The New PRD

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The table for familiars in bestiary 3 ( messed up. It says 'Pig Master'. However, the 'Master' part belongs in the 2nd column and not in the 1st column with pig.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't take my Pig Master away from me, brah.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The alignment of several of the Imperial Dragon Stat blocks are messed up. [LINK]

Also, the header style for the sleevs of many garments is absent. [LINK]

(Hope I am not necro-threading here!)

I noticed on this page that there is an error in one of the tables. The Metamagic Feats table says that Topple Spell works only with Sonic spells, whereas the description rightly says that it works only with Force spells.

Small, Confusing error for people new to the feat, as I have had players who sometimes do not check the description after reading the short summary.

Thank You for Your time!

DeathQuaker wrote:
Just want to say that even with small issues, I am generally really liking the mobile output on the PRD--makes running games really easy, as it's easier to reference sometimes.

Just want to take a moment to echo this. Thanks.

Scarab Sages

Ultimate Magic Spell List> Inquisitor 5th level
The link for Lend Greater Judgement is missing its /a tag, pulling in the description and the header for 6th level.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

On this page
the table for random weapons has a big gap in the percentages.

If you look it goes from 64-64 Rapier to 85-87 Spear, but nothing in between.

j b 200 wrote:

On this page
the table for random weapons has a big gap in the percentages.

If you look it goes from 64-64 Rapier to 85-87 Spear, but nothing in between.

Yeah, it's the same way in the book. The following thread...

Ultimate Equipment Random Weapon Table

...asked the same question, and hasn't gotten a reply yet. Should we post that question to the Ultimate Equipment Product Discussion thread?

And I have another request for that page of the PRD. When I look at the treasure generator tables, they list things like "two grade 1 gemstones," "grade 2 gemstone," etc. But the random gem tables are only labeled "Least Semi-Precious Gem (Craft DC 10)", "Lesser Semi-Precious Gem (Craft DC 12)", etc, with no explanation of what the grades are.

Table 7-50 in the book makes it clear that "Grade 1" means "Least Semi-Precious Stones (Craft DC 10)", "Grade 2" means "Lesser Semi-Precious Stones (Craft DC 12)", and so on. If I didn't have the book, I might have guessed that's the case. But some people might not figure that out. Could you fix that, please?

The entry for the Giant Fly has the word "Fly" in the creatures name linking to the Fly skill.

Also, in the same entry, the "swarm" in organization links to the swarm subtype.

Both aren't really errors, but they're something I found to be kind of weird because there's no reason for them to be links to those things.

Digital Products Assistant

Mythic Adventures is now up on the PRD! Fixes from this thread and others will be rolled in a future update.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mythic Adventures is now up on the PRD! Fixes from this thread and others will be rolled in a future update.

YEA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pathfinder Adventure, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

On the Mythic Monsters page:

The "Mythic Monster Index" page just displays an error.

The link is currently pointing to: ml

Digital Products Assistant

ianbl wrote:

On the Mythic Monsters page:

The "Mythic Monster Index" page just displays an error.

The link is currently pointing to: ml

This has been fixed :)

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mythic Adventures is now up on the PRD! Fixes from this thread and others will be rolled in a future update.

Is mythic origins or mythic realms ever going to be added?

If not I guess I'd have to keep using the pfsrd. Oh well...

Digital Products Assistant

137ben wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mythic Adventures is now up on the PRD! Fixes from this thread and others will be rolled in a future update.

Is mythic origins or mythic realms ever going to be added?

If not I guess I'd have to keep using the pfsrd. Oh well...

The PRD only houses OGL content from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line. These books will not be added.

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mythic Adventures is now up on the PRD! Fixes from this thread and others will be rolled in a future update.

Did Mythic bump the Bestiaries off of the right side (or were they never there?)

It's a long way to scroll down to them.

Digital Products Assistant

Majuba wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Mythic Adventures is now up on the PRD! Fixes from this thread and others will be rolled in a future update.

Did Mythic bump the Bestiaries off of the right side (or were they never there?)

It's a long way to scroll down to them.

On the front page? The table did get wider; I'll see if I can incorporate a fix for this next update.

Mythic Magic Missile Access Denied, No Stairway! :(

That’s because it currently exists as “Mythic Magic Missle”. An awkward typo, I’d say. :-S

Aaron Bitman wrote:
j b 200 wrote:

On this page
the table for random weapons has a big gap in the percentages.

