is a blur to you now, but this new world is very real. You have to find a way to escape. Luckily, you're not alone. You quickly discover that there are others like yourself--skilled warriors and mages--you will need their aid if you hope to survive undeath.

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337. From the Heavens-With a sudden CRACK, the sky splits open, if only for a moment, and a shape hurtles toward the ground, arcing at terrific speed, and glowing with fire. It PLOWS into the Earth, sending huge gusts of wind and dirt everywhere...the ground shakes with the power of the impact. The party sees this, all from different angles, in different places...but all within a relatively short hike. Whatever it is has made a deep crater, and is bleeding strange energies, and by the time the party arrives, the local wildlife have mutated...and others are there, too. Strange ghostly things rise up to protect it...once it's discovered precisely what fell, the world will change.
It was a god.
(I actually started that campaign. *sigh*)

27. A thousand years ago, Evil rose up and conquered the world; now the last dying god of good chooses the players to try and resurrect his pantheon.
28. At an archeological dig, a time capsule has been found, from a mythic age of wonder. The kingdoms of the world rush to try and open it and claim the valuables inside.
The dying god picks the pics to BECOME the new pantheon, but first there are quests and many things that have to be done ... Epic adventure spanning level one to past twenty, ending in becoming the new pantheon for a world ...
... That you then play in next campaign.

Pezmerga |
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338. The players are part of a village (or come across one), where everyone is happy and nice. Food is plentiful, crime is sparse, and the place is a beautiful paradise. Little does everyone know that it is an illusion, and the people who mysteriously die or disappear, are food or sacrifices for an evil overlord. Strange things may happen, like women having partial memories of pregnancies and not having a baby, criminals seemingly disappearing, travelers never returning, etc.
339. A village has a Vampire elder/mayor that is revered. The citizens donate their blood to him/her willingly, and he/she is a pretty good guy/lady overall. Legend has it he/she is a great hero of the village, and destroyed a great evil, becoming tainted him/herself. A neighboring city blames this Vampire for some recent tragedies, and sends some vampire hunters to destory him/her. The PCs must decide who is right and who is wrong. Can they bring peace? Or will they end up taking on a whole village or even a city?
340. A huge earthquake reveals a massive crevice in the earth, awakening a forgotten race of intelligent humanoids. Although small in numbers (1d100+20?), it soon becomes known that the blood of this race has radical healing powers, and their life force (souls), can grant immortality, or at the very least reverses aging and prolongs life. Do the PC's try and protect these people and help them carve out their place in the world, or do they also seek them out to exploit them? If the former, how do they plan on stopping some of the world's most powerful wizards, overlords, rulers, and their respective minions?

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341.Order of the Seal secret
The Pathfinder Society has hired the adventurers to "tie up a few loose ends". Nothing important but some questions remain, don't you know. Previous expeditions were successful and hostiles unlikely to be in force. The Order, catching rumor of the location, was able to call in a favor and put one of thier own into the selected group for misdirection/destruction of anything that may hint to the Secret but otherwise fulfill her role in support of the PFS Mission.

