Venture Captains

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 4/5 5/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

How does one become a Venture Captain? And is there a list of them anywhere?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Grolick wrote:
How does one become a Venture Captain? And is there a list of them anywhere?

The original call for Regional Coordinators can be found here.

There are several announcement posts as the groups of Venture-Captains have been named, but probably the best since resource I know of is here

The Exchange 5/5

We could really use Venture-Captains for Milwaukee & Columbus! A lot of other places, too, but there's an under-served gamer population in both areas.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Mark Garringer wrote:
There are several announcement posts as the groups of Venture-Captains have been named, but probably the best since resource I know of is here

What's that map over there? Whoever is in charge of it might add Finland as well. :)

Doug Miles wrote:
We could really use Venture-Captains for Milwaukee & Columbus! A lot of other places, too, but there's an under-served gamer population in both areas.

I wish I made it to the game stores just a little bit more often for gaming. I could meet so many of the other responsibilities with ease...

Grand Lodge 2/5

Still nothing for San Antonio?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Still Nothing in San Antonio.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Deussu wrote:
Mark Garringer wrote:
There are several announcement posts as the groups of Venture-Captains have been named, but probably the best since resource I know of is here
What's that map over there? Whoever is in charge of it might add Finland as well. :)

This map is at least 1 year out of date. Many changes since then.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I recommend checking out, they have what I believe is the most up to date map.

Scarab Sages 4/5

Let me fix that for you ;P

If we are missing something for a location feel free to let us know.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

That's what happens when you're in a hurry and you don't proof your links with this wacky board code!
Thanks for the save, Chris!

Chris Mullican wrote:

Let me fix that for you ;P

If we are missing something for a location feel free to let us know.

Great Map/Tool you got there, much nicer and cleaner than a google map with pins!

You're missing Ireland but I used the handy submission tool to send you on the link to the PFS Ireland FB page. The VC is William Boyle and its a good scene over here.

PS - One small thing of note, on your submission form the "Issue" section has a prefilled grey text of "Missing Grand Lodge", confusingly if you decide (as I did) to use that text (I assumed it was a suggested text) then it will tell you that you need to complete that section. I mean when I retyped it out (black text) it was telling me it was missing (obviously it assumes that term is therefore blank) just an FYI.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Don't see us on there...

Scarab Sages 4/5

Glad you like it. Our map accuracy is only as good as the information we have at hand. I have added the Ireland Lodge, and will fix the submission block so it isn't as confusing.

Chris Mullican wrote:
Glad you like it. Our map accuracy is only as good as the information we have at hand. I have added the Ireland Lodge, and will fix the submission block so it isn't as confusing.

Go raibh maith agat. :)

How can there be no venture captians in Oregon? We love Paizo here.

Ill bet the next thing you say is "dude why don't YOU do it?"

Good Point.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

MayDay wrote:

How can there be no venture captians in Oregon? We love Paizo here.

Ill bet the next thing you say is "dude why don't YOU do it?"

Good Point.

There are 3 in Oregon.

One each in Corvalis, Salem, and Portland.

Well I'll be a Gibbering Mouther's Uncle. Sure enough. There are bunches of them. We wee Oregon goblins are lucky!

Shadow Lodge

Joe Ducey wrote:
MayDay wrote:

How can there be no venture captians in Oregon? We love Paizo here.

Ill bet the next thing you say is "dude why don't YOU do it?"

Good Point.

There are 3 in Oregon.

One each in Corvalis, Salem, and Portland.

Not to mention Venture Lieutenants... *ahem*

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

I know but since he said captains I specified captains. To clarify there are another 5 RPG VLs and an ACG VL.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Trevor Burroughs wrote:
How does one become a Venture Captain?

Engage one of us in a sword duel to the death, making certain to cut off the head. This releases our power in a form known as the Quackening that you then absorb.

Once sufficiently full of Quack, you submit yourself to the gaze of The One - Mike Brock. If you do not burn to ash beneath his steely gaze, your green shirts turn to red, and you are born anew as a Venture Captain.

...yes, I have been up for over 30 hours straight, why do you ask?

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

Trevor Burroughs wrote:
How does one become a Venture Captain? And is there a list of them anywhere?

I find it funny that the persone starthing this thread is now a VL :)

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike Bramnik wrote:
Trevor Burroughs wrote:
How does one become a Venture Captain?

Engage one of us in a sword duel to the death, making certain to cut off the head. This releases our power in a form known as the Quackening that you then absorb.

Once sufficiently full of Quack, you submit yourself to the gaze of The One - Mike Brock. If you do not burn to ash beneath his steely gaze, your green shirts turn to red, and you are born anew as a Venture Captain.

...yes, I have been up for over 30 hours straight, why do you ask?

Oh if that's all:

1. Consider yourself challenged
2. Do I need to provide my own sword?
3. I thought it was the SMURFening

;) Not really

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Just a phantasm ur figment of your imagination.

Grand Lodge 5/5

There can only be one?

But that just depends on where you live.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike Bramnik wrote:
Trevor Burroughs wrote:
How does one become a Venture Captain?

Engage one of us in a sword duel to the death, making certain to cut off the head. This releases our power in a form known as the Quackening that you then absorb.

Once sufficiently full of Quack, you submit yourself to the gaze of The One - Mike Brock. If you do not burn to ash beneath his steely gaze, your green shirts turn to red, and you are born anew as a Venture Captain.

...yes, I have been up for over 30 hours straight, why do you ask?

Wait, that's how you do it? Alright Mike, you and I need to have

hahaha! you guys are all hilarious.

But my deuling days are over. Arthritic shoulders, dontcha know. I'll have to go with poisoning my venture captain at the next event. Not as glamorous, but as Eliazar the Wizard always used to say:

He who hath hit pointh lathst, hath the lathst laugh.

I made that poem up. Just now. Kapow.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Hmm, I always thought there was some form of armed-combat where the VL must defeat the VC.


James Wygle wrote:
Joe Ducey wrote:
MayDay wrote:

How can there be no venture captians in Oregon? We love Paizo here.

Ill bet the next thing you say is "dude why don't YOU do it?"

Good Point.

There are 3 in Oregon.

One each in Corvalis, Salem, and Portland.

Not to mention Venture Lieutenants... *ahem*


Joe Ducey, WHY is your papa smurf icon not available to anyone else??

Wait, what? I just showed up as a smurf. What the heck is going on here??

Ack! It happened again!

Whew, back to normal...

3/5 5/5

Looks like Trevor figured out how to become a Venture Captain.

If the word s - m - u - r - f appears in your post, you get one of those icons, chosen at random.

(as you can see, it is able to see through elementary obfuscations)

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And this is why thread Necromancy is should be an evil act...



Congratulations Trevor!


Trevor Burroughs wrote:
How does one become a Venture Captain? And is there a list of them anywhere?


go to the Get Involved! page (link is on the top of the webpage, second graphic bar) from
Read the Duties & Expectations.
If you agree and want to help out, send in an email stating that you have read the requirements and want to apply for a position. Remember to give them your paizo email address and physical location.

If you want to see the current list of VO (Venture Officers) that assist PFS, go to Regional Coordinators page


BTW - in VO armed combat you wear special white jackets with very long sleeves that get tied in back... otherwise it is in sumo suits with velcro!

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Thread necro is weird.

This thread starts with a question about how one becomes a venture-captain. The name of the person posting the message is followed by the words "Venture-Captain".

I mean, "how do I best be me?" is perhaps a deep philosophical question. But, still, seems kinda weird :)

Grand Lodge 4/5



nobody said risin from the dead waz eazy (or pretty)!

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