Vrecknidj |

Not really a big problem, but it turns out the Yeti has an ECOOGY instead of an ECOLOGY entry.
Probably this is a result of their living in rarefied air, so close to those strange dimensions.
Perhaps the beings on the other side are chipping away at the Material Plane slowly. So far, they've gotten the "L."

Matthew Shelton |

I did a scrape of the PRD today, and the following errors were generated. This can be caused by a typo in the anchor tag, a typo in the filename of the target page, or a nonexistent target page.
- advancedClassGuide/spells/investigativeMind.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- advancedClassGuide/flexibleFury.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- advancedClassGuide/spells/strikenHeart.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- mythicAdventures/pathfinderRPG/prd/feats.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- mythicAdventures/mythicSpells/magicWeapon.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- mythicAdventures/mythicSpells/fistOfTheEarth.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- monsterCodex/pathfinderRPG/prd/feats.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- technologyGuide/pathfinderRPG/prd/technologyGuide/hazards.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- advancedClassGuide/spells/agressiveThundercloud.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- advancedClassGuide/spells/life-pact: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- advancedClassGuide/spells/piercOfDisguise.html: ERROR 404: Not Found.
- additionalMonsters/: ERROR 403: Forbidden.

Milo v3 |

The bestiary sections missing a fair bit:
1) Variant Monster Index for bestiary 4
2) Monster Cohorts for bestiary 4
3) Animal Companions for bestiary 4
4) Monster Roles for bestiary 4
5) Universal Monster Rules for bestiary 4
6) New subtypes from bestiary 4
7) Monsters by Type for bestiary 2, 3, & 4
8) Monsters by CR for bestiary 2, 3, & 4
9) Monsters by Terrain for bestiary 2, 3, & 4

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Noticed some errata missing from the Core Rulebook PRD, based on Errata 1.4 (1st to 6th printing):
Page 34—In the Uncanny Dodge class feature, in the first paragraph, change the second sentence to read as follows:
She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible.
Page 80—In the Summoner’s Charm school power of the Conjuration school, add the following sentence after the first sentence:
This increase is not doubled by Extend Spell.
Page 114—In Table 5–1: Feats, change the Benefits line of the Combat Casting feat to read as follows:
+4 bonus on concentration checks for casting defensively
Page 319—In the description of the permanency spell, change the cost associated with a wall of force to 12,500 gp.
Page 390—In the Bardic Music class feature, change “Bardic Music” to “Bardic Performance”. Repeat this change on Table 11–9: Pathfinder Chronicler in the Special column at 3rd level.
(Changed in the text, but not the table)
Page 444—In the Lava Effects section, (snip) In the last sentence, change “A creature immune to fire” to “A creature immune or resistant to fire”.
Page 521—In the Ioun Stone table, at the end of the scarlet and blue sphere Effect entry, add a superscript “1”. In the pale lavender ellipsoid entry, change the “*” footnote symbol to a superscript “2”. In the lavender and green ellipsoid entry, change the “**” footnote symbol to a superscript “3”. In the footnotes section, add the following footnote before the existing footnotes and renumber them accordingly:
1 This stone has one skill associated with it, as a +2 headband of vast intelligence.
Page 563—In the “Invisible Creature is...” table, change the header of second column to “Perception DC Modifier”.

Christopher Mathieu |

There's currently a heated debate raging on one of the Facebook groups regarding the Rapid Shot feat. The feat doesn't specify that the additional attack is at your highest bonus, so people are actually trying to argue that it's at your lowest bonus.
I double-checked this against the latest printing, and the book says "highest bonus" as it should. I've already corrected this on the other SRD site, but you might want to get this fixed on the PRD site as well.

