Alwaysafk |

Ultimate Combat brought in a lot of grapple related feats. Chokehold, Jawbreaker feat chain, Rapid Grappler etc. So many choices, and so few feat slots. Besides the standard Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple and Greater Grapple, what are the must have grapple feats and grapple strategies to be an effective Luchador?

Artemis Moonstar |

Honestly, it depends on what you're going for.
Pinning Rend and Chokehold are excellent if you're a secondary striker who can take the time to actually use them. Beyond that, the Jawbreaker line is good if you like debilitating an opponent's capabilities.
I would suggest looking at the Snapping Turtle Style and Snapping Turtle Clutch. Snapping Turtle Clutch lets you, whenever an opponent misses you with a melee attack while using Snapping Turtle, you can use an immediate action to attempt a grapple maneuver at -2 penalty.
Rapid Grappler is also really good. If I understand it right, when you use Greater Grapple to maintain a grapple as a move action, you can use a swift action to make a grapple maneuver check. Then still have one more as your typical standard.
Chokehold is just a nice bonus, makes them suffocate while you're grappling them... Body Shield is just too fun not to take, use that archer's buddy as a pin cushion, lol.
I love grappler characters, and I always, ALWAYS suggest making them as fighters. The extra feats really give them an added boost. Now, with UC, even the 22 feats a Human Fighter gets isn't enough for my dream build (but that also includes a lot of extra stuff).
Honestly, as for strategy? Anything to pump your strength and CMB. I've been toying around with a dex-based grappler and the Agile Maneuvers feat, have yet to actually manage a playtest with it though.
Nimble Moves and Acrobatic Steps for generic feats help you get to them quicker, ignoring 20ft of difficult terrain....
Beyond that, just make sure you A) manage to prevent others from helping them out of the grapple (or in the case of my dwarf grappler, put them in a chokehold too), B) have a good escape plan for getting out of there when they start trying to gangrape you, you make such a lovely target. On the plus side, Jawbreaker and Chokehold make wonderful anti-caster feats.
PS: With sufficient strength, a good roll, and a cool DM you might be able to pop the heads off imps with one hand like I used to :).

zagnabbit |

I like Jawbreaker. It's awesome for shutting down monstrous spellcasters. Although you'll be an absurd level to pull it Neckbreaker is the best grapple feat I could envision. I think Rapid Grapple is a better feat generally since it gets you to the pin faster. Snapping Turtle Style is worth a look but I'm not sure there is room for the whole tree.
The last time I built a grapple monk I found Scorpion Style really useful. I've always found grappling a useful way to take an opponent out of the fight. Scorpion Style let's you grapple then grapple move then Scorpion Strike and disengage to focus on another opponent. Gorgon Fist was cool then but with all of the new options I don't know if I'd take it now.
With a monk I'd still want some non grapple abilities. The Unarmed Fighter archetype leaves more space for feats to flex your range.
Has anyone played the Tetori archetype?

Artemis Moonstar |

Honestly, I have been dieing to play the tetori archetype, but I haven't yet managed to find anything on the fixing of the fact that it seems to gain bonus feats that don't exist....
As for Final Embrace... I can't say. I haven't managed to play a naga, or really any of the races for it... It seems, given the constrict/grab/grapple nature of final embrace... Vital strike SEEMS like it'd be better... But having 6 feats is just bleh... Well, 3 if you forego Devastating Strike....

Artemis Moonstar |

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-a rchetypes/tetori
here ya go tetori archetype
Aaah! They finally fixed it! Thanks man..... These are exactly the feats I suspected they were thinking of, lol.
Now, as for the Tetori archetype. As I said I have yet to play any particular, but given the bonus feats and what it actually does, I'd say it looks absolutely fabulous for a grappler character.
Admittedly some of the bonus feats are too late of level for my liking (Chokehold and Neckbreaker), but you can always pick these up with your normal feats. The simple fact that he obtains the Grab and Constrict special attacks for his unarmed strikes makes him well worth it, from what I can tell.

Alwaysafk |
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Since I posted this I rolled a Titan Mauler Barbarian that used Body Bludgeon, the Grapple Feat chain and Rapid grapple to dual wield medium sized enemies. Mix in Body Shield, Chokehold and Enlarge Person you get a pretty lulzy fighting style. After they go limp, use your Hurling rage power chain to toss them at enemies.
Of course, you couldn't full attack with each of them, but you can maintain your chokehold on the one you're saving for Bludgeon #2.

