Ale and whores, minus the ale

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Azure_Zero wrote:

Like the way you combine CHA with the physical stats for appearance, though I slightly disagree with how you use constitution.

I would refer you to sheldons body types

I was operating more off best-fit than perfect analog. I'm definitely not trying to imply a direct correlation between Con and BMI. What I was trying to get at (and admittedly not doing a great job of) was what you connected: Con and body shape. I can't imagine a low-Con female with an hourglass figure or a high-Con female with an apple or pear figure, for example.

As far as the link, that's pushing into personality land which ought to be player's fiat. Interesting read, though especially if you start figuring on which classes tend to have what stat priorities and whether they'd have a tendency towards introversion or extroversion. Plus you've got the notion nobody wants a low Con, and nobody wants to play a character with a body type typified as may not be a perfect analog, but it's a phenomenally good fit.

Eacaraxe wrote:

I was operating more off best-fit than perfect analog. I'm definitely not trying to imply a direct correlation between Con and BMI. What I was trying to get at (and admittedly not doing a great job of) was what you connected: Con and body shape. I can't imagine a low-Con female with an hourglass figure or a high-Con female with an apple or pear figure, for example.

As far as the link, that's pushing into personality land which ought to be player's fiat. Interesting read, though especially if you start figuring on which classes tend to have what stat priorities and whether they'd have a tendency towards introversion or extroversion. Plus you've got the notion nobody wants a low Con, and nobody wants to play a character with a body type typified as may not be a perfect analog, but it's a phenomenally good fit.

Well I am currently making an RPG system that does incorporate the body types and would explain them to players. This system is paradoxical, in that it's being made for a fantasy game, but is using a lot of realism.

Body types (R2 data, At R3 now)
Meso: (+1STR, +1DEX, +1CON, +1APP, -1RB, -1LB, -1PER)
Ecto: (+1DEX, +1LB, +1RB +1PER, -1STR, -1CON -1CHA)
Endo: (+1CON,+1CHA,-1DEX)

and I have the hybrid body type notes here as well

I even let gender influence stats, by reading the worded differences between the two and finding the pro and con of each and balancing them so one is not better than the other.

Azure_Zero wrote:
I would refer you to sheldons body types

Ha, I clicked on this link completely sure that it was a Big Bang Theory reference. Well played sir.

Profession (Expensive doxy), Profession (Haughty courtesan)...?

Sissyl wrote:
Profession (Expensive doxy), Profession (Haughty courtesan)...?

That's like profession (cake maker), profession (baklava maker) and profession (pie maker). That's nice, but I get all these in the confectionery.

In fact, in the spirit of 1st edition, I propose we make "street tramp", "expensive doxy", "haughty courtesan" etc titles depending on the NPCs level.

Gambit wrote:
Azure_Zero wrote:
I would refer you to sheldons body types
Ha, I clicked on this link completely sure that it was a Big Bang Theory reference. Well played sir.

Sheldon wouldn't bother with body types. They're irrelevant. A human's body doesn't contribute in any meaningful way to, well, anything that really matters. It's just a distraction from the important things. Like physics. Or vintage games.

The Shaman wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Profession (Expensive doxy), Profession (Haughty courtesan)...?

That's like profession (cake maker), profession (baklava maker) and profession (pie maker). That's nice, but I get all these in the confectionery.

In fact, in the spirit of 1st edition, I propose we make "street tramp", "expensive doxy", "haughty courtesan" etc titles depending on the NPCs level.

Were it not for the workload this might impose on the Creative Powers that Be, and lack of ego sufficient to the task in regards to my book-keeping RP Nerdity™, I'd be tempted to integrate such a thing into the Kingmaker kingdom-making subsystem for purposes of being able to level and improve each of the building types individually, so that the values earned by a specific brothel are contingent upon the levels of skill of the staff, or making it so that one's home Castle can have a Mistress/Paramour-analog that functions like your own permanent on-staff call-person for when the ruler's opposite gender counterpart is busy filling their role in governance.

But then, I'd do the same for the Alchemist's house, for the Guards keep, etc, etc, etc, in no small part due to the recent Recettear binge I've been on.

