DM Patcher's Kingmaker Recruitment Thread

Gamer Connection

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Inspired by GM Todd's recruitment topic (kudos to you) I will be following a slightly different recruitment structure than my previous topics.

What you should know before applying
First, download the Kingmaker Player's Guide if you haven't already - the information is necessary to understand the adventure and create an appropriate backstory for your character.

I am primarily looking for roleplaying, not rollplaying. I wish to explore a story, not mechanics. That said, this is an adventure path. Unoptimised characters will face difficulties. Min-maxing is, however, not a necessity.

As with my previous topics, I also request that you have the time and dedication to post daily - even during weekends - preferably more. If real-life requires your attention, I ask that you inform me and the other players - the ability to communicate is key.

If possible, also tell me which timezone you are in, so I can adjust to posting habits as swiftly as possible.

Lastly, diversity is heavily encouraged. My last two recruitment topics had well over 90% humans, and a multitude of fighters/clerics/bards. Different races and different classes will therefore be prioritised.

Character creation
• Races: Standard races from the Core Rulebook only will be allowed. Racial options from the APG will be allowed.
• Classes: All classes (Base and Prestige) from the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic will be allowed. All archetypes will be allowed. Archetype stacking will be allowed - as long as the class features do not replace one another (as per the actual archetype rules).
• Favoured Class: The favoured class options from the Core Rulebook and APG will be acceptable. If the Magus receives some form of favoured class bonus in the near future, after the campaign has started, I will allow Magus players to retcon their favoured class bonus to this new class bonus if they so wish.
• Alignment: I will only allow Good and Neutral alignments.
• Ability Scores: Characters must be created with 25-point buy. No stat can be raised above 18 (prior to racial modifiers), and no stat can be lowered below 8 (prior to racial modifiers).
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG, UM and ISWG will be allowed. Any other feat from Paizo-compatible systems must be approved by me.
• Traits: Characters will start with three traits. One of these traits MUST be a Kingmaker Campaign Trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with maximum gold for their class.
• The Words of Power system will be permitted for casters. For balance reasons, Borrow Future will not be an allowed Word Spell, unless it receives heavy errata.
• A note about Ultimate Combat: Since it will be released in the end of July (according to the Paizo site), I will most likely allow the book and its archetypes/feats when it is released. As such, if you desire to change your character come the book, I am likely to allow this.

How to apply
I will require more from applicants this time around. While I do not require a full character sheet, I do request that you give me your race, class, ability scores, saves, skills and traits. As such, a full sheet is recommended. If selected, a full sheet is required.

In addition, I would like you to answer the following questions. Afterwards, interact with one another as prospectors and adventurers invited to feast with the Swordlords of Brevoy, to convince the swordlords that you are the man (or woman) they need.
1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?
2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?
3. What will your character contribute to the group?
4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

Role-playing introduction
It is rumoured that the journey will begin tomorrow. The tension around the Swordlords of Brevoy is palpable in the mansion. No names have been called - The decision has yet to be made. Dinner awaits to be served still. Servants are eagerly awaiting orders, trotting around with crystal glasses and bottles of rare wine. The smell of roasted boar is slowly protruding from the kitchen.

Recruitment will close on Thursday the 14th.

Expressing interest. I'll be going with an Elf Fighter, specializing in the Elven Curve Blade. I imagine him taking work as a bodyguard (perhaps for another character?) to flee from an enemy to be determined.

Just some musings...I'll finalize him shortly, with more fluff.

I'm in the EST time zone in the Old Dominion (eastern US), and should be able to post at least once a day. I have some vaca in September, but until then I should be good.

definetly interested, was thinking monk, since i've never played one. I'll work up a character idea, background and such.

Marking my interest, I'll get back to you on a concept soon.

Hey DM Patcher, just marking my interest. I will post later today or tomorrow with a concept.

Also dotting for interest. Half-formed idea at the moment is a Halfling (with Chelish parents who escaped to the river kingdoms). Will post later or tomorrow.

Marking my interest and working on a character now.

In DM_Todd's last recruitment thread there were a lot of humans as well. IMO, this is because a lot of people feel that human is a safe choice when you have no idea who else is going to be in your party.

I'm EST (GMT-5).

Also, I will be attending GenCon this year; Aug. 4-7. I don't know what my computer access will be like during that time. It may not be an issue at all. Right now though, I just don't know.


