The New PRD

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Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I added a spoiler. That was indeed quite the wall of text.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DeathQuaker wrote:

Sadly, it is displaying REALLY poorly on my Android phone. Mind, my phone is a Motorola Citrus, which is more like a toy Android phone than a real one, but FWIW, it isn't working. Looks like it doesn't want to display the frames/table setup in a readable manner.

Top graphic displays with nothing underneath, you have to scroll over to see the index, and only part of the index displays at all and gets truncated by the funky vertical line that's supposed to be to the far right of the page. The disclaimer at the bottom displays in one very narrow strip.

Looks fabulous on the PC though (using latest version of Firefox)--MUCH better layout, much easier to follow and read, and the index to the left looks great.

The android doesn't do some things as well as iPhone and we're dealing with a few bugs in the way it displays and processes media queries in the css so bear with us on that. My hopes is to have an update today for android to make it look better, but it just will not be as cool as it is on iPhone sadly.

One thing to note, the "funky vertical line" is actually an indicator to let you know there is more table there, and that it doesn't fit on the screen. You should be able to touch it and throw it left or right, though the scrolling may be a little jerky on your android depending on how fast the processor is.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Grick wrote:

The navigation frame on the left doesn't work without javascript. Any chance that could be changed back to a full list? Or at least have each book link to a page with all of the stuff for that book?

IE: click "Ultimate Combat" instead of nothing happening, have it load a page with links to Gunslinger, Ninja, Samurai, Class Archetypes, etc.

I'd rather have everything listed there by default, so if I'm looking at, for example, the Magus, I can click once to get to spell lists.

Also, the nav seems to be a separate frame, so it doesn't scroll with the rest of the page. This is disorienting, and also cuts off all that content if you can't see it on the screen at one time. (Tiled windows horizontally means most of those nav links are permanently off-screen)

The Attacks of Opportunity picture isn't centered.

Table: Actions in Combat takes up the entire width of the page (excluding nav frame).

The text under any table (like the AoO picture) is very small and smashed together, hard to read.
-edit- Example

On all pages except the index, the header's click-area isn't correct. If you try to click the PRD link, (the one right next to the pathfinder logo) the bottom half ("Reference Document") isn't a link.
-edit- Weird, with scripting enabled, it's as described above. Without scripting, the image link works, but the text breadcrumb links under the search box vanish.

On the spell description pages (/spells/spellname.html) the font of the text between the black bar and first line (flavor text) is hard to read. It's big and spaced strangely. (School, casting time, etc.)
-edit- Example

First of all, thanks for leting us know about these. The pictures are especially helpful. With the emphasis on navigation that we wanted to give, javascript pretty much became a necessity. The breadcrumbs are now generated by javascript so that we can do a bunch of other things with the information that the breadcrumbs provide.

Lissa Guillet wrote:
With the emphasis on navigation that we wanted to give, javascript pretty much became a necessity.

You may want to consider how breaking the entire nav frame emphasizes navigation. Can't you detect if scripting is disabled and give them a fully extended nav bar? By requiring javascript to make use of the PRD, you're excluding customers.

More stuff:

Some anchor links are broken. In Table: Feats on feats.html all the links go to feats.html#_featname instead of just feats.html#featname (extra underscore after the #)

Acrobatic broken
Acrobatic works

Same thing for anchored spell pages. (Cure Light Wounds, Mass should anchor to the mass section of the spell page) The monster index works, though. -edit- the Alphabet at the top of the index works, the monsters themselves don't, IE: angel.html#_angel-astral-deva

skillDescriptions.html has an anchor on each skill in the table, also broken but doesn't do anything even if it's not.

Also, anchors in general have never worked very well. Because the header overlaps the page, often times the anchor drops the page to the top of the content you want, which is obscured by the header. (In the Acrobatic example above, the entire feat is obscured by the header, the first actual content you can see is the next feat down, Acrobatic Steps)

The nav tables seems completely broken, even with scripting enabled.
From the index the prd/#navTable links extend the little menu things, but from any other page (gettingStarted.html#navTable) they do nothing.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
I added a spoiler. That was indeed quite the wall of text.

