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Camp 1

I'll go with camp 2. The healing witch plus the healing inquisitor should work well together to sub for a full cleric.

Camp 1. Us adopted halflings gotta stick together!


Zierka "chaka" Ghawn, Inquisitor of Pharasma
Jangis "hardly" Ghawn, Ranger
Gromor "gopher" Ghawn, Summoner
Rhesus "barely" Ghawn, Monk (Withdrawn)
Glawng "Gone" Ghawn, Rogue
Dric "the 1/4 orc" Ghawn, Monk
Basil "Kettering" Ghawn, Barbarian
Desriden, wizard
Groltsch "gullet" Ghawn, polearm fighter
Gowing "Gowing" Ghawn, coyote shaman (played by tiny golem)
Grandma Ghawn, seer
Mostly Ghawn, a witch, played by azure-zero.

New: Dherk Ghawn, Cave Druid

ok. new plan. instead of dropping 6-7 pcs, what i will instead do is run 2 campaigns at the same time, through the dungeon.
that said, i will pick two PC's at random to act as unoffical captains, and then everyone else can pick a camp to fall in to.

I will jump into Camp 1.

Gowing "Gowing" Ghawn, coyote shaman
Dherk Ghawn, Cave Druid
Groltsch Ghawn, Fighter
Dric "the 1/4 orc" Ghawn, Monk

Jamroar "silent" Ghawn, wizard.
Mostly Ghawn, a witch, played by azure-zero.
Zierka "chaka" Ghawn, Inquisitor of Pharasma
Grandma Ghawn, seer
Jangis "hardly" Ghawn, Ranger
Glawng "Gone" Ghawn, Rogue

What kind of druid build are you going for? Caster or Wildshaper? I would advise against choosing an animal companion just because of the unavailability of finding replacements.

"Well I can hardly let you go haring off by yourself now, Zierka," Grandma said, shifting her weight using her quarterstaff. Scooping a solid leather cup from her belt, she shook it a few times before emptying the contents onto the dust-covered floor of the room.

"Hmm, mixed blessings," the aged half-orc said cryptically.

Camp 2, if there was any doubt.

Azure_Zero wrote:

rules for the heirloom item:

@azure_zero: i really dont care what you come up with. just so long as its with PF source material only.

Roger that.

I came up with 4 random results and would like the players to decide what they need and or find good RP opportunities with, hope you don't mind.

1) Tiefling(demon-spawn), sorcerer (Bloodline:Draconic(Red))
2) Tiefling(demon-spawn), Ninja
3) Human, Fighter (Phalanx)
4) Half-elf, Witch(Winter)

I selected witch, due to a comment from DEWN MOU'TAIN about clerics needed.

Did I ever reveal the characters name, no
I only revealed race, class, archetype/bloodline and in a later post revealed the randomly generated gender*
*(used the chromosome method (2d4), odd+even=male, same=female)

Camp 2 needs some frontline support. I'll join.

I'm in for Group 2.

Current standings

Gowing "Gowing" Ghawn, coyote shaman
Dherk Ghawn, Cave Druid
Groltsch Ghawn, Fighter
Dric "the 1/4 orc" Ghawn, Monk
2 Divine, 2 Attack

Jamroar "silent" Ghawn, wizard.
??, a winter witch, played by azure-zero.
Zierka "chaka" Ghawn, Inquisitor of Pharasma
Grandma Ghawn, Oracle (seer)
Jangis Ghawn, Guide Skirmisher Ranger
Glawng Ghawn, Rogue
2 Arcane, 2 Divine, 1 Skill, 1 Attack

Seems that by default the other 2 characters are going to be joining Camp 1.
Those would be:
Gromor "gopher" Ghawn, Summoner
Basil "Kettering" Ghawn, Barbarian

Lots of muscle in Camp 1. (2 Divine, .5 Arcane, 3.5 Attack)
Should be two very different styles of play.

Groltsch Ghawn wrote:

Seems that by default the other 2 characters are going to be joining Camp 1.

