Kyrademon's Transnational PBP -- Discussion, Description, and Preparation

Play-by-Post Discussion

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(This is an answer to a spoilered question but I'm making it public because it's useful for everyone to know.)

During Caravan Combat or Caravan Rolls, it is already presumed that you are casting all relevant spells and taking all relevant action (without needing to use up spells slots or daily uses.) Remember that the Caravan is "leveling up" to reflect your growing power and abilities that you are using on a daily basis, not because the Wagons themselves are gaining experience.

There are certain situations where specific spells or types of spells have an extra added benefit if you actually use up a spell slot to cast them during a Caravan activity. Which spells do this are highly specific based on the particular situation.

Even if it seems logical that another spell you have would also have a beneficial effect, remember that you are already considered to be casting it. It is HAVING its beneficial effect - it is simply not one of the ones that is considered by the AP to be "extra useful" and give special additional effects. (Even if you think it should. Caravan Combat works on its own set of rules.)

In this situation, the "extra benefits" are restricted to certain spells that enhance your defensive fortifications by blocking your enemy, slowing them down, or setting off traps. They provide these benefits because the fortifications are giving them a special boost by letting you channel foes towards them. If you have a spell that will increase everyone's character's AC by +50 for 70 rounds, that's great, you are using it, but it will have no "extra" effects here. It is already accounted for by the fact that your Caravan is 8th level, like you.

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
(We might want to free up all possible spell slots anyway, in case there's some personal-level showdown fight among the mass combat.)

And as a quick note, this one will be resolved as Caravan Combat. If it were being resolved as mixed Caravan and regular combat (which can and will happen), I would have said so. I don't have any interest in playing "you used up all your spells slots because the GM said it would be a good idea and now you're going to get punished for it" gotcha games.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Kyrademon wrote:
During Caravan Combat or Caravan Rolls, it is already presumed that you are casting all relevant spells and taking all relevant action (without needing to use up spells slots or daily uses.)

(Emphasis mine.)

So although it makes sense for our characters to dig into Stores to have more (personal-scale) spells at hands for our big battle, the caravan combat rules relieve us from having to worry about the expenditure of these resources? Nice!

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Holy crap, 8d8+4 damage per hit. Our piddly Increased Damage seems so futile next to that.

Then again, we shouldn't be comparing our damage to theirs, but to their hitpoints. If we did 3d6+9 rather than 2d6+9 damage, that would be a 22% increase in damage output, or an 18% reduction in battle duration (assuming we win) and thus damage taken. That sounds like a better deal than 20 extra hitpoints.

(Of course, the Increased Damage doesn't add to our survivability in cases like the chimera, where we just take damage and can't do much about it.)

At least our AC seems to be holding up for once. Yay fortifications! :)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

I believe this is where one of us shouts "Ha! Is that all you've got?"

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
I believe this is where one of us shouts "Ha! Is that all you've got?"

famous last words...


Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
I believe this is where one of us shouts "Ha! Is that all you've got?"

Wave two. In which they establish ... that wasn't all they've got.

Male Half-elf Barbarian
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
Holy crap, 8d8+4 damage per hit.

The undead on the way to the Storm Tower were doing 8d8 (+ I forget what).

I think Myriana has the right idea, Officially Not Liking the undead.

Male Human Cleric 10
Rhost Mab-i-gof wrote:
I think Myriana has the right idea, Officially Not Liking the undead.

Alaric has mixed feelings, because channeling to destroy undead is fun.

The most dangerous Caravan encounter possible in this module is what you'd have met if I'd rolled the random encounter called "Death From Below" while you were in the Boreal Expanse. 10d8+5 damage, considered to be CR 11. (Not necessarily a "fight to the bitter end" like this one, however, as there are conditions under which it would have left.)


Claimable Items

Terra Cotta Warrior (8,000 gp)

Once per day, the possessor of this terra-cotta talisman can reroll a single attack roll as an immediate action, with a +1 luck bonus on the reroll, and keep the most favorable result. The talisman also contains a small vestige of the spirit of a warrior that can be called upon once per day as a standard action to manifest itself as the spell spiritual ally, caster level 7.

Male Human Cleric 10

No claims.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

I'll lay in a claim for the Terra Cotta Warrior. Sounds very useful.

As for the Spiritual Ally, does it use my own BAB and Wisdom (or Charisma?) modifier? Or the minimal requirements for the spell, as if it were a wand?

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer

No claims.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

I don't want to be the guy with all the cool terra cotta stuff, nor do I want it to be unclaimed.