TimD |

Love the concept behind 340. :) the price of immortality / longevity is always fun to play with…
A few intrigue-based ideas for those who may prefer a bit more “low fantasy” in their options… with nods to Condon, Cook, and Dumas…
342. Manchurian Heroes / the Bourne Enchantment
The PCs are going about their normal, somewhat mundane life in the heart of the magocracy of the north. Each PC should have a relatively simple character sheet to start showing that their Profession or Craft skill focus for their character. All of them are in a cheering crowd during a feast-day celebration cheering a local hero when a stranger bumps into them and mutters a phrase they can never quite remember. At this point the DM will hand them an alternate 10th Level character sheet with a Lawful Evil alignment and run them through their first combat as they attack the hero and their guards, noting that there are other “sleepers” in the crowd. After the PCs eliminate the hero (or he escapes, depending on the flavor of the campaign you want to run) all of the other sleepers seem to go back to “normal” – except the PCs, unlike the others, retain some memory.
In most day-to-day circumstances, the PCs are normal “peasant” NPCs, but in times of high stress or danger, their other side comes out. The PCs must discover both who they really are and what made them this way before they can discover how to free themselves and who they truly wish to be.
343. Sleeper Agents
PCs are third or fourth generation “sleeper agent” spies for a small, but wealthy kingdom who borders on a larger expansionist empire.
For generations they have been aiding the more active spies and saboteurs in their attempts to prevent their home kingdom from being overrun by the expanding empire. New information shows that the empire may finally be on the move, but it has been learned that it is not the emperor, but one of his chief ministers that is pushing for the invasion. The PCs must find a way to gain enough renown to be able to get an audience with the emperor and either discredit or eliminate the threat to their country.
Alternate: the PCs have “gone native” and must eliminate other spies that they know are moving against the empire.
344. In Service to Hope
PCs are mercenaries in services to the evil overlord in a world where there is really nothing but one evil overlord or the other.
They have rarely had a need to question their loyalty as there are no real alternatives. Until today. The PCs witness either the birth or awakening of a lost hope – the destined one from the ancient prophecy has been revealed to them. Now they need to decide how to both protect the prophesied one as well as survive themselves. They cannot win alone and must also turn others from evil. Can they amass the support they need before the evil overlord(s) crushes them and turns the lost hope into a forlorn hope?
345. For King or Kingdom?
PCs begin as guardsmen with an “all-for-one and one-for-all” sort of flavor, but things are not as simple as in the Kingdom.
Between bouts of defeating the Cardinal’s uncouth troops in the street and acting as agents of the aging Seneschal, the PCs learn that their King has begun a decent into madness. Their oath is to the protection of the Kingdom, but can they afford to save a king if it dooms the kingdom?

Mark Hoover |
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We Dwell in Darkness
Several bizarre deaths have occurred. All of the victims are found alone, with no signs of struggle, and they have been strangled, seemingly from behind. The best trackers and hunters can find no track of another soul present at the time of the murder and the only thing linking the victims besides their strange form of death is one fact: all were found just at the foot of some light source casting their shadow behind them.

Mark Hoover |
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351. The Grins
There is a disease called The Grins; it weakens the mind and body of the victims with maniacal euphoria and crippling atrophy. While mortals are affected by this malady they cannot transmit it; the only known carriers are the fey. Now The Grins is back after a 12 year hiatus and fey-hunts have begun in earnest. There is no known cure outside of magic and only the most powerful clerics are effective. There is something sinister about this outbreak however; many of the victims are being saved near the hour of their death by some unknown angel - the cure leaves them alive but still damaged unlike the healing magics of the church. Soon after their deliverance these victims become withdrawn, reclusive; at least one was later found dead at the scene of a horrific murder. Someone must find the source of the disease AND this "cure" and put an end to all this horror.

Icyshadow |
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352. Broken Boundaries
Though you have heard many tales of other realms and even distant worlds,
none of these have ever been a concern to you and your ragtag group of fellow adventurers.
However, in the span of the last two years, something has changed all of that. Proteans had suddenly started appearing in Heaven, Devils were standing in the middle of the Maelstrom and Aximoites have been raining down on the Material Plane followed by a legions of enraged Demons and other outsiders. Someone or something has weakened the boundaries of reality to the point where planar travel is only half as hard as it used to be, but this has also led to widespread havoc across all worlds. Will you try to bring balance to the planes, or do you plan to simply endure and wait to see what kind of existence would you have if these boundaries were broken for good and the planes were unified?

Gavmania |
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353. The Ark
Hundreds of years ago, a Wizard saved your valley from impending disaster by sending it into a demiplane, fuelling the spell with his life. Now the spell is slowly unravelling and the Mayor of the town is asking for volunteers to explore the wizards tower, discover how to reverse the spell and then guide the demiplane back to reailty. Once back in reality, they must defeat the remains of the disaster of long ago.
354. The Shipwreck
You and your fellow party members are on a ship when a storm hits. For days, you run before the storm, Then disaster strikes and you founder on an unknown reef. The party are the survivors, they must search the wreckage for what gear they can find, then traverse an unknown wilderness in search of civilization.
355. The Prince
You are all members of the Bronze guard, an elite unit meant to guard the prince who is third in line to the throne. On a routine diplomatic voyage, your airship is sabotaged and then attacked by an enemy warship that would never expect to be found there. Outgunned and facing oblivion, you are let off the ship with the young prince (a spoilt young ne'er-do-well) in a lifeship that falls to earth in a region of wilderness. You must traverse the wilderness, protect the prince and find out who was responsible for the attack and what they have coordinated against the rest of the royal family. You are being hunted by somebody in airships who is aware that you got away and when you get back to civilization you discover that the rest of the Royal family was killed in attacks "masterminded by the missing prince". Meanwhile, a Duke has taken control of the kingdom and is directing efforts "to bring the Evil prince to justice".
The prince meanwhile has grown into an accomplished leader. You must find allies willing to support your princes claim to the throne, raise an army and reestablish his reign.