Shadow Lodge

In keeping with the original post's question/observation, I think the profession in question is a lot more about Wisdom than anything else. All of the other stats may well play a role, sure, but perception and experience are what really makes one profitable. Charisma might help you get selected from among your competitors, but it wouldn't keep your customers from asking for a refund.


The Exchange

mcbobbo wrote:
Charisma might help you get selected from among your competitors, but it wouldn't keep your customers from asking for a refund.

Nah... that's what your Fighter friend with Profession (pimp) is for... ;)



*casts raise thread*

Now that Ultimate Campaign is out, and one can not only improve businesses and individual kingdom buildings, in addition to forming one's own NPC groups, my previous idea becomes much more plausible!

The Mistress angle was covered already, which just now leads to having to build up one's Courtesan/'Working Girls' Guild appropriately, possibly cribbing from some rather enjoyable Assassin's Creed 2 concepts.

Some thoughts on this:

1) It's a profession. Wisdom is the right stat.

2) It's actually two professions: Hooker and Courtesan. While both have sex with their clients it is the majority of what the Hooker does, it's not the main component of what the Courtesan does.

3) What some of you are thinking about would be a skill: Perform (Sex)--something that would not be restricted to sex workers. Your skill here should have a bearing on your income, it would be much more of a factor for the Courtesan. Note that this gets your Charisma stat into play like many have wanted in the thread.

Aboleth cr7, wis 17
Cloaker cr5, wis 15
Couatl cr 10, wis 19
Ettercap cr3, wis 15
All of the above can take class levels and be decent prostitutes, all of which can take class levels to pick it up, operating under the assumption that it should be wis based. Wanna know one monster that apparently doesn't make a good one?
Succubus cr7, wis 14.

+5 Toaster,
A succubus makes a HORRIBLE prostitute. She level drains too many of her customers, making for a serious repeat customer shortage. A lot of the customers she drains don't even make it past 1st base!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zmar wrote:
Maybe I overlooked it, but did anyone also mention that the older you get the better whore you are (age categories improve WIS and give additional skill points via INT upgrades in case you sloggedin your studies while younger)? My my... profession (prostitute) hopefully involves operating your own establishment in later creer...

The moment someone used the "w" word in this thread pretty much means it's jumped the shark. There's a major difference between courtesan and the "w" word. The latter is generally a label for women who are considered disposable trash of no social worth who streetwalk mainly because it's either that or starvation.

There is no service being done in a thread that continues to coarsen and denigrate women the way this thread has done.


Whores get paid.

Sluts are free.

Neither are gender-specific. ;)

EWHM wrote:

+5 Toaster,

A succubus makes a HORRIBLE prostitute. She level drains too many of her customers, making for a serious repeat customer shortage. A lot of the customers she drains don't even make it past 1st base!

a terrible result for the customers doesn't mean that a sex demon shouldn't be good at it. That being said, there is nothing to indicate that a succubus actually has to perform it's energy drain at all, as the phrase "the succubus CAN" appears throughout it rather than must. Secondly there are races, items, and spells that can either stop or heal level loss. Chances are the succubus, being a manipulation based demon, will use suggestion on her more influential clients to give her an even more stellar review. Maybe even work her profane gift in, that way costumers actually feel stronger/healthier/faster/etc after the fact and rave about her. Lets not forget that there is no requirement for the succubus to reveal what she is to her client base.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Turin the Mad wrote:


Whores get paid.

Sluts are free.

Neither are gender-specific. ;)

By definition maybe not, by historical, economic, and social context, oh bloody yes they are. Just check back this thread and see where the word was used, How many times was it used to describe a man vs a woman?

Sand extraction notwithstanding, I'll have to do more with this once home, as I didn't leave my books accessible by digital method, but I know that I'd gotten some of the workings parsed out before I raised this thread from the dead. I'd started with a revisiting of Kevin A Murphy's somewhat tongue-in-cheek calculations, and tried a different sort of build-set, less from an optimization standpoint and more from an 'I find this amusing and interesting' view.

I recall statting up a House with a few ex-adventurers as the performers, with the bouncer as a half-orc that occasionally took clients, and applying their other professional skills to the current career choice/moneymaking intermission. Labels hadn't been applied, because I suspect it will lead to other applications of sediment-removal from inconvenienced reproductive parts, and we all know sandy bits are unhappy bits, even if you're an oread.

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