Not seeing the Spoiler Tag

Dragnmoon wrote:
Not seeing the Spoiler Tag

Forum bug, I think. Lots of times edits don't show up if you've viewed the page already. They show up in the quote if you try to reply to the post, though.

Scarab Sages

It looks great on my Droid X2.
(Any way to be able to zoom the pages? My big fat fingers have a hard time hitting a link in the tables. Like it takes me many tried to tap the Feats line in the Ultimate Combat page.)

Bug report:
Ultimate Combat > Feats > Style Feats> [go down chart to Djinni Style] - Djinni Style goes to the Djinni Style style description and not the feat.
In the chart under Djinni Style, Elemental Fist goes to the APG Feat page and not to the feat itself.

Great job on this!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Grick wrote:


The nav tables seems completely broken, even with scripting enabled.
From the index the prd/#navTable links extend the little menu things, but from any other page (gettingStarted.html#navTable) they do nothing.

There are a few browser specific issues that I'm looking into there. I know older versions of firefox(which I use at home on one of my boxes) has problems with one of the routines dealing with the breadcrumb navigation which is why it works on the front page and not any of the other pages.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
fray wrote:

It looks great on my Droid X2.

(Any way to be able to zoom the pages? My big fat fingers have a hard time hitting a link in the tables. Like it takes me many tried to tap the Feats line in the Ultimate Combat page.)

Bug report:
Ultimate Combat > Feats > Style Feats> [go down chart to Djinni Style] - Djinni Style goes to the Djinni Style style description and not the feat.
In the chart under Djinni Style, Elemental Fist goes to the APG Feat page and not to the feat itself.

Great job on this!

I have the feats by book file to put in the navigation which should help with that specifically. Due to some weirdness in the way that it reorients on some phones, we've had to stick the user-scale. Which is really not ideal, but it makes it look better. We'd like to get large lists of links into the phone navigation for those that have a lot of links close together as time permits. So look for that in future updates. Feats by book might be in a much quicker update though.

Also, on a side note, the newer Droids seems to be having many less issues than other android phones. If you go to a place with a lot of large tables, like the equipment page on your Droid phones that things look good on, can you tell me how well the tables slide? I'm interested, as my G2, which is not a slouch, looks ok but is a little jerky. I turned off the fixed scroller for android phones so that they can browse and have it not be incredibly jerky for their browsing, but if it looks good on some phones, I might be able to detect what's going on there and enable it and that may lead to being able to two finger zoom and pinch. Maybe.

Browsing the Ultimate Combat section of the new PRD I noticed that for example the variant rules section does contain nothing but some short pararaphs on the topics discussed in this section, but not the actual content found in Ultimate Combat. Is adding the Ultimate Combat stuff still work in progress or is this part of the book not considered open content?

Another strange thing is that I am not able to zoom on my iPad.

Otherwise the new PRD looks great!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Celeblas wrote:

Browsing the Ultimate Combat section of the new PRD I noticed that for example the variant rules section does contain nothing but some short pararaphs on the topics discussed in this section, but not the actual content found in Ultimate Combat. Is adding the Ultimate Combat stuff still work in progress or is this part of the book not considered open content?

Another strange thing is that I am not able to zoom on my iPad.

Otherwise the new PRD looks great!

Zooming is currently disabled on mobile platforms due to the way some things are rendered with reorientation and other wierdness. Stay tuned though. Specifically for iDevices.

Celeblas wrote:

Browsing the Ultimate Combat section of the new PRD I noticed that for example the variant rules section does contain nothing but some short pararaphs on the topics discussed in this section, but not the actual content found in Ultimate Combat. Is adding the Ultimate Combat stuff still work in progress or is this part of the book not considered open content?

Another strange thing is that I am not able to zoom on my iPad.

Otherwise the new PRD looks great!

Yikes! Thank you for pointing this out! The headers on that page are supposed to link to that content. This will get fixed in the next update.