But since I see that Hrunndalf has laid a claim, and since I think this one fits both Hrunndalf's and Rhost's styles, I make no claim.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

I do sense a theme building. I wonder how many terra cotta items we're going to find? Do we get an army?

Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
As for the Spiritual Ally, does it use my own BAB and Wisdom (or Charisma?) modifier? Or the minimal requirements for the spell, as if it were a wand?

The second -- a staff is the only exception to that rule for magic items.

That means it would have an attack of +7, and deal 1d10+2 force damage (bypassing DR). If you used it to flank it would, of course, get the flanking bonus too. It could also benefit from stuff like bless, bardic music, Tactician, Blessing of Fervor, etc.

The weapon it uses isn't specified, and I would let you pick the favored weapon of any appropriate god (any non-evil diety will probably be fine), so it might have a nice threat range or crit modifiers. Once you settled on a choice, that's the weapon it would be for all time, though; the magic item will not change its religion.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Kyrademon wrote:

A quick word about immediate actions -

We're getting into levels where immediate actions are becoming possible through various means. Obviously, this is a little tricky to handle in the Fog of War rules.

I'd like to start out by trying it this way - if you have an immediate action that is available to your character on a regular basis (a spell you can cast, a thing you can do daily, etc.), let me know if what circumstances you want it triggered.

For example, Kalimac has a magic item that lets him reroll an attack roll as an immediate action; normally he would do that himself during his action declaration, but since it's immediate, it could also happen during an Attack of Opportunity he didn't roll for. So he might tell me, re-roll if I ever get a natural one during an Attack of Opportunity and haven't used the ability yet.

As another example, Melinda has access to the immediate action spell Feather Fall. She might tell me, I would cast it whenever an ally is in danger of taking falling damage as long as I have spell slots of Xth level or lower left.

And so on.

Should I be declaring this sort of thing now, or when I make my first round action declarations with my initiative, etc.?

Male Human Cleric 10
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
And I think Lio and Alaric have useful options even for lower-level spell slots.

This doesn't matter for this situation, but this has come up before, so a quick reminder to the party: Alaric refreshes spells at sunset rather than sunrise.

Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Should I be declaring this sort of thing now, or when I make my first round action declarations with my initiative, etc.?

Now, ideally. The idea is to get a general rule of thumb for when unanticipated situations come up outside of your declared turn.

By the way, not sure if you need a reminder, but the Frog Hunt is still going on. If you simply haven't had the time to declare your general intent there, no worries.

Current vote is leaning towards another level of Enhanced Caravan, by the way, but not enough to have settled the matter yet.

Male Human Cleric 10

My vote is for Increased Damage.

Human Ranger
Alaric Graff wrote:
My vote is for Increased Damage.

I also (change my) vote to Increased Damage.

The percentage increase is much larger and it seems to hit and AC may be more adjustable, though (unfortunately) quite likely in both direction.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

Hey! The post count came back on the IC board!

Male Halfling Cavalier 10
Kyrademon wrote:
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Should I be declaring this sort of thing now, or when I make my first round action declarations with my initiative, etc.?

Now, ideally. The idea is to get a general rule of thumb for when unanticipated situations come up outside of your declared turn.

OK. In that case, I like what you came up with. So mark me down as "please use the Horse Terra Cotta Talisman to re-roll if I ever get a natural one during an Attack of Opportunity and haven't used the ability yet."

Oh, yeah. Frog Hunt. I'll post something tonight.

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Hey! The post count came back on the IC board!

I am so very glad I asked for that. And I already went and thanked them for it :).

And proof that sometimes when you want something, you really just have to have the guts to ask for it....

Male Half-elf Barbarian

I will put in a claim on the Terra Cotta Warrior for appearance's sake (as I know it will go to Hrunndalf).

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1
Melinda Sorn wrote:
Kalimac Proudfoot wrote:
Hey! The post count came back on the IC board!

I am so very glad I asked for that. And I already went and thanked them for it :).

And proof that sometimes when you want something, you really just have to have the guts to ask for it....


Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10
Having said something very similar, not long ago, and having been pointedly ignored, Lio sighs.

So you did! Oops. I remember reading that post, but I forgot it again when the whole zombie apocalypse came between. Sorry. :\

I am anticipating that 9th level will most likely arrive for you guys by the end of the weekend.

Male Halfling Cavalier 10

I'm off on a road trip to Las Vegas, so my posting will be a bit constrained today. And I'm not sure about my internet situation while I'm there.

