Overheard at the Paizo office

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Dark Archive Software Developer

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Liz: If you're having a bad day…just remember that somewhere out there is a cat named Princess Monster Truck.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

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Sara Marie: How can I help you bend [redacted] to your will?

Dark Archive Software Developer

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Robot Chris clicks
Cosmo ceases to exist

Paizo Employee Developer

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Christopher Anthony wrote:

Robot Chris clicks

Cosmo ceases to exist

And there was much rejoicing

General Willfred Thermopolae Fucundibus Silliness, III

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Mark Moreland wrote:
Christopher Anthony wrote:

Robot Chris clicks

Cosmo ceases to exist
And there was much rejoicing


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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robot chris: I just learned of a new and potentially dangerous attachment

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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robot chris: also, having phenomenal cosmic powers to see everything ever in the [redacted] is frightening sometimes

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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robot chris: PSYCHE, I just have knives

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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robot chris: it’s like a magical veil has been lifted

Community Manager

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Sara Marie: *disengages the safety on the laser eyes*

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Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: PSYCHE, I just have knives

I don't need friends! I've got knives!

*throws knife*

I'm... all out of knives.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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katina: I just want to say that I’m very disappointed that scenario #7-11 isn’t called something like “The Slurpee Dilemma” or something

liz: #7-11: "Revenge of the Cheeseburger Bites"

katina: #7-11: The Hot Dog Roller’s Revenge

Dark Archive Software Developer

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#7-11: Part-Time Adventurers

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Hopefully, John made a note of this to plan for Season 9: 9-11: Emergency in Absalom

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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diego: enjoy the vanilla goodness when the delicious explosion occurs

Community Manager

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Katina: ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ We build this city on dice to roooooOOOOOOOOOLL ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

11 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: also I got my first use out of the [redacted] whacker
robot chris: A+

gary: i presume that means it worked

robot chris: beautifully!
robot chris: would click again

gary: nice. use your power for good
gary: or don't, what do i care what people do with the toys i make for them
gary: long as i get to keep making toys

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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robot chris: I see a wide gaping hole of [redacted] encroaching on my safety bubble

Community Manager

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Sara Marie: You, sir, are EVIL, and I love it.

Silver Crusade

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Liz Courts wrote:
Sara Marie: You, sir, are EVIL, and I love it.

Dawww, see Cosmo? She does care ^w^

Community Manager

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Katina: PaizoCon events are being brought to you by a playlist called “Workout Twerkout.”

Grand Lodge

Rysky wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Sara Marie: You, sir, are EVIL, and I love it.
Dawww, see Cosmo? She does care ^w^

You can't blame Cosmo for all evil. Wes is responsible for a piece of that action too.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Liz Courts wrote:
Katina: PaizoCon events are being brought to you by a playlist called “Workout Twerkout.”

You, ma'am, are EVIL, and I am deeply concerned.

Dark Archive Software Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Concerned... impressed... such a fine line.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.

katina: I hope you have pressurized tears, Diego
katina: and a lot of them

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

6 people marked this as a favorite.


Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

10 people marked this as a favorite.

cort: You want to [redacted] them all at the same time? Hrm, not that I'm aware ... but see what Gary says, he knows the back corners better than I.

sara marie: hmm the more i think on this the more i think its a horrible rabbit hole ABORT ABORT
sara marie: lets not bother developers with this plan

gary: too late i already coded it up and committed it and rolled it and it works perfectly and that means TACOS FOR EVERYONE

sara marie: hmm now that you mention tacos

gary: you were talking about the taco cannon right
gary: or the taco trebuchet. the tacobuchet

sara marie: ...
sara marie: I am now

sharaya: TACO CANNON???

gary: as soon as you turn your back on it
gary: we are still getting the kinks out of that

cort: Seige weapondry tends to be distrustful.

gary: also, we are a little backed up in the taco mines
gary: one of the miners broke through a crispy shell right into a sourcream vein that flooded the area

cort: On the plus side, we have a lettuce surplus.

gary: cleaning it up was messy. and delicious

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

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money chris: I was confused, but excited!

Community & Digital Content Director

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PaizoCon is almost here, folks! D:

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.

gary: you cannot deny the power of this fully operational taco cannon!

Sara Marie wrote:
gary: you cannot deny the power of this fully operational taco cannon!

Manny Both-Hanz died to bring us this delicious information.

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4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

katina: I hope you have pressurized tears, Diego

katina: and a lot of them

I am guessing making Diego cry is one of Katina's hobbies.

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Most certainly, also Diego's tears may, or may not, have beneficial properties to alchemy and science. How can we know unless they are tested, often...

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

katina: I hope you have pressurized tears, Diego

katina: and a lot of them
I am guessing making Diego cry is one of Katina's hobbies.

I neither confirm nor deny these allegations. >_>

Customer Service Representative

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

katina: I hope you have pressurized tears, Diego

katina: and a lot of them
I am guessing making Diego cry is one of Katina's hobbies.

Hobbies? I think that is what she LIVES for...

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Diego Valdez wrote:
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

katina: I hope you have pressurized tears, Diego

katina: and a lot of them
I am guessing making Diego cry is one of Katina's hobbies.
Hobbies? I think that is what she LIVES for...

Soooo puns make you cry a lot?

Customer Service Representative

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Diego Valdez wrote:
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

katina: I hope you have pressurized tears, Diego

katina: and a lot of them
I am guessing making Diego cry is one of Katina's hobbies.
Hobbies? I think that is what she LIVES for...
Soooo puns make you cry a lot?

This should answer your question.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Diego Valdez wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Diego Valdez wrote:
Insane KillMaster wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

katina: I hope you have pressurized tears, Diego

katina: and a lot of them
I am guessing making Diego cry is one of Katina's hobbies.
Hobbies? I think that is what she LIVES for...
Soooo puns make you cry a lot?
This should answer your question.

Not really, with all that crying you weren't really in any shape to give a coherent answer.

Community Manager

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Robot Chris: Sorry, it was Diego. I had to.
Diego: Yay!

Community Manager

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Sara Marie: Did you try the Koolaid?

Probably not our Lilith.

Community & Digital Content Director

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Diego Letter writing must have been extra time consuming before email because you had to hand write out your favorite book quotes at the end of every single letter you wrote.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Probably not our Lilith.



Silver Crusade

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Diego Letter writing must have been extra time consuming before email because you had to hand write out your favorite book quotes at the end of every single letter you wrote.

No backspace key either.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

13 people marked this as a favorite.

sara marie: i read that as goblin ballet
sara marie: which i now need


cosmo: Goblin ballet: an amazing performance of art and skill and burning and stabbing with a little bit of biting.
...ok maybe more than a little bit of biting.

Paizo Employee Sales Associate

9 people marked this as a favorite.

sara marie: we ain't ready for explosions yet...

Liz: something something earth shattering kaboom

Tonya: But...explosions...fire....burn!!!!

Cosmo wrote:

sara marie: we ain't ready for explosions yet...

Liz: something something earth shattering kaboom

Tonya: But...explosions...fire....burn!!!!

Jamie wants big boom.

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