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Errata missing from the Game Mastery Guide PRD, based on Errata 1.1 (1st to 3rd printing):
Page 268—In the Squire stat block, change the XP from “100” to “135”.
Page 276—In the Trapper stat block, in the Offense section, in the Ranged entry, change the mwk composite longbow damage from “1d8/×3” to “1d8+1/×3”.
(damage was changed, but crit multiplier was removed)

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Bestiary (I) errata missing from the Bestiary PRD, based on Errata 1.2 (1st to 3rd printing):
Page 34—In the Behir stat block, (snip) In the Senses line and the Skills line, change the bonus on Perception checks to “+8.”
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 63—In the Demon, Marilith stat block, in the Melee line, change the attack bonus for both tail slap entries to “+17”
(the rest of this entry has been applied)
Page 83—In the Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus stat block, in the Senses line and the Skills line, change the Perception skill bonus to “+28.”
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 86—In the Dinosaur, Triceratops stat block, in the Senses line and the Skills line, change the Perception skill bonus to “+24.”
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 169—In the Half-Celestial Unicorn stat block, (snip) In the Creating a Half-Celestial section on this page, in the Special Abilities section, change the Smite Evil entry to read as follows:
Smite Evil (Su): Once per day, as a swift action, the half-celestial can smite evil as a paladin of the same level as its Hit Dice. The smite persists until the target is dead or the half-celestial rests.
(PRD text says "of the half-celestial" and is missing the commas in the first line)
Page 171—In the Creating a Half-Fiend section on this page, in the Special Abilities section, change the Smite Good entry to read as follows:
Smite Good (Su): Once per day, as a swift action, the half-fiend can smite good as the smite evil ability of a paladin of the same level as its Hit Dice, except affecting a good target. The smite persists until the target is dead or the half-fiend rests.
(PRD text says "of the half-fiend" and is missing the commas in the first line)
Page 179—In the Hyena stat block, in the Senses line and the Skills line, change the Perception skill bonus to “+8.” (snip)
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 182—In the Iron Cobra construction stat block, in the CL line, add “8,000 gp (cold iron)” after the adamantine cobra entry. (snip)
(PRD text has "8,00 gp")
Page 183—In the Kobold stat block, in the Languages line, delete “Common.”
Page 204—(snip) In the Merfolk Characters section, add the following paragraph after the second paragraph:
+2 Natural Armor: Merfolk have tough skin.
(PRD text has "Armor: Merfolk have a +2 natural armor bonus.", which doesn't appear in any Bestiary printing. Same information, though.)
Page 205—In the Mimic stat block, in the Senses line and the Skills line, change the Perception skill bonus to “+14.” (snip)
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 208—In the Mohrg stat block, in the Senses line and the Skills line, change the Perception skill bonus to “+23.”
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 270—In the Vampire stat block, in the Senses line and the Skills line, change the Perception skill bonus to “+21.” (snip)
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 277—In the Will-o’-Wisp stat block, in the Senses line and the Skills line, change the Perception skill bonus to +17. (snip)
(changed in Skills line, but not Senses line)
Page 292—In the Step 6 section, (snip) Add the following sentence after the second sentence:
A creature’s class skills are determined by its type (see the creature types on pages 306–310).
(PRD text has "A creature's class skill is determined by its type.")
Page 301—In the Grab section, in the last paragraph, change “Location: individual attacks” to “Location: individual attacks and special attacks.”

