
GM Spike's page

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Identify item (Detect magic 1d20 + spellcraft) vs (DC = 15 + CL)
Identify cast spell (Detect magic 1d20 + spellcraft) vs (DC = 15 + SL)
Dispel or suppress (Dispel magic 1d20 + ch. level) vs (DC = 11 + CL)
Magical properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds.

Detect Magicial auras: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make Knowledge (arcana) skill checks to determine the school of magic involved in each. (Make one check per aura: DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + 1/2 caster level for a nonspell effect.) If the aura eminates from a magic item, you can attempt to identify its properties (see Spellcraft).

Spell or Object.....................|Aura Power
..........................................|Faint.......... |Moderate....... |Strong ......|Overwhelming
Functioning spell (sp. level) |3rd or lower |4th-6th .........|7th-9th .....|10th+ (deity-level)
Magic item (caster level) ....|5th or lower |6th-11th ......|12th-20th ..|21st+ (artifact)

Armor and protection items Abjuration
Weapons or offensive items Evocation
Bonus to ability score, skill check, etc. Transmutation


Real life substance|Effect, (disappears in 6 hours)|Save DC
Wine, Beer, Mead, |+1D4 Cha, -1D4 Con, |Fort 18
Secondary effect, (disappears in 12 hours or rest, stacks)
|-1 to all rolls, apart from bonus (Cha in this case)

Distilled alcohol, |+1D6 Cha, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus (Cha in this case)

Strong tobacco, |+1D4 Int, Wis, Cha, -1D4 Con, |Fort 18
|-1 to all rolls, apart from bonus (Int, Wis, Cha, in this case)

Weed, |+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus

Shrooms,|+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus

Steroids,|+1D6 Str, Dex, -1D6 Wis, Int, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus

Ecstasy,|+1D6 Dex, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus

Cocaine,|+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus

Heroine,|+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus

Pervitine,|+1D4 Cha, Wis, Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 22
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus

By failing the save by 5 or more do a DC20 Will save. Fail means addiction. Every morning character gets the nauseated condition for 1D4 hours and sickened condition for the rest of the day.

Using the same substance cures the morning sickness for the rest of the day. Casting remove curse (or possibly remove disease) cures the morning sickness permanently.

Using racial substances (like Dwarven hammer weed or Elven sunleaf wine) decreases the all saves by 5 for characters of given race.


Services (takes 1 hour) |Effects, (disappears in 24 hours)
Public baths...|+1 Will,Fort saves
Gym..............|+1 Ref saves
Sauna...........|2 Fort saves vs disease
Church..........|+2 Will saves vs fear

Encounter Table:

%... CR
1-10 -4
11-20 -3
21-30 -2
31-40 -1
41-50 0
51-60 +1
61-70 +2
71-80 +3
81-90 +4
91-100 +5