PlagueCrafter |

Wouldn't mind a side of Saffron house at some point too!
In Rule of Fear, there is a map for the Saffron House, and in the small text description of the House, appearing earlier in the same book, there is a list of creatures that likely inhabit the House.
It wouldn't be too terribly difficult to select from that list and place them in the rooms of the mapped out house. Of course, it's not the same as a well and truly published module dungeon, but I imagine it could serve your purposes well enough.
F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh. Hi!
Yeah, like Jeff said upstream, Bastardhall is my most pet pet dungeon and an event I run at Paizocon every year. In fact, I noticed this thread searching for my even description from last year - heh, sorry for the long response time.
But yeah, if readers are looking for Golarion's Castle Ravenloft they've got a few options: there's Castle Scarwall from Pathfinder #11, Bastardhall (which I add a new section to yearly), and Castle Corvischoir (which doesn't have too much about it yet).
But yeah, that's kind of the story with that place. As for a module... oofda, we don't currently make modules that big. But that's not to say we never will. So who knows...
I promise to watch this thread more closely now that I know it's hear. Sorry I've been failing Perception checks for the past... umm... year?

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

Yeah, when I read about Bastardhall, I nearly squeed in a most undignified manner. It's going to be awhile before I get to attend Paizocon, but if I ever get there, how would one secure a spot in this most epic of haunts?
It's on the line up every year, so sign up and you've got a chance to get a spot. If you don't make it the first year, I promise you'll get a chance next year. You've seen the map of the place in Rule of Fear: there's plenty of dungeon to cover.

Wolf Munroe |

I asked about Bastardhall in another thread months ago too. Would love to see more Bastardhall published content.
You could do what was done with Undermountain at one point and release sections of the "dungeon" as modules in themselves? They could be for different level ranges so they could be strung together for a bigger Bastardhall experience. That's an idea for seeing more Bastardhall in print anyway.
Or, you could maybe do something more with Bastardhall in 2013 since that coincides with 4713 AR, the next time Bastardhall is actually scheduled to appear in Golarion. (Bastardhall could be a site for the first Pathfinder mega-dungeon AP, perhaps? And horror-themed too!)
Ah, I can dream, anyway.

devil.in.mexico13 |

Or, you could maybe do something more with Bastardhall in 2013 since that coincides with 4713 AR, the next time Bastardhall is actually scheduled to appear in Golarion. (Bastardhall could be a site for the first Pathfinder mega-dungeon AP, perhaps? And horror-themed too!)
I would actually subscribe a second time for that. Have one copy to use for games, the other to sit perfectly mint on the shelf. Running Carrion Crown right now and having a blast with it. I love the way Paizo does horror, and everyone's been digging the different genre per issue feel. More of that would be welcome.
Though we did just start Council of Thieves, as well, and it's already making me want another urban themed AP...

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F. Wesley Schneider wrote:[cough]Boxed Set![/cough]
As for a module... oofda, we don't currently make modules that big.
All kinds of sexy!
And while Vic or James may have mentioned that a boxed set may be cost prohibitive - we can still dream.
Also while I doubt they would include a Harrow deck in a box set because they already have that in their product catalog, it would be great to add a few unique/alternate cards like The Prince of Wolves, the fabled 55th Harrow card.

Leo_Negri |

I asked about Bastardhall in another thread months ago too. Would love to see more Bastardhall published content.
You could do what was done with Undermountain at one point and release sections of the "dungeon" as modules in themselves? They could be for different level ranges so they could be strung together for a bigger Bastardhall experience. That's an idea for seeing more Bastardhall in print anyway.
Or, you could maybe do something more with Bastardhall in 2013 since that coincides with 4713 AR, the next time Bastardhall is actually scheduled to appear in Golarion. (Bastardhall could be a site for the first Pathfinder mega-dungeon AP, perhaps? And horror-themed too!)
Ah, I can dream, anyway.
I would so buy this, anything related to horror in Pathfinder is pretty much a casting of siphon wallet.
The Boxed set idea mentioned up thread would be schweet, too. More, I must have it, more more more . . . mua ha ha ha.
OK, I'm better now.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

I would so buy this, anything related to horror in Pathfinder is pretty much a casting of siphon wallet.
Yeah, the number of posts on the Carrion Crown message boards alone really tells us folks dig horror. Which is good, because we did horror and were going to do it anyway. ;)
There will definitely be more to come, no worries there.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

So outside of attending Paizocon is there any other way to gather information on the dreaded Bastardhall? I already own Rule of Fear.
You could always come to Paizo and sneak into the building and sit down on Wes's couch and start asking him questions in person, I suppose. Wes likes visitors!

The Dread Pirate Hurley |

Gruumash . wrote:So outside of attending Paizocon is there any other way to gather information on the dreaded Bastardhall? I already own Rule of Fear.You could always come to Paizo and sneak into the building and sit down on Wes's couch and start asking him questions in person, I suppose. Wes likes visitors!
That's a great idea and all, but given that I'd have to get my butt up to Seattle in either case, I might as well go for the Con and do both. Since we're discussing things regarding Rule of Fear, I have to ask: why does Seelah look like a transvestite on the cover? Honestly, most of the art depicts her as being more than a little...mannish.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

So outside of attending Paizocon is there any other way to gather information on the dreaded Bastardhall? I already own Rule of Fear.
Aside from a few hints in Carrion Crown (with varying degrees of subtlety), not really. We've got a big, big world with tons of cool places and currently a lot of details only live in various designers' heads. What I can promise, though, is that there will be more and that as it comes, we'll do our damndest to make sure it was worth the wait.
Also. Anyone who shows up vying for a spot on my couch will likely have to kick James or Sutter off of it. As the only office with a couch in it, mine is kind of the defacto downstairs meeting room, Jacobsian psychiatry lounge, and Sutter sprawling place (he was raised by wild ferrets and still hasn't acclimated to people furniture). If you don't mind sharing, feel free to snuggle right on in.
I'll be sitting at my desk.
In my chair built for one.
With my back turned.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

As a suggestion why not do Bastardhall as a Campaign setting book (Same idea as Dungeons of golarion only focusing on one place.)
If we were going to go that far, I'd think "Why not just make it an adventure?" It'd be like getting a 64 page book on the Tome of Horrors, but not what you actually need to run Tome of Horrors. It just doesn't sit terribly well with me.
But rest assured, we'll figure out something eventually. For now, I just really like that I don't have to go far for a new Paizocon event every year. :)
Speaking of which, of those interested, this year's step into Bastardhall will take players--after three years--finally within the castle's walls to its festering gardens.

Steelfiredragon |
Kevin Mack wrote:As a suggestion why not do Bastardhall as a Campaign setting book (Same idea as Dungeons of golarion only focusing on one place.)If we were going to go that far, I'd think "Why not just make it an adventure?" It'd be like getting a 64 page book on the Tome of Horrors, but not what you actually need to run Tome of Horrors. It just doesn't sit terribly well with me.
But rest assured, we'll figure out something eventually. For now, I just really like that I don't have to go far for a new Paizocon event every year. :)
Speaking of which, of those interested, this year's step into Bastardhall will take players--after three years--finally within the castle's walls to its festering gardens.
hmmmm festering gardens....
might I assume that this means that it will contain lots and lots of carnivouse plants????
like the giant flytrap, the hangman's tree and others????
ooooh and will the ruined fountain be surrounded by assasin vines????
you think I like killer plants?????

Wolf Munroe |

Kevin Mack wrote:As a suggestion why not do Bastardhall as a Campaign setting book (Same idea as Dungeons of golarion only focusing on one place.)If we were going to go that far, I'd think "Why not just make it an adventure?" It'd be like getting a 64 page book on the Tome of Horrors, but not what you actually need to run Tome of Horrors. It just doesn't sit terribly well with me.
But rest assured, we'll figure out something eventually.
Well, the module books are only 32 pages, while the Campaign Setting books are 64 pages. Point is taken though.
I say linked modules focusing on parts of the building:
Maybe the first module isn't even about Bastardhall itself, maybe it's about the black carriage and is a wilderness adventure about the trek to Bastardhall.
The second module is something like The Black Gate of Bastardhall and is dealing with getting in the castle, or getting out.
Since various parts of the castle have their own monstrous inhabitants each section/module could have its own BBEG.
Well anyway, that's my pitch for a module series anyway.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

A mega-dungeon or linked series of adventures sounds great to me. One of the greatest adventures that I always planned to write in my high school / early youth was a giant haunted house with its palatial grounds.
When Ravenloft came out (because I am not a young man) it never excited me like the concept of Bastardhall does.
Heh, I tried to gush about it to you at Paizocon last year, Wes, but I can't speak for crap in a barroom haze.
It's a cool concept, and it conveys that sense on invincible evil that does make me back down, but rather have a run at it- as if to say, maybe we can be the ones to shatter the curse, once and for all!