KaeYoss wrote:

Like the spell index and feat index!

  • Older spells (especially from the Core Rules, but it applies to APG stuff, too, at least for the Magus) don't show what new classes can access them. See invisibility, for example, is also a witch spell, but it only mentions sorcerers/wizards and bards.
  • While I agree that would be wonderful, that would require updating the text in the Core Rulebook, as I believe this content (and its links) are script-generated from our PDFs. And as we're not going to update the Core Rulebook with references to witches and summoners (as they don't appear in the Core Rulebook as classes, and that would confuse people), I don't see that happening. In other words, the tech team would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.

    Sean K Reynolds wrote:
    ...I believe this content (and its links) are script-generated from our PDFs. [snip] In other words, the tech team would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.

    I agree about not updating the books themselves, that would be a nightmare.

    If it's scripts pulling from the PDFs, then you already have that data by way of the spell lists that are given for each new class (and the lists of new spells for existing classes).

    It should simply be a matter of building a script that goes thru each class' spell list and builds a comprehensive list of all the spells that class can access (and at what level) from each of the four books. Once you have that done for each class, just run another script searching on the spell name in each class' list. Where there's a match, the script notes the spell level and updates the database entry for that spell.

    I can't imagine this would take too long for someone with decent SQL knowledge to whip up.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
    Sean K Reynolds wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:

    Like the spell index and feat index!

  • Older spells (especially from the Core Rules, but it applies to APG stuff, too, at least for the Magus) don't show what new classes can access them. See invisibility, for example, is also a witch spell, but it only mentions sorcerers/wizards and bards.
  • While I agree that would be wonderful, that would require updating the text in the Core Rulebook, as I believe this content (and its links) are script-generated from our PDFs. And as we're not going to update the Core Rulebook with references to witches and summoners (as they don't appear in the Core Rulebook as classes, and that would confuse people), I don't see that happening. In other words, the tech team would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.

    Or find a really clever way to add the info from the spell lists in the APG. It'd take a fancy script, but it may be possible. On the other hand, it may be more effort than it is worth at this time. Especially if the development team is chasing actual bugs down.

    Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'd like to try to help set some expectations about improvements to the PRD here. Sean is correct, the PRD is generated from our original InDesign files through a seriously complicated pipeline of scripts. There are a lot of things that are possible with that kind of workflow, but it's easy to inadvertently break things, too. The PRD currently consists of more than 2,000 files and I don't know how many hyperlinks.

    The tech team has put a lot of hours into this project already and there are a bunch of other things we need them to be working on. So we're going to be fixing bugs as fast as we can, and supporting as many platforms as is reasonable, but there are limits to what we can put into something that a) we're giving away for free, and b) competes to some degree with the products we actually make money from.

    Having said that, please don't hesitate to continue letting us know where we can improve it. We take our commitment to open gaming seriously, and giving our customers the best possible gaming experience is why we're in this business in the first place.

    I found a bug Cartwheel dodge feat links to the dodge feat.

    The Exchange

    Sean K Reynolds wrote:
    ...would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.

    Random FYI: For anyone who cares (and is not already aware of it) does this for every spell already.

    Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

    I was curious, so I counted. There are more than 55,000 hyperlinks in the PRD.

    Scarab Sages

    My link issue above is also repeatable in a web browser. (On a computer, not on a phone.)

    Liberty's Edge

    Very nice.

    Anyone tried loading this up on the HP Touchpad browser yet? I'm at work and don't have access to mine, and I am very curious. :)

    Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Am I the only one who 'heard' the Old Spice Guy while reading that first post.


    Look at your computer, now back to me now back to the computer. What do you see? The PSRD has been updated. Now, look at your phone now back to your computer, now back to your phone! Look! It's the PSRD on your phone, but it doesn't suck!"

    deinol wrote:
    Or find a really clever way to add the info from the spell lists in the APG. It'd take a fancy script, but it may be possible. On the other hand, it may be more effort than it is worth at this time. Especially if the development team is chasing actual bugs down.