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Bestiary 2 errata missing from the Bestiary PRD, based on Errata 1.0 (1st to 2nd printing):
Page 12—In the Aeon, Pleroma stat block, (snip) In the Cleric Spells Prepared entry, change the concentration bonus from “+27” to “+30” and increase all spell DCs by +3.
(Concentration bonus needs to be changed. Spell DCs were changed, except order's wraith needs to change from DC 21 to DC 24 (and it should be order's wrath, not "wraith", but that isn't in the errata and it's wrong in the book too.))
Page 20—In the Agathion, Leonal stat block, in the Spell-Like Abilities entry, in the At will subentry, change the hold monster DC from “16” to “17”. (snip)
(Was changed to DC 7 rather than DC 17)
Page 26—In the Angel, Cassisian stat block, (snip) In the description, in the first paragraph, change the last sentence from
“A spellcaster must have the proper prerequisites and have the Improved Familiar feat to gain a cassisian familiar.” to
“A 7th-level lawful good spellcaster with the Improved Familiar feat can select a cassisian as a familiar.”
(PRD text is missing the word "spellcaster" from the updated text)
Page 27—In the Angel, Monadic Deva stat block, (snip) In the Skills entry, change the Swim skill bonus from “+19” to “+27”. (snip)
Page 28—In the Angel, Movanic Deva stat block, in the Senses entry, change the Perception bonus from “+20” to “+26”.
Page 32—In the Archon, Star stat block, (snip) In the Special Attacks entry, change “+20 damage” to “+19 damage”.
(Was changed to "+29" rather than +19)
Page 51—In the Carnivorous Blob stat block, (snip) Change the CMD from “37” to “43”.
Page 55—In the Charda stat block, in the Feats entry, add “Combat Expertise B,” to the beginning of the list of feats.
(PRD text missing superscript B)
Page 61—In the Crysmal stat block, (snip) In the Feats entry, add a superscript “B ” after Great Fortitude.
Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Allosaurus stat block, (snip) In the Skills entry, change the Perception bonus from “+28” to “+30”.
(Errata does not specify, but Perception should probably be changed in the Senses line too)
Page 121—In the Elder Mud Elemental stat block, in the Special Attacks entry, change the entrap hardness from “5” to “10”.
Page 129—In the Giant, Marsh stat block, in the description, in the “brineborn” marsh giant spell-like abilities, change the confusion DC from “14” to “15”.
Page 133—In the Gloomwing stat block, (snip) In the Skills entry, change the Perception bonus from “+8” to “+9”.
(Errata does not specify, but Perception should probably be changed in the Senses line too)
Page 157—In the Hippopotamus stat block, (snip) Change the Base Atk bonus from “+6” to “+5”,
Page 183—In the Weretiger (Hybrid Form) stat (snip) Change the hp from “38 (4d8+20)” to “37 (4d8+16)”.(snip)
Change the Melee entry to “Melee bite +8 (2d6+6 plus grab and curse of lycanthropy), 2 claws +8 (1d8+6 plus grab)”. (snip)
In the Special Attacks entry, add “pounce, rake (2 claws +8, 1d8+6)”. (snip)
(PRD changed hp to "37 (4d8+26)", missing "plus grab" for Melee claws, lists "2 claws +9" in Special Attacks rake.)
Page 197—In the Neh-Thalggu stat block, (snip) In the Special Abilities section, in the Poison entry, add “for 1 round” after “staggered”. (snip)
Page 267—In the Thanatotic Titan stat block, change the entire Ranged entry to the following:
“Ranged rock +16/+11/+6/+1 (4d6+28)”.
Replace the Skills entry with the following:
Skills Bluff +33, Craft (any one) +34, Diplomacy +30, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana, history, planes) +34, Knowledge (religion) +31, Perception +31, Perform (any one) +30, Sense Motive +31, Spellcraft +34, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +33
(PRD has "2d6+19" for rock damage, is missing "Perform (any one) +30" in Skills list)
Page 275—In the Undine stat block, (snip) Change the Ref save bonus from “+1” to “+2”. (snip) In the Special Abilities
section, in the Elemental Affinity entry, change the “Elemental Affinity” heading to “Water Affinity” and in the first sentence, change “sorcerer class abilities” to “sorcerer spells and class abilities”.(snip)
(PRD has Ref save changed to "+3", other noted errata has not been added)
Pages 286–287—In the Worm That Walks stat block, (snip) In the Creating a Worm That Walks section, in the Tenacious extraordinary ability, change the racial bonus on CMB checks from “+8” to “+4”.
Page 307—After the Good subtype, add a new line with the following subtype: “Grippli Subtype: Gripplis are frog-like humanoids. Creatures the grippli subtype have darkvision.”

