
Guy Thing's page

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Iron gods seems to be the best place to use it. Robots do my bidding!! Focus on enchanting and get mini army. Kitsune and Drow get bonus to enchantment spells. Spell focus and mages tattoo to really amp up your saves.

From warhammer description:

Long war hammers are pole weapons (polearms) meant for use against riders, whereas short ones are used in closer quarters and from horseback.

I was mostly wondering due to having proficiency with warhammers due to being a cleric.

In the description for warhammer it states there are long handled versions of the weapon that can be used as polearms.

My questions are, does this change the handiness of the weapon, damage etc etc. or is it the same as base warhammer but now polearm.

I am aware that Dwarven longhammers exist, are they what a extended warhammer become? If so, does the proficiency with warhammers still apply in either case?

Friend signature character is a halfling ladies man.
Tried my bit as a Raptoran ladies man in a different campaign.
conversation happened out of game.

"good thing I'm not playing my halfling. We'd either be best buds, or rivals."

I look right at her and respond.

"No, he'd be your..." I put on my glasses "wing man. YEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"

Why do no Banners fly around Old Dead Eye?

Because Erastil (air is still)

Thats what I thought. Thank you.

If one takes Druid to level 5, selecting domain over animal companion for natures bond.

Then Start Green faith acolyte, receiving companion bond. She would receive a companion.

Would her druid level for the companion be 1 (1/2 of class level)or 6 (druid levels+ 1/2 class level)?

At the indicated levels, a Green Faith acolyte increases her effective druid level by 1 for determining the abilities of her animal companion. If she has no animal companion, she instead gains a druid animal companion, treating her effective druid level as 1/2 her class level (minimum 1).

Once had a fork, that when you looked at it all you could think about was what you were doing five minutes ago.
We eventually found a large magical area that would drain int. and make you forget what you were doing so that you would stay in it. (with a failed save of course)
Gave the fastest character all the will save buffs we could, then My character had them sit down and think about getting to the other side for awhile, then proceeded to tie the fork to their head and send them across. Made it, even with a few failed saves.

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo---monk-a rchetypes/tetori

here ya go tetori archetype