If you look it goes from 64-64 Rapier to 85-87 Spear, but nothing in between.

Yeah, it's the same way in the book. The following thread...

Ultimate Equipment Random Weapon Table

...asked the same question, and hasn't gotten a reply yet. Should we post that question to the Ultimate Equipment Product Discussion thread?

It got answered in the thread on the blog post previewing that page.

Ah. Thanks. Now it just needs to be added to the PRD.

(Also, an errata document would be nice, if you could possibly make the time for it, in your busy schedules.)

Sovereign Court

On the PRD spell lists, when I click the "Cantrips/Orisons" link, it toggles 1st level spells instead of Cantrips/Orisons (I'm using an iPad).

The HTML in rrier.html is broken because the first line reads s<!DOCTYPE html> instead of <!DOCTYPE html>.

Just noticed that "channel resistance" in the Allip entry for Bestiary 3, that only the "resistance" is high lighted and it takes you to "resistance" and not "channel resistance".

Didn't look at other undead with that particular ability.

-- david

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Two notes:

1) In the Mythic Spell Lists, it shows Animate Dead as a second-level Ranger spell. Since Rangers don't get that spell at all, normally, this is probably a glitch.

2) I have a tablet. Specifically, this one. It's Android-based, it has sufficient resolution (1280x800) that the PRD uses the full-size version rather than mobile. The PRD prevents me from pinch-zooming; the display port renders at the size it renders, and nothing I can do will change that.

As a result, it is freakishly difficult to tap the link I want. About 80% of the time I'll accidentally hit the link above or below the one I was aiming for. For example, I often wind up on the Open Game License page when I was trying to get to the Spell List Index. When this happens three or four times in a row, it makes me want to hurl my tablet across the room.

This is cross-browser; I've tried it in the default Android browser, which I believe is Webkit based, in Opera Mobile (currently version 16.0.1212.65583), and in Firefox Mobile (25.0).

I'm a web developer myself, and I investigated the code. I believe this behavior is caused by "minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" in the META viewport tag, which forcibly prevents users from scaling the content, as discussed here.

Please, please consider changing that to "initial-scale=1" instead. The links in the PRD are crammed in cheek by jowl in a fairly small font size, and my fingers are not that small!

I'm playing an Oracle for the first time and was all excited until I realized your PRD does not list any Oracle spells. I find this odd considering the PRD app at least lists them at the bottom of the Oracle page with links to the spells.

Sadly, I need them on my computer so I can print them off. My tablet is annoying. I can't get anything to open including my awesome spellbook app :(

zdemarco wrote:

I'm playing an Oracle for the first time and was all excited until I realized your PRD does not list any Oracle spells. I find this odd considering the PRD app at least lists them at the bottom of the Oracle page with links to the spells.

Sadly, I need them on my computer so I can print them off. My tablet is annoying. I can't get anything to open including my awesome spellbook app :(

Per the PRD wrote:
Spells: An oracle casts divine spells drawn from the cleric spell lists. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, an oracle must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an oracle's spell is 10 + the spell's level + the oracle's Charisma modifier.

mythic feat page in PRD

1. For some reason the feat "Mythic Companion" is listed in the table followed by the word "Mythic" in parenthesis denoting it as a mythic feat and appearing as follows: Mythic Companion (Mythic). Marked for Glory is denoted in the same manner: Marked for Glory (Mythic). Neither of these feats are Mythic feats.

2. Ascendant Spell is listed in the table within the mythic feat box.
My PDF has it listed similarly but the blurb from my PDF is different than the blurb from the feat table in the PRD.
The PDF only has the sections "Metamagic Feats" and "Mythic Feats" under the heading "Types of Feats"
The PRD blurb has sections titled "Metamagic Feats", "Mythic Feats", and "Mythic and Metamagic Feats" under the heading "Types of Feats".
Within the section "Mythic and Metamagic Feats" the following line exists and is not present within the PDF:
"There is also a non-mythic metamagic feat for casting spells as their mythic versions: Ascendant Spell."
Is Ascendant Spell mythic or not? If not, should it be in the "Mythic Feat" box of the table?