I'll submit a half Orc cavalier (cockatrice) a little later on. Interested!

redclover wrote:
Marking my interest, I'll get back to you on a concept soon.

Running with a rogue concept, not sure on race. Interested in the archytpe stacking idea. Probably stack the Rake archtype with the Scout archytpe. A charismatic brigand. I'll flesh it out more later. I dont remember the exact name of the kingmaker trait but I think it's called Brigand, I'd almost assuredly go with that for my campaign trait.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Good Luck DM Patcher, I'm already in a Kingmaker game so won't be applying. However I hope you find a good party of players, catch you another time. (Parneth Servais here)

Deevor wrote:
Good Luck DM Patcher, I'm already in a Kingmaker game so won't be applying. However I hope you find a good party of players, catch you another time. (Parneth Servais here)

Thank you kindly, Deevor! Good luck in the future as well - it was a pleasure having you in the CotCT game as long as it lasted.

I always loved the potential the kingmaker AP has. The idea of exploring, kingdom building and politics is something I've always wanted from a campaign. Color me interested. As far as my character goes, I have not a clue yet.

Now, DM Patcher, how much of the politics of running a kingdom are you planning on going into? From what I understand these things are a long ways away, but the ideas of slicing off the cold, slimy tentacles of noble houses of Brevoy and other threats reaching out and trying to constrict and usurp our fledgling kingdom while we're exploring and uncovering the secrets of the Stolen Lands sounds so, so much fun as player. Naturally, I would like to reserve myself for a Kingmaker game of that nature with a like-minded DM and players.

I was hoping to do the full package. The exploration, the political part, the kingdom building... I had no plans of leaving any parts out.

Awesome. What about adding your own twists to stuff? Not that I'd know if you were actually doing it. What I'm asking is will you be customizing the game to fit the characters and their backgrounds when and where necessary?

Olondir wrote:
Awesome. What about adding your own twists to stuff? Not that I'd know if you were actually doing it. What I'm asking is will you be customizing the game to fit the characters and their backgrounds when and where necessary?

If it is plausible and I feel as if I could realistically do it, I would, yes.

Man it is a tough call. I'd love to play but the more I'm thinking about it the more I think I should just run this myself. I'm afraid to get the books because I might want to play, but at the same time I'll need them to plan if I were to GM... hmmm.. I think I'm going to hold off from applying to think about this some more. So good to luck to everyone!

Olondir wrote:
Man it is a tough call. I'd love to play but the more I'm thinking about it the more I think I should just run this myself. I'm afraid to get the books because I might want to play, but at the same time I'll need them to plan if I were to GM... hmmm.. I think I'm going to hold off from applying to think about this some more. So good to luck to everyone!

I'd love to play Kingmaker myself. I already have a character designed for the political intrigue. No clue how well it'd work with a DM who runs the game - though I do feel confident in my ability to separate player knowledge from character knowledge.

I think I could too, but it would be more about time management than anything. I think I have enough time to either play in one more PbP or DM a PbP but not both, unfortunately.

I'll keep you noted for if/when I run it, DMP. :)

Olondir wrote:

I think I could too, but it would be more about time management than anything. I think I have enough time to either play in one more PbP or DM a PbP but not both, unfortunately.

I'll keep you noted for if/when I run it, DMP. :)

Alright, thank you. If you decide to not run, you're still welcome to apply here (if you make the decision prior to Thursday).

To everybody else, don't be discouraged! I'm eagerly anticipating your contributions!

a.k.a. Sir Jolt, Yantur "the Sly" and, from DM-Todd's submission thread, Sorin Nicussor.

I submit Rorgrym Khazhugar, dwarven Cleric of Hanspur.

Click on the link for all info: stat block, backstory and answers to the 5 questions.

@DM Patcher: (good to see you again btw) If you'd rather I post the answers to the 5 questions in thread just let me know and I'll copy and paste them over.

Again, I will be attending GenCon this year but I'll find some way to get on at least once every day during the Con.

For those of you wondering why I requested you roleplay in this topic as well:

In one of my games, the characters had problems seeing eye to eye in several issues. Roleplaying styles conflicted, there was tension, and the chemistry eventually caused the game to fail.

