Befuddling Strike Question

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

APG wrote:
Befuddling Strike** (Ex): When the rogue deals sneak attack damage against an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against the rogue for 1d4 rounds.

Suppose I hit an opponent for sneak attack damage, and he is under the influence of Befuddling Strike for 3 rounds. The next round, I hit him for sneak attack damage again, and roll that he takes the penalty for 2 rounds. Do these stack in any way?


Usually, it will add half the new number of rounds (rounding down) like a poison.

Grand Lodge

Theconiel wrote:
APG wrote:
Befuddling Strike** (Ex): When the rogue deals sneak attack damage against an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against the rogue for 1d4 rounds.

Suppose I hit an opponent for sneak attack damage, and he is under the influence of Befuddling Strike for 3 rounds. The next round, I hit him for sneak attack damage again, and roll that he takes the penalty for 2 rounds. Do these stack in any way?


No. The duration on Befuddling Strike can overlap, but not stack. So in your example, in the second round the -2 penalty is going to last for 2 more rounds anyway due to the first round's roll of 3, and rolling a 2 does nothing. If you'd rolled a 3 in the second round, the penalty would last for 3 more rounds instead, because the effect overlaps.

It's pretty cool if you have both Befuddling Strike and Offensive Defense*, though. Especially if you sneak attack twice in one round and apply both effects.

*Since it's been errated to 'you gain an AC bonus equal to your number of sneak attack dice' rather than 'you gain +1 AC'.

Liberty's Edge

I like Jeff's answer better! Sigh...

I do like the Idea of the combination - my AC goes up AND he suffers a penalty. Heh, heh, heh.

In any event, sometimes enemies don't last long enough for me to get a second consecutive sneak attack. And sometimes the enemy is clever enough to avoid a second sneak attack.

I would really like the penalties to stack, but that's just silly.

If I live to 9th level, I plan to take TWF. (I am now 1 adventure shy of 6th, and I really, really want Breadth of Experience at 7th).

if you have both befuddling strike AND offense Defense, and sneak attack successfully ONE time, does BOTH effects go into effect?

What if you also have "pressure points", do all three sneak attack effects all trigger from one sneak attack hit - or just one of your choice??

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Talents marked with an asterisk add effects to a rogue's sneak attack. Only one of these talents can be applied to an individual attack and the decision must be made before the attack roll is made.


what if first sneak I use Offensive Defense, SECOND sneak I use befuddling strike. Do the effects stack?

Befuddling strike isn't a rogue trick for unchained rogue.

let me clarify - as a regular pathfinder rogue (not unchained), what if first sneak I use Offensive Defense, SECOND sneak I use befuddling strike. Do the effects stack?

I can't imagine why not.

Doug Hood wrote:

if you have both befuddling strike AND offense Defense, and sneak attack successfully ONE time, does BOTH effects go into effect?

What if you also have "pressure points", do all three sneak attack effects all trigger from one sneak attack hit - or just one of your choice??

No, all of those talents have that pesky asterisk that means that only one of them can be applied to any given sneak attack. Thus you need multiple hits to inflict multiple conditions.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Offensive Defense** (Ex): When a rogue with this talent hits a creature with a melee attack that deals sneak attack damage, the rogue gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC for each sneak attack die rolled for 1 round.

Befuddling Strike** (Ex): When the rogue deals sneak attack damage against an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against the rogue for 1d4 rounds.

Yes you can apply both to seperate sneak attacks.

First attack, Offensive Defense gives you a +1 Dodge bonus to your AC for each die of your sneak attack.

Second attack, Befuddling Strike gives your target a -2 penalty on attack rolls to hit you for 1d4 rounds.

They are not even in the same category of modifier, so stacking doesn't even apply.

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