3. Also, all of the feats have "Mythic" or "Metamagic" in parenthesis breaking the format of all the other feat lists in the PRD. In the other lists, the table is broken up by feat type but feats do not have their type listed in parenthesis as part of the linked feat name. It isn't exactly a problem except as mentioned above. However, I am not sure why it was added, making the feat formatting different than all the other feat tables of the PRD, when all it accomplished is making part of the table invalid: the Marked for Glory, Mythic Companion, and possibly the Ascendant Spell entries.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

There are four links at the top of the Primal Dragons page...


... that appear broken. It's a small thing because I can scroll down and see them anyway, but in the interest of perfection I thought I would report it.

In Lodging and Services ( es.html) the cost of poor inn accommodations is listed as 2 gp in the chart at the top of the page; similarly, that is the starting price of an inn stay in the description. This is a mistype; I believe it is supposed to be 2 sp or 2 cp. Common accommodates at an inn are 5 sp and good accommodations are 2 gp. It makes no sense for poor and good accommodations to cost the same, with common accommodations to fall between.

On this same page, the cost of hirelings ranges from 1-3 sp on the chart at the top of the page, but 1-3 gp in the descriptions. These should match up and either both be sp or gp.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Regarding the mobile version of the PRD (Android on a Droid RazrM, this happens in Firefox and Chrome):

Using the spell lists index is really annoying. First, you can't filter out books in the mobile version.

Second, if you click on a spell on a spell list to look at it, and then click "back" (just the normal back button on the phone), the PRD takes you to the BOOK the spell was from, not back to the spell list you were looking at. Making it very difficult to, say, scan a spell list to see what spells you want to prepare or whatever.

Also, when you click to a racial spell, it takes you to the top of the race's entry in the ARG rather than the spell itself.

I realize some of this may not be fixable as of now, but as having mobile access to the PRD can make rules lookup during a game session way easier, it would be nice at some point if this could be at least streamlined a bit.

I am grateful, mind, there is a mobile version of the site at all! It is very helpful.

Cure Moderate Wounds is completely wrong on the website page. It says 4d8 healing. It is definitely not

dreadpiratex wrote:

Cure Moderate Wounds is completely wrong on the website page. It says 4d8 healing. It is definitely not

You're looking at the mythic version of CMW... look at the normal version by clicking the link in "source" from the mythic version.

When I toggle the "witch spells" button in the spell list index it only goes to flash fire before stopping at Fl.

On the spellblights page ( text under the major spellblights table is not selectable, and the links in that area are not clickable (at least in chrome browser).

Is it me or is there no way to update the changes to the filters on some of the lists (live spell index and magix item index)?

I can change the chosen filters but can find the refresh/update button

also the gods list from core book under cleric section isnt in the cleric section here...intentional?

Digital Products Assistant

also the gods list from core book under cleric section isnt in the cleric section here...intentional?

Yes. Only OGL content is available on the PRD.

ah thanks Chris, didnt even occour to me.


Shadow Lodge

In Firefox, CTRL+PAGE UP/DOWN to switch tabs seems to break when it gets to the PRD, where it starts ignoring that CTRL is being held down (and just scrolls up or down instead).

Not a huge deal but it seems like the Boots of Striding and Springing are missing from 'Greater Minor Feet Item' table: l

Also, Gloves of swimming and climbing are missing from the 'Greater Minor Hand Item' table: ml

The Ultimate Equipment entry for the Ivory Goats Figurines of Wondrous Power is missing the Intro:

"Ivory Goats: These figurines come in threes. Each goat of this trio looks slightly different from the others, and each has a different function:" .html#_figurines-of-wondrous-power

Silver Crusade

The sidebar does not scroll when scrolling down. Is this intentional?
I guess most people have enough resolution, but working on a 1366x768 laptop is really difficult with this - when using the menu bar in Firefox I am unable to reach the lower entries of the Bestiaries (since they are just low and scrolling down does not move the menu), but even without the menu bar it's impossible to reach the Indexes when the Core Rules are selected and expanded.
Minor issue for most people, I'm sure, but I'd really like to know whether this is intentional or a bug.

Grand Lodge

Ultimate Equipment -> Wondrous Items

Lyre of building is marked as weighing nothing lbs.

Any information on when Bestiary 4 might be uploaded to the rules archive?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Mythic Flesh Golem is listed/linked as "Giant, Flesh", link leads to giants not golem.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

When you go to the section for Ultimate Magic, there is a link for Updates..

If you go there, new descriptors are applied to spells.

From there if you check out what spells are labeled as emotion-affecting. Bane is one of them. If you click on that link it takes you to the bane weapon property and not bane the spell.

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