Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Not enough fiendish moustache in that.
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{sets up lemonade stand selling glasses of freshly-squeezed brain bleach}
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote: {sets up lemonade stand selling glasses of freshly-squeezed brain bleach} Is it made from real brains? Because I may have an objection to that.
Ross Byers wrote: Pillbug Toenibbler wrote: {sets up lemonade stand selling glasses of freshly-squeezed brain bleach} Is it made from real brains? Because I may have an objection to that. {makes Ross a double White Russian/midnight milk cocktail} So, some Monday, eh? {smiles professionally and wipes down counter}
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Jason: But... pumpkin latte. ;-;
(I wish I had context but I don't. The design office is across the hall.)
Sara Marie wrote: gary: All I know is that all the talk about cosmo twerking needs to stop. He's sexy and he knows it.
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Cosmo wrote: *wiggle* No force on this Earth will make me click that link.
For everyone enabling all this Cosmo twerking...
You know he's just doing it to get a reaction.
Orthos wrote: You know he's just doing it to get a reaction. Some people enjoy feeding trolls.
Tels wrote: Orthos wrote: You know he's just doing it to get a reaction. Some people enjoy feeding trolls. Delicious humans.
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James Jacobs: Dungeon dressing... that's like Thousand Island dressing, but grittier, right?
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YAY! I got on the thread!!!
James Jacobs wrote: YAY! I got on the thread!!! They're probably just jealous because you have an entire awesome thread to yourself.
Jiggy wrote: I don't know what "twerking" is, but I'm afraid to Google it. 8( Twerking is a modern name for a concept as old as time itself: shaking your junk to get people to think you are attractive.
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I think James has Jamesdar. Whenever someone on the forums mentions his name, a little blip starts bleeping on his blooper and before you know it he's twitting a tweet about twerking.
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Sara Marie wrote: cosmo: d'oh... that didn't work Isn't that the Eisele family motto?
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jessica: Don't tell her she's the blood intern, it will go to her head
liz: And her head will swell up and axsplode like an overstuffed stirge
Unless she learns the secrets of the bloatmages fast enough...
9 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: crystal: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD INTERN!
jessica: Don't tell her she's the blood intern, it will go to her head
liz: And her head will swell up and axsplode like an overstuffed stirge
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Two seconds ago, in Wes's office:
Wes (not looking up): Oh? Good.
Cassidy (skipping away, voice receding): "I am the blood intern!"
(It went to her head.)
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Crystal I should bust out the chainsaw.
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christopher: Is it a lollipop chainsaw?
robot chris: ♫we represent the lollipo♬--- RRRRRRRRRRR CHAINSAW
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gary: i use invisible dice
gary: "look, a natural 21!!"
gary: "i rolled blackjack!"
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Sara Marie wrote: gary: i use invisible dice
gary: "look, a natural 21!!"
gary: "i rolled blackjack!"
To quote Bugs Bunny, "Har har, hardee, har har."
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote: Sara Marie wrote: gary: i use invisible dice
gary: "look, a natural 21!!"
gary: "i rolled blackjack!" To quote Bugs Bunny, "Har har, hardee, har har." I AM BLACK JACK SHELLAC!
Lilith wrote: Orthos wrote: Sara Marie wrote: gary: i use invisible dice
gary: "look, a natural 21!!"
gary: "i rolled blackjack!" To quote Bugs Bunny, "Har har, hardee, har har." I AM BLACK JACK SHELLAC! Well, that's the way the ball bounces. Somebody gotta lose, somebody gotta win!
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sara marie: FYI that was NOT directed at me
sara marie: it was directed at a dog
sara marie: or rather, [redacted] was impersonating a dog
sara marie: >.>
sara marie: <.<
sara marie: this isn't making it sound any better is it?
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F. Wesley Schneider wrote: Cassidy (skipping away, voice receding): "I am the blood intern!" ♫I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle!♫
Cassidy Werner wrote: Sara Marie wrote: crystal: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD INTERN!
jessica: Don't tell her she's the blood intern, it will go to her head
liz: And her head will swell up and axsplode like an overstuffed stirge MWOHAHAHAHAHA. What exactly did you do to earn a spot alongside Valkia?
