Kyrademon's Transnational PBP -- Discussion, Description, and Preparation

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Halfling Cavalier 10

I believe Kalimac to be leveled.

Your hitpoints seem too low ... I get 60 for 9d6+18, not 52.

(Don't forget to adjust Xanderghul's as well if this is indeed an error.)

Kalimac is APPROVED.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

6+3+4+3+4+3+4+3+4 = 34 + 18 = 52

... But if you want to get me 60 hp instead I'd so take it :)

Whoops, made a slight error - such a bowstring would actually cost only 600 gp. I know that changes everything.

You are correct. For some reason, I was calculating as if you had d8 hit die after 1st level.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Melinda Sorn wrote:

This is cool!


Using his Strategy ability, Kalimac grants the following bonuses:

Alaric: +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round
Zaiobe: +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round
Buttersnips: +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round
Hrunndalf: move up to his speed as an immediate action once
Mel: move up to her speed as an immediate action once
Lio: move up to her speed as an immediate action once
Rhost: +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls for 1 round
Kelda: +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls for 1 round
Shalelu: +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls for 1 round
Kalimac: +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls for 1 round

As this was my first use of this ability, I had some fun trying to decide which of the three bonuses I can grant would be best for each person. Here's my current thinking on what to give (which in some cases is different from what I decided at the time). If someone thinks a different bonus would be better for them, please let me know.

For those using ranged attacks and ranged attack spells (e.g. Myri and Shalelu), I figure +2 to attack is the best fit.

For the front-line fighters (Rhost and Hrunndalf) I think I will tend towards +2 to attack unless they need to cover a lot of ground before getting in attack range. Then I'd be inclined to give them the extra move action instead. Rhost is generally non-squishy enough to not need the extra AC and Hrunndalf is a tank.

Healers (chiefly Alaric, but sometimes Lio and Hrunndalf) would benefit most from the extra move action most of the time, to get them to the people who need healing quicker. If they're where they need to be, though, a +2 to AC will help them from being a casualty themselves.

The fun part comes in deciding what role some people are playing. Especially for those spellcasters who could take various roles. And for NPCs whom I may not have a firm handle on what role they're filling. Buttersnips and Zaiobe I have the least good feel for. (They're also the least likely to complain if I give them a bonus that is suboptimal for them.)

Comments and suggestions welcome.

Zaiobe is primarily an archer, although she has taken other combat roles at times (minor back-up healer, air rescue.)

Buttersnips works mostly on invisible sneak attacks. Her movement is already sky-high and her AC isn't bad, but her to hit is very low for the kind of enemies you are facing at this point.

Oh, and Increased Damage is the official 9th level Caravan feat.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Kyrademon wrote:

Zaiobe is primarily an archer, although she has taken other combat roles at times (minor back-up healer, air rescue.)

Buttersnips works mostly on invisible sneak attacks. Her movement is already sky-high and her AC isn't bad, but her to hit is very low for the kind of enemies you are facing at this point.

Cool. I'll put them both in the category of getting +2 to attacks as a general rule.

Kyrademon wrote:
Oh, and Increased Damage is the official 9th level Caravan feat.

Mel, let me know when you have the master caravan sheet done, and I'll update the profile version.

Pickles, Spoons, and Fire wrote:
Kyrademon wrote:
Oh, and Increased Damage is the official 9th level Caravan feat.
Mel, let me know when you have the master caravan sheet done, and I'll update the profile version.

And that was my 10th post as "Pickles, Spoons, and Fire". We're now stuck with the "Pickles, Spoons, and Fire" moniker.


Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
For the front-line fighters (Rhost and Hrunndalf) I think I will tend towards +2 to attack unless they need to cover a lot of ground before getting in attack range. Then I'd be inclined to give them the extra move action instead.

With Blessing of Fervor or Divine Power, both Rhost and Hrunndalf can get 3 attacks out of a full-round attack. Thus, getting to move for free can mean the difference between 1 and 3 attacks. That's pretty damn powerful.

Even better, the move is not just free, it's immediate. That means we can use it to intercept a fleeing character or step up to a caster who tries to 5' out of danger... on his turn.