I want to see the characters interract before I select the group, so I get a good idea of what chemistry the players - and characters - have. It also gives me an idea of your roleplaying style.

Also, it is preferable if you list the reasons out in the open here in the thread - simply so everybody else can get an idea and possibly weave backstories together. Not saying that Sir Jolt/Rorgrym made a mistake by keeping it in their profiles, but ease of access is nice.

Rorgrym is currently lounging in the mansion waiting for the signal for dinner. He watches the servants scurrying about with a detached amusement. Spending most of his time outdoors, he's a bit amazed at just how many people seem to be able to fit into a house; even one as big as this.

He'll brush aside any offers of an early drink, happy to settle for just water for the time being. He can't resist though, periodically trying to catch a glimpse of someone in charge just to get an idea of who he's dealing with.

Campaign Questions

1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?

Two main reasons. One, a civil war benefits nobody and it's always the freedoms of the innocent that suffer first. If he can help change that, then he will. Two, he barely has a copper to his name and needs the work and this seems like a worthy cause.

2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?

Again, two main reasons. One, the idea of exploring a new area that could have numerous lakes, rivers, streams etc. calls very deeply to him on a spiritual level. Two, though he doesn't like to talk about it, he despises the River Kingdoms. Claiming land that the River Kingdoms have also on occassion claimed the rights to (falsely in Rorgrym's mind) brings a certain amount of joy.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?

He's a very sturdy outdoor themed Cleric who can contribute equally with spells or combat. If pressed, he can make a passing faceman as well.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?

Stay as a Cleric. Spend skill points on outdoor and face skills to maintain both core strength and diversity.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

Take joy in exploring a new land and hopefully, find a place in this world where he fits. His faith means a lot to him though he generally isn't one to proselytize or get into religious arguements. And, of course, never forget the reason why he's doing this mission in the first place: prevent a war where the innocent suffer and snooty nobles stay safe from harm (he also feels very strongly that exploring these lands is what Hanspur wants him to do).

Please let me know if I've neglected to cover something you think is important or want more info on something; happy to add on if needed.

Dark Archive

I'm marking for interest as well. I'm reading the Player's Guide now, and will come back with a concept tonight or tomorrow. I'm thinking at this point of doing a half-elven witch just because I really want to give that class a try. I created one for another game but it never got off the ground.

I have decided on an Elven Witch. Slumber is my starting hex, wich along with burning hands and a longbow make up my offense.

No name yet, but have some background info.

Born in Kyonin, he had a twin brother who mysteriously vanished. Eventually he leaves home, searching for some meaning in his life. he encounters his familiar, a talking weasel, that he thinks is his twin brother. The weasel has given up on trying to convince him otherwise.

1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?

The havent tried to kill me yet! Not many chances for a witch to get legitimate work. He sees working for the swordlords as a way to gain some protection from people who would normally try to burn him.

2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?

Renewed with hope after finding his brother (his familiar he seeks to explore the ancient ruins and search out fey creatures. As children, they often played at being mighty rulers, powerful mages, and exploring strange lands. He sees this as a chance for them to do that.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?

In the beginning, a few spells (burnign hands) and a lot of sleeping enemies ( sleep hex) with the occasional lobing of arrows. Some skills, defiently spellcraft, use magic device, intimidate, and some knowledges, arcane and perhaps planes and/or nature.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanicall

Elven Witch, all the way. Sleep, fly, heal are some of the hexes i'm interested in. High intelligence, good dex, and perhaps some charisma. Beign an elf, longbow and rapier are my prefered weapons. Nice ranegd support for whn out of spells or don't want to waste a spell. Weasel familiar because it looks fun. Elements patron, because fire is fun!

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

Though he's not aware, he's really just looking for a place to call home, a purpose to his long life, acceptance, and companionship. He claims he's seeking adventure, and to explore the wild places of the world with his brother.

Dark Archive

Ok, I'll come up with something. Two witches would be a bit weird, I think.

I am able to post daily, and am in the Eastern Time Zone. Basic Character Sheet and Backstory in Profile.

Kragath sits at a table to the side of the hall, back to the wall so that he can view the activity in the room. He politely accepts a glass of wine, and friendly greets those who happen to pass by his position. He is also anxiously looking around the room for someone, but has not seemed to notice them yet.

1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?

