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The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The new PRD is a massive improvement in both usability and performance compared to the previous incarnation. I applaud the Paizo web team for a job well done. While following the thread talking about it a few posters mentioned features which prompted me to respond, which turns out wasn't helpful because it caused the Paizo tech team some level of confusion about what was being discussed (ie, PRD or

They rightly recommended starting a separate thread, which is what this one is for. I just wanted to make sure people were aware of some of the features of since they were being mentioned/requested in the other thread.

Adding new spells to existing spell lists...
It was mentioned that it would be helpful to add new spells released in new books into existing spell lists, so that one can have a master spell list that includes all spells up to that point. already does this. See the sorcerer/wizard spell list as an example.

Adding new classes to existing spell descriptions...
It was mentioned that it would be nice if the new class names and level information were to be added to existing spell descriptions, meaning, if a magus gets featherfall at level 2, add "magus 2" to the featherfall spell details. already does this. See animate dead (antipaladin & oracle added) and barkskin (alchemist & summoner added) as examples.

Adding domains to existing spells...
No one requested or mentioned this one but I thought it was worth mentioning. The editors of are progressively adding the domains information to existing spells. Meaning, if a spell is granted as a bonus spell as a result of a domain, that information is added to the spell details page. already does this. See animate dead and barkskin as examples.

Lots of other things...
A common request of the PRD seems to be to merge new content into the old content, so that one can find a master list of all of the available content in one place. already does this for virtually everything released. All of the "monsters by type" "monsters by cr" "monsters by terrain" as well as all feat lists such as "all metamagic feats" or "all combat feats" are continually updated with the new content, merged into the existing content. Master tables are always updated, shuffling the new content into the existing tables. This is a massive time-sync but we think its a valuable feature for GMs and players.

So, with that said, once again, the new PRD is a massive improvement over the old one, and Paizo taking the time and spending the dollars on the time and labor required to make that available reinforces why I spend a good amount of money with them every month. I just wanted to make sure people were also aware that some of the features being requested are already available on If you already knew then awesome :)

Ok, now get back to gaming!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Your site is awesome!

Thanks for all of your hard work.

The Exchange

Heymitch wrote:

Your site is awesome!

Thanks for all of your hard work.

Thanks Heymitch! I just wanted to make sure people were aware that some of the requested features were already available on not that that means they can't ALSO want those features from the PRD, but if they weren't aware of them, now they are :)

What I want for Christmas is for the markup on these pages to be predictable and simple.

Imagine that it was easy for computer tools (campaign managers, character builders, etc.) to keep up with changes/expansions in the rules. Imagine that this didn't require new program files, rather the computer tool could read all this information directly from d20prd.

Instead of relying on the webmaster of d20prd to create tools like "MonsterByCR", anybody who knows a little web coding (in any language) could write their own. For example, GMs could write and manage their own lists of what spells/feats/class abilities are allowed in their campaign and which ones aren't and which ones need to be reviewed - and the lists automatically update whenever the content of d20prd changes.

Predictable, simple markup would turn d20prd into a web application programming interface (web API - though maybe only with filtering and reading abilities for security reasons). The ability to use such a thing isn't a rare skill, rather nearly everyone who works with the web, from amateurs to pros, could really push the envelope with this.

The Exchange

LilithsThrall wrote:
What I want for Christmas is...<snip good ideas>

All good ideas, but speaking from experience, rather difficult to implement. We DO have some of what you speak, by way of the various databases, AND since we use Google Sites to host the site and Google makes an open API for interaction with data hosted on Google Sites, anyone can write an app that grabs and reformats the data in various ways. Some developers have in fact contacted us about this, though we have yet to actually see something completed. wrote:
anyone can write an app that grabs and reformats the data in various ways. Some developers have in fact contacted us about this, though we have yet to actually see something completed.

hmm,..I definitely want to do more research into this.

The Exchange

LilithsThrall wrote:
hmm,..I definitely want to do more research into this.

If you have programming/development background or training, all you have to do is read up on the Google Sites API and then contact us to get whatever access to the data you need. wrote:
LilithsThrall wrote:
hmm,..I definitely want to do more research into this.
If you have programming/development background or training, all you have to do is read up on the Google Sites API and then contact us to get whatever access to the data you need.