Those would be:
Gromor "gopher" Ghawn, Summoner
Basil "Kettering" Ghawn, Barbarian

Lots of muscle in Camp 1. (2 Divine, .5 Arcane, 3.5 Attack)
Should be two very different styles of play.

Sounds like fun.

I'm still thinking of taking Precise Strike and Lookout as my Teamwork Feats... Anyone else?

are you referring to me as they coyote shaman? I didn't actually pick a name, but i'm happy to go with that one. Just wanted to make sure my idea wasn't being ninjad.

I figure there will still be an opportunity to swap clans for balance. Need to settle on it soon thoufh so we can pick teamwork feats applicable to the groups.

@ Jangis. I think we, at a minimum should take precise strike.

TCG: My assumption is that you were the one being referred to as the Coyote.

Teamwork Feats for Camp 1, lets put it to a vote.
Precise Strike: +1d6 Flanking Dmg
Lookout: Act in Surprise round or full action.
Swap Places: Switch places with ally.
Duck and Cover: Use ally's reflex save roll.

My votes are for Precise Strike and Swap Places.

Groltsch Ghawn wrote:

TCG: My assumption is that you were the one being referred to as the Coyote.

Teamwork Feats for Camp 1, lets put it to a vote.
Precise Strike: +1d6 Flanking Dmg
Lookout: Act in Surprise round or full action.
Swap Places: Switch places with ally.
Duck and Cover: Use ally's reflex save roll.

My votes are for Precise Strike and Swap Places.

cool, works for me.

I like precise and swap also.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Groltsch Ghawn wrote:

TCG: My assumption is that you were the one being referred to as the Coyote.

Teamwork Feats for Camp 1, lets put it to a vote.
Precise Strike: +1d6 Flanking Dmg
Lookout: Act in Surprise round or full action.
Swap Places: Switch places with ally.
Duck and Cover: Use ally's reflex save roll.

My votes are for Precise Strike and Swap Places.

cool, works for me.

I like precise and swap also.

I'd be fine with those also.

"You hit 'em high and I'll hit 'em low!"

Precise is nice for me, a little extra damage while flurrying with a pair of chairs never hurt!

Swap will be good in case anyone needs to get out of melee.

Witch: Finished

Hopefully Jamroar "silent" Ghawn, the wizard gets fire spells (I can not learn or use them)

Hello, I'll be Team 2's winter witch

Nice to meet you.

OK, team 2. Any ideas or suggestions on teamwork feats?

Duck and Cover and Lookout basically allow all of us to share the best rolls on surprise rounds and Reflex saves.

Outflank (+4 to flank instead of +2) and Precise Strike (+1d6 precision damage when flanking) make melee killing go much faster.

Swap Places is pretty good too, but I'm not sure how well it will go in a PBP. I could slow thing down a lot.

Any thoughts?

Since we have 4 casters, one of whom is a Inquisitor, and 2 attackers, we should select teamwork feats that match with our grouping
Here is a broken down list

Caster only List:
Allied Caster,
Shielded caster

Attacker only List:
Coordinated Defense
Coordinated Manuvers
Paired Opportunists
Precise Strike

Both on Caster and Attacker Lists:
Duck and Cover
Look out
Swap places
Escape Route(UC)
Shake It Off(UC)
Stealth Synergy(UC)
Tandem Trip(UC)

Outflank is not on the list due to the requirement of BAB +4

Anna Bridgette wrote:

Since we have 4 casters, one of whom is a Inqusitor, and 2 attackers, we should select teamwork feats that match with our grouping

Here is a broken down list

Caster only List:
Allied Caster,
Shielded caster

Attacker only List:
Coordinated Defense
Coordinated Manuvers
Paired Opportunists
Precise Strike

Both on Caster and Attacker Lists:
Duck and Cover
Look out
Swap places
Escape Route(UC)
Shake It Off(UC)
Stealth Synergy(UC)
Tandem Trip(UC)

I would like precise strike for the two attackers and anyone who may get in melee. The extra 1d6, especially at lower levels could help and the DM is willing to overlook the BAB +1 needed. Don;t know if he will overlook the Dex 13 requirement.