Granted, in a straight-up head-bashing contest, that will never come up, but as long as there are several and/or mobile enemies on a battlefield, the move will usually be the better option.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
For the front-line fighters (Rhost and Hrunndalf) I think I will tend towards +2 to attack unless they need to cover a lot of ground before getting in attack range. Then I'd be inclined to give them the extra move action instead.

With Blessing of Fervor or Divine Power, both Rhost and Hrunndalf can get 3 attacks out of a full-round attack. Thus, getting to move for free can mean the difference between 1 and 3 attacks. That's pretty damn powerful.

Even better, the move is not just free, it's immediate. That means we can use it to intercept a fleeing character or step up to a caster who tries to 5' out of danger... on his turn.

Granted, in a straight-up head-bashing contest, that will never come up, but as long as there are several and/or mobile enemies on a battlefield, the move will usually be the better option.

I'll keep those points in mind. In the last battle Rhost was already at the enemy's doorstep, and FakeHrunndalf had nowhere to go. So +2 attacks was a good choice. But in the fight at the top of the tower, I forgot to try Strategy. In that battle I would have given the two of you the extra move. That would have been fun to see.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Medium armor proficiency, wakizashi proficiency, more hitpoints... sounds like Ameiko should be taking a level of Samurai next. :)

Can we get her a breastplate in Ul-Angorn or Jaagiin?

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
Can we get her a breastplate in Ul-Angorn or Jaagiin?

Not a mithral one.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
... sounds like Ameiko should be taking a level of Samurai next. :)

Since Pathfinder treats Samurai as Cavaliers, we should also make sure her riding skills are up to snuff. :)

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

And that does remind me that I have designs on getting Kalimac some Minkai style armor, so he can look the part of a samurai.

I've been thinking about that ever since the undead samurai in Sandpoint ganked Kalimac.

She will almost certainly opt for being a sword saint samurai, one of the few types that does not use mounted combat, as that better fits her style. Ronin order, naturally.

(By the time she gains a couple of levels, under her current plan, she'll be multi-classed into five classes.)

Eastern armor types can be found here.

And looking over those, she might opt for mithral Kikko armor rather than a breastplate. The AC is one less, but she can reduce her spell failure chance to 0% if she takes the right feat, and mithral will get its armor check penalty down to 0, which is nice for an acrobatics focused character.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Mithral armor will also interest Kalimac. His newest feat is Trick Rider, which works best if Kalimac is using Light or No Armor. Mithral lamellar would do very well for him.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

All this talk of armor. If it comes up, Mel would like a mithral chain bikini. That counts as armor in fantasy right?

Male Human Cleric 10
Melinda Sorn wrote:
All this talk of armor. If it comes up, Mel would like a mithral chain bikini. That counts as armor in fantasy right?

It counts as a birthday present for Alaric, at least.

Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Mithral armor will also interest Kalimac. His newest feat is Trick Rider, which works best if Kalimac is using Light or No Armor. Mithral lamellar would do very well for him.

Just be aware that it needs to be metal armor to be made as mithril, so for light armor you're looking at the mithralized version of the "steel" lamellar type.

Melinda Sorn wrote:
All this talk of armor. If it comes up, Mel would like a mithral chain bikini. That counts as armor in fantasy right?

Well, for that matter: "Lamellar armor can be crafted into various shapes, including partial pieces ... The properties of specific suits and pieces of lamellar armor are determined by their material." So according to the rules, lamellar armor specifically provides the same bonuses and armor check penalties etc. even if it only covers your nipples, because the coverage is by definition both variable and irrelevant to the amount of protection. If those nipple covers are made of iron, that's "iron lamellar armor" right there.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Kyrademon wrote:
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Mithral armor will also interest Kalimac. His newest feat is Trick Rider, which works best if Kalimac is using Light or No Armor. Mithral lamellar would do very well for him.
Just be aware that it needs to be metal armor to be made as mithril, so for light armor you're looking at the mithralized version of the "steel" lamellar type.