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Bestiary 3 errata missing from the Bestiary PRD, based on Errata 1.0 (1st to 2nd printing):
Page 9—In the Adlet stat block, (snip) Change the Feats entry to “Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Run, Self-Sufficient, Weapon Focus (spear)”.
(PRD Feats line is missing Endurance)
Page 39—In the Thunder Behemoth stat block, change the CMB and CMD to “CMB +49 (+53 bull rush, grapple, overrun, or sunder); CMD 57 (59 vs. bull rush, overrun, or sunder, 61 vs. trip)”. (snip)
(PRD has "51 vs. trip")
Page 73—In the Incubus stat block, (snip) the Perception bonus from “+13” to “+21” (snip)
(Errata does not specify, but Perception should probably be changed in the Senses line too)
Page 95— (snip) In the Ancient Forest Dragon, (snip) In the Feats entry, add “Weapon Focus (claws)” after “Weapon Focus (bite)” and delete “Greater Weapon Focus (bite)”. (snip)
(PRD removes Weapon Focus (bite) and does not remove Greater Weapon Focus (bite))
Page 120— (snip)In the Foo Lion stat block, (snip) In the Skills entry, change the Perception skill bonus from “+8” to “+9”,
(Errata does not specify, but Perception should probably be changed in the Senses line too)
Page 164—In the Toshigami stat block, (snip) In the Melee entry, change the first quarterstaff attack bonus to “+24/+24/+19/+14/+9”, the
off-hand quarterstaff ’s attack bonus to “+24/+19/+14”, and the touch attack bonus to “+23”. Change the CMD from “39” to “42”.
Page 194—In the Mobogo stat block, (snip) In the Special Attacks entry, in crush, change “2d8+13” to “2d8+13, see page 92). (snip)
(Since the PRD does not use page numbers, maybe a reference to Dragons' Crush Combat ability ?)
Page 213—In the Giant Owl stat block, in the Skills entry, (snip)... and in Racial Modifiers, change the racial bonus on all Knowledge skills from “+4” to “+8”
(In PRD, the +8 is misattributed to Perception in Racial Modifiers. Should read "+8 on all Knowledge skills, +4 Perception")
Page 261—In the terra-cotta soldier’s Construction stat block, in the Price entry, change “19,000 gp” to “19,500 gp”.
Page 264—In the Thriae Queen stat block, in the Spell-Like Abilities entry, in the 3/day subentry add “quickened” before “slow” and in the 1/day subentry delete “quickened” before “regenerate”. In the Feats entry, change “Quicken Spell-Like Ability (regenerate)” to “Quicken Spell-Like Ability (slow)”. In the Skills entry, change the Fly skill bonus from “+24” to “+28”.

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Universal Monster Rules that appear in Bestiary 4, but are missing from the PRD (not including those that have a Mythic component)
Darkvision, Demon Lord Traits, Empyreal Lord Traits, Formian Traits, Fortification, Greensight, Mistsight, Poisonous Blood, Powerful Blows, Smother, Spells
B4 Creature Subtypes missing from PRD (less Mythic ones)
Changeling Subtype, Kaiju Subtype, Kasatha Subtype, Kitsune Subtype, Psychopomp Subtype, Samsaran Subtype, Wayang Subtype
Also, the Seahorse entry is not linked in the B4 index.

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Advanced Player's Guide errata missing from the PRD, based on Errata 1.0 (1st to 2nd printing):
Page 94—In the Nightmare subdomain, (snip) Delete “9th—weird”
Page 105—In the Phalanx Soldier archetype, in the Stand Firm class feature, in the first sentence, change “overrun, pull, push, and trip” to “drag, overrun, and trip.”
(PRD is missing "drag")
Page 139—In the Serpentine bloodline, in the Den of Vipers bloodline power, add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
"You may use this ability once per day."
Page 142—In the Earth School elemental arcane school, in the Earth Supremacy ability, in the first sentence, change “bull rush, pull, push, reposition” to “bull rush, drag, reposition.”
(PRD is missing "drag")
Page 156—In the Cockatrice Strike feat, in the Prerequisites line, change “base attack bonus +16” to “base attack bonus +14.” Repeat this change on Table 3–1 on page 152 in the prerequisites line of the Cockatrice Strike feat.
Page 157—In the Crippling Critical feat, in the title, change “(Combat)” to “(Combat, Critical).”
Page 168—In the Repositioning Strike feat, in the Prerequisites section, change “Improved Trip” to “Improved Reposition.”
Pages 168–169—In the Selective Spell feat, (snip) In the second paragraph of that section, change “do not have an area of effect do not” to “do not have an area of effect or a duration of instantaneous do not.”
Page 170—In the Spider Step feat, in the Benefit paragraph, in the first sentence, change “slow fall distance across” to “slow fall distance (maximum 50 feet) across.”
Page 265—In the Terrain Mastery class feature, in the first paragraph, add the following sentence before the last sentence:
This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the horizon walker’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1).