I have come to the Swordlords seeking to speak with my father as well as to prove myself to the Swordlords so that I may stand beside my father amongst their ranks.

2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?

I have been receiving strange dreams of scenes of wilderness giving way to a vast civilization. Upon learning of this expedition, I felt that it was Abadar's will that I take part.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?

Kragath will be able to provide both a front line offense/defense for his comrades as well as to provide a link to the intricacies of courtly doings.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?

Kragath will go full Paladin class levels, eventually taking the Leadership feat. Skills he will focus on are Diplomacy, Knowledge Religion and Nobility, and some various physical Skills here and there. As far as the eventual role in the Kingmaker setting I see him filling, that would be General (or Ruler, although I am not trying to claim this role, I'd much rather be General if given the choice of the two)

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

To eventually learn from his father what he feels the meaning of his dreams are, gain the trust and join the ranks of the Swordlords, and to fulfill the goal that he feels Abadar has set before him.

I'm also in the eastern time zone and don't have any problem posting daily.

Ingle moves slowly through the room; not because he's in no hurry, but because there is so much to take in. His eyes sweep from one face to the next, knowing he won't recognize anyone.

Nearly stumbling into one of the servants, he offers an awkward smile and plucks a glass of wine from the tray. "Impressive turnout," he mumbles, raising the glass to his nose to smell the wine. "Hm..." Taking a tentative sip, he offers the man another clumsy smile attempting to look as though he enjoyed the drink more than he had. "Lovely," he offered, as if in further proof.

Getting nothing more than a raised eyebrow in response, he resumes scanning the crowd.

1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?

Ingle is relatively indifferent to who exactly he would be working for. Though he's a native of Issia, he's more inclined to support a united Brevoy. And he's smart enough to know that the Swordlords plan will buy time for that.

2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?

There are fey there. And who knows what other mysteries might be stumbled upon. Ultimately, it's his quest for knowledge that drives him. After all, you can't be the greatest alchemist the world has ever known without leaving your witless little village.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?

Aside from things that explode? Well, he has pretty strong skills in Knowledge Nature and Arcana, as well as Spellcraft and the ability to craft alchemical items. He's also fluent in six languages. Offensively he is (or will eventually be) adept at ranged combat.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?

I'm sticking primarily with alchemist, though I will take a dip into oracle at some point. This isn't exactly a mechanic thing though (see question 5). In any event, he will be mainly following a ranged specialist route, though I haven't worked out the details at this point.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?
Ultimately, he is seeking respectability. He's sees it a bit more intensely at this point (what with wanting to be the greatest alchemist in the world and all). I would also like to see him come to terms with the idea of religion. At this point he is basically an atheist. He knows that there ARE gods, he just doesn't see the point in them.

Hi DM patcher. I'm very keen to play this AP, and am in the middle of statting up a Halfling Druid, name of Evan Freehame. He's an anti-slavery crusader who wants a strong kingdom in the south that respects freedom and keeps a balance with the natural world. His contribution will be through healing, summoning, and wilderness skills. Mechanically he will progress as full druid, with a focus on versatility and supporting his animal companion.

From a story perspective the early stages will be relatively easy for him - he has no love of brigands or aberrant monsters, and will enjoy the wilderness thoroughly. Conflict with fae or other druids will prove a challenge, and ultimately I'm looking forward to addressing the conflict between respect for nature, and bringing civilisation to the wilderness.

Stats to follow tomorrow, when I'm back from work.

Looking good so far - I understand that the weekends are slow, so I am eagerly awaiting your roleplaying come this week.

Carnivyx sits patiently in an elegantly crafted, yet uncomfortable red velvet cushioned chair watching the assembled crowd and servants with bored apathy. The occasional appearance of a noble checking in on the growing group of would-be heroes as they dine on watered-down wine and foul-smelling cheese, flares her hatred of the caste. "Soon," she thought, "I will have my place above you pampered fools." Pushing the memories of her present situation away, she concentrates on what just a short time ago seemed like an unobtainable future and scans the room for potential conflicts of interest. Her eyes falling on what looks to be a paladin, she scowls and absently strokes the warty hide of the vile toad squatting unseen in her pocket. "That one may be a problem..."