Gavmania |
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Not forgetting...
356. The Order
For hundreds of years, an order of paladins have served the Empire faithfully. recently, however they have been discredited and disbanded. Somebody is having them hunted down one by one and killed.
Meanwhile, a politician has risen to the head of the Imperial council on a populist platform. he maintains that the Council must raise an army of their own with the loss of the Order, one which is answerable only to the Council. before long these Imperial Soldiers have seized control of large swathes of the Empire in the name of the council. The Emporer and his family have not been seen or heard in some time, but some of the outlying Nobles have begun to rebel against the Councils heavy handedness.

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358. Death of a Watcher
The Watcher is getting very old, and doesn't have long to live. Out in the wastes, a monstrous humanoid shaman has been piecing together the ritual to awaken the terrible one from its centuries past death-sleep. A new Watcher has been chosen, but is reluctant...can he be convinced to assume such a heavy duty? Can the party delay the shaman long enough...or is the world doomed to see the terrible one's resurrection, after all these centuries?

Gavmania |
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359. The Judgement
A group of High level Inquisitors have judged your city... and found it wanting. They want to lance the boil of corruption by destroying the city. They contact a High level alchemist and have him develop several barrels of a hallucinogenic. he starts by testing it out on the inmates of an asylum. It causes people to see all others as monsters, either causing them to run in fear or to attack the "monsters".
The Inquisitors plan to release the inmates and, under cover of the ensuing chaos, load the hallucinogenic into a giant water tower in the centrre of the city. Then they plan to overload the magical water delivery system with a massive bomb, causing every well to spurt forth a geyser of hallucinogenic water which turns into a fine spray - which will instantaneously infect everyone in the city and cause everybody to run around screaming or start attacking each other.

JiCi |

360. The Art of Evil
Fiends (any evil outsider you wish) have been running rampant inside a metropolis. Investigation reveals that the fiends are bound to tattoos that an artist, adept at summoning and binding, has been doing for a living. Things get worst when the artist has an entire horde tattooed on his back.
361. Snakes, snakes, SNAKES!!!
A cabal of serpentfolks, led by a male advanced "degenerate"* serpentfolk barbarian and his mate, a female advanced regular serpentfolk sorcerer, resurfaces from underground and attack a coastal city as they claim it as their own that was stolen from them.
*"Advanced" would reduced the -6 penalty to Int for a degenerate serpentfolk to a -2 penalty
362. A song to charm
A beautiful woman sings and charms many of the men in the city she performs. The woman is a siren, disguised using magic, that leads men to her flock, as it is mating season for them.

Belle Mythix |

359. The Judgement
A group of High level Inquisitors have judged your city... and found it wanting. They want to lance the boil of corruption by destroying the city. They contact a High level alchemist and have him develop several barrels of a hallucinogenic. he starts by testing it out on the inmates of an asylum. It causes people to see all others as monsters, either causing them to run in fear or to attack the "monsters".
The Inquisitors plan to release the inmates and, under cover of the ensuing chaos, load the hallucinogenic into a giant water tower in the centrre of the city. Then they plan to overload the magical water delivery system with a massive bomb, causing every well to spurt forth a geyser of hallucinogenic water which turns into a fine spray - which will instantaneously infect everyone in the city and cause everybody to run around screaming or start attacking each other.
Batman Begin?