Yep. And if I read things correctly, that would give me an armor bonus of +6, a max Dex bonus of +5 and an armor check penalty of -2 (with my Armor Expert trait, that would be an effective -1). I think it's worth the 4,150 gp.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Sorry for the delay. Level 9 caravan is HERE.

Just to be sure you knew, as you level your character:

Since your Charisma bonus went up by 1 when you got the headband, your relationship scores with all NPCs also went up by 1.

When you hit 31 with Shalelu, your attack bonus against foes that threaten her increased to +2.

And today for this game I looked up the gestational period of the musk ox.

Seriously, does this kind of thing usually come up in D&D?

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Oh, BTW, yeah, I'd like to use the banter in Ul-Angorn as my 9th-level Insult. I'd prefer to get a Guidance in beforehand, but these things happen on the spur of the moment, so never mind...

And I noticed I put Resist Energy onto my sheet as my new 2nd-level spell, although Bear's Endurance would make more sense for the party, as was pointed out. Mind if I exchange those?

Yes, feel free to exchange the spells, as you haven't used Resist Energy yet and it hasn't been that long.

I will roll for the insult and post on the IC board.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Kyrademon wrote:
Combat lessons would be a perfectly reasonable level 9 gift for Ameiko if you would like to consider them such. Let me know.

This sounds like a fine idea. It'll be a while before I have done enough crafting to have hand-made jewelry for her; we might even be level 10 by then. So, yes. I would like to consider combat lessons my level 9 gift.

Please subtract 130 gp from the Caravan fund for month 7 advance wages.


From way back when:

Kyrademon wrote:
NOTES ON TUMBLING TO AVOID AoO's: ... if you fail such an acrobatics check, not only do you provoke an attack of opportunity, you lose the move action.

They have finally fixed this to make it sensible again.

If you attempt to tumble THROUGH an enemy's square and fail, you provoke and AoO and lose the move action.

If you attempt to tumble PAST (next to) an enemy's square and fail, you provoke and AoO but DO NOT lose the move action.

So, as has been implied, this module starting to head towards its conclusion. One way or another, it will almost certainly be finished by the end of Week 28 - either with success of some sort or with your horrible deaths, presumably.

Obviously, that's still going to take some time yet, because you will be tenth level by the time the module is over so it is reasonable to assume that Some Stuff Will Happen first. It's hard to calculate exactly how long in real time -- some types of encounters can vary from taking just a couple of days to taking a whole week to resolve all by themselves -- but consider this your heads up that the end is slowly drawing nigh, as it were.

(Having been thinking about it, I suspect that the next module will be significantly shorter than this one is terms of number of posts and time to complete. But y'all could always surprise me.)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

DM, Melinda:
So they made a pimped-up version of Mirror Image? Wicked! :)

If I understand the text in Mirror Image correctly, I can fight blindly and get a 50% hit chance, rather than having to choose among the images. Does that run a risk of destroying an image?

Hrunndalf, Melinda:
The strict wording of the spell is that you do not risk destroying an image if you swing blindly. Since there are reasonable arguments that could be made either way, I will go with the strict wording of the spell and say that by shutting your eyes and taking the 50% miss chance, you avoid the risk of being shocked.

Male Human Cleric 10

From now on, assume Alaric is always taking 10 on a Sense Motive whenever Rhost speaks so as to know what the heck the big guy's talking about. So when appropriate, some spoilered subtitles would be welcome. It's important to understand one's best friend.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

DM, Melinda:
OK, sounds good.

I assume the same goes for "missing" with a combat maneuver by less than 5?

Male Half-elf Barbarian

There is still some character sheet fiddling I need to do, but Rhost should be leveled, I believe.


Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

Would that mean he also has to take all the other blind penalties, such as no dex to AC and half movement?

Blinded: The creature cannot see. It takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class, loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and takes a –4 penalty on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks and on opposed Perception skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based on sight) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) against the blinded character. Blind creatures must make a DC 10 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed. Creatures that fail this check fall prone. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.

Hrunndalf and Melinda:
While his eyes are shut, yes, but I would think opening and shutting them would be a free action.