Name: Carnivyx
Class: Necromancer
Basics: Human Female. Neutral. 5'4" 100lbs. Black Hair. Yellow Eyes.
Deity: Pharasma
Str: 10 (0)
Dex: 12 (+2)
Con: 13 (+3)
Int: 18 (+10) (16, w/+2 Human Bonus)
Wis: 10 (0)
Chr: 14 (+5)
13 Hit points. AC:11 (12 Dex)
Fortitude: +1 Reflexes: +1 Willpower: +3

Traits (3)
1)Bully: (from Character traits) Intimidate Class skill w/+1 bonus.
2)Courageous: (from Character traits) +2 Fear saves.
3)Bastard: (Kingmaker) -1 Charisma checks w/ Nobles, +1 Willpower saves.

Skills (2 class, +4 int, +1 Human, +1 favored class = 8 total.)
Appraise (+8), Knowledge, Arcana (+8), Intimidate (+7), Knowledge, Nature (+8), Knowledge, Nobility (+8), Knowledge, the Planes (+8), Knowledge, Religion (+8), Spellcraft (+8).

Feats (2, plus Command Undead and Scribe Scroll Wizard class feats.)
Toughness, Improved Initiative.

Gear (120g to spend, 60g, 3s left)
Dagger (2g/1lb.), Light Crossbow (35g/4lbs.), 10 Bolts (1g/1lb.), Explorer's outfit (Free/10lbs.), Spell Component Pouch (5g/2lbs.), Spellbook (Free/3lbs.), Scroll Case (1g/half lb.), 10 Scrolls of Parch (2g/half lb.), Vial of Ink (8g/-), 2 Ink Pens (2s/-), 5 days Trail Rations (2g 5s/5lbs.), Waterskin (1g/4lbs.), Backpack (2g/2lbs.).
Total Weight: 33lbs. Light Load = 33lbs. max.

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Infernal, Goblin.

Spells: Protection from Evil, Mage Armor, Burning Hands, Identify, Enlarge person, Cause Fear, Chill Touch.


1) Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy Purely out of self-interest. She wants to see herself elevated to the lofty station she believes she deserves, and working with Brevoy may be a means to that end.
2) What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands? To win a title, lands and respect.
3) What will your character contribute to the group? Ranged and some melee arcane damage. Buffs and Debuffs. Extra bodies in the fights through summoned monsters and commanded undead. Lots of Knowledge skills.
4) What are your plans for your character mechanically? Stay a Necromancer til the end. Focusing on dark magic and summoning monsters as well as crowd control through spells and enhancing feats. Plan to upgrade the Toad to a Dust Mephit with improved Familiar.
5) What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective? She is going to start out as an aggressive expansionist. Looking to capitalize on any perceived angle where she stands to gain power or status. She is quick to ally with anyone who can help her reach those ends. Despite her class and lack of morality, she isn't evil at heart and has some good qualities, such as a love for children and a desire to help see the unfairly downtrodden persevere over oppressing nobles.

About Me:

I'm on the East Coast and can follow posts quickly.

Crud! I realise I forgot to mention this: I also wish to see your alignments listed in your statistics. I knew I forgot something. *facedesk*

DM Patcher, I scanned over your posts and unless I've missed something (as it was nearly midnight when I made my first post and have been up since 6:30 that is easily possible) I cannot find whether or not the PC's are aware of what the Swordlords intend for them. As such, I'm going to post as if I am unaware as to the specifics of the invitation. If this is not the case I will ammend this post if you would like.

Kragath continues to scan the room, and chuckles silently as he watches someone try to "cover their tracks" after an incident with a wine servant. He thinks to himself, "Well, it would seem that whatever the Swordlords have planned, it has drawn the attentions of the other races," as he notes the variety of races represented in the hall.

Upon spotting the glare of a young woman amidst the crowd, Kragath raises his wine glass in an attempt to reconcile whatever offense he made with the lady. "Wonder what I've done to upset that one," he ponders as he takes a sip from his raised glass.

dotting for interest, I'll post a concept later once I'm home again.
I'm not sure yet what, but maybe some sort of sorcerer, or something similar.

@Kragath: It bears no real relevance, this is mostly to gauge your chemistry with one another - and to showcase your style. When the campaign starts, it won't necessarily continue from what happens here.

This is a character I've been very keen to play in a Kingmaker game. All of the relevant information should be in the profile. If you have any kind of feedback to make a better fit I'm happy to hear it. I live in Korea so I'm 13 hours ahead of EST, I tend to post after I get back from work, so usually the evenings here, or mornings EST.