Mark Hoover |

359. The Judgement
A group of High level Inquisitors have judged your city... and found it wanting. They want to lance the boil of corruption by destroying the city. They contact a High level alchemist and have him develop several barrels of a hallucinogenic. he starts by testing it out on the inmates of an asylum. It causes people to see all others as monsters, either causing them to run in fear or to attack the "monsters".
The Inquisitors plan to release the inmates and, under cover of the ensuing chaos, load the hallucinogenic into a giant water tower in the centrre of the city. Then they plan to overload the magical water delivery system with a massive bomb, causing every well to spurt forth a geyser of hallucinogenic water which turns into a fine spray - which will instantaneously infect everyone in the city and cause everybody to run around screaming or start attacking each other.
Sounds gothic. I wish we had a bat shaman...
Edit: Ninja'd buy the Belle of the ball!

AdamWarnock |

363. You're running away from the inn-keeper of the inn you stayed at last night wearing nothing but your BVDs
364. The great human kingdom of X is failing. The dwarves are on the rise and the roads between cities are growing more and more dangerous.
365. A Red Dragon invites the party for tea.
366. A Black Dragon comes to town to play "dollies."
367. A group of dragons from a rock band and travel the kingdoms.
368. A Dread necromancer is taking over the world and naming everything Bob.

Mark Hoover |
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371. One Word
A mad druid has braved the city walls to unleash a torrent of the Wild on the place. He was easily apprehended but not before his powers caused a knot of trees at the center of his attack to grow 10 times their size. This new growth has proven hardier than any mundane plant and refuses to be hewn or cut down, even by fire.
When the inquisitors put the brand to him in the depths of Dununder Prison, he refused to yield. Every night at dusk a raven appeared circling overhead or peering in through many of the windows of the dungeon, as if seeking something within. In his ramblings he raved of the village of Ylvarozske, so the inquisitors dispatched a handful of the Argentium Guard to find what they could.
The guard returned with a disturbing tale. The village was devoid of all life save one little girl, yet the buildings still stood intact so there was no attack. the girl was found, sitting on a tree stump in the center of the green. The bodies of the villagers were scattered around the commons as if they'd assembled for some reason and died where they stood. Each and every one of them had blood caked around their nose and ears; their eyes were gone and the sockets ruptured.
One of the victims of the druid's attack had died, so the Lord Mayor's office ordered him hanged from the neck until dead. The raven perched itself on the gibbet and much of the city turned out for the wretched man's stretching. When at last he was given the chance to speak the druid screamed: "One word; she who never speaks uttered ONE word. The wild will be deliverance! The word is coming!"
The PCs, for whatever reason, begin as members of the crowd.

Gavmania |
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372. The Ambassador
The Great, cosmopolitan city where the pc's are based has received a visitor. The Powerful, xenophobic race known only as The Eldar have sent an ambassador to the city, the only known contact The Eldar have had since their dealings with the Elves during a great war a millenia ago against a race known only as "the shadows"
Now every time the PCs defeat the BBEG, he mutters "The shadows are coming." At first they may dismiss it as the ramblings of a deranged lunatic, but after a while they realise that others are hearing it too. Then they discover the local Wizards guild is up to something sinister, digging around in ancient ruins that were once strongholds of the Shadows.

Gavmania |
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For real flavour, make it a Free City, able to Govern itself by Imperial Charter and make them the Imperial Wizards guild. At some point The Imperial Wizards guild engineers a coup claiming that the City Governor is incompetent and the PCs have to decide whether to support the City Governor and the Imperial Charter or The Imperial Wizards with their Imperial Fiat. Lots of tension and difficult moral decisions.
On a different note, I am trying figure out a scenario involving a Wizard who travels in a teleporting blue box. His name? The Chirurgeon...

Belle Mythix |
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For real flavour, make it a Free City, able to Govern itself by Imperial Charter and make them the Imperial Wizards guild. At some point The Imperial Wizards guild engineers a coup claiming that the City Governor is incompetent and the PCs have to decide whether to support the City Governor and the Imperial Charter or The Imperial Wizards with their Imperial Fiat. Lots of tension and difficult moral decisions.
On a different note, I am trying figure out a scenario involving a Wizard who travels in a teleporting blue box. His name? The Chirurgeon...
Chirurgeon Who

Mark Hoover |
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373. Draconian Lord
A local warlord is hunting down dissidents to his regime. To eliminate these threats dragons are employed to make surgical strikes. Sometimes these dragons destroy his own loyalists or bystanders but there can be no doubt that the beasts are destroying his enemies as well. There are many who whisper that the Draconian Lord should be removed from office while others laud his ruthless efficiency. Through it all those enemies still standing have scattered; though in the shadow they still plot terrors never before conceived in the nightmares of the innocent.