Outflank requires BAB of +4. Shielded caster requires members to have shields. Neither myself or the ranger are going to be shielded. Swap places may come in handy if we need to move the casters out of the fray and put someone else or move a caster in for a touch attacke and then back out. This may be harder to do as a PbP or could give the characters and DM much greater freedom of storyline and movement of characters since they can manuver more freely.
If the casters have some of the same spells on their lists allied caster could come in handy.

Shielded caster does not requires members to have shields (is bonus if their is a shield)
Shield Wall how ever does.

Allied Spellcaster (Teamwork)
With the aid of an ally, you are skilled at piercing the
protections of other creatures with your spells.
Prerequisite: Caster level 1st.
Benefit: Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also
has this feat, you receive a +2 competence bonus on level
checks made to overcome spell resistance. If your ally has
the same spell prepared (or known with a slot available if
they are spontaneous spellcasters), this bonus increases to
+4 and you receive a +1 bonus to the caster level for all leveldependent
variables, such as duration, range, and effect.

If the casters choose Allied caster and have the same spell, the spell is more powerful than normal.

Shielded Caster on the other hand will help with concentration checks

I'm thinking Precise Strike and Swap Places.

On Team 1: I like "Precise Strike" and "Duck and Cover" but will go with swap if that what everyone else prefers

Anna Bridgette wrote:

Hello, I'll be Team 2's winter witch

Nice to meet you.

Wait, is your name not Ghawn?

That's going to cause a bit of confusion, then.

Allied Caster,
Shielded caster

or if we all pick
Stealth Synergy (Teamwork)
Working closely with an ally, you are able to move like
twin shadows.
Benefit: While you can see one or more allies who
also have this feat, whenever you and your allies make a
Stealth check, you all take the highest roll and add all your
modifiers to Stealth.

witch means our rogue can stealth us all very well for a surprise round on Dungeon Residents

if Jamroar "silent" Ghawn or Grandma Ghawn also picks,
Allied Caster,
Shielded caster
it would be helpful to all of us full casters.

Hopefully Jamroar "silent" Ghawn, the wizard gets fire spells (I can not learn or use them).

Jangis Ghawn wrote:
Anna Bridgette wrote:

Hello, I'll be Team 2's winter witch

Nice to meet you.

Wait, is your name not Ghawn?

That's going to cause a bit of confusion, then.

Me and Eva, will meet you in Karcau, I'm sure the DM will come up with something.

At least now, Orc bane weapons can not Kill off the whole party.

Anna Bridgette wrote:
Jangis Ghawn wrote:
Anna Bridgette wrote:

Hello, I'll be Team 2's winter witch

Nice to meet you.

Wait, is your name not Ghawn?

That's going to cause a bit of confusion, then.

Me and Eva, will meet you in Karcau, I'm sure the DM will come up with something.

At least now, Orc bane weapons can not Kill off the whole party.

But Human Bane weapons still can.

Gowing "Gowing" Ghawn, coyote shaman
Dherk Ghawn, Cave Druid
Groltsch Ghawn, Fighter
Dric "the 1/4 orc" Ghawn, Monk
Gromor "gopher" Ghawn, Summoner
Basil "Kettering" Ghawn, Barbarian

Jamroar "silent" Ghawn, wizard.
Anna "not-so-Ghawn" Bridgette, a winter witch, played by azure-zero.
Zierka "chaka" Ghawn, Inquisitor of Pharasma
Grandma Ghawn, Oracle (seer)
Jangis Ghawn, Guide Skirmisher Ranger
Glawng Ghawn, Rogue

I decided to update the list.

That not-so-Ghawn witch is right!

Allied Caster and Shielded Caster sound good for this wizard. My only worry is that Duck and Cover might be needed to survive some later attacks. But we could always pick up that feat later. What do you think, Grandma?