Once he has incorporated or double-checked the matters noted on the bottom of his character sheet, Rhost will be APPROVED.

Human Ranger

Myri leveled

Should the Caravan's Resolve by at 16 or 17? For some reason I thought it was one higher ...

Myriana, just a couple of minor things -

1) Despite the ambiguity in the wording, "weapon type" in the Weapon Focus feat has been ruled to refer to a single specific kind of weapon (e.g. Composite Longbow) rather than a broad category (e.g. bows). So the feat should be Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow).

2) Why are there the words "do not use" in front of your "Charming" trait?

Other than that, Myriana is APPROVED.

Dungeon Crawl Mode Updates

We are shortly to enter Dungeon Crawl Mode once again, and I would like to make some minor updates to it.

1) Traps

From here on out, I would like to suggest that every closed door be automatically considered to be searched for traps in Dungeon Crawl Mode, and that Myriana will automatically be considered to attempt to disarm any traps that are found thereby.

2) Marching Order

It's been a few levels since we've discussed marching order. Let's update. Please tell me whether you prefer front, middle, or back. Please don't be more specific than that.

3) Dungeon Crawl Mode with the Caravan

This is the first Dungeon where the Caravan is actually with you inside the Dungeon itself. This is somewhat problematic, as the NPCs vary from those who can take a hit and keep on truckin' to first level commoners who will explode if a monster looks at them.

This is the reason for Ameiko's IC suggestion of an advance and rear guard. My thought was that you and perhaps a couple of the higher-level NPCs would make up an advance guard that moves maybe 100 feet in front of the Caravan. There would also be a rear guard consisting of some of the mid-level NPCs (mainly to account for what happens if, for example, there is Caravan combat or simultaneous Caravan/regular combat.)

So the Caravan is there and you could even interact with the NPCs in it during noncombat times, and there is some flexibility in terms of NPCs moving around among the groups or assisting during or between combats, but in general the "advance guard" would be handling any encounters without the worry that the Giant Flaming Death Monster is going to suddenly decide to eat Vankar, as he will be 100 feet back. Sound reasonable?

If it does sound reasonable, Shalelu and Zaiobe will join the seven of you in the Advance Guard. Ameiko will volunteer to head a rear guard and would be joined by Kelda, Skygni, Sandru, Spivey, and Ulf. Myriana would make the determination of where Silmemir is.

Having read the Mirror Image threads, I am sticking by my ruling.

If he does try to attack you with his eyes closed, it gives you considerable advantages, including readied actions taken while he is blind.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

A few questions on grappling:

(1) Does the AoO Melinda gets when I attempt a grapple untrained go against my grappling limbs or against me? I the latter case, she couldn't reach me if I grappled her from 10' away, right?

(2) If I succeed at a grapple, must we end up adjacent, or can I keep her grappled at arm's length?

(3) Do I still get a miss chance if I am grappling the real Melinda?

(4) How, if at all, does grappling interact with tripping...? I.e., could I trip her while keeping her grappled, or would I have to go down too?

As far as I can tell:

1) The rules state you can only make AoO's against creatures within your threatening range, so I believe she would not get an AoO against you if you were 10' away.

2) You must end up adjacent. "If you successfully grapple a creature that is not adjacent to you, move that creature to an adjacent open space."

3) Once you already have a creature grappled, you will continue to grapple the real one.

4) A trip attempt is not one of the options available to a person maintaining a grapple. The only options are 1) move half speed, 2) inflict damage equal to your unarmed strike, natural attack, armor spikes, or light or one-handed weapon, 3) attempt a pin, 4) attempt to tie up a pinned or helpless opponent. The person BEING GRAPPLED, not the person in control of the grapple, may choose instead to take any action that doesn’t require two hands to perform instead of breaking or reversing the grapple, including a trip attempt if appropriate, which, as normal, would leave the other person prone and the tripper upright, without breaking the grapple.

If you attempt a grapple, remember that you get a -4 on grapple checks if you have your sap in one hand.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

I see. Can I power attack when making a grapple check to deal damage?

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