Thanks, I'll do that.

Any plans for a mobile app linking to your site? It would be nice if it were easier to browse on a phone or iPod during sessions

Scarab Sages wrote:
I just wanted to make sure people were aware of some of the features of since they were being mentioned/requested in the other thread.

The new spell descriptors from Ultimate Magic are already added back into spells from the core rulebook and APG. I can't even begin to describe how useful that's been to me recently...

The Exchange

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
The new spell descriptors from Ultimate Magic are already added back into spells from the core rulebook and APG. I can't even begin to describe how useful that's been to me recently...

Oh yeah, I forgot I did that one lol Glad you found it useful :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

One thing I'd really like is a way to filter by source - namely, to only show Paizo's material. I'm often looking through things to help a friend of mine with her characters, and find something neat, only to discover it's form a third party publisher and thus not PFS legal...

Most of the 3rd party material is in areas clearly marked as being 3rd party material. What particular content are you thinking of (for an example)?

Besides that, one of my long term goals/pie in the sky ideas is to have a virtual bookshelf which contains indexes for the material from that source on the site. It's a big undertaking and there's always another huge book to add to the site as well, so it may be a while before there's any progress on that front.

Caedwyr wrote:

Most of the 3rd party material is in areas clearly marked as being 3rd party material. What particular content are you thinking of (for an example)?

Besides that, one of my long term goals/pie in the sky ideas is to have a virtual bookshelf which contains indexes for the material from that source on the site. It's a big undertaking and there's always another huge book to add to the site as well, so it may be a while before there's any progress on that front.

When looking through the feat database, for example. Or the armor list had one or two, if I recall.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good to know about the comprehensive spell lists. That's actually the single thing I've most wanted as a resource. Thanks for the heads-up!

Now if only your site wasn't on a blinding white background. I don't suppose there are any Stylish™ themes for your site, are there? :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

your handy little spreadsheet at the bottom of the classes for archetype crossover is simply brilliant.

I'd like to know where on your site to find the reast of the fiendish heritage feat.

namely the alternate abilities....

or see them added to the feat description.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

While I have nothing against, I'm exclusively using the PRD these days. We don't play with anything but PF Core, so all the 3rd party, fan content, etc., is a huge clutter.

If there was one thing I'd love to see on the d20pfsrd site, it'd be an option to toggle the various sources on and off.

Frog God Games

Slaunyeh wrote:

While I have nothing against, I'm exclusively using the PRD these days. We don't play with anything but PF Core, so all the 3rd party, fan content, etc., is a huge clutter.

If there was one thing I'd love to see on the d20pfsrd site, it'd be an option to toggle the various sources on and off.

They DO stamp everything, for what it's worth.

Chuck Wright wrote:

They DO stamp everything, for what it's worth.

Sure, but that doesn't help with the clutter. Rather than having a list of, for instance, 200 weapons and you have to click on one to see if it's from a source your GM allows, it'd be incredible neat if you could just turn off all entries from, say, the PF Accessory source.

I realize it's not easy to do, and I don't really expect it to happen. But it's a deal-breaker for me, so I thought I'd at least bring up the idea. I can live with the PRD (especially now that it no longer looks like it was thrown together in 1995 :p).

The Exchange

DrowVampyre wrote:
One thing I'd really like is a way to filter by source - namely, to only show Paizo's material. I'm often looking through things to help a friend of mine with her characters, and find something neat, only to discover it's form a third party publisher and thus not PFS legal...

As one of our key missions is to include ANY Open Game Content created FOR the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system, you may be better off using just the PRD or sites like Archives of Nethys which limit their content a bit more. We do try to label everything as clearly as possible but its 100% counter to our goals to restrict ourselves to only PFS-legal or "core" content only.

The Exchange

DrowVampyre wrote:
When looking through the feat database, for example. Or the armor list had one or two, if I recall.

I'll double-check the armor list to make sure everything is where its supposed to be this morning.

The Exchange

Glutton wrote:
your handy little spreadsheet at the bottom of the classes for archetype crossover is simply brilliant.

