Clever ways to find a Lich's phylactery.


So, what are some? Any nifty spell combinations to help out?


Cast geas on the lich and tell it to bring forth its phylactery at once!

Get a jar of dirt, go to the lich, tell him you've found his phylactery and that it is in the dirt. He'll say "NOOOOO! How did you defeat the [insert phylactery's defenses]!?" Teleport away, use divination to find defenses matching his description. Give the jar of dirt back (unless you want it, of course).


Lurk3r wrote:

Get a jar of dirt, go to the lich, tell him you've found his phylactery and that it is in the dirt. He'll say "NOOOOO! How did you defeat the [insert phylactery's defenses]!?" Teleport away, use divination to find defenses matching his description. Give the jar of dirt back (unless you want it, of course).


I've got a jar of dirt!

We just destroyed the lich's body.

Turns out dropping 400' after being hit by an anti-magic arrow can dust just about everyone.

A lich is likely to have magical defenses against any sort of pure magic methods of locating his soul object. You're likely to need to do a lot of research and human intelligence work to have a chance to find it---probably research on his former life and questioning his associates.

The Exchange

Ah, the rare Reverse Xykon Maneuver.

As far as finding the lich's phylactery, I recommend the Barbarian Method. Divide your largest-scale map into quadrants. Each PC takes a quadrant and starts destroying every inanimate object in that quadrant. Eventually, the phylactery will be destroyed. If you're lazy, your group can buy "small hammers" and hand axes, hire lots of commoner underlings, and have them destroy all the inanimate objects in the world for you.

(But seriously - either A: the GM ensured that you wouldn't be able to find the phylactery so he can re-use this villain, or B: in-game clues will soon lead you to the phylactery, or C: your PCs already scooped up the phylactery in their treasure and the GM is hoping you won't notice.)

1: Bypass Phylactery
2: Trap Lich in anti magic zone(be creative, chains, cement, etc.)
3: ???
4: To the tavern!

Or be friends with a high level cleric and have her ask her god where it is.

Shadow Lodge

I know that the only time I ever went up against a Lich I was a Bard... I then rolled and had at some point found out an interesting story for who the Lich was due to the written languages around me, and had in the end bluffed my way out of being destroyed and actually becoming a weapon to either do the Lich Lords plans (which was more like a curse in the long run), or find the final element to release the Lich from his curse... it all granted me more time, and actually our group more time (I was stupid and explored alone, also there was a slight mental trap set by the Lich Lord)... really I was supposed to end up fighting the Lich when I found him but because I was a Bard I had so much knowledge and bluff I could play out that somehow I could free the Lich from his own trap/curse without destroying him and was freed by the Lich with more power than I could have dreamed up... (good rolls can play wonders with good RP), and next thing I knew the whole world got turned upside down because a Lich Lord that was the big FEAR of so many people actually was a good guy that did 1 thing wrong when he was a HERO and had to suffer forever because of it...

It's like finding out that Sauron was a good guy that was trying to stop a corruption within the HUMAN species that would corrupt the ELVES, DWARFS, and ALL that the creator (I forget his name), misprinted in his creation of the Lord of the Rings world... All of a sudden bad guys become good guys and vice versa all because of a misprint or an action that was misinterpreted...

which hopefully you have a chance to play out when you meet the Lich in question... if not... see other answers above

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  • Locate creature while he is rejuvenating is a good method, but it is easily blocked.
  • Legend Lore is always a good start to finding out information about the lich.
  • Scrying while you have a piece of the old body would also be a good choice.
  • Divination is considered pretty good because arcane magic can't fool it, but it tends to be more cryptic then legend lore.
  • Another good option is camp in the lich's layer with detect scrying constantly cast. The lich will eventually want to see what you did to his old layer, and if you pass a check you will see his new location.
  • Also, gather all the loot you've found, stand a safe distance away and cast dispel magic. This will set off any explosive ruins, but also dispel any magic auras which the lich can use to pass off his magical phylactery as a mundane item for a duration in days as his caster level which is more than enough for him to rejuvenate.
  • The best option, use gate or greater planar ally to summon a powerful outsider to find it for you.

  • There are no easy ways of finding a Phylactery.
    All it takes is a lot of hard work, and probably several encounters with the lich.
    GL hf. =)

    Silver Crusade

    If the Lich has an alias or other motals working for him, then check his safety-deposit box.

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    We went up against a Lich once that had the best hiding place ever. It was Located inside the Temple of Pelor right in plain view. You may ask how? How can it be within the temple of a god that takes out undead. Well here is how.

    The Phylactery was created to look like a beautiful Reliquery. The design was set up with holy symbols and markings of Pelor. The Lich of course made the box undectable as magical, and then had 1 small human bone placed inside. Then using a really really high check he was able to start a rumor that an actual bone of Pelor before he ascended had been found but stolen by heathern followers of Nerull, Adventuerers found and took the Reliquery to the Temple where it was placed in display as a Holy Item and guarded by the temple Paladins themselves. All the while with the Lich In no worries whatsoever that his Phylactery would come to any harm.

    And in the case that the Lich would be destroyed and would need to rejuvinate he had that planned as well. The Rules state that the Phylactery rejuvinates and rebuilds the Lich nearby. That Nearby is key. He doesnt have to form right next to it. For our Lich he instead had paid a hefty sum of money to the Church to have a Coffin placed in the catacombs below the church (it was suppose to be the body of a prince that had died saving a city from undead that requested to lie in the church of his god= another great story that fooled the church). This sarcofigis had several nondetection wards on it that allowed whatever was inside to not be detected from the outside. The Lich could reform within then teleport out. Safe and sound underneath the Paladins very feet

    We dealt with this Lich at least 4 times in the game. In fact we were to adventures who had brought the dang Phylactery to the church (in a previous game = we used the same campaign world, when we created new characters so many years would pass between the last game in this last case it was 150 years). We never discovered his hiding place. I dont think we ever would have. Without direct God intervention (which is very unlikely) the darn things are hard to find.

    And for those who say wait hold on why does Pelor allow it to happen. Well first off the Gods of EQ dont always directly interact, and second with the Lich as a constant threat, more people flocked to the church, and if the church had found out what it was, there is always a high probability that a high ranking offical may use it to help bring in followers and use it for his own purpose of feeding the churchs coffers with donations.

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