And since this place sounds like a meat grinder, I can always pick different feats on my next character.

@ Jangis

Looks like our casters are picking teamwork feats that will help them. I am up for either percise strike, stealth syenergy, or switch for us.

@ Jamroar. Next character? We're going all the way through bro. :-)

@ Glawng: I hope so. But if not, I want to at least live long enough we have access to rez spells.

And yeah, if the casters take their teamwork feats and the melee take their own feats, we'll probably do better overall in terms of output.

Everyone should make sure they have enough rations and supplies before we start, since it sound's like we might not have a chance to come back out in a while.

Roasted Kobold tastes a lot like chicken.

Glawng Ghawn wrote:

Roasted Kobold tastes a lot like chicken.

That is true, Especially with a seasoning of 11 herbs and spices.

Great CFK (Country Fried Kobold).

I will see if I can work Profession(Gourmet Cook) into Basil's build ;-)

Glawng Ghawn wrote:

@ Jangis

Looks like our casters are picking teamwork feats that will help them. I am up for either percise strike, stealth syenergy, or switch for us.

@ Jamroar. Next character? We're going all the way through bro. :-)

Let's go with Stealth Synergy, then.

Here's the Camp 2 Teamwork Feat list:

Jamroar: Allied Spellcaster, Shielded Caster
Anna: Allied Spellcaster, Shielded Caster
Zierka: ???, ???
Grandma: ???, ???
Jangis: Precise Strike, Stealth Synergy
Glawng: Precise Strike, Stealth Synergy

Sorry I haven't gotten my full character sheet up. Been swamped the last two days.

I'll try to have Coyote (as I am going to call him) up by sunday, but monday at latest.

@Zierka... Sis looks like you have underspent by 2 your ability points
Str 13 (3)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 14 (5)
Int 10 (0)
Wis 14 (5) +2 Racial ( 16)
Cha 14 (5)
= 23 for a 25 pt buy
We'll need every one we can get.

Thanks Glawng, it appears I accidentally selected the wrong attribute for my racial bonus. Fixed. As far as my teamwork feats, I'm thinking a mix for me. Precise strike and shielded caster.

Zierka wrote:
Thanks Glawng, it appears I accidentally selected the wrong attribute for my racial bonus. Fixed. As far as my teamwork feats, I'm thinking a mix for me. Precise strike and shielded caster.

That sound fine with me,

Now where is grandma Ghawn, It would be nice to see what she has decided on.

I guess Allied and Shielded.

Here's the Camp 2 Teamwork Feat list Updated:

Jamroar: Allied Spellcaster, Shielded Caster
Anna: Allied Spellcaster, Shielded Caster
Zierka: Precise strike and shielded caster.
Grandma: Allied Spellcaster, Shielded Caster
Jangis: Precise Strike, Stealth Synergy
Glawng: Precise Strike, Stealth Synergy

We are now completely ready, yes?
Or are we forgetting something?

My character should be done...let me know if i missed something or there are any suggested changes

Dhrek Ghawn wrote:
My character should be done...let me know if i missed something or there are any suggested changes

A question, did you make it a level 2 druid, or was that a typo in the class/level section?

Because my mind is playing tricks on me and I thought it said 2nd level characters. Good thing Hero labs let me take levels off and helps tells me where i need to adjust.

He's all adjusted :)

Must be the bad light in these caves...Yeah...Yeah...the Bad light in these caves

Dhrek Ghawn wrote:

Because my mind is playing tricks on me and I thought it said 2nd level characters. Good thing Hero labs let me take levels off and helps tells me where i need to adjust.

He's all adjusted :)

Must be the bad light in these caves...Yeah...Yeah...the Bad light in these caves


Now we should make sure we have necessities, like ways to start fires and what not.

Clan 2--
I have updated my character sheets with the added feats and added all of my equipment. Please feel free to review and comment. Adventure time is just around the corner.

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