    If they can get the spell levels out of the PDFs (which the website proves they can), then they already have the necessary data. I just now did a quick experiment in Excel and was able to generate exactly what KaeYoss was asking for. It took me all of my 15-minute afternoon break. If you know how to use the IF, ISBLANK, CONCATENATE, and LEN functions, you can build it. :)

    Spell List Example (zipped Excel 2007 file)

    The only difference is that there would be more columns and rows, which is as simple as copying a cell and filling the equation down to the bottom of the list.

    In terms of what I was asking for (comprehensive spell lists), that should be even easier — it's just a matter of appending each new spell list after the prior, sorting by level first, school second, and value third (value=alphabetical order).

    I realize that there is a lot of work to be done and that a TON has already been done (which is awesome, btw), but some comprehensive lists like this would make it MUCH easier to use the CRB, APG, UC, and UM together. For the amount of effort it would take to implement it would save many people a great deal of time and make using content from the three newer products much more attractive. Right now, organized as I am, I still kind of groan when I have to spec a spellcaster — opening all 4 books on the desk is usually easier than scrolling up and down in 4 different browser tabs — even on 2 monitors. wrote:
    Sean K Reynolds wrote:
    ...would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.
    Random FYI: For anyone who cares (and is not already aware of it) does this for every spell already.

    Yes, but we know that fans are more insane and have more free time than Paizo employees...

    Well, at least we know the second one is true.

    Very beautiful templete.
    I didn't know tha the previous PRD didn't work on mobile devices.
    Ultimate combat is in, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is the bestiary 2 in?

    While your updating the website, can you make it so that I can copy and paste text from the prd?

    Hilighting text is a real pain, and I constantly want to quote a specific part without saying "its in the combat section" or something like that. Its enough that I would go to, if it wasn't blocked at work.

    leo1925 wrote:

    Very beautiful templete.

    I didn't know tha the previous PRD didn't work on mobile devices.
    Ultimate combat is in, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is the bestiary 2 in?

    The Bestiary 2 has been in the PRD for a couple months now :)

    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    leo1925 wrote:

    Very beautiful templete.

    I didn't know tha the previous PRD didn't work on mobile devices.
    Ultimate combat is in, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is the bestiary 2 in?
    The Bestiary 2 has been in the PRD for a couple months now :)


    leo1925 wrote:
    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    leo1925 wrote:

    Very beautiful templete.

    I didn't know tha the previous PRD didn't work on mobile devices.
    Ultimate combat is in, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is the bestiary 2 in?
    The Bestiary 2 has been in the PRD for a couple months now :)

    Yep. It was previously called "Additional Monsters" in the menu. This is one of the reasons we revised the menu to be listed by book, rather than a complete list of all available sections. This was so people could actually see which books had been added.

    The Exchange

    Caineach wrote:
    Its enough that I would go to, if it wasn't blocked at work.

    For those of you with a similar problem, you can also access the site via the urls:

    Those all go to the same place. Try those and see if they work.

    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    leo1925 wrote:
    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    leo1925 wrote:

    Very beautiful templete.

    I didn't know tha the previous PRD didn't work on mobile devices.
    Ultimate combat is in, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is the bestiary 2 in?
    The Bestiary 2 has been in the PRD for a couple months now :)
    Yep. It was previously called "Additional Monsters" in the menu. This is one of the reasons we revised the menu to be listed by book, rather than a complete list of all available sections. This was so people could actually see which books had been added.

    Oh ok then.

    Again very good work and good thinking in changing it.

    Caineach wrote:

    While your updating the website, can you make it so that I can copy and paste text from the prd?

    Hilighting text is a real pain, and I constantly want to quote a specific part without saying "its in the combat section" or something like that. Its enough that I would go to, if it wasn't blocked at work.

    I can't seem to replicate that behavior on our end. What browser are you using? Are there specific sections you're trying to access?

    It's important that we know these things to improve accessibility. If you ever come across a problem, please let us know either via the Website Feedback forum or by e-mail.