That's ALL Caedwyr's work. It was a ton of work for him I know and I'm sure he is happy people appreciate his work. We've gotten a LOT of positive feedback on that feature I know.

The Exchange

Steelfiredragon wrote:

I'd like to know where on your site to find the reast of the fiendish heritage feat.

namely the alternate abilities....

or see them added to the feat description.

Well one option is to purchase Pathfinder #25 :)

I'm updating the page now. Check back in a bit. If you see other things like this please just let us know!

The Exchange

Steelfiredragon wrote:

I'd like to know where on your site to find the reast of the fiendish heritage feat.

namely the alternate abilities....

or see them added to the feat description.

This is done. See here. wrote:
Glutton wrote:
your handy little spreadsheet at the bottom of the classes for archetype crossover is simply brilliant.
That's ALL Caedwyr's work. It was a ton of work for him I know and I'm sure he is happy people appreciate his work. We've gotten a LOT of positive feedback on that feature I know.

I saw someone doing something similar on a thread here and at a few other sites, and figured as the list of Archetypes and Alternate Class features grew it was as good as any other method of organizing lists of archetypes in a useful manner. I'm glad others are finding it useful as well.

Dark Archive

DrowVampyre wrote:
One thing I'd really like is a way to filter by source - namely, to only show Paizo's material. I'm often looking through things to help a friend of mine with her characters, and find something neat, only to discover it's form a third party publisher and thus not PFS legal...

the magic item, spell and monster DBs have a source field to filter by.

And all the DBs except monster, which has some Tome of Horrors Complete data, are Paizo/Pathfinder only data.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Already said it before, but d20pfsrd is OMFGAWESOMESAUCEBBQ. Mandatory tool on our table !

There is only one thing lacking right now :
- The addition of UC feats in the Feat Tree. (BEST.TOOL.EVER.)

*Cracks whip*
"Faster !"

The Exchange

Maxximilius wrote:

Already said it before, but d20pfsrd is OMFGAWESOMESAUCEBBQ. Mandatory tool on our table !

There is only one thing lacking right now :
- The addition of UC feats in the Feat Tree. (BEST.TOOL.EVER.)

*Cracks whip*
"Faster !"

Glad you like it! Speaking of the feat tree page, I updated it today with an alphabetical menu of links at the top, as well as cleaning up the code and hitting it with the linkifier stick again. We have a crap-ton more words in our database of link phrases now so by hitting it again a lot more words get linked.

As for adding the UC feats to it, I'll see if I can get one of the crew to get on that.

Sovereign Court

One thing that would be super mega awesome would be to have a more advanced search function, so that you could zero in on the part of the rules that you want to search for terms.

Thus, if I want to search for something in the rules proper, I could filter out any results that come from monster entries. Or only search for items that are Paizo material and not 3pp material, etc.

The Exchange

Mok wrote:

One thing that would be super mega awesome would be to have a more advanced search function, so that you could zero in on the part of the rules that you want to search for terms.

Thus, if I want to search for something in the rules proper, I could filter out any results that come from monster entries. Or only search for items that are Paizo material and not 3pp material, etc.

That ones very unlikely to happen anytime soon due to how our search works and how the site is configured. It'd be nice yes, but unfortunately I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. Again, if you want JUST Paizo content, you can always use the PRD. wrote:
As one of our key missions is to include ANY Open Game Content created FOR the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system, you may be better off using just the PRD or sites like Archives of Nethys which limit their content a bit more. We do try to label everything as clearly as possible but its 100% counter to our goals to restrict ourselves to only PFS-legal or "core" content only.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I think it's great that it's there, and I have no problem with 3PP stuff myself. But it'd be great if there was like...a checkbox that you could uncheck for it when you display one of the databases that would hide everything from that source (and vice versa if you only wanted to see 3PP stuff, or didn't want stuff from UC, or whatever).

The Exchange

DrowVampyre wrote:
Oh, don't get me wrong, I think it's great that it's there, and I have no problem with 3PP stuff myself. But it'd be great if there was like...a checkbox that you could uncheck for it when you display one of the databases that would hide everything from that source (and vice versa if you only wanted to see 3PP stuff, or didn't want stuff from UC, or whatever).