DirtSailor |
374. The Tribe of One
An ancient Orc War-God is arrisen, rallying the roving tribes of Orcs into an actual military state. The other races must rally together to hold off the ever growing army while the party attempts to assisinate the War-God holding their enemies together.
374. World Eater
The Dwarves, in their ever expanding underground kingdom, awoke a forgotten evil deep within the earth. The party, a group of dwarves returning from a diplomatic journy, find their kin darkly twisted and canabalistic. They must fight their way deeper and deeper into the depths to stop the ever growing darkness.
375. Silence
A cult has discovered how to awaken The Void, the infinite expanse between the planes and beyond them where light, sound, and even life do not exist. The party is a group of refugees who's homes have been sucked into pockets of void, must discover how the cult is doing this and attempt to reverse the damage done.

Braingamer |
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376. A demiplane, empty save for a temple housing 7 orbs and a large gem that controls them, guarded by a sole warrior, is breached by an evil wizard of vast intellect. He defeats the guardian and shatters the gem to release a powerful creature, causing the collapse of the demiplane and the dispersal of of the seven orbs into the material plane. The PC's must race him to find the orbs, as feeding their energy to the creature causes it to grow stronger. Should it gain the power of all seven orbs, it will be nigh-unstoppable, and the wizard will use it's power to cleanse the nation before he creates his own utopia.

Belle Mythix |

376. A demiplane, empty save for a temple housing 7 orbs and a large gem that controls them, guarded by a sole warrior, is breached by an evil wizard of vast intellect. He defeats the guardian and shatters the gem to release a powerful creature, causing the collapse of the demiplane and the dispersal of of the seven orbs into the material plane. The PC's must race him to find the orbs, as feeding their energy to the creature causes it to grow stronger. Should it gain the power of all seven orbs, it will be nigh-unstoppable, and the wizard will use it's power to cleanse the nation before he creates his own utopia.
Sonic the Hedgehog?

Gavmania |

374. The Tribe of One
An ancient Orc War-God is arrisen, rallying the roving tribes of Orcs into an actual military state. The other races must rally together to hold off the ever growing army while the party attempts to assisinate the War-God holding their enemies together.
374. World Eater
The Dwarves, in their ever expanding underground kingdom, awoke a forgotten evil deep within the earth. The party, a group of dwarves returning from a diplomatic journy, find their kin darkly twisted and canabalistic. They must fight their way deeper and deeper into the depths to stop the ever growing darkness.
375. Silence
A cult has discovered how to awaken The Void, the infinite expanse between the planes and beyond them where light, sound, and even life do not exist. The party is a group of refugees who's homes have been sucked into pockets of void, must discover how the cult is doing this and attempt to reverse the damage done.
That's very similar to what was posted on 101 Homebrew ideas. Wait - no, it's exactly the same lol.

Gavmania |

378. The Return
30 years ago, an expedition set off for the Heart of the World, a legendary cave in the deepest depths of the Earth. Now it has returned, but every member is possessed of incredible destructive power and seems invulnerable to all attacks. The pcs must follow their trail underground to find out what happened to them and what can be done about it before they destroy society as we know it.

Braingamer |

Braingamer wrote:376. A demiplane, empty save for a temple housing 7 orbs and a large gem that controls them, guarded by a sole warrior, is breached by an evil wizard of vast intellect. He defeats the guardian and shatters the gem to release a powerful creature, causing the collapse of the demiplane and the dispersal of of the seven orbs into the material plane. The PC's must race him to find the orbs, as feeding their energy to the creature causes it to grow stronger. Should it gain the power of all seven orbs, it will be nigh-unstoppable, and the wizard will use it's power to cleanse the nation before he creates his own utopia.Sonic the Hedgehog?
Sonic Adventure, to be precise. I've actually just started a game with this as the basic premise, using 'Orbs of Nethys', an EK as the bbeg and a water elemental-based monster.