I'll be back to normal Saturday night. In the meantime I'll be posting as connectivity allows.


1) The voting for the 9th level Caravan feat now leans slightly towards Increased Damage.

2) After Jaagiin (the last place in this module where you can realistically go shopping), I will temporarily no longer distribute any cash money with each loot distribution. Instead, I will keep a running tally of how much money is in the "pot" after magic item claims, and at the end of the module, I will divide the money up among you based on your loot claim totals and get things as evened up as I can. (So you will have the money by the time you reach Ordu-Anganhei and its sexy sexy 6,400 gp Base Value.)

Male Human Cleric 10


Alaric Graff wrote:

This is indeed the appropriate response. Let the dancing commence.

The heat is not working again. Current temperature outside: -9 C.

Amusingly, I have been told to "imagine that I am in the Arctic" in regard to how to get through the night.

(This is a lot easier to take with a sane landlord, though, I will admit.)

Male Half-elf Barbarian

Thinking of how far the characters have come (geographically as well as level-wise), it boggles me a bit to realize we're not yet through Part 3 of 6.

Part three is almost certain to be the longest in terms of both geography, time in game, and time in real life.

Leveling also doesn't happen at the same speed at higher levels - instead of going up three levels in a module, it'll soon be more likely to be two.

(There is still travel to come, Tian Xia is a big place and travel is a big part of the entire AP, obviously, but ... this is very much the EPIC JOURNEY setpiece.)

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

BTW, DM, what's your stance on retconning the content of conversations, such as Hrunndalf's reaction to Mel's speculation on the Lonely Maiden's "innocence" after he should have heard Lio's comment earlier...?

It bugs me to leave such continuity errors in-game as a result of out-of-game forgetfulness.

I'm not averse to minor retconning if everyone involved is amenable to it. I'd suggest having a quick spoilered OOC conversation with Liothonae here on this board to determine how/if it should be handled.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Sounds good.

Lio, Melinda:
I suggest I change Hrunndalf's reply to Melinda from "Oh, really, never thought of it that way" to "Yeah, that's what Lio said too, but I guess I find it hard to think of people who almost killed me as innocent".

Or maybe I'm just overthinking this?

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1

Hrunndalf, Mel, Kyrademon:
Sure, if you want. I don't want you to feel like you have to change your post just because my character is peeved. I'm not upset or anything. So if that's the reason you want to change your post, you don't have to. On the other hand, if you think Hrunndalf would have noticed what Lio said, and it was just an oversight, I don't want to punish your character either... so I'm amenable to change if you wish.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Lio, Mel, Kyra:
Re-reading your post, it sounded like Lio joined the conversation between Hrunndalf and Ameiko ("defending the dead woman"), not just quietly commenting in the background. So I'd assume he must have heard it, and that his conversation with Mel would have been somewhat different.

I'm fine of course fine with Lio being peeved when Hrunndalf does things (without evil intent) that across to Lio as rude or disrespectful. I'd rather not have him do things that are objectively rude and disrespectful, especially without my (the player's) intention...

I don't think we need to retcon the event explicitly on the game thread as long as it won't have any in-game consequences later.

Possibly should have asked this earlier, but:

Do any of you want to spend a shopping/nontravel day in Ul-Angorn and/or Jaagiin, or do you want to just head on as soon as possible?

Male Human Cleric 10

I don't know that I need a full day, but some time to pick up supplies would be useful.


Terra Cotta Warrior (8,000 gp) <-- Goes to Hrunndalf

Female Quarter-Orc Sorcerer
Alaric Graff wrote:
I don't know that I need a full day, but some time to pick up supplies would be useful.

Ditto for Ul-Angorn at least.

Male Half-elf Barbarian
Melinda Sorn wrote:
Alaric Graff wrote:
I don't know that I need a full day, but some time to pick up supplies would be useful.
Ditto for Ul-Angorn at least.

Three for shopping in Ul-Angorn.

Male Human (Ulfen) Oracle of Battle 10

Coldest night in the Netherlands since 27 years. The collateral damage this game is causing is starting to get out of hand.

Female Elven Urban Druid 9, Brightness Seeker 1
Hrunndalf Jarlsson wrote:
Coldest night in the Netherlands since 27 years. The collateral damage this game is causing is starting to get out of hand.

It's warm in Honolulu. Maybe Europe is just having a cold spell? You guys are pretty far up north. Brrr. Cold.

Hope spring comes soon for you guys!

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