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Hordshyrd wrote: Cassidy Werner wrote: Sara Marie wrote: crystal: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD INTERN!
jessica: Don't tell her she's the blood intern, it will go to her head
liz: And her head will swell up and axsplode like an overstuffed stirge MWOHAHAHAHAHA. What exactly did you do to earn a spot alongside Valkia? What do you think happened to the other interns? Though I am technically slave labor and haven't added any Paizo employee heads to my shield.
Incidentally, my internship is over in a month, so any of you could claim your rightful place as the Blood Intern by applying.
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christopher: And that's why Cosmo can't dress up as a mime in the office anymore.
15 people marked this as a favorite.
christopher: My Little Bloatmage: Blood Is Magic
7 people marked this as a favorite.
cosmo: Oh, I'm sorry... I seemed to have schadenfreuded all over the place. Please excuse me.
MYTHIC TOZ wrote: F. Wesley Schneider wrote: Cassidy (skipping away, voice receding): "I am the blood intern!" ♫I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle!♫ Nora is my favorite character in that show. She's like Harley Quinn i swear at times. So many laughs.
ashley: full points are awarded to robot. christopher gets half points for being technically correct, but not nearly as entertaining.
christopher: Technically correct is the best kind of correct
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crystal: I don't know if he's gonna teach me kung fu or lay eggs in my chest
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Sara Marie wrote: christopher: My Little Bloatmage: Blood Is Magic Grrr now I will have that song stuck in my head all day....
7 people marked this as a favorite.
Fiery_Dervish wrote: Sara Marie wrote: christopher: My Little Bloatmage: Blood Is Magic Grrr now I will have that song stuck in my head all day.... My little bloatmage...
I used to wonder what hemophilia could be
(My little bloatmage)
Until you all shared its magic with me!
More spellcasting
Tons of fun
An overtaxed heart
Look like a blob
Feel like exploding
It's an easy feat
But magic makes it all complete!
Oh, my little bloatmage
Can't wait to cast my very first spellllls...
Sara Marie wrote: crystal: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD INTERN!
jessica: Don't tell her she's the blood intern, it will go to her head
liz: And her head will swell up and axsplode like an overstuffed stirge
My client insists this unlicensed parody of GW property cease and desist immediately. This is your last warning or my client will be forced to attempt to sue you and fail miserably.
Rathendar wrote: MYTHIC TOZ wrote: F. Wesley Schneider wrote: Cassidy (skipping away, voice receding): "I am the blood intern!" ♫I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle!♫ Nora is my favorite character in that show. She's like Harley Quinn i swear at times. So many laughs. BREAK HIS LEGS!!
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GW Lawyer wrote: Sara Marie wrote: crystal: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD INTERN!
jessica: Don't tell her she's the blood intern, it will go to her head
liz: And her head will swell up and axsplode like an overstuffed stirge My client insists this unlicensed parody of GW property cease and desist immediately. This is your last warning or my client will be forced to attempt to sue you and fail miserably. You are bad representatives of Chaos and you should feel bad, yeeesssss.
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Sutter: We are masters of the dots.
8 people marked this as a favorite.
crystal: I quietly stab Christopher
christopher: Yay! Meaningful interaction with a coworker! My therapist will be so proud!
ashley: what kind of crack-pot encourages meaningful interactions with your coworkers?
Sara Marie wrote: crystal: I quietly stab Christopher
christopher: Yay! Meaningful interaction with a coworker! My therapist will be so proud!
ashley: what kind of crack-pot encourages meaningful interactions with your coworkers?
Have somebody told Christopher that being victim of a random stabbing isn't meaningful interaction?
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was christopher flat-footed, flanked or denied his DEX bonus to AC at the time
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Jessica Price wrote: Sutter: We are masters of the dots. DoTs are the best because they prevent stealthing away and really amp your DPS.