Channel energy from a feat?


I remember seeing a feat that gave you channel energy but I cannot remember where I saw it. Does this exist or did I just imagine it.

I know there are feats that modify channel energy, but none that straight up give you the class feature. The only thing I know that comes close is the Channel revelation for the Life Oracle.

Dark Archive

This feels like I am reaching but...

1: Skill Focus (heal)
2: Eldritch Heritage (Empyreal Bloodline)
3: Improved Eldritch Heritage ( Sacred Cistern )
--- Now you can channel energy once but you can take "extra channel energy" and gain 2 more

Adept channel in orcs book (pg27) gives channel energy 2/day at cleric level -3...pre reqs are divine spellcasting, summon familiar class feature, caster level4 and cha 13

ah that is where I saw it. thx binkybo

I know, it's a very old necro. I just ask here to show I did my searching ;-)

Has there been any feat that gives you channel energy without a to of prerequisites?

no, not to my knowledge. class features arent given away so easily.

True, was just hoping. Thank you

The healing hands feat let's you use positive energy to treat deadly wounds a bunch.

Not quite the same but close.

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