Burst of Speed Extract

Rules Questions

Probably opening a can of worms best left unopened but oh well.

Simple Q

Burst of Speed is on the alchemists extract list. does it mean he's able to drink the extract as a swift action ?

Extracts have a casting time like spells, so if it says swift it is swift, better not get into the details too much.

This FAQ would seem to suggest that drinking an extract is a standard action; presumably that applies to Burst of Speed as well?

FAQ - http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy8fo1/faq#tabs

Extracts work like potions, which always take a standard action. So spells like Burst of Speed take a standard, but so do spells like Restoration.

Ramza Wyvernjack wrote:
Does it mean I can then use that one trait whose name I can't remember which makes drinking pots a move/free action on all extracts? That's pretty sweet.

Hahaha, exactly!

Personally, I prefer extracts to have casting time = to the actual spell, but if people want to play the extracts = potions game... then AWESOME!
I'll happily take that trait and guzzle down all my buffs as a move action. :)

I can't actually see anywhere that extract are trated as potions other than an example reference such as "spells in potion form" or "as if imbibing a potion."

The FAQ kinda supports this when he says that it's a standard action to use, though it might just have been a slip not to me tion that it uses spell time. Does it mean we cast restoration spells or such faster?

Accelerated Drinker was addressed in the FAQ

Quantum Steve wrote:
Accelerated Drinker was addressed in the FAQ

I love Paizo and Pathfinder, but eventually their list of "exceptions" to their own rule systems is going to be longer than the actual word content of the CRB, lol.

Ravennus wrote:
Quantum Steve wrote:
Accelerated Drinker was addressed in the FAQ
I love Paizo and Pathfinder, but eventually their list of "exceptions" to their own rule systems is going to be longer than the actual word content of the CRB, lol.

Although Extracts work like potions in many ways, they are not potions. Which is a good thing since, if they were, they would get rather costly for an Alchemist to make. Also, the balance reason for the ruling should go without saying.

Extracts are not spells. It says so right in the description. This means a lot of things. Other than the standard action to drink an Extract; Extracts cannot be drunk defensively; drinking an extract cannot be disrupted by damage; drinking an Extract does not require concentration, meaning they can be drunk while Raging, and you don't need to roll a check to drink them while grappled; Extracts cannot be countered; there's probably more that I can't think of at the moment.

Oh this one is back again....

Phasics wrote:
Oh this one is back again....



This was a zombie thread? It's on me now! Get it off, Get it off!

This is back with a vengeance with the new Bouncing Bomb Admixture. Someone either doesn't know or doesn't agree with Extracts being a standard.

Viva la revolución!

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