Yeah, I know what you mean. Personally I'd like that feature as well. It's just technically impossible right now. wrote:
DrowVampyre wrote:
Oh, don't get me wrong, I think it's great that it's there, and I have no problem with 3PP stuff myself. But it'd be great if there was like...a checkbox that you could uncheck for it when you display one of the databases that would hide everything from that source (and vice versa if you only wanted to see 3PP stuff, or didn't want stuff from UC, or whatever).
Yeah, I know what you mean. Personally I'd like that feature as well. It's just technically impossible right now.

I was able to do something along these lines at many moons ago. Took a bit of doing, but it is possible. (Though obviously not right now. :D )

The Exchange

Lilith wrote:
I was able to do something along these lines at many moons ago. Took a bit of doing, but it is possible. (Though obviously not right now. :D )

Ok, clarification: It's impossible given that we use Google Sites. If we used a standard hosting solution it would not be impossible. However, it is exceedingly unlikely we would stop using Google Sites for multiple reasons. wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:

I'd like to know where on your site to find the reast of the fiendish heritage feat.

namely the alternate abilities....

or see them added to the feat description.

This is done. See here.

many thanks.

maybe they will put them in as alt racial deal in the ultimate race guide??

and yes, I do know that buying AP25 would have been a decent option, but I have not seen it at the game shop recently and I dont want it as a pdf.

which would leave two options:
A: add it to the feat description
B: Remove the feat comepletely from the site.

but again thankyou and now I must excuse myself as I have a headache....

(spent a while outside as the NM state fair)

Scarab Sages

One thing I would love to see is:
Expanded and shorten view of pages
Traits, i hate having to click each trait to see what it does, instead of having all of them show in one page.
Slow internet makes it take a long long time.
Also same with archtypes and other pages.
expanded views of the stuff from the class page would be nice instead of having to click 5-6things to read and entire class.

One thing I'd like to see (where archetypes are concerned), is the full 20-level table for each archetype. Just like when ordering a hoagie/hero/sub from the deli, it's usually easier to figure out what is involved if we're shown what goes IN as opposed to what comes OUT. Though I wouldn't actually go changing the text blocks that note those substitutions.

The only thing I would really really like is to make it stop opening a new tab or window every time I click on a link in the search results. I end up with 5-6 tabs open at once without much effort, all with search results in them.

Unless there's some way in Firefox to "open link in current window"...

Sovereign Court wrote:
Mok wrote:

One thing that would be super mega awesome would be to have a more advanced search function, so that you could zero in on the part of the rules that you want to search for terms.

Thus, if I want to search for something in the rules proper, I could filter out any results that come from monster entries. Or only search for items that are Paizo material and not 3pp material, etc.

That ones very unlikely to happen anytime soon due to how our search works and how the site is configured. It'd be nice yes, but unfortunately I wouldn't hold your breath on that one. Again, if you want JUST Paizo content, you can always use the PRD.

Oh yeah, I'm not really that concerned with 3pp, it has more to do with trying to isolate various rules. Say you want to figure out if there is a spell that has an effect, being able to search in spells for that effect is a lot easier than seeing lots of monsters pop up, likewise the reversal of that.

The site can pull off some of this more isolated searching, but I can understand that if how your website is setup it doesn't make it feasible, then that's just how it is.

Sovereign Court

Black Lotus wrote:

One thing I would love to see is:

Expanded and shorten view of pages

Yeah, an expanded view of a subject might be one way of helping isolate searches. I'm constantly using the browser's "find" feature to find text on web pages, but a lot of times the rules on d20pfsrd are siloed into individual pages, which cuts short the ability to sift through a lot of content.

Sovereign Court

Thundershot wrote:

The only thing I would really really like is to make it stop opening a new tab or window every time I click on a link in the search results. I end up with 5-6 tabs open at once without much effort, all with search results in them.

Unless there's some way in Firefox to "open link in current window"...

Heh... sometimes I'll have 30 tabs open in firefox due to this feature. Sometimes the extra window is handy to jump back and forth between rules, but yeah, sometimes I wish there was an option to not have a new tab pop open.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Big-time kudos too all those that contribute to this site!! It is a wonderful tool.