    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    Caineach wrote:

    While your updating the website, can you make it so that I can copy and paste text from the prd?

    Hilighting text is a real pain, and I constantly want to quote a specific part without saying "its in the combat section" or something like that. Its enough that I would go to, if it wasn't blocked at work.

    I can't seem to replicate that behavior on our end. What browser are you using? Are there specific sections you're trying to access?

    It's important that we know these things to improve accessibility. If you ever come across a problem, please let us know either via the Website Feedback forum or by e-mail.

    I am using IE8. I get the same behavior on all of the PRD. In order to highlight any text on the page, I have to start highlighting in the navigation tab on the left or the banner at the top and highlight all text up to the part I want. If I click in the body of the PRD, it wont highlight anything.

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    Laithoron wrote:
    Sean K Reynolds wrote:
    ...I believe this content (and its links) are script-generated from our PDFs. [snip] In other words, the tech team would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.

    I agree about not updating the books themselves, that would be a nightmare.

    If it's scripts pulling from the PDFs, then you already have that data by way of the spell lists that are given for each new class (and the lists of new spells for existing classes).

    It should simply be a matter of building a script that goes thru each class' spell list and builds a comprehensive list of all the spells that class can access (and at what level) from each of the four books. Once you have that done for each class, just run another script searching on the spell name in each class' list. Where there's a match, the script notes the spell level and updates the database entry for that spell.

    I can't imagine this would take too long for someone with decent SQL knowledge to whip up.

    It is not within the scope of the PRD team to modify the content they're presenting. Any changes they made, even those done by script—actually, make that *especially* those done by script—would have to be checked by editorial and development, and that's not going to happen.

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
    Caineach wrote:
    Chris Lambertz wrote:
    Caineach wrote:

    While your updating the website, can you make it so that I can copy and paste text from the prd?

    Hilighting text is a real pain, and I constantly want to quote a specific part without saying "its in the combat section" or something like that. Its enough that I would go to, if it wasn't blocked at work.

    I can't seem to replicate that behavior on our end. What browser are you using? Are there specific sections you're trying to access?

    It's important that we know these things to improve accessibility. If you ever come across a problem, please let us know either via the Website Feedback forum or by e-mail.

    I am using IE8. I get the same behavior on all of the PRD. In order to highlight any text on the page, I have to start highlighting in the navigation tab on the left or the banner at the top and highlight all text up to the part I want. If I click in the body of the PRD, it wont highlight anything.

    Can't replicate it on IE 7 or any of our mac browsers. Hmmmm. I'll check at home and see what I get. I wonder if some plugin isn't interacting weirdly.

    Dark Archive

    WelbyBumpus wrote:
    Fantastic and even more useful. Thank you!

    +1! Looks better and works faster than before. :) wrote:
    Sean K Reynolds wrote:
    ...would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.
    Random FYI: For anyone who cares (and is not already aware of it) does this for every spell already.

    Noted. Nice.

    By the way, I saw some inconsistencies about this on the site:

  • Some links for the magus are still linked to

    instead of the final link. I don't quite remember where I found the old link

  • The spell Infernal Healing (which I looked up as a representative spell from a source that's not in the PRD) is listed in the big spell index (/magic/all-spells), and I think in some class lists, but at least in the magus spell index, it's absent.

    I'm not sure whether this is a single error or a general thing with the magus.

    And one question: Is there a list of sources somewhere?

  • Matthew Morris wrote:

    Am I the only one who 'heard' the Old Spice Guy while reading that first post.


    Look at your computer, now back to me now back to the computer. What do you see? The PSRD has been updated. Now, look at your phone now back to your computer, now back to your phone! Look! It's the PSRD on your phone, but it doesn't suck!"

    Nope. I got that, too. Hence my "I'm on a mount" comment :)

    Shadow Lodge

    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


    The expeditious excavation link from the druid and sorcerer/wizard spell lists doesn't work.

    Edit: I see a few others from that list also do not function properly, so this has probably already been mentioned.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Love the new feat and spell index! EDIT: That's a lie. I love ALL the new changes!

