How to stat Bowie's Jareth?


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I'm trying to make a "Labyrinth" based campaign and I'm having a b+~&+ of a time stating David mean "Jareth the Goblin King"...yeah...that's what I meant. ^_~

I'm thinking Wizard but would Witch or Druid make more sense? Or perhaps multiclassing as one, both, or all three? He certainly uses the teleport and scry spell alot.

Or maybe that's just his mastery over the Labyrinth? One thing I'm definitely going for is a human (possibly an ageless magic user of of Azlanti descent) and not a goblin.

Was he human? Would the goblins accept a human king? I think you could make him a half dragon or something to inspire terror and what not.

But... how close to Labyrinth are you going to cleave here? Bards get scry, and any one with sufficient resources can buy a scroll of teleport, or have his minions steal them. Them goblins were crafty!

I would think Sorcerer before I would think wizard for the Goblin King. He wasn't exactly... you know... uncrusimatic, and the Maestro bloodline gives one perform.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Berselius wrote:

I'm trying to make a "Labyrinth" based campaign and I'm having a b@@%+ of a time stating David mean "Jareth the Goblin King"...yeah...that's what I meant. ^_~

I'm thinking Wizard but would Witch or Druid make more sense? Or perhaps multiclassing as one, both, or all three? He certainly uses the teleport and scry spell alot.

Or maybe that's just his mastery over the Labyrinth? One thing I'm definitely going for is a human (possibly an ageless magic user of of Azlanti descent) and not a goblin.

Hmmm... I like the idea of a witch (heck even a druid, he does "wildshape" into an owl).

Although sorcerer doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility either. (His magic seems more "innate" less of the "book-learning" variety).

Just my 2 coppers Berselius.


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He was the inspiration for an entire nation in my home game.

Goblins raided the elven lands regularly and stole babies. Being elves, they lived far longer than their captors and rose to a place of leadership in the goblin society, and were raised in goblin culture so were particularly selfish and cruel. Over time, they accumulated a semblance of culture, a foppish and garish parody of true elven nobility.


Think this might work?

Jareth, the Goblin King CR 20
Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 10/Druid 6/Mystic Theurge 4 of Lamashtu

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Jareth? He's one of the Eldest of the First World. Despite being a mercurial trickster, he's LN--he operates under a set of rules, if only the rules of a game. He grants the domains of Charm, Magic, Nobility, and Trickery.

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Umbral Reaver wrote:

He was the inspiration for an entire nation in my home game.

Goblins raided the elven lands regularly and stole babies. Being elves, they lived far longer than their captors and rose to a place of leadership in the goblin society, and were raised in goblin culture so were particularly selfish and cruel. Over time, they accumulated a semblance of culture, a foppish and garish parody of true elven nobility.


That's awesome :)

Dark Archive

I'd suggest giving him the "Divine Guardian" template from the advanced bestiary. It's CR+1, allows him to teleport within his favored space, and gives a lot of utility spells. Plus 4 to Cha and Wis will definitely help with being a sorcerer or druid.

And give him glitterdust. ;) Create demiplane (from UM) might also be useful, so he could do things like the crazy Escherian-staircase battle at the end.

Also, a 20th-level character is CR 19, not 20, unless you're planning on giving him PC gear or a template.

The Exchange

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He is a Bard for Starters

Slaunyeh wrote:
Umbral Reaver wrote:

He was the inspiration for an entire nation in my home game.

Goblins raided the elven lands regularly and stole babies. Being elves, they lived far longer than their captors and rose to a place of leadership in the goblin society, and were raised in goblin culture so were particularly selfish and cruel. Over time, they accumulated a semblance of culture, a foppish and garish parody of true elven nobility.


That's awesome :)

+1 I want to steal this, but I already told my players about it, and they would roll their eyes at me for being a thief.

Jareth is merely a henchman. The actual character is The Area. ;)

Silver Crusade

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The Area (Ex)

Anyone looking at Jareth must make a Will Save(DC 10 + Jareth's HD + CHA) or be distracted. Characters suffering a bulge-induced distraction have a -4 penalty to AC and are considered flatfooted against any attacks Jareth makes with his arms. Characters also suffer a -10 penalty to all saves against any spells of the Enchantment school that Jareth may cast.