- Golarion random name generator (by race, by region, etc)
- Golarion random encounter generator (by city/region/etc)


The Exchange

Elorebaen wrote:

Big-time kudos too all those that contribute to this site!! It is a wonderful tool.

- Golarion random name generator (by race, by region, etc)
- Golarion random encounter generator (by city/region/etc)


Brian Dunn from has been kind enough to create some really nifty random generators for the site recently. I've contacted him to see if this is something he could/would attempt. I will (or he may) respond and let you know if so.

The Exchange

Regarding "silo-ing" content onto separate pages. Unfortunately this is done more for the sanity/convenience of site collaborators than anything. The reason is that when using Google Sites and linking to content, you get a search dialog that only finds page names, not links to specific sections of pages. Therefore, when NOT using out automated linkifier scripts, in order to make manual linking content easier for people it is easier to have content on its own named page so that it is "findable" in the link editor function. I do appreciate the inconvenience this causes in some cases (I've been annoyed by it myself at times) but we have to do some things for the sake of people working on the site or else people would grow frustrated and stop editing it... and then we'd basically slow down our edits drastically. I don't think anyone wants that (I know I don't!) lol

Also, if there was an easy way to make content hideable/collapsible within the same page, I know I would be much happier to use that method of adding content to a number of pages over how some of it is done currently. While Google Sites has lots of strengths for a large collaboration like this, it also has some drawbacks and limitations.

Regarding Siloing of content, I realize it isn't a perfect solution, which is why there is normally some effort made to include a summary table or index of some sort to allow a user to browse material without opening each and every siloed page.

You guys do really phenomenal work -- is prominently bookmarked on my computer.

My favorite thing are the editorial notes -- "It appears that the AC in the stat block is incorrect; we recommend...," etc. This one feature saves me endless headaches keeping an eye out for Paizo's alarmingly frequent editorial lapses, because you guys have picked up the slack for them.

I hope you keep up the great work.

The Exchange

Kirth Gersen wrote:

You guys do really phenomenal work -- is prominently bookmarked on my computer.

My favorite thing are the editorial notes -- "It appears that the AC in the stat block is incorrect; we recommend...," etc. This one feature saves me endless headaches keeping an eye out for Paizo's alarmingly frequent editorial lapses, because you guys have picked up the slack for them.

I hope you keep up the great work.

Thanks Kirth - Coming from you I really appreciate that. I value your opinion pretty highly even if you didn't know it :)

Credit for the editor's notes such as "it appears that this monster is missing its size modifier" (etc) should all go to our Beastmaster duo of Brett and Vlad. They do a complete review of almost every monster that makes it onto the site. I'll note though that we've somewhat stopped reviewing Paizo-created monsters. Not that they are any more or less likely to contain errors than those by 3rd party publishers, but for the 3pp we actually often are able to get them to update future printings based on our findings. In the interests of not holding up the posting of "core" (aka Paizo) monsters we "fast-track" them through the review stages. There isn't much we can do to them so there's not much sense delaying posting while we review every single number. We've had some publishers tell us to make any corrections we find and then mail them our results. Hell, Vlad has gotten official gigs doing crunch editing for some of the 3pp already lol

Credit for the other editor's notes, such as those found sprinkled throughout the site, go to all of the collaborators who make an effort to try to make some complex things a bit easier to follow.

So anyway, thanks for the thanks :)

Silver Crusade wrote:

Glad you like it! Speaking of the feat tree page, I updated it today with an alphabetical menu of links at the top, as well as cleaning up the code and hitting it with the linkifier stick again. We have a crap-ton more words in our database of link phrases now so by hitting it again a lot more words get linked.

As for adding the UC feats to it, I'll see if I can get one of the crew to get on that.

Yep, saw this, I'm glad it will soon be UC-updated !

Just one last question, will the "Agile" weapon property make it into the official table of magic weapon properties in the d20pfsrd ?

What a great site! I'll be sure and use it more in the future, it looks like a great resource!

The link to the dice roller page isn't working, though :-(

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