Peregrine took a glass of wine from a passing servant, more to have something to hold than to drink. Rolling the crystal vessel slightly in his hand he studied the room with a dispassionate expression. That expression was not an entirely truthful one, he was concerned about the outcome of this evening, his family's position was growing more tenuous. Peregrine could feel that many possible futures were converging on this moment, it would be a crossroads for House Fetch, and for himself. His eyes drifted across the gathered Swordlords, he strongly suspected that his uncle had made bribes to help secure this posting, now Peregrine wondered which ones that might have been. That musing rolled around in his head for a few moments before he decided it was irrelevant at this juncture and discarded the thought. Instead he turned his attention to the gathered hopefuls, searching the crowd for any representatives from the Great Houses, especially wary of the potential presence of House Surtova. As he watched he was struck by the mix of people present, and that is was quite possible that his life could depend on any one of these strangers, if it all went to plan. Casually, Peregrine commented to the person standing next to him, "Hmm, it's quite an eclectic crowd isn't it?"


1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?
In times like these it is best to cultivate new allies, pursuing the Swordlords' interest allows House Fetch to pursue their own at same time without being at cross purposes, and with whatever veneer of law a charter provides.

2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?
To carve out a new, and less tenuous, position in the new order that has seized ahold of Brevoy.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?
A number of things. Knowledge of a wide variety of topics, information gathering, battlefield control, buffing, and item crafting, and whatever other general utility comes with being an arcane caster. When kingdom building becomes important he will be well suited for magister or spymaster, or possibly other positions depending on how events shape things. Personality wise, he'll add a voice of reason and logic.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
Advancing as a diviner, or possibly slipping over to loremaster. I'd like to focus on item creation feats, I want a character who helps others to shine.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?
I'd like to see him make some headway in resolving what might have happened to House Rogarvia and his missing relatives, even if it's just disproving House Fetch's current theory (I don't know if those events are actually touched on in the AP, I've tried very very hard to remain as ignorant of its contents as I can). Establish a place for House Fetch in the Stolen Lands. Some kind of resolution regarding his uncle Igorius, the relationship is obviously not good. I have some ideas regarding House Fetch's makeup, but I want to hash them out a little more.

@ Broven: sorry due, was working from my smart phone, and didnt even read your post. Late night posting al;ways seems to make em miss something. Feel free to make a witch, i can create a different character.

Dark Archive

PrinceofDarkness wrote:
@ Broven: sorry due, was working from my smart phone, and didnt even read your post. Late night posting al;ways seems to make em miss something. Feel free to make a witch, i can create a different character.

No worries at all. I made up an alchemist instead (Ingle) and am already starting to like him. I like your take on the familiar as a brother thing. Should be amusing. :)

Broven wrote:
PrinceofDarkness wrote:
@ Broven: sorry due, was working from my smart phone, and didnt even read your post. Late night posting al;ways seems to make em miss something. Feel free to make a witch, i can create a different character.
No worries at all. I made up an alchemist instead (Ingle) and am already starting to like him. I like your take on the familiar as a brother thing. Should be amusing. :)

Thanks, I wanted him to have a depeer than usual connection with his familiar. I liek the alchemists name, they are afun class onjce you get some discoveries.

Mistaking the paladin's gesture, Ingle raises his own glass in a half-hearted return, a somewhat quizzical look shading his face. Did he know the man? He surely couldn't place him. Uncertain as to wether he should approach or not, he merely decided to divert his attention elsewhere.

Peregrine Fetch wrote:
"Hmm, it's quite the eclectic crowd isn't it?"

"Hmm?" Ingle took note of the man next to him for the first time, glad to have a distraction from his own thoughts. "Eclectic is just the right word, I think. Multifareous, even. Diverse. Heterogeneous..."

Realizing that he was prattling on, the tall half-elf stopped his mouth with an almost visible effort, a touch of color rising in his cheeks. "Well... Ah! I see you've tried the wine!" he continued after only a moment. "Rather gruesome," he added, peering down at his own glass.

Watches with interest the growing number of people entering the mansion.

