Fantasy Grounds or D20 Pro?


My group is looking to be able to play online with a combination of PBEM/PBP and real-time playing.
While I have personally gone to running adventure paths, other DMs in our group use homebrew.
All of us use Hero Labs as well.
That said, can I hear some pros and cons of each?

Dark Archive

Chadlee Windham wrote:

My group is looking to be able to play online with a combination of PBEM/PBP and real-time playing.

While I have personally gone to running adventure paths, other DMs in our group use homebrew.
All of us use Hero Labs as well.
That said, can I hear some pros and cons of each?

Well as a avid user of D20pro I will chime in. Good little video of D20pro

D20pro is quite a bit cheaper for both players and GM's (30$ for a GM licence that allows two people to connect and play without buying a licence of their own. Player licences cost 10$ each. GM's can buy addition guest licences for 10$ each or cheaper if you buy in bulk.)

D20pro works with Herolab as you can import Herolab files into D20.

D20pro is very easy to use and get the hang of.

D20pro easy to manage multiple campaigns and resources.

D20pro. You can basically play any game that requires dice to play, even checkers or other games But really shines of course with a d20 type game.

Now I do own fantasy Grounds II as well but have only used it a few times.

Quite a bit more expensive, Gm licence with unlimited players can cost upwards of 180$. Players licences cost 27$ I believe.

Not very user friendly IMO until you really get the hang of how it works and runs.

It does look really nice, probably the nicest looking VTT IMO followed by D20pro.

It has the cool rolly dice feature that a lot of people like.

Liberty's Edge

Some additional things about FG2:

HeroLab now has a funxction to export characters in FG format, as well.

FG has a Pathfinder framework (under the 3E framework)

Without getting into a long spiel, FG2 is basically the current "best of breed" VTT. It is also the most expensive (surprise, surprise). It utilizes the PF ruleset exceptionally well. For our particular group, the real lynchpin was that, unlike every other VTT on the market, it has a metric ****-ton of rulesets available. In our case, we play WH40K, Shadowrun, PF, and periodically 4E. All have full rulesets available in FG2.

What that means, from a gameplay standpoint, is that you can actually put your full-statted character into FG2. It's a one-stop-shop. Your GM will be able to see your character, stats, and all, and add you into the combat tracker with all the varying monsters, NPCs, etc. Rolling an ability is as easy as clicking the appropriate skill/action on your char sheet. Dropping in full-statted monsters (and entire encounters, maps, etc.) is just as easy.

I guess this did turn into spiel...bah, back to work for me!

The Exchange

Count_Rugen wrote:

Without getting into a long spiel, FG2 is basically the current "best of breed" VTT. It is also the most expensive (surprise, surprise). It utilizes the PF ruleset exceptionally well. For our particular group, the real lynchpin was that, unlike every other VTT on the market, it has a metric ****-ton of rulesets available. In our case, we play WH40K, Shadowrun, PF, and periodically 4E. All have full rulesets available in FG2.

What that means, from a gameplay standpoint, is that you can actually put your full-statted character into FG2. It's a one-stop-shop. Your GM will be able to see your character, stats, and all, and add you into the combat tracker with all the varying monsters, NPCs, etc. Rolling an ability is as easy as clicking the appropriate skill/action on your char sheet. Dropping in full-statted monsters (and entire encounters, maps, etc.) is just as easy.

I guess this did turn into spiel...bah, back to work for me!

Well, I didn't hear anything in FG2 that makes it best of breed. D20Pro has similar rule sets.

Every feat I've seen mentioned on FG2 is done on D20 Pro. Additionally, D20 Pro is the software of choice for a lot of tournaments. The cheesegrinder for example is run using d20pro - so they have a lot of experience streamlining the UI to make the game flow smoothly.

Highly Recommend d20Pro.

cp wrote:

Well, I didn't hear anything in FG2 that makes it best of breed. D20Pro has similar rule sets.

Every feat I've seen mentioned on FG2 is done on D20 Pro.

One can look at a motorcycle and a car, and say "well, the motorcycle is accomplishing everything the car does." :)

Have you used FG2? I don't think you truly know what I mean when I say there are "rulesets" available.

I have used both d20 Pro before, as a GM and player. Granted, it was over a year ago. D20 Pro may have put out a new version since then, but there really wasn't any comparison, both in flash and functionality.

I think many people simply latch onto whatever they happened to have used in the past. I used to swear by Maptool, God help me. Since I'm in something of a remote location, VTTs are my gaming bread n' butter.

Dark Archive

Count_Rugen wrote:
cp wrote:

Well, I didn't hear anything in FG2 that makes it best of breed. D20Pro has similar rule sets.

Every feat I've seen mentioned on FG2 is done on D20 Pro.

One can look at a motorcycle and a car, and say "well, the motorcycle is accomplishing everything the car does." :)

Have you used FG2? I don't think you truly know what I mean when I say there are "rulesets" available.

I have used both d20 Pro before, as a GM and player. Granted, it was over a year ago. D20 Pro may have put out a new version since then, but there really wasn't any comparison, both in flash and functionality.

I think many people simply latch onto whatever they happened to have used in the past. I used to swear by Maptool, God help me. Since I'm in something of a remote location, VTTs are my gaming bread n' butter.

I agree that FG II is nice but for the cost D20pro will do basically the same thing for 25% of the price.

Scarab Sages

If you're interested in looking at a fantasy grounds video, I put together a video tutorial series for new pathfinder society players using the vtt.

Part 1 on the character sheet is at:

Part 2 on combat is at:

Part 3 on map/chat/library use is at:

Looking for some updated opinions. Cost isn't really an issue.

I own both D20 Pro+6 and FG.
I also own Hero Labs and Realm Works.

I will be running Kingmaker.

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