jemstone |

They hinted at the Silverhawks making a cameo.
The only way I would accept this is if this version of the Silverhawks didn't have to go deliver batteries to the giant flashlight at the center of the universe that lights everything up.
As to the show, I really enjoyed it. Although, I admit I kept expecting Lion-O to call back to the batcave and ask Bruce for help. (what with him being voiced by Will Freidle, and all)

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They hinted at the Silverhawks making a cameo.
I'm holding out for Tigersharks. :)
(seriously, what was it with that company blowing all of their animation budget on the intros?)

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As to the show, I really enjoyed it. Although, I admit I kept expecting Lion-O to call back to the batcave and ask Bruce for help. (what with him being voiced by Will Freidle, and all)
Good I'm not alone on this...
Now imagine how much of a head-frak it would have been if Kevin Conroy was voicing Grune?

Dragon78 |

I was fine with Lex Luthor voicing Grune
The bad news is I heard that the new opening for the show will be very short(10seconds or less).
They said that Silverhawks and Tigersharks will cameo. At least in the most recent interview but still no word if Monkian and Jackleman will show up this season or the warrior woman ether.

Enevhar Aldarion |

Anybody know if there is a spot online hosting the episodes (legally of course)? I was too busy watching Cap punch out Hitler 200 times on Friday.
Not on Cartoon Network's website, plus it looks like they are running repeats of the episodes at all. So it is watch it Friday night or not at all. :(

Freehold DM |

Like I posted on my FB page.
"Thundercats vs. Battlemechs. Arrow IV packing Battlemechs@"
I agree it's nice to see it's not a direct redo of the original. There are rumours that other Rankin properties might cameo.
Ah, MM. I did think of you, seeker, and others when the mechs walked out. I loved that part.

Freehold DM |

Dragon78 wrote:They hinted at the Silverhawks making a cameo.
I'm holding out for Tigersharks. :)
(seriously, what was it with that company blowing all of their animation budget on the intros?)
That...would be even MOAR AWESOME!!!!!

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In love with the show and will now be making it my Friday night ritual. Anything to support the cause.
Also, totally had a man squeal over the original voice of Lion-O doing the voice of new Lion-o's father. I'm also a sucker for a little romance in my stories so seeing some chemistry going on between Lion-o and Cheetara is cute.

Foghammer |

Anyone see the previews for tonight's episode?
I haven't seen the preview yet, but Panthro's gonna be in it and it's gonna be epic.
I want to throw my lot in with the people who are glad Snarf doesn't talk. That was a genius move. I don't know if it's just me, but the dialogue and pacing seem to be downplayed ever so slightly, probably to make it more watchable for kids.
I figure the writing will get better as the show progresses though, the longer they work on it and the more into it they get, etc etc.
EDIT: New episode previews.

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I was not impressed with last night's episode as much as the first three.

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David Fryer wrote:I want more Mum-Ra. Enough with the teasers already.I was not impressed with last night's episode as much as the first three.
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I didn't mind the flashbck so much, it made more sense than the present storyline.
Also, like David said, I'd have liked more learning for Lion-O like learning that rank doesn't mean experience. (I see Lion-O as that 'fresh-out-of-ROTC-Lieutennant' and Panthro as that Master Seargent.

Foghammer |

Shadowborn wrote:David Fryer wrote:I want more Mum-Ra. Enough with the teasers already.I was not impressed with last night's episode as much as the first three.
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I didn't mind the flashbck so much, it made more sense than the present storyline.
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I agree with most of the above (minus Mum-Ra, ick [shudder]). They were doing great with Lion-O's learning curve until that episode. Also, I love Panthro's top-knot and chops. XD