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Ultimate Magic errata missing from the PRD, based on Errata 1.0 (1st to 2nd printing):
Page 25—In Animal Speaker archetype, in the animal friend ability, in the second paragraph, in the first sentence, change “animals can be directed” to “animals of the bard’s chosen kind.” In the Attract Rats bardic performance, in the first sentence, change “5th level” to “6th level”. In the last sentence of Attract Rats, change “lore master” to “suggestion”. In Summon Nature’s Ally ability, add the following after the last sentence: “This replaces mass suggestion.”
Page 36—In the Giant Beetle vermin companion, in the 4th-Level Advancement section, change “bite (1d6)” to “bite (1d8)”.
(PRD has bite changed to 1d8 under Starting Statistics, leaving 4th-Level Advancement bite at 1d6)
Page 62—In the Oath against the Wyrm, in the Dragon-Slaying Strike ability, (snip) In the fifth sentence, delete “channels positive energy or”.
Page 88—In the Metal Elemental School, in the Metal Magic section, at the start of the second paragraph, add “Metal Rending (Su):”.
(PRD adds this at the start of the third paragraph)
Page 125—In the Guardian Grimoire spellbook, (snip) Delete the listed 0-level spells.
Page 127—In the Mastery of Word and Thought spellbook, (snip) In the Spells section, in the 6th-level list, change “thunderclap*” to “forceful hand”.(snip)
(PRD removes “thunderclap*” but does not add “forceful hand”)
Page 162—In the Learning Words of Power section, in the Magi, Witches, and Wizards paragraph, in the first sentence, change “Witches and wizards begin play” to “Magi, witches, and wizards begin play”. Change “3 + the witch’s or wizard’s Intelligence modifier” to “3 + their Intelligence modifier”. Delete the second sentence.
Page 167—In the Acid Wave word, in the Duration entry, change “2 rounds” to “1 round/level (see text)”.

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

Ultimate Combat errata missing from the PRD, based on Errata 1.0 (1st to 2nd printing):
Page 70—In the Rogue Talents class feature, in the Ninja Trick entry, add the following after the first sentence:
The rogue cannot choose a ninja trick with the same name as a rogue talent.
(PRD has "The ninja cannot choose a ninja trick with the same name as a rogue talent")
Page 93—In the Crane Wing feat, replace the entire Benefit entry with the following:
Benefit: Once per round, when fighting defensively with at least one hand free, you can designate one melee attack being made against you before the roll is made. You receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against that attack. If you using the total defense action instead, you can deflect one melee attack that would normally hit you. An attack so deflected deals no damage and has no other effect (instead treat it as a miss). You do not expend an action when using this feat, but you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed.
(PRD is missing everything after "You receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against that attack.")

![]() |

It appears to me that Paizo has decided to drop it's Pathfinder Reference Document project. Numerous and numerous errors and problems reported from our community. The last update to the site was in Jan 2015, with no new errata information since Dec 2014 (7 months ago). The last post from a Paizo employee was Apr 1, 2015 (no April Fool's joke intended). And now the Advanced Class Guide has an significant major errata that really makes that section of the site mostly useless.
I felt this needed to be said after seeing Joe Wells well thought out and comprehensive postings (sorry don't mean to disrespect the many other excellent postings but his stood out to me). There were certain expectations that Paizo provided with this website, especially after the rebuild.