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

Well anyway, that's my pitch for a module series anyway.
It's an interesting idea, and we've had varying degrees of success going that route in the past. Hum, hum, hum...
Heh, I tried to gush about it to you at Paizocon last year, Wes, but I can't speak for crap in a barroom haze.It's a cool concept, and it conveys that sense on invincible evil that does make me back down, but rather have a run at it- as if to say, maybe we can be the ones to shatter the curse, once and for all!
Ha! Awesome Jim. Thanks a ton. :)

theneofish |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Wolf Munroe wrote:Well anyway, that's my pitch for a module series anyway.It's an interesting idea, and we've had varying degrees of success going that route in the past. Hum, hum, hum...
I can't help feeling that the money people are pouring into Frog God for the likes of Slumbering Tsar and Rappan Athuk demonstrate there's an appetite for adventures that are larger than the module line can accommodate. As you point out, there are so many great ideas in Golarion crying out for more exploration, maybe that's a market that Paizo should take a tilt at, IF you guys can figure out a way to make it work.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:Sweeeeet!
Speaking of which, of those interested, this year's step into Bastardhall will take players--after three years--finally within the castle's walls to its festering gardens.
By the by, kikai13 here has played in every session of Bastardhall so far, so if anyone has any questions about the game, he has a unique perspective on the series thus far.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

kikai13 wrote:By the by, kikai13 here has played in every session of Bastardhall so far, so if anyone has any questions about the game, he has a unique perspective on the series thus far.F. Wesley Schneider wrote:Sweeeeet!
Speaking of which, of those interested, this year's step into Bastardhall will take players--after three years--finally within the castle's walls to its festering gardens.
::cough:: While I think of a question about the series, how about you tell us how you rig the lottery!?
Seriously, have any of the 'episodes' had you face down the Black Carriage? or encounter it?
It sounds crazy, but I thought that might be a way get on the grounds. Jump aboard and fight to stay on, or try to follow in its wake before the Estate tries to cut you off from pursuing.
BASTARDHALL MUST BE PUBLISHED IN SOME FORM! Megadungeon or mini-arc, what have you.

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::cough:: While I think of a question about the series, how about you tell us how you rig the lottery!?Seriously, have any of the 'episodes' had you face down the Black Carriage? or encounter it?
1. Ancient Chinese secret
2. We arrived in Cesca one fine day when the Black Carriage had been seen in the area every night. It delivered a message, then sped off into the night. All of the characters were first level pre-gens, and many panties were soiled that night, let me tell ya!
Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

1. Ancient Chinese secret
Awww man. I guess I wouldn't tell anybody either. Each session offers pre-gens right? Just in case I get lucky?
2. We arrived in Cesca one fine day when the Black Carriage had been seen in the area every night. It delivered a message, then sped off into the night. All of the characters were first level pre-gens, and many panties were soiled that night, let me tell ya!
Yeah, I can imagine.
But you know? That's a strong and exciting start. Face to face with something potent and iconic. It grabs your attention and lets you know that even though you're first level—you're doing something important and significant. And then as you build your way up in levels and overcome challenges you can look back at those early days and remember how scared dirty you were, but you weren't going to back down.
You were going to put a stop to Bastardhall even if it meant standing toe to toe with the very gates of Hell.
I envy you and your ancient Chinese secret. If you ever get the energy and inclination I'd love to see a Con report on this event, and previous ones.

Espagnoll |

"Cries from the grave resound in yours ears
they hail from beyond the gods' darkest fears
faces of terror are etched in your brain
the women are soul raped, the men are slain
Shadows of the dead are sliding on the walls.
Daemons dance in Bastardhall".
Please, pretty much, please, publish a "sequel" of Rule of Fear (which could be called Horrors of the Inner Sea) dedicated to explain in detail places like Bastardhall. We need more Gothic and cosmic horror in Golarion.