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Mikaze wrote:

The Area (Ex)

Anyone looking at Jareth must make a Will Save(DC 10 + Jareth's HD + CHA) or be distracted. Characters suffering a bulge-induced distraction have a -4 penalty to AC and are considered flatfooted against any attacks Jareth makes with his arms. Characters also suffer a -10 penalty to all saves against any spells of the Enchantment school that Jareth may cast.

The bulge can cast enchantment spells independently.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

The Area (Ex)

Anyone looking at Jareth must make a Will Save(DC 10 + Jareth's HD + CHA) or be distracted. Characters suffering a bulge-induced distraction have a -4 penalty to AC and are considered flatfooted against any attacks Jareth makes with his arms. Characters also suffer a -10 penalty to all saves against any spells of the Enchantment school that Jareth may cast.

The bulge can cast enchantment spells independently.

*le gasp*

funny how that never occurred to me as a child, and still doesn't bother me now. unless I'm drinking while watching it, then it becomes... queer. in the odd sense of the word.

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Foghammer wrote:
I want to steal this, but I already told my players about it, and they would roll their eyes at me for being a thief.

So? My rule is to always steal the best! The chat boards have always enriched my games.

Oh, and I am stealing this one, too!

yellowdingo wrote:

He is a Bard for Starters

I am with Yellowdingo, Jareth would clearly need to be a Unique Fey, Bard / Witch (or maybe Sorcerer or Druid)...

Mid to high level Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Aasimer, Dhampir, (something pale). Crossblodded Sorcerer Dreamspun/Maestro bloodlines. Probably Level 10+. PB1 Beguiling Voice, PB3 Fascinate, BP9 Dreamshaper. BS3 ventriloquism, BS5 augury, BS7 suggestion, BS9 Divination. 8 0 level spells, 4 first level spells, 3 second level spells, 2 third level spells, and one fourth level spell. Bloodline feat 7, either skill focus perform or persuasive.

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I second the idea of Jareth being an Eldest, he's basically GM Fiat as a character

Silver Crusade

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Combining the Eldest idea with Umbral Reaver's idea about elves:

Perhaps the thing that made Jareth an Eldest is that he was originally the first mortal/elf to be stolen away by the fey of the First World?

Make him a Sorcerer with Fey Bloodline, and the Fey Creature template maybe.

I like the idea that he is GM Fiat incarnate... think about it. When Sarah figured anything out, Jareth changed it on the spot.

"It's not fair!" was a recurring line.

It's perfect.

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If you're doing a Labyrinth campaign, you might be interested in the Tokyo Pop "Return to the Labyrinth" manga. I lost track of it after three volumes, but it was promising to expand the world interestingly.

On topic, yeah, I've got to agree with the Eldest of the First World. The Labyrinth (or, more encompassingly, the Underground) could easily either be a demiplane, or part of the First World. If you wanted to stat him otherwise, I'd say give him a bunch of magic items instead of trying to figure out what classes grant all the myriad magical boons he displays. The crystals could be minor artifacts in their own right.

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:

The Area (Ex)

Anyone looking at Jareth must make a Will Save(DC 10 + Jareth's HD + CHA) or be distracted. Characters suffering a bulge-induced distraction have a -4 penalty to AC and are considered flatfooted against any attacks Jareth makes with his arms. Characters also suffer a -10 penalty to all saves against any spells of the Enchantment school that Jareth may cast.

I somehow feel that the most pertinent part of this quote is 'Characters suffering a bulge-induced distraction have a -4 penalty to AC and are considered flatfooted against any attacks Jareth makes with his arms.'

I'm uncomfortable with the idea that the area may be making its own attacks.

Jareth is a unique creature. A being of the first world, but not one of the eldest more of a nascent eldest looking to become more powerful and he needed the girl and the kid for some fey reason.

Grand Lodge

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Clerics of Jareth may choose The Package Domain.

