DreamGoddessLindsey |
Am I the only one who thinks that the Spell Resistance abilities for armor and shields are grossly underpowered? Given the prices, by the time you could get any of them, the SR is pointless against anything close to normal CR. +5 for SR 19? LOLwut?
I prose the following to fix SR on armor and shields to make the abilities actually possibly worth taking.
+1 for SR 13
+2 for SR 16
+3 for SR 19
+4 for SR 22
+5 for SR 25
For epic play, there's this.
+6 for SR 34
+7 for SR 38
+8 for SR 42
+9 for SR 46
+10 for SR 50

Mapleswitch |

I think dwarves (APG) get an alternate racial feature of 5+HD. I'm really tired so this is probably off topic. +5 requires at least a L15 Caster to craft the item. At 19 SR, I totally agree that is a waste.
Another way to fix the SR issue is refer to random magical item creation chart and use that for armor instead of the +1/2/3/4/5 - if the game would allow that. I think it is like a base price of x for like 12 SR and then 1,000g for every number above 12.
Can someone help me on the more specifics? Too tired.

Davick |

Am I the only one who thinks that the Spell Resistance abilities for armor and shields are grossly underpowered? Given the prices, by the time you could get any of them, the SR is pointless against anything close to normal CR. +5 for SR 19? LOLwut?
I prose the following to fix SR on armor and shields to make the abilities actually possibly worth taking.
+1 for SR 13
+2 for SR 16
+3 for SR 19
+4 for SR 22
+5 for SR 25For epic play, there's this.
+6 for SR 34
+7 for SR 38
+8 for SR 42
+9 for SR 46
+10 for SR 50Thoughts?
I like it.

![]() |

Wait, so for 4000 gp (+1 SR 13 full plate) you want to give a 5th level caster a 40% chance of spells flat-out failing?
For 9000 gp that increases to 50% for 6th level casters, and a 6th level party member could easily have that.
And at the top-end, when I am 12th level for 36,000 GP I can have armor that causes spells to fail half the time for 15th level casters?
I think people misunderstand that, elves or spell penetration aside, SR is tough to pierce. That's way too cheap for what it does for a PC. NPCs don't generally have the feats / abilities to go through spell resistances, and don't min-max to use "just conjuration spells" either.

Furious Kender |

Wait, so for 4000 gp (+1 SR 13 full plate) you want to give a 5th level caster a 40% chance of spells flat-out failing?
For 9000 gp that increases to 50% for 6th level casters, and a 6th level party member could easily have that.
And at the top-end, when I am 12th level for 36,000 GP I can have armor that causes spells to fail half the time for 15th level casters?
I think people misunderstand that, elves or spell penetration aside, SR is tough to pierce. That's way too cheap for what it does for a PC. NPCs don't generally have the feats / abilities to go through spell resistances, and don't min-max to use "just conjuration spells" either.
9000go for a 6th level party member is a LOT of money. It means they are going without magical weapons, stat increases, AC bonuses, save increases and whatnot. Casters that PCs face are commonly above their level. In PFS, my 9th level oracle typically faces between 11th and 13th level casters. I have faced up to a 15th level caster.
Would SR have helped me? No it would not have done so.

Karyouonigami |
I think dwarves (APG) get an alternate racial feature of 5+HD. I'm really tired so this is probably off topic. +5 requires at least a L15 Caster to craft the item. At 19 SR, I totally agree that is a waste.
Another way to fix the SR issue is refer to random magical item creation chart and use that for armor instead of the +1/2/3/4/5 - if the game would allow that. I think it is like a base price of x for like 12 SR and then 1,000g for every number above 12.
Can someone help me on the more specifics? Too tired.
under crafting magic items in the core book SR costs 10,000g per SR over 12 with a min of 13

Chengar Qordath |

Thalin wrote:9000go for a 6th level party member is a LOT of money. It means they are going without magical weapons, stat increases, AC bonuses, save increases and whatnot.Wait, so for 4000 gp (+1 SR 13 full plate) you want to give a 5th level caster a 40% chance of spells flat-out failing?
For 9000 gp that increases to 50% for 6th level casters, and a 6th level party member could easily have that.
And at the top-end, when I am 12th level for 36,000 GP I can have armor that causes spells to fail half the time for 15th level casters?
I think people misunderstand that, elves or spell penetration aside, SR is tough to pierce. That's way too cheap for what it does for a PC. NPCs don't generally have the feats / abilities to go through spell resistances, and don't min-max to use "just conjuration spells" either.
6th level WBL is only 16000, so we're talking more than half of the character's money going into spell resistance. If a character's putting more than half of their WBL into a single defense, it should be pretty potent.
It does also bear mentioning that SR is hardly an auto-win against casters, since it only protects against blasting and other direct offensive spells. Summoning, buffing, and a lot of battlefield control spells will completely ignore spell resistance.