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

It'll be fine, I think. Getting Unchained into the PRD is a bigger deal at this point. The ACG errata was released just last week, but yes it is badly needed as well. Like any organization, Paizo has to prioritize what projects they assign resources to.
I'm pulling all of the PRD into local documents for myself, adding the FAQs and double-checking errata. Since I'm doing all that, I thought the missing errata might be helpful. Maybe it isn't, but posting it here isn't really any additional work.
I'm looking forward to more updates too. I'm also grateful that Paizo has chosen to publish virtually everything as OGL and that the ruleset is available as the PRD. That's seriously amazing.

Chris Lambertz Community & Digital Content Director |

I hear you, ckdragons. Let me be very clear that the PRD is not a deactivated or unimportant project to Paizo. For the purpose of absolute transparency in this issue, here's what's been happening:
The PRD project has been manned by a single person (myself) for quite some time now. While I have an arsenal of scripts and shortcuts to help make this a decent process, it's still quite a bit of a job for a single employee (especially juggling all the other tasks that come with managing all of our site content [including forums], our PDFs, community/customer questions and issues, and so on). This spring, we had a bit of restructuring (you can find out more in this blog post) that required a lot of my attention.
Where the PRD is concerned, this new restructuring means more than one set of eyes and hands working on the project. However, it's a new team, we have a good amount of backlog to work through (including all the helpful and detailed posts in this thread; Thank you, guys!). The convention season is also a very big deal to our team. It's just the growing pains of being a brand new department (and frankly, also being a brand new manager). I'm not happy it's resulted in one project getting less attention like this, but it is what it is.
The TLDR: You're right that it hasn't been where it should be, but we're going to do our darndest to get it there. :)
As an aside, it has been indicated in other threads that the Advanced Class Guide errata will not be applied to the PRD or downloadable PDF of the product until we are actually shipping second printings from our warehouse. We released this document early and outside of our usual process. I assure you it will be available as soon as the next printing is.

![]() |

I hear you, ckdragons. Let me be very clear that the PRD is not a deactivated or unimportant project to Paizo. For the purpose of absolute transparency in this issue, here's what's been happening:
The TLDR: You're right that it hasn't been where it should be, but we're going to do our darndest to get it there. :)
I really appreciate the very thoughtful, honest, and prompt reply to my post. It puts everything into perspective. Thank you! I wish you the best of luck with your new department. :)
If you don't mind (sorry if this is off-topic), I am curious about your comments regarding the errata updates being released to published new editions of your books. As I understand it, Paizo has grown into a successful mature company with the ability to accurately determine supply/demand of new books. This usually translates to less of a need to release 2nd editions of the published books. Which further relates to erratas being released far and few between. Why not release errata more frequently and update the downloadable PDFs? Why wait for the next print edition of a book to be updated/published?

Chris Lambertz Community & Digital Content Director |

If you don't mind (sorry if this is off-topic), I am curious about your comments regarding the errata updates being released to published new editions of your books. As I understand it, Paizo has grown into a successful mature company with the ability to accurately determine supply/demand of new books. This usually translates to less of a need to release 2nd editions of the published books. Which further relates to erratas being released far and few between. Why not release errata more frequently and update the downloadable PDFs? Why wait for the next print edition of a book to be updated/published?
The answer to this is a bit more involved that I'm equipped to provide. The reasons for why we don't completely update our digital offerings for new errata can be attributed to: our interactions with FLGS's, customers holding out for the next printing (which we never publicly announce when that's going to happen exactly), and the workload involved in making this part of our overall production process (which includes at least 4-5 departments that I can think of immediately).

Chris Lambertz Community & Digital Content Director |

As of today, we've included a great deal of the issues and bug fixes in the latest PRD update, as well as the Advanced Race Guide errata for the second printing. Because of how large this thread has gotten, and our current backlog, we're starting anew. Please reference the new PRD thread below for updates and issue reporting: