"God" wizard build help


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I ahve read treanamonks guide to wizards, but I confess I am over whelmed with what feats to take, spells for spell slots preferd schools etc.

What I want to do is make a lvl 5 wizard conjeration school. It is a 25 pt buy with the following stats at lvl 1 plus level 4 ability increase in int.

DEX 16
Con 12
INT 21

ELF familiar conjuration school.

This is the point where I start to get lost. Between how many spells I get a day, spells memorized v spells in spell book etc. Not to mention feats, traits ect.

Any hel with a sample build or a better way to tackle this would be greatly appriciated.

I definatly want the "god" caster build as the group I am playing with has only ever really played blasters, and I wanted to show them that there are other builds of wizards.

Any and all help is greatly appriciated.

Dark Archive

jacetms87 wrote:

ELF familiar conjuration school.

This is the point where I start to get lost. Between how many spells I get a day, spells memorized v spells in spell book etc. Not to mention feats, traits ect.

Any hel with a sample build or a better way to tackle this would be greatly appriciated.

I definatly want the "god" caster build as the group I am playing with has only ever really played blasters, and I wanted to show them that there are other builds of wizards.

Any and all help is greatly appriciated.

Is INT 21 practical/legal?

I would be tempted to switch wis and cha round as WIS affects your will save and CHA isn't big for god wizards. Your low STR you will need to keep an eye on for carrying capacity especially if your GM enforces clothing weight.

You could choose the APG Teleportation school to keep you out of trouble rather than pure conjuration school route - though from experience its not a biggy.

Low risk feat path is to choose Toughness feat at level one. Medium risk way is to avoid it and choose more overt offensive feats.

Opposition schools are likely chosed from Necromancy, Enchantment, Evocation.

First level spells likely include color spray and grease.

The Exchange

A few suggestions, but first and most important:

You appear to have shorted yourself on your stats, assuming I'm correct in the following:

At level 1, before applying any racial stat bonuses/penalties, you had:

Str 8
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 18
Wis 7
Cha 9

Then I work that out to a net point buy value of +20, or 5 short of your limit.

If I'm right there, I'd recommend one of the following:

Bump wisdom to 12, drop charisma to 8, everything else for even 25. My reasoning here is that I agree wizards get lots of will save over time, but, let's face it, in this game, if you fail a will save, you are most often screwed, screwed, screwed.

If the will save deal isn't a big concern, at least bump it to 8, and then reallocate as you like. Just be sure to check your numbers so you don't short yourself out any very valuable ability points.


I'll give this some more thought later, but for the moment I do highly recommend that, as a conjurer, you swap out your acid dart ability for the stupidly useful "Shift" in the teleportation subschool of the APG because it can make a huge difference in many situations.

ZomB wrote:
jacetms87 wrote:

ELF familiar conjuration school.

This is the point where I start to get lost. Between how many spells I get a day, spells memorized v spells in spell book etc. Not to mention feats, traits ect.

Any hel with a sample build or a better way to tackle this would be greatly appriciated.

I definatly want the "god" caster build as the group I am playing with has only ever really played blasters, and I wanted to show them that there are other builds of wizards.

Any and all help is greatly appriciated.

Is INT 21 practical/legal?

I would be tempted to switch wis and cha round as WIS affects your will save and CHA isn't big for god wizards. Your low STR you will need to keep an eye on for carrying capacity especially if your GM enforces clothing weight.

You could choose the APG Teleportation school to keep you out of trouble rather than pure conjuration school route - though from experience its not a biggy.

Low risk feat path is to choose Toughness feat at level one. Medium risk way is to avoid it and choose more overt offensive feats.

Opposition schools are likely chosed from Necromancy, Enchantment, Evocation.

First level spells likely include color spray and grease.

What overtly offensive feats are those, are there some from the apg, ultimate magic? What is "the" build for this type of caster?

Silver Crusade

Bulding from where you started
Elf (25Point buy)
Wizard: Conjuration School: Teleportation Focused Arcane School
Str 10 (0)
Dex 16 (5)
Con 12 (5)
Int 21 (17)
Wis 10 (0)
Cha 8 (-2)
Opposition schools: Enchantment, Illusion
Feat: Spell Focus: Conjuration, Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augment Summoning

Personly there are a few schools I stay away from. Conjuration, Abjuration, Illusion. Conjuration and Abjuration have very few spells that give a save.

If I was to make a Wizard.
Elf (25 Point buy)
Wizard: Transmutation
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 21
Wis 10
Cha 8
Opposition Schools: Necromancy, Illusion
Feat: Spell Focus: Transmutation, Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation, Extend Spell.

I have not played a wizard sense the witch came out. They make just as good as or better god casters. Along with the fact I like charaters that can do multiple roles in a group.
Hedge Witch
Str 10
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 21
Wis 10
Cha 8
Patron: Healing
Hex: Evil Eye, Flight, (F)Slumber
Hedge Witch: Spontaneous Healing (Su)
Feat: Spell Focus: Transmutation, Greater Spell Focus: Transmutation, Extra Hex: Slumber

Why would you stay away from Conjuration? I thought it was widly considerd to be one, if not the best schools?

I did have some thing reversed on the inital point buy

DEX 16
Con 12
INT 21

This is after the elf racials +2 to dex and intel -2 to con.

Silver Crusade

You point buy is still way off.
Are you using 3.5 point buy or PF. They are not the same.