Rorgrym thinks to himself, "Very diverse lot. The Swordlords must genuinely be worried; not a good sign. I had hoped that the worst of the rumors weren't true...well, hopefully they aren't. I wonder if anyone here knows anything. Hmmm...that fellow over there, unless I'm mistaken, wears the symbol of Abadar. Maybe he knows more."

Approaches Kragath. "Excuse me," Rorgrym bows slightly, "Rorgrym Khazhuagr at your service. Do you have a moment?"

Eastern timezone as well.
He's border line chaotic neiutral, slowly climbing his way towards chaotic good. While wandering from Kyonin, seemingly lost and alone, he fell in with some bandits. Her isn't proud of his time with the brigands, and rarely speaks of that part of his life. he might still be with them if it weren't for finding his familiar Tor, which he believes is his missing brother Toror. Together, they left the bandit camp late one night, and never looked back. Before leaving he helped himself to a nice composite longbow they had taken from a hunter the day before.

Teion nervously paces about the room, waiting for the swordlords decision, occasionaly stopping to consult with the weasel perched on his shoulder.

"Yes, I remember what you showed me" "Of course I wont make that mistake again" "No, you can't slip in there for a taste"

Each time they pass by the door to the kitchen, the weasel lifts his noise in the air, and gazes longingly at the kitchen. Teion gladly takes the offered wine, even offering a few sips to the weasel. Tiring of his pacing , he eventually sits down opposite Kragath.

"Greetings sir knight, and to you friend dwarf" as he addresses Kragath, Tor leaps down from his pearch and sitting down on the table, looking expectantly at Kragath. yes, pick the largest guy in the room, make friends, maybe get him to give me some food, the dwarf smells funny

Peregrine could not keep his eyebrow from quirking slightly at the half-elf's manner. Raising the glass of wine to his face he sniffed at it lightly and rendered his opinion with a noncommittal, "hmm." Studying the gangly half-elf Peregrine found himself thinking that he seemed a bit...scattered.

"One should be careful here in the south, offense is easily taken." Though if Peregrine himself was offended it did not show, he merely stated it as though it were the driest of facts. Glancing once more around the crowded room he continued on, changing the subject, "So, what is it that you do that brings you here?"

Peregrine Fetch wrote:
"One should be careful here in the south, offense is easily taken."

"Ah, yes," Ingle replied, looking a bit embarrassed. "No offense intended. Just more of a sherry man myself, you understand." He took another sip from his glass as he continued to survey the room, hiding a grimace behind a quickly donned, if obviously forced, look of approval.

Peregrine Fetch wrote:
"So, what is it that you do that brings you here?"

"I do what I must, good man." The half-elf returned his attention to the man. "Seeker of truths. Of mysteries, lost lore and the like," he says with a theatric wave of his hand. "But if you mean what are my qualities - my qualifications - well, just this."

Ingle pulls one of several small flasks from his belt and holds it in steepled fingers before the man. "I am a concoctor. An artisan of the alchemical arts." For a moment the light reflected in the glass vial seems to swallow the half-elf's gaze. "Ingle Farwen at your service," he adds, the rapt look fading as he returns his attention to the man.

Sorry for any errors and limited formatting. Typing on iPhone at a pool at the moment. Will clean this post up and post more of Kragath's thoughts when I get home.

"Well met and welcome to my table. My nake is Kragath Lightbringer, and of course Master Dwarf, how may I be of assistance?" Kragath stops a passing servant and requests more drinks be brought to his table for his guests.

Okay, making a proper post now that I've returned home, and apologize again for the brevity of my previous post. Hard to type with Ogre fingers on a tiny screen lol.

While the favored drinks of his newfound friends are served, Kragath notices the holy symbol worn by Rorgrym. "My apologies Rorgrym, but I must ask, whose symbol is that you wear? It looks so familiar to me yet I just can't seem to place it at the moment."

As he says this, he cautiously extends his hand towards the weasel on the table, knuckles forward as one would towards an unknown canine. "You have quite an interesting traveling companion, Master Elf. It seems to be quite well behaved. Did you raise it from birth?"

Kragath takes the time to continue observing the interesting individuals in the room during lapses in his conversations with the two gentlemen at his table. Occasionally, he will glance back in the direction of the woman who glared at him earlier in an attempt to determine if she has a grudge against him in particular or perhaps against others in the room.