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The first time I read the 'area' I thought you were talking about the labyrinth...

The Exchange

Hu5tru wrote:
He wasn't exactly... you know... uncrusimatic

Did someone just make a Transformers:Original Film reference? O.O

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game currently has no means of statting up a god, and since Bowie would easily qualify as such under any number of criteria, I think the task impossible.

--Mark Moreland, who once followed Bowie across much of North America during a recent tour.

The Exchange

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Zerombr wrote:
Hu5tru wrote:
He wasn't exactly... you know... uncrusimatic
Did someone just make a Transformers:Original Film reference? O.O

On a related tangent, I once had the current Big Bad in one of my campaigns say to the players. "I have summoned you here for a purpose." Without missing a beat one of my players replied, "Nobody summones Megatron!" So I just answered, "Then it pleases me to be the first"

Liberty's Edge

I've always thought of Jareth as the ultimate illusionist. He doesn't alter reality at a whim. He just makes it look like he did. Then, at the end of the movie [SPOILER ALERT], Sara says, "You have no power over me," everything falls to pieces, and she is back where she started. In the end, she made her Will save and that was that.


Jareth is a fey lord, his goblins are fey as well, and the Labyrinth is part of the geography of the First World.

Silver Crusade

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I just wnat to see someone map out and run a game based on the stair room now.

What could possibly go wrong?

The Exchange

Mikaze wrote:

I just wnat to see someone map out and run a game based on the stair room now.

What could possibly go wrong?

I've done it, but it took me a three months to set it up, as I basically built a 3D map to put on the table and used little sticky tabs for minis moving from wall to floor. Never again will I do something so complicated for a fight

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Goblins rule!!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Mark Moreland wrote:
--Mark Moreland, who once followed Bowie across much of North America during a recent tour.

+5; I respect that.

Mikaze wrote:

I just wnat to see someone map out and run a game based on the stair room now.

What could possibly go wrong?

Reverse gravity.

Also, has any body seen the Flight of the Conchords episode where Bret keeps seeing Bowie in his dreams, "Does it freak you out, Bret?"

Silver Crusade

its the reason why I wanna buy an eyepatch.

Dammit. Mark Moreland ninja'd my joke.

You could use the demiplane spell as a basis for creating the labyrinth. 9th level version of course. That would help with the mechanics and explain how/why Jared has such control over it.

Come on, stating Jareth is a piece of cake, wait, oops.

I had a DM run him in 3.5. Made him a sorcerer, I believe, or some arcane spellcaster

he had levels in the "dungeon Lord" prestige class from Dungeonscape, I highly recommend that for him.

Heh. I've used him 3 or 4 times, as both PC and enemy. The first one was a bard/sorcerer gestalt. I added in the half-fey template to a sidhe from an old d20 supplement called Faeries, which represented in a massive power boost. The second was a enchanter who specialized in sphere and enchantment magics, plus a load of transmuter spells. The third was a conversion of the Fae from the WOD's amazingly hard to find but cool supplement, Dark Ages Fae.

Now, I would probably create him as a gestalted 15 to 20th eldritch/trickster godling from Super Genius Games, complete with his own demiplane created many times over. He holds direct control over its time, space, and makeup. I think those are all morphic qualities from the spell.


Goblin Army
Feytouched goblin alchemists
Goblin cavaliers mounted on axebeaks
Goblin wizards or archivists that specialize in power armor and mech design (iron golem as construct armor)
goblin gunslingers, fighters, warriors, all with max ranks in perform sing and dance.

advanced giant fire mephits with regeneration 6/song (you have to get the mephits to sing in order to end their regeneration), maybe up their HD by 3.

Brass Knockers-Intelligent animated objects that drop arcane locked doors covered with a skin-tight wall of force.

The unhelpful hands-The arms and hands of a henocticheries, each with its own intelligence. Add the hive mind trait.

