Real life substance|Effect, (disappears in 6 hours)|Save DC
Wine, Beer, Mead, |+1D4 Cha, -1D4 Con, |Fort 18
Secondary effect, (disappears in 12 hours or rest, stacks)
|-1 to all rolls, apart from bonus (Cha in this case)
Distilled alcohol, |+1D6 Cha, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus (Cha in this case)
Strong tobacco, |+1D4 Int, Wis, Cha, -1D4 Con, |Fort 18
|-1 to all rolls, apart from bonus (Int, Wis, Cha, in this case)
Weed, |+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus
Shrooms,|+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus
Steroids,|+1D6 Str, Dex, -1D6 Wis, Int, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus
Ecstasy,|+1D6 Dex, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus
Cocaine,|+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus
Heroine,|+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con |Fort 20
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus
Pervitine,|+1D4 Cha, Wis, Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 22
|-2 to all rolls, apart from bonus
By failing the save by 5 or more do a DC20 Will save. Fail means addiction. Every morning character gets the nauseated condition for 1D4 hours and sickened condition for the rest of the day.
Using the same substance cures the morning sickness for the rest of the day. Casting remove curse (or possibly remove disease) cures the morning sickness permanently.
Using racial substances (like Dwarven hammer weed or Elven sunleaf wine) decreases the all saves by 5 for characters of given race.