Artemis Moonstar |

Artemis Moonstar wrote:.... B) have a good escape plan for getting out of there when they start trying to gangrape you, you make such a lovely target.....How about we avoid such offensive and inappropriate language on the boards......
Hm? I'll remember that in the future. I've seen it tossed around in quite a few threads on the boards in reference to getting ganked, to borrow an MMO term, I figured it wasn't that big a deal.

Gallo |

Gallo wrote:Hm? I'll remember that in the future. I've seen it tossed around in quite a few threads on the boards in reference to getting ganked, to borrow an MMO term, I figured it wasn't that big a deal.Artemis Moonstar wrote:.... B) have a good escape plan for getting out of there when they start trying to gangrape you, you make such a lovely target.....How about we avoid such offensive and inappropriate language on the boards......
Seriously, you think using the that term in a casual way is "no big deal"? You need to go take a long hard look at yourself.

Matt Stich |

Artemis Moonstar wrote:Seriously, you think using the that term in a casual way is "no big deal"? You need to go take a long hard look at yourself.Gallo wrote:Hm? I'll remember that in the future. I've seen it tossed around in quite a few threads on the boards in reference to getting ganked, to borrow an MMO term, I figured it wasn't that big a deal.Artemis Moonstar wrote:.... B) have a good escape plan for getting out of there when they start trying to gangrape you, you make such a lovely target.....How about we avoid such offensive and inappropriate language on the boards......
Relax, guys. The gamer mindset does desensitize people to that type of language. @Artemis, please refrain from using such language on the boards in the future. Back on topic, I'd say monk is the best way to go with tetori and the snapping turtle feats. I'm not really sure there are any must have feats besides improved/greater grapple. Maybe rapid grappler, but the snapping turtle feats are really good for this too.

Eurokay |
I'm surprised that nobody brought up a ninja grappler. What do you think of this build?
Improved/greater grapple
Improved unarmed strike
Rapid grappler
Strangler (sneak attack while grappling)
Sap adept/sap master (+sneak attack dmg/ 2x damage)
Pinning knockout (2x damage)
Deadly finish
Of course this would be non-lethal, but deadly finish should take care of that.

Archaeik |
Nonlethal damage is tracked separately from lethal damage.
The interaction is that any nonlethal damage done after [current nonlethal damage] == [MAX HP] becomes lethal and is then deducted.
Nonlethal damage represents harm to a character that is not life-threatening. Unlike normal damage, nonlethal damage is healed quickly with rest.
Dealing Nonlethal Damage
Certain attacks deal nonlethal damage. Other effects, such as heat or being exhausted, also deal nonlethal damage. When you take nonlethal damage, keep a running total of how much you've accumulated. Do not deduct the nonlethal damage number from your current hit points. It is not "real" damage. Instead, when your nonlethal damage equals your current hit points, you're staggered (see below), and when it exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious.
Nonlethal Damage with a Weapon that Deals Lethal Damage
You can use a melee weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage instead, but you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Lethal Damage with a Weapon that Deals Nonlethal Damage
You can use a weapon that deals nonlethal damage, including an unarmed strike, to deal lethal damage instead, but you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll.
Staggered and Unconscious
When your nonlethal damage equals your current hit points, you're staggered. You can only take a standard action or a move action in each round (in addition to free, immediate, and swift actions). You cease being staggered when your current hit points once again exceed your nonlethal damage.
When your nonlethal damage exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious. While unconscious, you are helpless.
Spellcasters who fall unconscious retain any spellcasting ability they had before going unconscious.
If a creature's nonlethal damage is equal to his total maximum hit points (not his current hit points), all further nonlethal damage is treated as lethal damage. This does not apply to creatures with regeneration. Such creatures simply accrue additional nonlethal damage, increasing the amount of time they remain unconscious.
Healing Nonlethal Damage
You heal nonlethal damage at the rate of 1 hit point per hour per character level. When a spell or ability cures hit point damage, it also removes an equal amount of nonlethal damage.
Deadly Finish will not help you kill someone only by doing their [total HP] in damage (although once unconscious they will be available to coup)
It's a rather weak feat in most respects (pretty much it's just giving the coup DC to a normal attack IF it happens to knock them down with lethal damage)
EDIT: excuse me, it was only sap master, you still get the small bonus to SA damage from Adept on all SA attacks
Sap Master ONLY work vs flat footed (much harder to achieve during combat as "flat footed" =/= "denied dex")
Further, I think you'd need a level in monk to avoid the -4 penalty for using (improved)unarmed strike as nonlethal damage, as they specifically state they can freely switch, but the feat doesn't.
The Bludgeoner feat would also work to fix that.
Not a fan of Strangler. takes your swift action, if your opponent is pinned(as they should be) you don't need it as they are denied dex already. (But it will have SOME limited utility in cases where you haven't pinned)