Playing a Drow Noble / Vampire


Yeah,I know.It's disgusting.But,how should I go about this? I don't want to start 12 levels lower than my there any way to tone down the vampire(without becoming spawn) so it's not such a high CR?

The Exchange

sphar wrote:
Yeah,I know.It's disgusting.But,how should I go about this? I don't want to start 12 levels lower than my there any way to tone down the vampire(without becoming spawn) so it's not such a high CR?

The Vampire in the bestiary is only CR 9 because it has 8 levels Sorcerer. It says to increase the CR of the creature by 2.

The Drow Noble is a step above the regular Drow (which the Core Rulebook says should be one level lower than normal PCs). So I would put the Drow Noble 2 levels lower.

So I would put your character 4 levels behind characters with standard races and no templates. However, the vampire template is extremely powerful. Having undead traits, fast healing, gaseous cloud, an attack that bestows negative levels, and tremendous ability score boosts (on top of your already really good Droble scores) is probably too powerful for a PC character.

I recently ran an all vampire party, but they did not get all the stats from the template as they were fledgling vampires. I did give them gaseous cloud, which they used to fly away from or bypass every obstacle. It was a short campaign. I would not do something like that again.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, Vampire is pretty much not suitable as a player based race/modifier unless you're looking at some sort of 'all the players are involved' campaign thing; its grossly powerful with a host of powerful SLA's and supernatural abilities that are tailor made for shattering a lot of the difficulties inherent in adventuring.

Drow Noble does a bit of this; not nearly so badly, though.

KrispyXIV wrote:

Yeah, Vampire is pretty much not suitable as a player based race/modifier unless you're looking at some sort of 'all the players are involved' campaign thing; its grossly powerful with a host of powerful SLA's and supernatural abilities that are tailor made for shattering a lot of the difficulties inherent in adventuring.

Drow Noble does a bit of this; not nearly so badly, though.

"Not nearly" is relative to a Vampire.

Relative to a human or any other base race, the drow noble is to those as a Vampire is to it.

I have to echo the above comments. both the race and the vampire template add a lot to your base power and there is a reason these things are not presented as normal options for PC's. However, if you have an honest interest in playing this build for flavour, then there are some things to trim so that it is not game-shattering. Any changes to the RAW should always be discussed with your GM.

To speak directly to your situation:
As a player, I would present the following as options to be nerfed from the character build in the name of balance, or to at least be discussed within the party dynamic
Drow Noble
-Spell resistance: 11+lvl is a lot of spell resistance, and this is an entire mechanic which is not normally a part of play for PC's at all. Consider replacing this ability entirely with +X to saves, or something else along the same lines.
-Spell-like abilities: Many of these spells are normal and fine, but some are perhaps too powerful as given. Constant detect-magic actually is a large concern here. It's difficult to miss a hidden magic item when you essentially have radar to it. Additionally, consider the ramificaitons of deeper darkness at will. You could , without extraneous effort, cover the land in complete darkness. An easy and reasonable exchange would be regular darkness instead.
-Darkvision 120ft: Twice normal for PC races, but there is a feat that allows this for those races, so maybe consider this to be equivalent to your 1st level feat?

-Natural armor: +6 is a HUGE number to be given for something that most often stacks from multiple sources. This is something to be carefully balanced if it is to be used.
-CHA to hitpoints: You have no constitution score, making your only drop from drow irrelevent, and making point-buy systems broken when you apply them. If you do point-buy, consider taking at LEAST 3 points less than the others to keep it balanced
-DR, Resistance, Fast Healing: All of these defenses make you incredibly resistant to damage. You already have such a strong resilience against magic, but then adding this makes any attack upon you incredibly difficult. Consider cutting these altogether. DR and Fast healing in particular add awkward mechanics to the games and make it difficult to keep track of damage round to round.
-Weaknesses: If your character is ever slayed, ever underwater, or ever travels more than 9 miles from its coffin, it risks death outright. These severely limit your ability to play as a traditional adventurer and should be seriously considered in regards to the campaign setting. If your GM tells you they won't apply, then they similarly should not be considered as weaknesses and they make your build that much more powerful.
-Special attacks: Blood drain is contingent on your ability to pin an opponent, so there is some natural balance to it, besides it is an iconic part of the flavour. Summoning creatures (even with time delay), creating spawn, and dominate person at will are all incredibly broken and should be nerfed into the ground because otherwise your PC will end up with a personal army and your turn will take an hour to resolve while the other players sit and watch.
- Gaseous form: As stated above, this makes it just too easy to simply bypass many encounters. This must be discussed and used sparingly
-Constant spiderclimb, dire bat form: more methods of movement that allow you to simply bypass encounters. Talk about these in conjunction with Gaseous form
-Skill Bonuses: A stackable +8 to four of the more used skills in the game is simply broken. These must be remedied.
-6 free feats: Nothing more needs to be said. 6 feats is a HUGE benefit especially at low levels.

My Honest advice: Go with a dhampir/drow hybrid, this will be much less headache on both sides of the table.

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