Taking note of the small crowd assembling about the holy warrior and his occasional glances in her direction, Carnivyx's scowl turns into a slightly curled, awkward smile as she surveys the knight and his growing entourage. Silently hoping that her attempt at appearing benevolent isn't misinterpreted as an intimidating smirk of malice. "Why can I never seem to nail that coy look down?" she muttered softly to the squirming form in her pocket.
The deep, throaty croak of it's reply bringing quite the startled response from a pretty young serving girl as she passed by with a tray of "fresh" refills.
Carnivyx weakly smiled at the poor thing and tapped her chest in excuse. "Must be the cheese."

Do you wear your holy symbol openly? If so where?

This is The Dorf and here's my entry Patcher. The stats and stuff are in the profile. I will clean up the format sometime in the next few days.


Son of a poor branch of House Medvyed, Jonas grew up training for the knighthood. He squired with an older knight , Malorian Lebeda, who was commander of a borderland fort on the border with the Stolen Lands. Jonas served his lord well for many years on the border, where his family's words "Endurance Over All" served him very well. He earned his spurs fighting bandits in the wild, saving his lord's life while in battle. Jonas love for his country and his belief in the eventual reclamation of the Stolen Lands led him to join the Order of the Lion. Hearing that Swordlords were looking for capable men and women to help settle these lands, Malorian suggested to his former squire that he travel to volunteer for the task. With his stead Maelstrom as his only companion, Jonas traveled across the kingdom to join in this quest.


1. Why are you interested in working with the Swordlords of Brevoy?

I have faithfully served the Kingdom of Brevoy on the Borderlands for many years, and have sworn my sword and future to the betterment of this kingdom.

2. What is your motivation to reclaim the Stolen Lands?

It is not hard to see that Rostland needs the Stolen Lands reclaimed to create a secure southern border. I am here to see that done.

3. What will your character contribute to the group?

Jonas is a front line melee fighter with a knowledge of the political structure and the intrigues of the Kingdom of Brevoy. He will also be able to buff others in the party with his cavalier abilities. He is an able warrior now and will become a capable leader of men, both on the battlefield or in court.

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?

I can't see Jonas multi-classing.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?

I want to see him become involved in the intrigues of the kingdom and a leader of men. He could serve a future river kingdom as General or Ruler, or perhaps Warden.

A young knight in well maintained, but worn traveling clothes walks into the room. His clothes bear the marks of having had armor worn over them and he seems unarmed. He looks around, seeking a representative of the Swordlords to present himself to. Seeing no one that he recognizes or anyone who bearing their sigils, Jonas sighs and calls over a servant and helps himself to a glass of wine. Glancing around again, he notices a young woman alone and feels that it would be beholden of a young gentleman to help entertain her in such a social situation.

Walking over to Carnivyx, he bows slightly and introduces himself. Good evening Lady, I am Jonas of Medvyed. Would you mind some company?

"Not at all." She answers softly, extending a pale, slender hand to the newly arrived man. "In fact, I was just about to go do some mingling, but now that you have arrived you have saved me the effort of forcing myself on stangers." She casts a final look over at the imposing man entertaining the dwarf and strange elf and offers her new companion the empty chair beside her, hoping he doesn't notice her cold hand or the squirming lump in her pocket...

Jonas takes Carnivyx's hand and kisses it gently. I'm sure that the men over there would be well pleased to have a lovely young woman such as yourself grace them with your presence. And, if you were to grace me with your name then maybe I could introduce you to them. Perhaps that would lessen your effort. He smiles graciously, oblivious to Carnivyx strangely cool hand.

Kragath Lightbringer wrote:

While the favored drinks of his newfound friends are served, Kragath notices the holy symbol worn by Rorgrym. "My apologies Rorgrym, but I must ask, whose symbol is that you wear? It looks so familiar to me yet I just can't seem to place it at the moment."

Rorgrym will wave off any wine or ale, "Just water for now, thanks." Turning back to Kragath, "It's the symbol of Hanspur. But what I really wanted to ask was, well, I've heard a lot of rumors about a possible civil war but I don't trust my sources as particularly reliable. Rumors tend to grow in the telling and so I'm not sure what to believe; though some of what I've heard is pretty bad. Not to mention that sometimes some noble drops a copper and everyone panics." Turning to everyone at the table, "Anyone know what's really going on?"

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