Conjuration is good at low levels. At higher levels your spell list is very lack luster with few spell that shine. Im going to use level 5 spells as a base line. As you level conjuration starts falling more behind the other types of schools. The reason I recomend Transmutation.
They have a top tire spell for almost every level from the core book.
1st Magic Weapon, Enlarge Person 2nd Knock, Rope Trick 3rd Haste 4th none 5th Baleful Polymorph 6th Disintegrate 7th none 8th none 9th time stop so you have 3 levels of not geting a top tire spell.

Example: 5th level spells
Cloudkill: Save
Mage’s Faithful Hound:
Major Creation:
Planar Binding, Lesser:
Secret ChestF:
Summon Monster V:
Wall of Stone:

Example: 5th level spells
Animal Growth: One animal doubles in size.
Baleful Polymorph: Save: And it's one of the lower level SOS spells.
Beast Shape III:
Elemental Body II: limited use
Overland Flight: very useful effect
Passwall: very useful effect
Plant Shape I:
Polymorph: limited use
Telekinesis: limited use
Transmute Mud to Rock:
Transmute Rock to Mud:

I'll take a look at none core spells and get back to you if I find any thing difrent.

Apparently, you can now ban divination, according to the spellbooks in the UM supplement. So, conjuration or transmutation for specialization, and enchantment and either divination or evocation for banned schools.

Silver Crusade

After looking at the other spell list. Conjuration got alot of help in APG and UM. Transmutation got the same kind of help. So I feal Transmutation is a better choice.

So what would a build ( spell lists, feats, ect) look like for both?

What are the other party members?

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Remember,these are all just suggestions!

Here is a build I would recommend,but,being no expert on wizards,you may have a lot to improve on it(I am using APG):

Str 8 =Affects carrying capacity.
Dex 16(14+2) = Affects to-hit bonuses with ranged weapons and ranged touch attacks.Also affects your AC.
Con 12(14-2) = Affects your HP.You can't do anything if you're dead,though you could lower this in order to get a higher Dex.
Int 21 =Affects what spells you can cast and the DCs for them.Raise at 4th level.
Wis 9 = Affects your Will saves.You can keep it here or raise it at 4th/8th if you want.
Cha 7 =Affects your social skills.You're not a bard/paladin/whatever Cha caster you think of.

L1:Toughness.D6 HP and a 12 Con? You need it.
L1(Wizard Bonus):Scribe Scroll.It's automatic,so you'll take it.
L3:Improved Initiative.This is great for God wizards.
L5:Augment Summoning.Your summoned creatures need all the help they can get!
L5(Wizard Bonus):Extend Spell Metamagic Feat.Double the duration for an extra level is great;use it on spells like Grease or buffers.

Arcane Bond:Take a familiar every time.If the bonded object gets destroyed,you're kinda screwed.Familiars I suggest are either the Raven(Scouts ahead),Toad(Extra HP!)Rat(Fort bonus),or the Compsognathugas(Mini dino that grants big initiative bonus).
Arcane School:Pick conjuration-having an extra ally is always great.Only use Acid Dart if you run out of spells.Take Enchantment and either Abjuration or Divination as your opposed schools.
Bonus Feat:Choose Extend Spell at 5th level.

If you want to,grab a Quickdraw Shield and mithril it.Then,save up for a Headband of as much Int as you can get.

Saving the best for last,here are the good spell choices you should know,by level.

Detect Magic,Read Magic,Ghost Sound,and Prestiditation.Nice spells to have prepared.

1st-Level Spells Known
*Protection from Evil/Chaos/Lawful.Nice spell.
*Silent Image.
*Mage Armor.
*Enlarge Person.
*Feather Fall.
*Expeditious Retreat.
*Obscuring Mist.
*Charm Person.
*Unseen Servant.
*Gravity Bow:Only if you use a longbow,and even then it's iffy.
*Hydraulic Push.
*Stumble Gap.

2nd Level Spells Known
*Glitterdust.An amazing spell.
*Hideous Laughter.
*Mirror Image.
*Create Pit.
*Pyrotechnics:Take Spark as a cantrip,light something on fire and presto,instant battlefield control.

3rd Level Spells Know
*Phantom Steed.
*Sleet Storm.
*Summon Monster III:Finally,this will work on your enemies.

4th Level Spells Known:
*Black Tentacles.
*Summon Monster IV.

Wow, thank you so much, I do have a question though, why no color spray or sleep at 1st lvl?

Also do you have any suggestions for spells memorized perday?

Oh,no color spray or sleep at 1st level because they become obsolete at 5th.I'm not sure if you start at first level and are going to 5,or if you're starting at 5th.

And yes,I do have suggestions,for general things.However,if you have the chance,you may want to prepare spells based on your situation.

1st Level:
Mage Armor.
Enlarge Person.
Grease:One of the best.Use it on a foes weapon,or just a bunch of foes if you can.
Mount:Good for getting around,which lets you better position your spells.
Charm Person:you actually might swap Mount for having two of these;I know I would.

2nd Level:
Glitterdust:Use Extend metamagic feat on it if you want.
Mirror Image:Good for defense.
Hideous Laughter:A great spell.
Invisiblity/Web/Create pit:All great spells,take em depending on your party.

3rd Level:
If you didn't take Mount at 1st level,take Phantom Steed.
Summon Monster III:Heck yes.
Haste:Great for your mortal allies.
Fly/Slow:Fly is a nice defensive option,but Slow offers much more battlefield control.

4th Level(If you get there):
BLACK TENTACLES. Black tentacles all the way.Take this for 2 of your spell slots,at least.
Summon Monster IV.

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