    If you add a new monster index and allow someone to navigate it by CR (and the spells by school/class, and the feats by type) then the PRD will be truly perfect.

    Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
    KaeYoss wrote:

    By the way, I saw some inconsistencies about this on the site:

  • Some links for the magus are still linked to

    instead of the final link. I don't quite remember where I found the old link

  • The spell Infernal Healing (which I looked up as a representative spell from a source that's not in the PRD) is listed in the big spell index (/magic/all-spells), and I think in some class lists, but at least in the magus spell index, it's absent.

    I'm not sure whether this is a single error or a general thing with the magus.

  • I fixed infernal healing. I'm researching if/where other mis-links may be hiding.

    KaeYoss wrote:
    And one question: Is there a list of sources somewhere?

    Almost every page on the site has a Section 15 Copyright Notice box at the bottom of the page indicating where that content came from. If a page has content from a lot of different sources usually there is a small, one-line entry saying "Source Pathfinder Companion: Gnomes of Golarion." (for example.)

    Otherwise, you can view our Section 15 entries here.

    Some of the spell links from the spell lists don't work, unfortunatelly i didn't noted which ones.

    I understand how adding new classes to existing spells` stat blocks may not be in the cards...
    (if it were done, I would imagine putting that info in a different color, making clear that it is not part of the `Core` material, but `collated` from the PRD as a whole, could satisfy problems with OK´ing changes with the Editorial team, since it wouldn`t be changing what is presented as Core material)

    ...But presenting `unified` Spell Lists for all Classes seems like a VERY useful idea,
    and would go along with unified Combat Feat, Teamwork Feat, etc, Indexes. (Traits would be cool too)
    If you can `filter`/select by Magic School and Level in addition to (Class) Spell List, that would be awesome sauce.
    An equivalent feature for a unified Bestiary Index, by name, type, CR, size, etc would be cool as well.
    I sometime use the d20srd index which has the function just because it`s so useful,
    and even if it misses stuff sometimes, that info is USUALLY the same between 3.5 and PRPG...
    But still, since so many cool, NEW monsters have been added to PRPG, a real PRPG Monster Index would be awesome.

    Anyhow, the new version is very very nice.... Thanks alot!!!

    Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    To make it easier for the tech team to keep on top of problem reports, can we keep this thread limited to comments about the official Paizo PRD please? Comments about external websites can go in their own thread.

    Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

    Sean K Reynolds wrote:
    KaeYoss wrote:

    Like the spell index and feat index!

  • Older spells (especially from the Core Rules, but it applies to APG stuff, too, at least for the Magus) don't show what new classes can access them. See invisibility, for example, is also a witch spell, but it only mentions sorcerers/wizards and bards.
  • While I agree that would be wonderful, that would require updating the text in the Core Rulebook, as I believe this content (and its links) are script-generated from our PDFs. And as we're not going to update the Core Rulebook with references to witches and summoners (as they don't appear in the Core Rulebook as classes, and that would confuse people), I don't see that happening. In other words, the tech team would have to manually add that text to every single appropriate spell.

    What about adding new spell descriptors from Ultimate Magic to the core book spells? Even if it happens only with the next printing/errata of the core book, that seems like a useful backwards compatibility change that wouldn't make a core book user scratch their head and wonder about classes that aren't in the book.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Just to be different.

    Could we get a view that allows us to see all clasess? (rather than having a class heading under Core, a second under APG and then Magus under UM).
    Could we select class and simply see all classes across all books?

    The same with spells and spell lists please? I just want to see all spells for the Summoner without leapfrogging in and out of links.

    Is that cool? or am I missing something?

    RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    I think it is utterly glorious that everything is still being released as open content, that it is actively being added to the PRD and the design of the PRD continues to be updated and improved.

    Thank you to everyone at Paizo for continuing to make this happen.

    Android 3.2 firefox beta Asus tablet.

    Nav-side bar disappears in portrate but is visible in landscape.


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