The caterpillar-awakened feytouched caterpillar

Hoggle-Pissed off angry gnome rogue with a poison spray gun

a variant minotaur/dire ape earth oracle

Sir Didimus and Aloysisus
an awakened anthromorphic fox terrier cavalier with a war dog mount, probably with a load of quarterstaff master feats.

one clueless human girl peasant/commoner/expert with a massive princess complex. Her baby stepbrother vanishes after she makes a foolish deal with Jareth. The PCs have to help her by going into the Labyrinth.

I'll get the rest as I can.

Found an old post about it on

There one guy says he was a Raksha. Interesting take.

Mikaze wrote:

The Area (Ex)

Anyone looking at Jareth must make a Will Save(DC 10 + Jareth's HD + CHA) or be distracted. Characters suffering a bulge-induced distraction have a -4 penalty to AC and are considered flatfooted against any attacks Jareth makes with his arms. Characters also suffer a -10 penalty to all saves against any spells of the Enchantment school that Jareth may cast.

Bwaahahahaha<several moments of shrieking laughter> "hair-band" rockstar with cucumber taped tothigh under leather pants 2 sizes 2 small. David Bowie may die someday but that ridiculous image wont soon be forgotten or laughed at by me!

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Conundrum, my how we so easily ignore doing any homework and make such ignorant pronouncements. David Bowie predates "hair bands" by twenty years (his accomplishments as both a preformer and song writer are well documented) - and according to several witnesses, including a reporter for Rolling Stone magazine, that was no cucumber.

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The Sweater Golem wrote:

I've always thought of Jareth as the ultimate illusionist. He doesn't alter reality at a whim. He just makes it look like he did. Then, at the end of the movie [SPOILER ALERT], Sara says, "You have no power over me," everything falls to pieces, and she is back where she started. In the end, she made her Will save and that was that.

This... Is what a Maze Spell does, does it not? :D

I would think if anything he used a permanent maze spell. Simpler than complicated spell combinations/class/race features and the spell doesn't say what kind of things were IN the maze.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, he needs Sleight of Hand, that's for sure.

Tahirah wrote:
Zerombr wrote:
Hu5tru wrote:
He wasn't exactly... you know... uncrusimatic
Did someone just make a Transformers:Original Film reference? O.O
On a related tangent, I once had the current Big Bad in one of my campaigns say to the players. "I have summoned you here for a purpose." Without missing a beat one of my players replied, "Nobody summones Megatron!" So I just answered, "Then it pleases me to be the first"

I hope you posted that in the one-liner thread.

rungok wrote:
The Sweater Golem wrote:

I've always thought of Jareth as the ultimate illusionist. He doesn't alter reality at a whim. He just makes it look like he did. Then, at the end of the movie [SPOILER ALERT], Sara says, "You have no power over me," everything falls to pieces, and she is back where she started. In the end, she made her Will save and that was that.

This... Is what a Maze Spell does, does it not? :D

I would think if anything he used a permanent maze spell. Simpler than complicated spell combinations/class/race features and the spell doesn't say what kind of things were IN the maze.

That is not what a maze spell does since maze is not an illusion, and you have to escape by being smart enough to find the way out. But it is pretty close to what happened in the movie. Except the maze spell was extended, littered with goblins somehow and had a spell trigger that would transform sara's brother into a goblin if she didn't make it out before the end of the spell's duration.


Whenever my daughter says "That's not fair!" I ALWAYS respond with

"you say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is."

She REALLY hates that.

On a more topic related note:

I really like the idea of him as a fey and I think Sweater Golem has the idea, Jareth is more about the illusion of power than actual demonstrations.

On another side note...I still love this movie to this day!!

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Goblins rule!!

Bitey wholeheartedly agree.

Class wise, all his singing and contact juggling points to bard, but probably some kind of weird archetype like magician or sandman or something.

He seems to use a lot of illusions and enchantments, which supports the bard idea. He does cast beast shape at one point, which he could get as a bard magician.

race-wise, looks vaguely fey, and seems to operate on a distinctly fey/infernal sense of principles (literal minded, holding to the letter of a bargain). I could see him even being a rare male changeling (especially because David Bowie has dichromatic eyes like a changeling does)

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